
Chance - Kiseop

Moonlight cut through your blinds as it the soft light fell on your bed as you slid under the covers. Resting your head on your pillow you pulled the covers over yourself. Laying awake you looked at the time as you sighed and turned over in your bed.

"Ukiss had a concert tonight, Boo." You picked up your white bear as you set him on your chest as he looked down at you with his smaller black eyes. Retying the red bow around his neck you played with the end of the ribbon as you sighed.

"I wish I could have gone, for once they were close to me. If only the tickets weren’t so expensive. I could have seen Kiseop, my favorite member, on stage dancing and singing." You whispered to yourself as you turned over holding Boo, your teddy bear in your arms, nuzzling your head into his soft fur as your eyes began to weight themselves down with time.

The cold clouds sagged between the buildings as the heavy fog hung in the air. Rubbing your eyes lazily, yawning, you bid a good morning to Boo as you tapped his nose with your finger.

"Ah it is my favorite kind of weather Boo." You talked to your bear as you  sat up and looked out the open blinds. "It is hoodie weather."

Giggling you swung your legs over the side of the bed as your feet hit the cool carpet. Moving into your closet, you slipped on a white tank top as you pulled over a large grey hoodie, your old ripped jeans and a pair of sneakers outfitted you for the day as you let your hair down over your shoulders.

"See you later Boo." You waved to him as you walked out of your front door, the cool air welcomed you as a light breeze combed through your hair and brushed against your face as you smiled at the soft touch.

Sliding your hand into your kangaroo pocket, you looked on the faces that past you, some were worried as they talked on the phone, others kept their head down as they worked on their phone, some held papers in their arms as they walked from one office to the other. It seemed that you were the most relaxed person on the street, calmly walking to your favorite part of town. A small cafe on the corner was a welcoming sight as the little flower pots sat on either side of the single door.

Pulling on the handle, the bell jingled as a soft yet kind voice welcomed you. The tables were empty besides a group of girls as they gathered around the small table.

"Hello, may I have a Vanilla Steamer please." You asked as she nodded, taking down your order. Placing just enough money on the counter with a little extra for a tip, you walked back to an empty table on the other side of the cafe from the girls.

"Did you see Soohyun last night?" One of the girls smiled as she held her hands together tightly, the other girls began to squeal and bounce their feet against the floor as you tuned your ears to their conversation.

"Soohyun had a fantastic vocal night but did you see Kiseop? He was like an angel." Another one of the girls said as she sighed. "So perfect."

The waitress delivered their drinks and yours as you took a sip of your favorite drink as you wrapped your hands around the tall cup as you smiled at the warmth that was being transferred to your hands. Listening to the girl’s conversation, you watched the fog roll through the city as it was the most calming feeling in the world.

About halfway through your drink, you held the slightly warm cup in your hand as your fingers gently moved over the cool feeling cup. The girls had changed their topic of chatter as they talked about school and their unfair teachers.

The ringing of the door caught your attention as you glanced in the direction of the door as a man in a white sweater and blue jeans walked through the door. Moving your eyes to the girls across the cafe, they stopped talking as their eyes looked at the man as he hid behind some sunglasses.

Making his way up to the counter, he ordered something as he paid for it and turned around and looked at the open seats. The girls across the cafe pulled up a chair next to them as he held up his hand and shook his head, gently declining their offer.

His eyes looked over at you as you looked at the window again. The mist rolled down the window as you watched the large droplets roll down the seal of the window. Biting his lip with his teeth, he walked over to you as he pulled out the chair that was across from you.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked softly as you looked at him and shook your head. "May I sit here?" He asked again as you nodded.

His hands sat on the table clasped together as he played with some of the rings around his fingers.

"I love days like this." He breathed out as he took in a deep breath of the moist air.

"Me too. They are my favorite." You smiled as you sipped the last of your drink before putting the empty cup on the table. Scooting your chair back he felt his heart speed up.

"A-Are you leaving?" He asked you with desperation in his voice.

"Y-Yeah" Nodding your head you stopped when his hand gently held yours.

"Please stay, I’ll buy you another drink." He said as you sat back in your seat as the waitress came out and delivered his drink. "Can you make her another drink, the same one please." The lady nodded as she took your cup and walked back to make you another one.

By this time the girls across from the two of you were watching you intently as he retracted his hand from yours as they began to whisper.

"Do you come here often?" He broke the silence as you nodded your head.

"You?" You looked at him as he lifted his sunglasses from his eyes and slipped it through the collar of his sweater.

"No, I am only in town for a few days." He said as his classic smile came onto his face.

"I hope you enjoy your stay then." Your drink arrived as you sipped it carefully, lifting your eyes they gently moved over him as he looked very familiar to you.

"I was in town for a concert of mine. Did you go?" He asked as you shook your head sadly, "Really? Why not?"

"I didn’t have the money, the tickets were too expensive for U-Kiss’ show." You said with a smile as you recognized him. He was Kiseop, your bias as you began to show your smile and blush as you sat across the table from him.

"Well maybe we could come back and give a free show?" He said as he felt sorry that you couldn’t come.

"That would be great. I know other fans that weren’t allowed to go either." You said lowing your eyes as you heard him chuckle, "Why are you laughing?"

"I just see that you are a really big fan and you are really sweet and cute too." Kiseop let the words spill from his mouth as he covered it quickly as you just laughed.

"Well you not only have a good voice, you have a golden heart." You smiled as you sipped your drink again.

"Thank you, some of the fans I think only see me on stage and I think that is the only side that they know." He said as he played with the wrapper around his cup.

"Yeah, there is a lot more that meets the eye." You gave a shy smile as he bit his lip again.

"D-Do you want to get out of here? Would you mind showing me around?" He asked as you looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah I could do that." You smiled as you grabbed your drink as both of you headed out of the door, the girls turned around and gossiped about you as the ringing of the bell bid you goodbye.

The cool day accompanied the two of you as you walked around town with him, showing him where everything was, he was impressed with your knowledge as the sun moved in the sky. Both of you got lunch together as you laughed at his little jokes and stories that he told you. Your laugh was contagious as he began to laugh too.

Towards the end of the day, you were heading back to your place as you wrapped your arm around his to keep you from falling over.

"Thank you Kiseop." You smiled up at him as he looked at you with warm, kind eyes.

"You’re welcome, _______. I’m glad that I got to meet you and your town today." He smiled as you slowed your pace as both of you stood in front of your apartment complex.

"I’m glad that I got to see you while you were in town, thanks for buying my drink and for saving me from that dog that we both ran away from and for making me laugh." You unhooked your arms from his as he smiled.

"My pleasure." He smiled at you for a final time as you smiled brighter before turning away and walking up to the front doors. "Hey, _______?"

Tuning around, he walked up to you as he tilted his head cutely at you. “Do you think that I could get your number?”

"Oh of course!" You told him the number as he smiled. "When I am in town next I will make sure that I come and see you first." He smiled as you leaned in and kissed his cheek before you walked inside.

Kiseop stood there frozen on the steps as his hand gently moved up to his cheek where you kissed him. Butterflies began to flutter in his stomach as he looked at your number and held it against his heart before sliding his phone into his pocket. Looking back at your building he just smiled as a few words slipped from his lips.

"Thanks for making me fall in love"

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keiseop #1
Chapter 1: Kiseop is my ultimate kpop bias.. I love this story...
Chapter 1: The ending. Im so done. ;A;
Chapter 1: nice story sis~I like sweet^^
hope you can write a new story later(I'm very hope that the story about kiseop again)hehe <3<3<3
Chapter 1: The end was great ugh my feels >.<