03- Chapter 3

Shattering Hearts

"Kris.. Kris.. Kris.. I'll see you tomorrow." I mumbled as I fell into deep sleep. 

I don't know how long have I been sleeping, it felt like I didn't get much sleep. I was thinking so much about that transfer student and wait, why am I looking forward to school especially today? Oh damn, no please I'm not going to look forward to meeting that weird guy oh my gosh, no. My thoughts were interrupted by my mum's raspy morning voice. "Get up and have your breakfast." Mum is always up early, knocking on my door and talking to me from outside and expect I can still hear her in my sleep, like, wow mum. She doesn't have a choice, she had to make sure I actually ate breakfast because I tend to skip it back then. I did whatever I need to as usual to prepare for school. Hot shower, drying my waist-long brown hair, some light make-up and ending my morning routine by grabbing some steamed dumplings and stuffing them all into my mouth. I'm not surprised I haven't exceeded 60kg with that huge appetite even in the morning. Holy crap. I quickly made my way down to the bus stop under my house while opening a text message from Jongdae, and had a short conversation with him. I was basically rolling my eyes at his retarded texts, so annoying. Urgh.

***Jongdae: Hey Ruyi! Are you feeling a little happy, like 40% of excitement now? Looking forward to seeing Kris in our class for 7 hours today? Bet you didn't have a good sleep last night, see you later in class, panda eyes~***

***Ruyi: Do you wanna die in this chilly morning? I'd gladly help you to fulfill your wish. Dumbo.***

***Jongdae: I'm right, right? You can sleep in class later~ I'll help by blocking you a little, so the teacher won't see you taking a nap. It's nice having a warm-hearted friend like me, isn't it? You're welcome ^^ ***

- 35 minutes later -

***Jongdae: Are you in school now? Reply to me, hello?***

I got up to class and sat at my original seat, the classroom looked so empty with only 4 people in here. I'm slightly early today, even I'm proud of myself. I'm known as the queen of lateness. Well, I'm always the queen for something, just can't help it.

"I see someone who is too excited to even reply to my text, and she even got to school early." Jongdae was obviously talking to me because I can totally hear his footsteps getting louder as he walked towards me. I ignored him because it was already nerve-racking enough to know that Kris will be joining the class from today onwards. I can't deal with my emotions at the moment. 

The next thing I know, it felt like time stopped and someone was staring at me, again. Guess who's at the door? 

Yes, Kris.

"Good morning.", he said as he walked down the aisle and sat in an empty seat behind me. 

"Oh, so you actually do talk? I thought you only know how to stare. Oops, my bad. Good morning to you too." I was so freaking nervous but I just had to be a b*tch to let him know who he is messing with. In fact, it is just me putting up a strong front. Jongdae saw the whole scene and raised his brows, confused with my behavior. I was never like that, I was always kind and polite to newcomers but why did I have such a huge reaction when it comes to Kris? Something must be wrong.

Moments later, our teacher walked in and reminded me to bring Kris around the school for an introductory tour. Wow, how unnecessary. Can't he just wander around on his own? The school isn't that big, I'm sure he won't get lost. However, I should be responsible since this is part of what I am supposed to do as a Chairperson. Fine.

"I'll see you during the break then." I looked at him, feeling irritated. 

I brought Kris around the school and introduced him to different buildings, making sure he doesn't get lost for the next 3 years in school. Our little "journey" around the school was unexpectedly smooth. No arguments, no redundant staring, no awkwardness. Everything went so well and we even had a meal together, filled with laughter and jokes. That was so weird. I expected it to be intense and silent since Jongdae was not with us, that little b*tch decided to abandon me and left me alone with Kris. Hmph. But I should also be thankful to him for creating such a chance for me to walk with Kris alone, I would not have done that if not forced. Most importantly, I didn't expect myself to let down my guard against Kris.

"So.. Why did you stare at me so fiercely yesterday? Did you know me from before or?" I broke the silence first.

"No, you just looked familiar like somebody I used to know. I thought I saw wrong." Kris said, with some unexplainable emotions in his eyes. 

"Okay. Erm cool. Your girlfriend? Your sister?" 

"I don't have a girlfriend. And yes, my sister." 

"Oh, I didn't ask though. But okay thanks for telling me?" I was a little excited to hear that he doesn't have a girlfriend, actually. But I had to act normal in case he might think I am weird.

"So why would you stare at your sister like that? That was really intense and.. triggering. Anyway, I apologize for my rude behavior, in case you feel offended." I tried to ease the tension between us.

"She did ugly things that I will never forgive. Never."

"Woah, okay chill. What's up with that look in your eyes like you're ready to strangle someone? Everything's good man. Chill." I was so afraid that he might start slapping me with that rage I saw in him. I wonder what happened between them. 

We then go on separate ways after classes and went home. Jongdae is still missing in action. Where the hell did he go? Nah, I shall find him tomorrow. 

I lay on my bed, thinking about that conversation with Kris. I was so curious but curiosity kills the cat, I remember the quote. I guess I shall take it slow to know more about Kris. He is a mystery I would like to solve. 

Next day in class, as usual, girls flocking to him like he's a magnet and they are metals. What on earth. Am I jealous? Yes, but no. Confusing, isn't it? I like the idea of seeing him having friends but all of them are girls! Heck no. Oh, Mr. popular for sure. With that build, height and that facial features, no doubt. 

I was still thinking about the conversation I had with Kris yesterday. Should I ask him? Or should I not poke my nose into his business? We're not really that close either. Do I want to be close to him? GAH. Help.

Jong came by my table when I was in deep thoughts and slammed it really hard. *BAM!*

"Excuse me, what are you doing? You MIA-ed the whole of yesterday and now you're being so rude? What's with you boy?" I flared up. 

"Hey, sorry. I was just trying to scare you. Sorry. Is anything wrong? How was it with Kris yesterday? Share with me some updates?" Jong was flustered at my reaction. That wasn't what he expected since I used to take jokes really well with him. 

"Everything went well yesterday but one point is, I'm curious about him but I feel like I shouldn't ask him any further. I will tell you more after class, he seemed like a very mysterious person. Well, at least we're friends now, I guess? No more hard staring. Haha."

"Okay then, let me know." 

Just then, something struck me.

"Somebody I used to know" and "Sister". 

Used to? What does that mean?

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ninjakona #1
Chapter 3: Omg is she gonna end up with jongdae?? I hope