Hate You.

Baekhyun Hates Kai. Really?

“Why must Kai gets everything he wants!?” Baekhyun grumbled.

“What are you talking about...” Chanyeol asked casually, playing his guitar to the new song he learn.

“Come on Yeol! You know what I’m talking about! That kid get to use a totally different outfit on stage, he get millions of solo teasers, he get this and that and everything!” He complained, crossing his arms grumpily.

“Almost every single day, you whine like a baby about him. Do you know that, Baek?” Yeol sighed, shaking his head.

“But I need to! I’m so jealous! Can you tell some fairy to change me into him?! If you can, then I will shut up! But you can’t!” He yelled, rolling his eyes at him.

“Can you please be more mature? Stop comparing yourself to him. I like you just the way you are. Baekhyun is funny, social, talented and everything that Kai isn’t.” Yeol complimented, ruffling Baek's hair to cool the guy down.

“Thanks for trying to make me feel better Yoda.. But no! I still hate that boy. And why is he with Kyungsoo 24/7? Kyungsoo should be with me! I like his voice, but each time I go to him, Kai will be stuck to him like a chewing gum! Annoying .” Baek rambled on, lying on Chanyeol’s lap.

Yeol raised an eyebrow, looking down at Baek.

“You shouldn’t hate that boy. Can you at least try to like him? He is in our team..” Yeol tried to convince.

“I tried.. But I can’t. I feel like punching this Kim Jong..Kai whatever his name is!” He shouted, his hand in the air.

“Do you know why he is always with Kyungsoo? Because each time he gets near you, you won’t entertain him. He always try to get to you.. if you realize.. which i assume you never..?” Chanyeol suggested.

“I did it on purpose. I don’t like him. Forget it, Yeol. Play me a song. I want to sleep. Thinking about him makes my head ache.” Baek lamented, getting out of Yeol’s lap and lying down on the sofa bed instead.

Every day, the same thing happened especially when they have a recording or big event to go to. Kai will forever have the nicest clothes, the most handsomest hairstyle and the highest number of fangirls worshipping him. Baekhyun sees all that and his hating level towards the other escalates every second. Despite his hate for the younger, Baek is a kind hearted person so he would try his best to avoid Kai rather than hurting that boy with his over jealousy behavior.


They were practicing under the hot sun to prepare for their stage the next day. Baekhyun was terribly worn out, having to sing more lines due to Kyungsoo’s sore throat. He went to sit in a quiet corner alone, muttering some encouraging words to himself but after awhile he just felt like crying. 

“Hyung, you ok?” Kai asked him, sitting closely beside Baekhyun. He simply nodded, head hung low in between his palm. 

Kai massaged Baekhyun's shoulder lightly to help him release some tension but Baek shook his head. 

He refused to talk to Kai too. He was very tired and seeing this kid will only make him feel more irritated.

To Baek, although Kai is taller and more charismatic, he is a sensitive little kid. He would rather keep away from him than accidently blurting out hurtful words to the latter.

“Here, pass to him.” Chanyeol said to Kai, passing the bottle of mineral water.

Kai was about to give Baek the bottle but after hearing Yeol’s voice, Baekhyun had turned around happily and quickly got up from his sit. He hit his friend’s shoulder playfully, earning a laugh from Yeol.

He left Kai and went to tag along with Chanyeol automatically. Leaving Kai nothing but feeling hurt, thinking of all sorts of reason as to why Baekhyun never really pay any attention to him. 


"Can I ask you something?" Kai taps on Chanyeol's shoulder when they were in the waiting room.

"Hmm?" Chanyeol hummed.

"Does Baekhyun hates me?" Kai asked directly, face clearly looking uncomfortable and upset. 

Chanyeol froze for awhile as his throat went dry. He sip his latte before awkwardly laugh it off.

"What are you talking about?! Of course not!" He chuckled, slapping Kai's arm. But Kai was staring at him with a straight face.

"You sure? Just tell me the truth." Kai insisted in which Chanyeol gave him a bored face.

"Can you believe me? He doesn't hate you, Kai-ah. Maybe you're just sensitive." The elder smiled at him.

There was still silence until Kai's blank face curved into a tight smile," Yea maybe." He decided to end the conversation and dragged his feet out the door. A moment later a figure appeared beside Chanyeol causing to flinch.

"Of course I hate you." Baekhyun suddenly appeared from behind the door. He's been hiding, eavesdropping.

Chanyeol gasped in suprise.

