once again (sequel to nice to meet you)

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just when you thought you were over him

just when you thought you will finally 

have a second chance with him

just when you thought that 'happy ever after' 

is within your grasp

just when you thought 

just when you thought


life is not perfect 

we make mistake

we messed up


we pay for it

and learn from it

that's how you live life

   i s   l o v e   s w e e t e r    t h e    s e c o n d    t i m e    a r o u n d   


    d o e s     f i r s t    l o v e    r e a l l y    n e v e r    d i e s    



Hyemi as a mother now



Sofia Alexandra Wu aka Fia

Hyemi and Kris' angel ♥


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kimwifey #1
Chapter 1: I can't believe I keep crying while reading this story for multiple time cause I keep forgetting the ending....
Chapter 1: I cry when kris had leave dawn. It's really sad but at least she with Tao her first love.
hunhannokizuna #3
Chapter 2: Oh my god.. I totally love this! I'm glad she finally gets her happy ending. And I know Tao will be a great husband to her and a great father to Fia. But, let's be honest.. My heart breaks knowing it's Kris who died... A part of me still wish for Kris to be alive somehow but that's irrational.

Thanks for this beautiful story! And for breaking my heart. Lol

You're an amazing writer ^^
MidnightLila #4
Chapter 1: OMG! That was awesome!!!!!! Good job author! I can't with these feels! Thank you! ^-^
nerdyviv #5
Chapter 1: omgggggg you are really good I was literally battleing with myself who passed away! damnnnn good job authorniimmm! :D
xxneko #6
Chapter 2: talk about plot twist! :O!!!! i really thought it was Tao who passed away. damn, Author, you're hella good. haha! great job! :)
Chapter 2: Can't there be an alternate ending
kyungsoohalf00 #8
Chapter 2: why did u do dis 2 me. why did u wrote this. why. dis feelings is so..what have i done to u why u did dis to me. i lav it so much.it was so sad and so beautiful i wanna cry
liyanaTik #9
Taht was so sad
5SooYoungiYoung #10