Chapter Two

Polka Dotted

"For Christ's sake Yoochun! Would you please sit your down! You're making me dizzy!" I roared, sitting up from the couch.

He stopped and turned, giving me his pout face. Where did the manly Yoochun who I snatched a sandwich from earlier go? I always have to deal with this side of his every time he gets worried about his partner-in-crime.

"BoA~!" He whined, taking a seat beside me. "I'm just worried, it's pass his curfew and he's not home yet!" He stomped, causing Jaejoong to throw the couch pillow towards his face.

"Quit being a baby, Yoochun," he scolded.

"He'll be fine, I told you. He's a big boy, Chunnie. Why don't you just sleep, I'll wake you up when he comes back, alright? Go on," I pushed him off the couch. 

"You will?" He pouted again, this time putting some tears for a better effect.

I twitched. I feel like punching his face.

"Get the out of here! God, Chun, that face does not suit you at all, stop it," Jaejoong threw the second couch pillow towards him again.

"Hyung, you're so mean!" He walked away, taking and hugging the pillow with him.

"Thanks," I sighed.

"No problem. It's annoying sometimes, I can't stand it," he muttered before taking his glass of milk to his lips. "So."

"So what?"

"Are you going to tell me?" He focused on his laptop, obviously trying to avoid my questioning stare. 

"Tell you about what?"


I snorted, "Why would I tell you?"

"Oh come on, he's my dongsaeng, a fellow member, I need to know things about him," he convinced, his focus still on the laptop, although occasionally glancing at me.

He really is, socially awkward.

"Then go ask Yunho."

"He's in the shower--"

"Then wait for him."

"But you're right here!" He blew as he sat up, knocking over his glass of milk. "Aish!"

I chuckled amusingly as he muttered endless cuss words and something about me being an annoying . I've gotten used to his insults to the point it doesn't even hurt anymore. I stood up and grabbed some tissues and wiped the mess he created, and picked up the broken glass.

"It's fine, I'll do it, you might cut yourself," he pushed me away slightly.

"No, it's my fault anyway. Just sit and lift the cord of your laptop, the milk will soak it," I pointed.

He remained silent and did what he was told. It was always like this, even though he was older, I always had the authority and he'd always listen to everything I say. He'd fight back once in a while, but once he realizes what I say is the best choice, it was time for him to shut up.

"When the time comes, Junsu will tell you," I repeated what I had said to Yunho and Eunhyuk earlier. "Trust me, he's not going to hide it forever. He will tell his fellow members and his best friend when he thinks it's the right time. So for now, I'm sorry, but I won't tell you anything." I stood up from the floor with the broken glass pieces in my hand and threw them away in the nearest trash can.

"Why are you always like this," he mumbled. "How do you know if your choice is right?"

If I didn't know him any better, I wouldn't know that there was another meaning behind his question.

I sighed and pulled him towards me, hugging his head gently against my stomach.

"Because it would be the best for both you and the others and Junsu," I whispered softly as he hugged me back tighter, his face buried into my stomach.


"Are you stupid or what? God gave you hands for a reason! And here you are, ruining their beauty! You should be thankful that you even have hands! Think about the other people in the world who wishes they have a pair! Gosh, what's with people these days," the young woman scolded as she bandaged my hands with unused cloths. 

That soft and gentle voice I heard was probably my hallucination, because right now this woman sounded like a damn siren.

"There!" She tied the last knot. "Either way you should get a proper treatment from a doctor himself, I'm still studying as a nurse and this is the best I can do. Don't go destroying your hands, alright!" She pointed at my face.

I pushed her accusing finger away and and stood up. She was getting on my nerves; what right did she have to tell me what not to do? She was also starting to get annoying.

"Hey! Where are you going! You should at least thank me for what I did!" She shouted.

I ignored her yells and  continued to walk away, until I felt a forceful tug at my shirt.

"You're so rude! A simple thank you would be nice, but you just don't seem to care. What is with men these da--"

"Would you shut up! You're so ing loud. No one told you to treat my wounds, you just came directly at me and grabbed them; if anything, you should be thanking me since I practically used my injuries as your practice for your nursing studies!" I yelled, frustrated.

She stood there with shock written all over her face. Since she didn't bother replying, I walked away, annoyed.

"Stupid! I wasn't using you for my practice! I just had the heart to treat you because that's what people with kind hearts do!" She shouted at me again. 

The streets were empty and she was echoing. I growled, I had no time for this. It's better to just leave and let that annoying woman be. 