"What the heck." Chanyeol shrieked.

"You should have just told him the truth." Baek squinted his eyes at Chanyeol.

"And make him sad. Then, his focus will be lost then he cannot dance properly then our manager is going to scold all of us then we have to stay longer hours to practise? No thanks." Chanyeol wiggled his pointer finger in disapproval.

"Ok that ." Baekhyun agreed boringly. 


The minute they reached home, Baekhyun collapsed his body onto the carpet. 

"Clean up and wash yourself Baek. You're not sleeping like that." Suho nagged.

"Yea, yea whatever." He waved his hands at the elder while his heavy eyelids kept blinking to stay focus.

Not long, he fell asleep as usual. 

Kai sighed when he sees the bed opposite his was still empty. Everyone had already crash in bed except for Baekhyun. Grabbing a pillow and bolster, he went out to the living room. Yep, there he is, making small noises in his sleep which never fails to make Kai grin. He carefully took off Baekhyun's non- degree glasses, his socks and with a damp towel, he gently wipe off the makeup off for him too. 

"Goodnight hyung. Sleep well." Kai smiled after placing the pillow under Baek's head and attached the bolster to his arms. 


The next day, at the airport, Kai had made the effort to catch up and walk beside Baekhyun in an attempt to strike a conversation. Kai's face immediately lit up when Baekhyun turn around finally after he called him so many times. 

"Hyung! Baek Hyung!" Kai called. 

"ing , Chanyeol. Why is he calling me? Is he running here? Please no no no.." Baek said under his breath at Yeol who was walking next to him. 

"Yep, he's here." Chanyeol laughed loudly. "Slow down, JongKai! What's up?" Chanyeol stopped the younger from the run. 

"Baekhyun hyung! I got something to tell you!" Kai beamed. 

"What?" Baekhyun hummed, face forcing a fake smile. 

"We're going to a radio show together tomorrow!" Kai exclaimed. " It was the most exciting DJ that we've always talk about!" He continued like it was the most wonderful thing in the entire universe. 

"What?!" Baekhyun blurted out rather harshly.

"What?!" Chanyeol also responded. " This is so unfair! I wanted to go!" He fussed. Baek's face was showing displeasure as he scanned Kai up and down.

"I don't want to go." Baekhyun flatly say. 

"Huh?" Kai confusedly ask.

"I hate you Kai." Baek mentally screamed in his mind. "Nothing. I mean yay?" Is what he says instead. 

Kai saw the change of attitude in Baekhyun. He felt like . He simply don't get why Baek treated him like this. 

"Yea! I can't wait too!" Kai say in between his clench teeth nervously as Baek's face was looking indifferent. 

"Hope we have fun." Baek say shortly then walked away. 

Kai exchange looks with Chanyeol, watching as Baekhyun walk ahead.

"You see how he treats me right? He hated me.." Kai mumbled softly. 

"No, he doesn't! You're j-just.." Chanyeol tried to lift up the mood but Kai interrupted him.

"No. He does. He laugh when he talk to you. Or with anybody else. But me, he never." Kai said brokenly. 

Kai put on his hoodie and plug in the earpiece trying to dismissed the sting in his heart and the constant tap of comfort Chanyeol was providing him. 


"Hyung, here. It makes your throat feel better." Kai offered the Strepsils he bought when Baek had suddenly hurt his throat that day. Kai had rush to the nearest store to get it voluntarily.

"It's okay thanks. I just had some." Baek lied, rejecting them. 

"Um, okay. I just ah, leave it here, if you, you need it. Please get well." He murmured and left the room. 

"You're mean, Baek." Chanyeol crossed his arms. 

"Do you think I care?" He snapped. 

That day too, Baekhyun was scolded by the manager and the vocal instructor for not taking care of his vocals. It is not his fault to lose his voice but they put the blame on him when some shows had to be cancelled. The disappointed faces of the fans make him upset too. 

"I told you to rest and take lots of vitamins didn't I?! Why did you lose your voice? Do you know that you're a singer Baekhyun! Losing your voice is considered death. Please rest in peace until you get your voice back, Byun Baekhyun! Then after that could  you come looking for me to arrange your schedule!" The manager yelled before storming off.

"Why can't you be like Kyungsoo, Chen and Luhan?! You talk too much that's why you lose them! Urgh, so frustrating!" The voice instructor raised his voice.

Baekhyun swallowed and dare not look up. After the two left, the members comforted Baekhyun. However, Kai was the one to speak up to him first which caused an explosion.

