

“No No No! It’s not like that!” Youngjae screamed in frustration, grabbing his hair.

Hyomin rolled her eyes at Youngjae.

Well, he was the one who wanted to tutor her. He couldn’t blame her.

She’s an absolutely failure at Maths that no tutor worked for her. And now the smarty pants Yoo Youngjae volunteered to help her, there’s no way she would refuse.

Hot guy with maths though. It clashes.

Because all she does is stare at him, imprinting his features inside her mind, internally squealing at how he bites his lips.

She does not, and she won’t, pay attention to the maths book in front of her. It was a bother. The book was what stopped Youngjae from paying attention to her and that pissed her off.

“Give me a break,” Youngjae shook his head, resting his face in his palms.

He didn’t know it would be this hard to teach her. His friends had dared him to go and teach her because they have all failed. He took on the challenge, thinking it was a piece of cake because he was the smartass Yoo Youngjae after all. But that was before teaching her. Now, he finally got a taste of what is real frustration. He knew he could just give up and go back home but he don’t. Because Hyomin’s a beauty, although, yes, maths seems to be her enemy.

He had noticed how she had stared at him and somehow, it makes him blush a little. But he guess she didn’t notice his light blush because she was too busy staring at his features.

“I told you to give up didn’t I. it wouldn’t work with you. It didn’t work with your 5 friends too. So what makes you think you could succeed?” Hyomin leaned back onto the seat, crossing her arms and looking at Youngjae with raised brows.

“Well, I’m not one who would admit defeat. So Park Hyomin, you just wait and see. I will make you to one of the best students at maths before the end of the year,” Youngjae smirked and raised back his eyebrows.

Both of them looked at each other in the eye before bursting out in laughter.

“Well, this means we would be meeting each other often right?” Hyomin asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“Duh. You’re not stupid to that extent right?” Youngjae rolled his eyes.

“Shut it. Of course I am stupid in your eyes. You’re a smartass after all,” Hyomin retorted.

She knew Youngjae hated being called the smartass.

“Argh, let’s grab some dinner,” Youngjae gave up.

He remembered his friends telling him how well Hyomin can retort and he decided to just give in to her but he was sure if there was a debate, he would definitely win her.

“Heol! Is that a date, My Yoo?” Hyomin smirked.

“No, dumb. It’s a dinner. You’re not that stupid right?” Youngjae sighed in defeat as he packed up his things.

“Hey, stop saying I’m stupid, it’s hurtful!” Hyomin pouted unconsciously, looking rather down.

Youngjae couldn’t help but smile at how cute she was.

If there’s one thing Youngjae couldn’t resist, that would be aegyo. Moreover, this was the goddess, Lee Hyomin’s aegyo. So of course, he would love it.

“Arasso, kaja,” Youngjae held out one hand for Hyomin. Hyomin grabbed it and twisted his hand causing him to scream out loud in pain.

“Why the hell did you do that?!” Youngjae looked a Hyomin, wide-eyed.

“That’s revenge. For calling me ‘stupid’, hmmph,” Hyomin stuck out her tongue and walked out of the library.

Youngjae shook his head at how childish she was, but also can’t help but chuckle at how adorable she is.

How can one not fall for her?

I mean, look, Youngjae’s heart is fluttering and squealing to him that he’s in love with her already!


The next time they meet, Youngjae wasn’t in a good mood.

He had on a rather stern face and spoke to Hyomin seriously.

Hyomin raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he was so down.

Did something bad happen? Did someone make him angry?

“Hey, something wrong?” Hyomin asked good heartedly.

“No,” Youngjae said curtly, not even bothering to look at her.

Hyomin frowned. She felt that it was rude. She was only being kind. Couldn’t he return the same gesture by talking to her at least politely?

“Well, you could tell me,” Hyomin persisted.

“I said it’s nothing!” Youngjae shouted at her, causing the people around them to look at him.

Hyomin looked at him, startled.

Youngjae ruffled his hair, irritated. He kept all his stuffs in his bag and stormed out of the library.

Hyomin looked at him as his figure slowly disappeared. She didn’t know what she did wrongly. Was caring an offence? Or was it wrong that she was concerned about him? Why is it that everyone can throw bulls at her and she can’t be a sometimes? She has had a bad day too. Well, that’s after Youngjae shouted at her.


The next time they meet, it was in the hallway.

Hyomin has been avoiding Youngjae, thinking that maybe he was angry at her, thus she decides not to bother him.

There were post-it notes on her desk every morning, asking her when she has the time to meet up for the next tutoring session. She kept them but didn’t give any replies.

“Hey,” Youngjae said awkwardly as Daehyun pushed him towards Hyomin.

“What. If you’re trying to vent your anger out on me, I don’t have the time,” Hyomin replied in the same tone he had used towards her.

Youngjae flinched slightly.

“No, I mean, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude that day. I was just, having a bad day,” Youngjae said as he rubbed his head.

“Oh, you having a bad day is my fault? You need to vent your anger out on me?”

“No no no! I’m really sorry. I just. What can I do to earn forgiveness?” Youngjae looked at Hyomin pleadingly.

“Shut up for now. I’m having my bad day today. Meet me at the library on Saturday at 12,” Hyomin said and walked away, with swag.

“Phew, she’s such a diva,”

“Oh yes she is,” Youngjae smiled.

He knew it was his fault that he shouted at her.

And he knew it was his fault for falling for her.


On Saturday, Youngjae woke up real early to get dressed.

He wore a red checkered shirt and striped shorts. He had on his snapback and backpack.

He was absolutely charming.

When he reached the library, he saw Hyomin sitting on the same seat, doing maths problems.



And like that, the awkwardness settled in the atmosphere.

Hyomin concentrated on her work while Youngjae looked around restlessly, fidgeting on his seat, wondering what to say to Hyomin.



“Can you stop your work for a while?”

Hyomin sighed and looked up from her book. She knew she couldn’t ignore him any longer.

“I know I was mean to you that day, I really didn’t expect myself to shout at you. I was just, confused. Because, because..” Youngjae clamped his sweaty palms together as his mind went blank.

Holy .

How was he going to confess when his mind is blank?

“Because what?”

“Hyomin, I’m good at algebra,”

“ I know, you’re good at anything,”

“I can replace your X and you wouldn’t need to know Y,”

Hyomin looked at Youngjae with large eyes.

Pick up lines are her favourite. How did he know? Moreover, is he confessing to her?

“So, what do you think?” Youngjae asked nervously.

He didn’t know he got that but it just came out of his mouth.

“Well, then you’ll have to teach me algebra both in academic and love,”


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