I can't decide!

We Got Married?

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I didn't update last week :'( I hope you forgive me! Anyways here's another chapter :) I hope everyone enjoys the new chapter! COMMENT TO SHOW LOVE kk thanks <3



Seung Hyun’s POV

Okay, today is the start of mission 2! Today is the day we find our house. The PD noona told me ahead of time and told me not to tell Hime ah~! Aigo, I’m so excited! She had another meeting this morning so we decided to meet up at Yesung hyung’s restaurant, Handel and Gretel, for a meal. I was planning out the different ways to ask her about what type of house she wants. For me, I just want her to be happy! Aish~, I can’t wait!


Your POV

So tired. I want to get my own place. I mean I love living with the guys...but seriously....I can’t take much more of this... When I’m not working, I’m doing housework for the boys and then COOKING FOR TOO MANY PEOPLE. How does Ryeowook do it? Well for now, I will forget about all of this and head off to meet my boyfriend at Yesung Oppa’s restaurant “Handel and Gretel”. It’s been a while since I’ve seen ajhumma and Jonj Jin oppa, might as well use the time to say hello. I was about to leave the house when my favorite awkward turtle came out of his room in his work attire. I gave him a look and he just smiled along. He took my keys and put it back on the key holder while taking his own. I continued to stare at him but he wouldn’t budge.



“Watcha doing?”

“Umm, taking you to my restaurant,”



“But you don’t have work...”

“I know...”

“Then why are you going Yesung oppa?”

“Cuz I wanna take a selca with Seung Hyun and chu~”



“Go away...,”

“WAE?!?” he whined while shedding fake tears.http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad263/strawberryturtle/GIF%20Album/yesung_ineedamoment.gif I just sighed and then headed out the door to his car. I’m already gonna be late, he’s not gonna budge and I don’t feel like fighting with anyone today. After realizing I let him have his way he excitedly followed me. I got into the car and he started to drive. Since I didn’t feel like talking to him I the radio and heard an old song. Epik High’s Run. Ah~ Tablo oppa’s voice makes me cry all the time but in a good way. Yesung oppa who knew this was an emotional song for me gave me a questioning look but I told him it was okay.

“Oppa, do you think Seung Hyun will realize it?”

“That you have issues with houses and marriage.., I don’t think so. You’re pretty good at hiding it,” he said reassuringly. I know, I have a ton of issues but I have never been able to trust in myself enough to get past them. That’s the main reason I let myself get on the show. I have to conquer my fears. I need to stop running. Running from everything but run ahead full force. Before we pulled into the street of the restaurant, I saw Seung Hyun’s car. Yesung gave me his famous eye smile before we got out of the car.

We went into Handel and Gretel where I saw Seung Hyun in a corner talking to Yesung’s younger brother. I went to the two. Seung Hyun saw me and greeted me with a smile and realizing he lost the other boys attention, Jonj Jin oppa also turned to face me. Giving me the same eye smile as his brother, Jonj Jin oppa came up to me and gave me a hug. Right after he released me, Seung Hyun tackled me, pulling me close to him. Once his grip lessened, he gave me a bright smile. I kissed him gently on the cheek before Jonj Jin oppa awkwardly coughed behind us. Realizing we were in public we stepped away from each other with a blush on our faces. Seung Hyun led to my seat but before I sat down, I saw Yesung’s mom from the corner of my eye.

“Ajhumma!!!” I screamed before embracing the older woman. After I moved to Korea, she and Key’s umma took really good care of me. Like my own mother, I treasured her. Probably more than her own sons kekeke.

“This is why my mom likes seeing you better than me, you treat her better than her eldest son,” Yesung oppa pouted as he pushed me away from aunty. He pulled her in close for a hug and then gave one to his dad. Yesung oppa moved to the dorms due to the hectic schedules so he doesn’t see them as much. I pinched Jonj Jin’s cheeks while Yesung hugged Ajusshi. After the elder one let go I ran to Ajusshi and hugged him with all my might. After the greetings, I brought Seung Hyun forward to them.

“Okay, I’m not sure if this person’s been here yet but, Ajhumma, Ajusshi, Jonj Jin oppa, this is my husband Song Seung Hyun, please be nice to him!” I said and we bowed together. Ajhumma squealed in delight and pulled me in for another hug.