"It's okay hyung.. You'll get better." Kai Baekhyun's back to sooth him but he had actually light up the flame in the other.

"Ok?! It's not ok Kai! Everything is ok to you! You know why? Because you have everything and everyone loves you! You get whatever you want and nothing to worry about Kim Jongin! But not me, ok? People like me are nothing as compared to you! So you don't ing tell me it's okay when it's not ing okay, Kim Jongin! out of my life! I ing hate you!" Baekhyun erupted, voice booming the whole entire room as he pushed the younger out of his way violently causing Kai to stumble back. 

"Baek! Wait!" Kai desperately shouted as he ran after Baekhyun who had slammed the door out of their apartment. 

"Hyung, wait! Where are you going!?" Kai called again. "It's raining! You're going to get wet! Please come back, hyung.." He pleaded. 

Baekhyun kept walking forward. To nowhere.

Kai decided to observe him from afar. Taking a step slower than the guy in front.  

Baekhyun felt a tight hug forcing him to stall in his tracks. He wasn't sure who was sobbing because hot streaks were trickling down his face but the rain had mix and blend them. At the same time, the arm covering his body was shaking and faint cry was heard. 

"Get off me Kai." Baekhyun curtly said. 

"Hyung, please don't hate me.. I'm sorry.. " Kai sobbed. 

"Sorry? For what? For existing? You can't do anything about it can you?" He question, looking him in the eye.

"Then what do you want me to do?" He muttered, tears streaming down and Baek looked away.

"Nothing.  Just don't let me see you. The sight of you disgust me." Baekhyun cruelly replied and roughly break off from Kai's embrace.


Luckily the following day, they had to travel to China for a performance which means the long flight ride would allow Baekhyun and Kai from much communication since they will only have the time to practise half a day rather than a full day.

"Because of you, that kid had been crying all night long. " Chanyeol shook his head.

"Shut up." Baekhyun annoyedly say. 

"I'm just telling you. He really want you to acknowledge him that's all. Do you know how much he cared about you? More than I do even though you're my boyfriend, I mean bestfriend.." Chanyeol laughed at his own jokes momentarily before continuing.

"Basically, what I'm saying is, do you know that he covered your when you forget to bring your passport the other day? He had sneaked out fast enough to go back to the dorm and took it for you? In the end, he was scolded because he says he was the one who had forgotten it but truth is, he had actually put your passport into your bag secretly? Not only that, he left you a piece of chicken which he insist was for you because you were out for an individual schedule although I specifically told him to just gobble it up?" Chanyeol breathed after his long sentences, leaving Baekhyun's mouth going slack.

Baek open his mouth then close back. He's speechless.

"One more thing, don't think that your pillow and bolster magically appear with you when you wake up on the carpet. Because Kai was the one who would do all the cleaning of your face and bring them to you each time. I told him don't bother but he would sneak out and still do it for you. Can't you appreciate him just a little? He is younger than us Baek, don't make his heart break. He told me before that he treated us as his brothers since well, he only have sisters but that's not the point. The point is, he just want your tiny bit of love. He tried too hard. Give that kid a chance ok?" Chanyeol said, gesturing to the sleeping boy.

There was a brief silent.

Kai was asleep with Kyungsoo hugging him. Because like Chanyeol said, he's been wheeping non stop and not talking to anyone. Kyungsoo caught Baekhyun's eyes and shot him a daggered look.  

"No." Baekhyun stubbornly answered. 

Th airport was crowded with fangirls of course. It was not out of the ordinary for them until Kai's voice make Baekhyun's head snap towards him. Panic coursed through his blood. 

Kai had hit the floor with a loud thud. Followed by soft whimpering and wincing in pain. 

Horror was displayed on Baekhyun's face when he saw Kai fell onto the ground. In a speed of light, Baek ran and barked at the crowd to back off.

"Back off! I say back off! Now! Kai, come on get up." Baekhyun's loud voice shocked the girls as they all gasped to see Kai's knees bled from the scraped.

"I- I can't. My ankle, it's painful.." Kai clamped his lips together to surpress the pain.

"Girls, I say move back! Look what you've done! Hold onto me okay, Jongin.." Baekhyun tenderly placed Kai's arm over his shoulder.

Kai did what he was told but he was very quiet that Baekhyun was getting anxious. Quiet Kai was the worst of them all. He's in extreme pain. 

