You Don't Know Love

It's been a couple of weeks since I decided to break up with him. But why does everything seems to remind me of you, Chanyeol? 

Did we make lots of memories together? Looking back, I think we did for two years. But I don't think it's fair.

Why am I like this? Oh. Right. I haven't thrown away all the things you gave me and all the photos of us displayed in my room aren't yet discarded.

Right. I should remove all those now and maybe that'll will stop my reminiscence syndrome.

Before that, I should sleep first, I'll do it next morning when I wake up.


The moment I woke up, my eyes popped open and landed immediately to the picture of Chanyeol and I at the side table.

Geez. I can't really get rid of this habit. Strange but I still smile upon seeing that picture.

OhMyGod. I have to remove this picture and put it in a box. I quickly got up and searched for an empty box in my room. Luckily I have one, 

I placed the picture carefully. Looking at the picture makes me sad. But then, I realized we have more pictures hanging on my study table.

I stick them off and placed it together with the picture I previously put in the box.

I never realized that we took quite a lot of pictures together until now. It only means that we really like to treasure every moment we spend together.

Enough of that Sulli. Take him away from your mind. You already broke up with that idiot who wants freedom.

Yeah right. He wanted freedom, and I don't have the right not to give that to him. Even though it hurts a lot. I did that because I love him.

You still love him?

I mean, I loved him.

Moving on, I checked my closet if there's any clothes from him. And Tada. I found a white sweater from him. I think he gave it to me when our 1st anniversary? Hmm. I don't know. 

I tried to wear it and still, it fits me well. But then, I have to throw it away now. *sighs*

Next is my shoe rack. Hmmm...Shoes...a lot of shoes.

And shoot. A pair of sneakers caught my eye and brought back a memory.

A memory of us, buying the same sneakers. Couple shoes is what they call it. I thought Chanyeol would refuse to buy but on the contrary, he was so enthusiastic about it.

Yes. We bought the same sneakers but I have to throw it away now. It's of no use now.


I restlessly flopped on the sofa after gathering all the 'memories' and scanned my phone. I didn't notice that I still had the picture of us as the wallpaper of my phone.

I quickly changed it to myself. A cute selca. I continued scanning photos on my phone to delete all  the pictures of us on my phone.

But the last picture made me stop. The picture of the blue rose he gave on White Day.

I glanced at my left hand. The ring attached to the blue rose is gone.

It's gone.

I rose from my seat to get the rose from my drawer. It doesn't have its fragrant smell that it had before. It is almost withered but it still has its blue color.

A smile crept on my face upon remembering how he gave it to me.

"Happy White Day, Jinri~" Chanyeol greeted and handed me a blue rose. As I hold the blue rose, a ring suddenly dropped on my hand. Then he showed me his hand with a ring on it. I realized that it was a couple ring.

He got the ring from me and he, himself, slid it on my ring finger, whispering "I love you Jinri."


- - - - 

A/N: So guys! Here's the first part. I decided to make it a chaptered story since it will be a bit long one.

Please comment and subscribe!~ (030814)




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Chapter 3: Yas! This is the best ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 2: Babo Chanyeol! Wae?! T.T
Suffering from what?

*madly crying*
Chapter 1: Oh, gosh, I am not ready for any form of sad love T.T
Just please don't~

Hajimayooo~ T.T
ChanLli ❤
vanilla133 #5
Chapter 3: Chanlli are so sweet!!
yes.it was based on K.Will's MV and Song, You Don't Know Love.
louisa_marie #7
Chapter 3: nice story authornim, :)
this story is quite familiar,
did you get the concept in a music video?
Chapter 3: awwww this is cute and sweet x3
Chapter 3: i like that chanyeol was chosen to be the main character :))))) daebak authornim :)))))
TaeJinLover #10
Chapter 3: Thumb up for u author!! ^_^