“Hime ah~! He’s soo ADORABLE! Look at those cheeks! There as pinch-able as Yesung’s. AIGO!” she said before extending an arm towards Seung Hyun. Yesung  pulled Seung Hyun out of his mother reached and whined at the older woman.

“Umma, you can’t just go and pinch whatever idol’s cheeks you want to! And my cheeks ARE NOT that pinch-able!” he whined while hiding the younger boy around him as he dodged his own mother’s attempt at pinching his cheeks. Seung Hyun who was significantly taller than Yesung made a horrified face to me when Aunty wasn’t looking. I gave him a grin, but once Aunty turned her attention to my yeobo, Seung Hyun plastered the most fake smile in the entire world.

“Yah~, KIM JONG WOON! How dare you speak that way to your mother. Since we have a guest, I’ll let you get away with it this time, but one more time, I swear...I’LL GROUND YOU OR CONFISCATE YOUR TURTLES!” she said seriously. Yesung’s face distorted itself into one into fear before moving away from Seung Hyun and pushed me away from his mother. I made my way to Seung Hyun’s side as we watched the next scene play out in front of us.

http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff516/thisisallmyheart/tumblr/yesung-sadx.gif“Umma! Anything but the turtles! You can pinch whatever idol’s cheeks you want at the risk of restraining orders...JUST NOT THE TURTLES!” he said crying. Ajhumma gave a satisfied smile while Jonj Jin oppa, Seung Hyun oppa and I started to laugh our heads off. Ajusshi pried Yesung off his mother and gave a small bow to Seung Hyun and I.

“It seems they get more and more dramatic every time they see each other Hime ah~,” he apologized while putting his arm around Yesung oppa.

“Aish, since hyung moved to the dorms it’s been so boring so umma makes the best of his comings and goings, kehehe,” Jonj Jin oppa also said to lighten the mood.

“Aish, well you guys should start your lunch date. If you anything sweethearts, just call one of us,” Ajhumma said before leaving to the kitchen with her family after giving Seung Hyun a pinch on both of his cheeks. While being dragged, Yesung mouthed an apology. I laughed at Seung Hyun’s confused expression.

“That...didn’t happen, did it?”

“You mean the part where your cheeks got pinched by a loving mother figure. Well then yes, yes it did,” I said as he rubbed his cheeks. It was slightly red from where she pinched.

“That, they~,”

“The only phrase that can explain that is...mother, like son,” I said before pulling him back into his seat.

“They are really sweet,” he commented as he sat down in his seat.

“Yup, the ideal family if you ask me. Loving and full of warmth. Even their house,” I told him before sipping the coffee that was already on the table.


Seung Hyun’s POV

“Yup, the ideal family if you ask me. Loving and full of warmth. Even their house,” she said as she sipped some of the coffee I ordered her. It was nice coming here and I think I kinda get the type of person Hime is and what she wants in the future. I guess it’s time to pop the question.

“Hime ah~” I started and waited till her eyes met mine.

“Ne?” she answered suspiciously while putting down her drink.

“Well, I have something...interesting to tell you...”

“Bwoh? What do you want to tell me?” she asked while sitting up straight in her seat.

“You know how we’ve been together for about two weeks...?” I paused again for dramatic affect but she looked like she was gonna murder me for stopping again.

“Yeobo, I hate when you stop mid-sentence. I’m a big girl now. Tell me what’s on your mind,” Hime told me while picking up her coffee.

“Okay then, I’ll just come out and say it then, how about we use today to search for our house, one where we’ll live together in for the time we’re married,” I told her. What happened afterward...I did not expect.


Yesung’s POV

All of us were eavesdropping on Hime’s and Seung Hyun’s conversation, that is with the exception of my appa. Such a party pooper.

“Yah, what’s the point of eavesdropping if Seung Hyun already told you what the conversation’s about?” Appa told us while making the sandwiched Seung Hyun order for the two of them.

“But yeobo, Hime is so cute and unpredictable! The daughter we NEVER had. I wanna know how she’s gonna react!” umma whined before pressing her ear closer to the door.

“Umma, does that mean you’re not happy with hyung and I?” Jonj Jin said to umma but she just hissed at him to keep quiet.

“Hime ah~” we heard Seung Hyun say. This is it, the moment of truth. I feel bad for him. Asking a girl to move into a house with you after knowing each other for two weeks...AWKWARD. How did Teukie umma do it?

