Sleep made you mine

Don't Sleep

His mom told him not to sleep. He only had to endure for a few hours.  Sehun's family was doing a ceremony where they would connect to the spiritual world  for something Sehun can't understand.  He didn't believe it but decided to try and stay up anyways.  He was cautious like that.

The ceremony was only supposed to last four hours.  It wasn't supposed to start until a few minutes before school ended.  That was the worst part. When Sehun got home from school, sleep was the first thing he wanted to do.  He was tired and had to run a mile in P.E.

He tried

He did everything to stay awake. He even avoided homework and reading. He was playing games like Black Ops but still felt tired.

He couldn't help it

He was yawning uncontrollably.  His eyes would always water whenever he yawned and his vision would blur temporarily.  

His mind told him to stay up but his body couldn't take it

His limbs ached.  His legs were sore and laying down didn't help keep him awake.  His arms were tired from holding the controller.  They felt weak and he was tired. 

He slowly let his eyes close and he drifted off

He gave in to his fatigue.  There was only half an hour left but he couldn't do it. He shut his eyes and welcomed the darkness. 


He was in a forest.  Mist was everywhere.  There were many dead trees and loose branches.  A deer walked by.  It stopped and stared at Sehun as if telling him to follow.  Sehun obeyed but when he blinked a human figure stood in the deer's place.

"You shouldn't have come," the figure said.  "You can't back out now.  You're mine." 


Sehun opened his eyes.  It was night time.  He walked across the room and the light.  He looked in the mirror.  His reflection was smiling, but he wasn't.  

"Boo!" it said mockingly. Blood started coming out of his eyes like tears and it dissappeared.  It was replaced with Sehun's real reflection.  Sehun touched his cheeks.  He was crying.

He went downstairs into the living room.  He checked the time. 12 o' clock.  He was going back to his room when he heard a voice.

'Sehun turn around.' It said.

Sehun turned around. He couldn't see what was wrong and continued up the stairs. On the first step he felt something under his foot.  Under his foot was a doll. The doll had a face that made it seem like it was asleep. On the doll's shirt was the name 'Luhan' stitched on it with blue thread.  Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and just shrugged it off.  He continued up the stairs again.

When he got to the top he heard the voice again. 

'Sehun turn around.'

Sehun stopped and turned around.  The doll was on the eighth step.  Sehun widened his eyes. He went back down and kicked the doll into the living room.  It landed in the middle of the floor.

'Sehun turn around.'

He stopped. He turned around once again.  He looked into the living room.  It was empty.  He looked down.  The doll was on the thirteenth step.  Sehun hesitantly walked down and took the doll.  He went to the closet and threw the doll in. He locked it.

'Sehun turn around' 

Sehun turned around with a weird feeling in his gut.  He was afraid. He tuned around and found the doll two steps away from him.  Sehun started to panic. He took the doll and threw it out the window.  Glass shattered and the noise echoed through the darkness.  He went up the steps once again and came to an abrupt stop when he saw the doll a few feet away from him.  Now its eyes were open now and it had a smile on its face.  The color of the thread was now blood red.  

"Stop it!" he yelled. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" He kept screaming. Liquid started to flow from his eyes.  Sehun saw the liquid fall on his hands and stepped back in shock.  He was crying but it wasn't tears that were falling, it was blood.  Everything went dark after that.


Luhan smiled. 

"You tried hard not to sleep, but now that's all you can do," he said.  "You're mine."

He walked away and Sehun followed him.  Both of their steps were crunching dead leaves and fallen branches.  The mist slowly surrounded them and the two figures disappeared.


The next morning Sehun was found dead.  There were tears dried on his face and a doll in his arms.  It had closed eyes and a big smile.   The doll's shirt had 'You're Mine' stiched on it.  No one knew what happened.





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Chapter 1: huhuhu i cant sleep, this is spooky
Seems interesting. New reader here
Chapter 1: creepyyyyy
RickJoe97 #4
Chapter 1: ...i had a goosebumps...
Chapter 1: Sequel, explain more horror please