The Beginning of an End

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Completely changed-two words that can describe Sehun now. He was not the mysterious guy anymore. His hair was not blond anymore. He speaks a lot. Cappuccino is now his favourite. He now has a lot of expressions-not a poker-faced guy like before. Everyone knew his name. Hell yeah, he talks a lot, even to strangers now. All girls and probably guys too are crazy about him. But, what if one thing about him had never changed? 


Umm.. hi. Hehehe... Well, I have nothing to say, just enjoy my story. This is the sequel. In case you have not read the first story yet, this is the link.


http://The Sense of an Ending


enjoy! ^_^


the beautiful poster is made by Ascending Poster Request Shop. go visit them :D

pliz upvote to show that you love me and hunhan


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Chapter 6: You need to finish it plzzzz my hunhan I love it
Chapter 6: What...?!! This is like a very short short short update.. ^^
I need more
Sehun loves to tease luhan, eoh? I wish luhan will back..
Chapter 6: Really great. Fighting for the next chapter
yuu8713 #4
Chapter 4: Waaaiii~ thank you for making time to update despite preparing for your exam~ good luck, wish you aced them! (9^0^)9 fighting~
Sehun just loves to tease Luhan, doesn't he? Ofc he doesn't like Luhan, he LOVES Luhan XD & Tao is so cute~
Looking forward to the next chapter~
carelessLISPer #5
Chapter 3: seriously sehunnie is y~
carelessLISPer #6
Chapter 3: torture for another chappie~ then end! lol
maybemaybe #7
Chapter 3: This story is going along so lovely. I agree with the comment below. xx
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 3: Maybe another chapter or two of torturing Luhan would be nice~ kkkk~
With Sehun all flirty & seductive, oblivious of his past memories with Luhan… but bit by bit he kinda regain his memories of Luhan? Like having flashes of memories once at a time, feeling some sort of extra attached to Luhan, & then he ends up remembering everything~ :3
What do you think
manlymaknae #9
Chapter 3: Torture Luhan!
Chapter 2: Can't wait!! YIIEE!!