“Ne?” she answered suspiciously while the sound of her drink being put on the table was audible.

“Well, I have something...interesting to tell you...” he leaded into the conversation. I could feel my umma get more excited by each passing moment.

“THIS IS IT! AHH!” umma whispered and leaned in closer.

“Bwoh? What do you want to tell me?” Hime’s voice said a little scared. Most guys do use that line to break up with the girls. Poor Seung Hyun, he must not have any experience with girls AT ALL. Who uses that line?

“You know how we’ve been together for about two weeks...?” he kept going and then paused again. Umma looked ready to jump out from behind the door and yell out the news already. Aigo, this lady is so impatient.

“Aish, he’s taking forever,” Jonj Jin whined while opening the door a bit to take a look at what was going on. Jonj Jin was on the floor. I want leaning on top of my brother. And my umma was leaning on top of me...even though she’s the shortest keke.

“Yeobo, I hate when you stop mid-sentence. I’m a big girl now. Tell me what’s on your mind,” I heard her say while picking up her coffee again. She took a sip.

“THIS IS IT!” Umma whispered above me.

“Okay then, I’ll just come out and say it then, how about we use today to search for our house, one where we’ll live together in for the time we’re married,” he said and then the funniest thing EVER happened.

She did a spit take. On him. All over his white shirt. And face. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff516/thisisallmyheart/tumblr/yesung-surprised.gif

Out of shock Umma, Jonj Jin and I fell through the door but since the two love birds were so shocked, they didn’t notice. Umma was the first to get up and moved. She ran to Seung Hyun with a magical piece of cloth that appeared out of no where and started to wipe off the coffee from his face.

“Oh my god~,” Hime finally said before rushing to Seung Hyun and helping umma wipe off the coffee. She kept saying incoherent words that I guessed were suppose to mean I’m sorry. Seung Hyun finally got back to his sense before chuckling at his flustered girl friend. The gift of young love.

“Hime ah~, I’m fine. I knew you were gonna react, just not like that,” Seung Hyun said before getting up from his spot. Umma excused herself and went to get a shirt for Seung Hyun. Umma called from the back room to bring Seung Hyun to the back room once she called for me.

“Seung Hyun ah~ I don’t know~” Hime ah~ started, but I decided to interrupt before it became one of those melodramatic scenes.

“Seung Hyun, before you get changed, I wanna get a picture like this,” I said while pulling out my phone. I gave the phone to my appa and pulled the couple and my brother close for a photo up. Hime’s face was a deep shade of red and us guys were smiling as wide as we can. After appa finished taking the photo umma called Seung Hyun and I.

As we were leaving I turned to Hime, “Hime ah~, try not to spit take on anyone while I’m away,”.

“Oppa!” I heard her whine as I lead Seung Hyun to the back. Umma gave Seung Hyun a shirt from our restaurant before leaving the room. I sat on the stool while Seung Hyun put on the shirt. Once he was changed I gave him a knowing look.

“You and Hime can go out to a park away from civilization to calm her down. I’ll have my appa and umma pack the food in a nice little picnic basket for you,” I told him. Hime would probably be too flustered to face my parents after that episode right away.

“That’s ok~” he started but then really thought about her feelings. “Hyung, that might be a good idea,”.

“Of course it is,” I told him as we made our way back to everyone else.


Seung Hyun’s POV

Hime and I are now on our way to a nice little park that Hong Ki hyung told me about. Yesung’s parents were nice enough to give us a lunch basket. Hime was quiet in the car, probably still upset that she did a spit take all over me. It happens and it was kinda cute seeing her all flustered and red.

“Hime ah~, for the billionth time it’s okay! Thanks to the incident, I got a T shirt,” I told her with a smile and pinched her cheeks as hard as aunty pinch mine. I pulled into the park’s parking lot.

“Oww!” she said while rubbing her. She turned to me but I made the funniest face I could. There was an awkward pause in the car before she started to laugh hysterically. Once she could somehow form words, she stared at me.

“Oppa, that was so funny,” she said while I reached over to wipe her tears. How cute could she be. Once we were back to normal, I got out of the car with the food and went to open her door.

We walked hand in hand to the grass area near her beloved swing set. We ate silently and once we cleaned up, I followed her to the swing set. She sat down and I pushed her gently, not anything thrilling.