"Ugh! Bastard!"

"Heebon? What's wrong?" I approached her once I settled the last plate into the cabinet.

"How can humans like him even exist?! So rude! Liyin ah, please get me some medicine and water, just thinking about earlier is giving me a headache." I nodded obediently and grabbed the medicine.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as I handed her a glass of water.

"Ah, yeah. It's nothing. Just...annoyed," I watched her as she grumbled about some guy before chugging down the water. She paused and looked at me before patting my head softly. "You're always concerned about me. It's nothing really, so make that worried face go away!" She laughed.

"Oh please, quit being selfish Heebon, she's not always concerned about you, she has us too," Stephanie unnie entered the kitchen.

"That's what I meant!"


"I'm not lying!"

I laughed quietly as I watched them argued. Knowing that this will soon turn into an ugly fight, I exited myself from the kitchen and went ahead upstairs to my room.

On my way, I passed by the living room to turn off the television but stopped in my tracks when I saw that same face on the screen again. That face...his face; it's too familiar. I struggled to remember where I have seen him before, and how, but it only made my head pound and it hurt.

I winced as I grabbed a hold of my head. Before I could have heard the newscast announce his name, everything went black.


I walked aimlessly in the empty street apartments lost in my thoughts; many of them about if's and but's, what would have happen if I did this, or do that, some lingered about what I was going to work on for the next month in Japan or so.

"You still love him don't you?" Changmin blurted suddenly, interrupting my train of thoughts.

I paused in my steps as I remained quiet. He sighed and placed his hands on top of my head and his chin on his hands. I frowned. Just because he's taller than me--

"Noona, he hasn't been coping well either," he mumbled.

"Don't joke with me, it's been four months, knowing him he would have moved on and found a better girl already," I laughed quietly, but soon faded as I felt my heart ache a little. 

"I saw it, noona. Do you think he has moved on? Not with what happened earlier," he stated, almost in a way teasing me.

"It was my fault, I didn't think before I act," I replied defensively, taking his hands off my head.

"Maybe it was, but no one told him to hug you back...even tighter," he chuckled.

I buried my face deeper into my muffler to hide my pink cheeks. Maybe he was caught off guard, and he decided he would just hug me back. It's a friend thing, right?

"Even so," I mumbled. "What happened four months ago, it was the right thing to do. You know that very well, Changmin."

He looked at me for a few seconds before grabbing my shoulders.

"This conversation, it's not getting any better," he smiled apologetically. "Let's talk about Junsu instead," he beamed.

I froze, "Eh? What about Junsu?"

"Nuh-uh, don't give me that BoA noona. If Jae hyung had slipped pass you, then I won't. What's this thing I heard about the girl? Junsu hyung has a girlfriend? Huh? What is it? Tell me noona!" 

I held my hands up in defense as I backed away, "W-What? I don't know what you're talking about," I coughed, turning away.

"No fair! How come Yunho and Yoochun can know and I can't? Noona out of all five of us you can trust me the most!"

"Yunho and Yoochun know what? What are you saying, Changmin, don't whine to your noona!"


So I revealed some of Bojoong here hehe ^^"

I decided to add the couple into the storyline 

because I think it would make the story a bit easier ;D

Thanks for reading & sorry for the really late update! T.T

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This is really fun to read ^^
have you posted this on soompi? because it seems familiar...<br />
please do update soon~! I really love SuYin fanfics~<3
shipperr #3
wow wow wow wow <3<br />
i totally loved that bojoong scene there. xD<br />
fine i will admit. i'm like biased towards bojoong.<br />
But it was amazing how you are able to make such a simple scene seem so sweet.<br />
really!<br />
Please do update soon~and i will most definitely support you!
lazycharms #4
! :D haha anyways i like the story so far! hehe...
zunkies #5
hey... err... some of the part i dont understand!! what happen to li yin?? is she having an amnesia?? and what is bojoong secret!!?? update...
Interesting... So is Li Yin a singer here like she is in reality or is she just someone that Junsu just happens to know and made her his?<br />
<br />
And just like serenesmile below, I do want that voice to belong to dear Li Yin. I'm assuming that Li Yin lost her memories here, and the members of CSJH are not resuming her roles as the CSJH they are? Lols. Do I even make any sense.<br />
<br />
Update soon anyway. ^^
yesss ! SUYIN ! love em ! thank god you chose this couple , lol , anyways please update soon . . . and let that person be liyin please =) lol