Salt, Vinegar, Everything Vulgar.... (?) -Upvote Special- [Final Part]

BamXJae's Text Messages

BamBam: What's the score?

Young-Jae: I don't know, I thought you were keeping the score.

BamBam: No, you said you were keeping the score.

Young-Jae: No, I didn't say anything among those lines.

BamBam: Uh, Yeah, you did say something among those lines!

Young-Jae: Uh, No, I did not!

BamBam: Uh, Yes, you did!

Young-Jae: Prove it~

BamBam: "Okay, but I want to keep score!" There's my proof!

Young-Jae: I'm sorry, but that's NOT ENOUGH!

                You know what, I'm done! I'm going to watch tv!

BamBam: Fine!

Young-Jae: Fine!

BamBam: Fine!!


Young-Jae: Are you hungry?

BamBam: Yeah, I was thinking about going to that sushi place.

Young-Jae: I'm tired of having sushi!

BamBam: Ok, I'll have whatever you're having~

Young-Jae: Okay.

BamBam: Okay~


BamBam: I need your help!

???: With what, exactly?

BamBam: Can you buy vinegar, salt, and hot crushed peppers?

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YooHoo~ Update!~


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Chapter 52: I've never shipped Bamjae before but now I'm starting to thanks to you, ahaha xD
Chapter 19: Im clapping like an idiot baby who sees a tv program called the ANt Mutlers showing off Murphy Muttsons private parts.
blueandgrey_ #3
Chapter 49: Oh god Bam Bam, I dont think guys can get pregnant hahahaha xD
Chapter 48: do you mean the moment when youngjae dragged bam in the trolley?
hahaha ikr theyre just too cute
Chapter 47: Oh myy goood! This is too funny!! It's like... the middle of the night here, there's no noise and I'm here, laughing like a... like a... like a I don't know. lol.
Seriously, you made me laugh so much! Though I don't really like "BamJae"... I have no opinion. But I like... no, love your story. :]
And I love you too. <3
Chapter 26: Yay sisTAR REFERence i lovE SISTAR
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 2: Hhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahaha! X'D

Aigoo bamie~ <3
Chapter 44: yes you may cry on my shoulder :')
hahaha thanks for always update ! .
love it
blueandgrey_ #9
Chapter 40: they're so cute /cries/ ♡♡