“Were you serious about the house?”


“I don’t think I want to go out to look right now, but how about we use the day to brainstorm what type of house we want,” she asked timidly. She started to blush again. It must be so new to her since she’s only nineteen.

“Hime ah~, I think that’s a great plan,”

“So how about we ask each other about our ideal house then?”

“Okay, I’ll start, what color?” I asked.

“Hmm, I personally soft colored bricks, something like colonial house maybe or a traditional house,” she said. Those views were conflicting. I wonder why she likes those types of houses. Might as well ask.

“Hime ah~, why those types of houses?”

“Oh, well I like the colonial one since I lived in one before. It’s a nice atmosphere and spacious. I loved how it looked modern and old at the same time. But I also really like traditional Asian houses since they are so historical. I was always a history geek and always wanted to live in a house filled with a story of it’s own,”

“Aish, my wife is soo deep,” I said and she blushed a bit.

“My turn oppa, do you want a lawn?”

“Of course I do, I want a place to run around and play,”

“I do too, it’d be so much fun. I want to make a garden like I did with my mom,” she said.

“Aigo, my wifey sounds a bit homesick,” I said and then her expression changed a bit.

“I am. I miss my family a lot. So much happened. I haven’t seen my mom or brother in years,” she said while kicking the dirt on the ground.

“What about your dad?” I asked without thinking but that seemed to make it worse.

“My dad and I don’t really talk anymore. I...I just wasn’t the type of kid he wanted so he kinda separated the family. He doesn’t want to really hear from me anymore,” she confessed with a sigh.

“Hime ah~”

“Seung Hyun ah~, I don’t regret anything. I did my best for him but I realized a long time ago, in order to get somewhere in my life, I have to happy with where I’m going. So that’s why, I want you to promise me that we’ll both do our best to be ourselves in this relationship and try to listen to each other. I want to be kinda like Yesung’s parents. They support each other and give off a warm feeling. But whatever we do, know I chose this path for me and I want to go as far as I can go with you,” she said smiling to me as she got off the swing. How strong my girl is.

“Then let’s do our best,” I told her as I pulled her into my lap on the swing I was sitting on.

“Right!” she smiled before she started to think of more things for our house.

“Hime ah~, I want a large living room and kitchen,”

“Eh? I was just thinking that too!”

“Sincha?! I want to have a place where we can hang out and play as well as cook together,” I told her excitedly. I can already imagine us cooking together every day.

“Okay my turn, I want to have a library and an area dedicated to game stations,” she said as she entered the dream world with me. Now to see what my girls values more, games or books.

“Hime ah~ what if you had to choose between the library and the game stations?”

“Yah~, Song Seung Hyun, if you really love me you wouldn’t make me decide since I can’t decide between the two and you should be able to provide it,” she said teasingly before hitting my arm lightly.

“Bwoh~, that’s so much pressure on me,” I whined but she laughed.

“Yah, I have a secret for you,” she said and I leaned my ear to .

“I love you,” she said and then kissed my cheek before getting up from her seat. She hit my shoulder and then yelled “YOU’RE IT” and ran off to the horizon. I got up and saw a kid’s tricycle, I hopped on to chase after the girl of my dreams. Man, I love her. http://i837.photobucket.com/albums/zz294/makesomenoiise/Gifs/tumblr_la13h6ZPd51qat6h6.gif

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Hey, there is no Jonghoon CNBLUE.
14 streak #2
awwwww you didn't get to finish writing the last chapter!!! TwT..... update soon!!! i am a seunghyun fan *sigh* i wish they have a seunghyun fan club.... it would be nice
the story is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hime is friends with a lot of guy group which i am quite jealous of..... i wish i was hime i like that name ^^
anyways update soon!!!! hwaiting!!
kyeoul #3
MewNikkiChan #4
Unnie Saranghae~ <3 another amazing update!
kyeoul #5
MewNikkiChan #6
Yay yay yay! You're so awesome! Love the new banner! Can't wait for the new updates! Hwaiting!!!!
MewNikkiChan #7
Unnie! I've been re-reading this for the umpteenth time because it's so good! I hope that your exams and everything went well, (or are going well). I hope you update soon, I miss your updates... <3
VIPgal #8
This is amazing!
lol so many funny faces =D...