"Jongin, it's going to be alright.. Don't think about the pain. We're just going to walk to the van.. It's very close. Just over there.. Come on, you're strong aren't you.." Baekhyun tighten his grip around the other 's waist. 

Kai staggered and almost slipped back when Baek manage to pull him up firmly.

"I've got you." Baek mumbled and Kai nodded. 

Baekhyun's face was fuming red as he glared at the girls. Kai's whimper sting his heart that he kept muttering,"It's ok. You're going to be ok." 

They brought Kai to the clinic afterwards. Baek was pacing up and down the hallway.

"Can you calm down? It's just a sprain." Chanyeol rolled his eyes, drinking up a Coke.

"Calm down?! What if he can't dance anymore?!" Baekhyun exclaimed. 

"Isn't that what you want? He won't get everything now then. No dance anymore, poor little guy though." Chanyeol shrugged.

"How could you say that Yeol! I mean yea I want him to lose everything b-but not like this! It's his dream to dance and he's been practising for years!" Baekhyun worriedly said. 

"So what? You don't care." Chanyeol replied, pretending a yawn.

"Of course I don't! But we need him in our team! Everyone loves him so we do need him!" Baekhyun argued.

"So you're saying, we need to make use of him for the benefits of us?" Chanyeol frown.

"Guys, you can come in." Suho opened the door. 

Baek's eyes landed straight on Kai's casted leg. A pang hit him in the heart.

"Baek hyung." Kai said. "Thanks for helping me out just now." He shone him a soft smile. Baekhyun looked at Suho instead.

"Can he still dance?" Baek croaked out. 

"Not for now." Suho sighed. 

"No.." Baek glanced at Kai with his sorrowful eyes. 

"I'll be fine soon. No worries!" Kai cheerfully added.


Baekhyun never left Kai's side until they got into their apartment. The guys decide to grab some lunch and Baek was left with Kai. 

"If it makes you not hate me anymore, I can stay longer in this cast." Kai said out of nowhere.

"Huh? What?" Baekhyun glanced at him raising his eyebrow.

"I mean I don't mind not dancing if that makes you hate me less." Kai explained, diverting his eyes elsewhere away from Baek.

"What are you talking about, Kai? Everyone wants to see you on stage." Baek replied feeling pissed..

"Yea, but if I weren't on the stage for some time, they might forget about me and watch you instead. It's my fault that the attention always goes to me so now that I'm like this, I hope they would get to see how great you are on the stage too! You're really talented in singing! And your dance is good too! They would love you as much as they love me! If that would.. make you hate me less... I really don't mind being in this cast.." He trailed off. 

Baekhyun was dumbfounded for a minute. He knew Kai has this genuine goodness in him that was one of the reason he hated the boy but dare not hurt him. But hearing those words, touched his heart, melting it away on the spot. He walked slowly and for the first time, he took Kai's hand into his and gave him a real softest smile Kai had ever seen. 

"Please get well soon. I want you too." Baekhyun said sincerely, tapping Kai's hand gently. Without any more words, he got up but was held back by Kai.

"Does that mean you do not hate me anymore?" Kai asked quietly.

"I never say that. But it's lesser." Baekhyun smirked. 

"Then, can I just get a hug from you?" He whispered out, earning a little laugh from an amused Baekhyun.

"You never give up do you? Fine, just for today." Baekhyun open up his arms and Kai went in for it. A smile spread through their faces.


"! Did we miss the drama! I just bought more popcorn!" Sehun barged in the door with literally two big plastic of sweet popcorn. 

"Damn I want to encore that rain scene part! I thought it was tonight!?!" Chanyeol sighed.

"You guys wasted my money on popcorn again?!" Suho screamed at Sehun, pulling his ear.

"Don't act like you're not eating them yesterday with us while watching them at the balcony yesterday Suho.." Kyungsoo stated.




**Hi readers(: Hope you like this oneshot haha! I just felt like writing this because of the way Jongin always stare at Baekhyun in photos!xD Thanks for reading guys!!^^ And excuse my english I at them hahah sorry! 

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Chapter 2: I just can't get enough of BaeKai xD This is xo sweet~~^^
zaraaki #2
Chapter 2: Baekai so cuteeeeee....
Chapter 2: hahaha cutee~~
I love them :)
Chapter 2: Well i hv noticed it too..may that's why i loved this chap...:D My Kaibaek feels...love them together...<3<3
Chapter 2: more baekai :) GREAT
Chapter 1: The best yawww !!! Make more baekai please ...