Do Over... (Mission 1 Part 3)

We Got Married?

Hello first update since after out monthaversary yay :)

Welcome to my new subscriber and to all my past readers, subscribers and commenters thank you

I worked hard to make a longer chapter so I hope you enjoy this is the last part of their date so I hope you all enjoy XD



Your POV

He confessed. He gave me the hottest first kiss ever. We are together. We ARE together. Well not right now at this moment but together as a couple, YAY :). After the kiss Seung Hyun looked at me and asked me if we could start today’s date again. At first I told him I was totally satisfied with the end product but then he looked like he was about to cry. Why?

(Flashback to an hour ago)

“Arasso yeobo,” I told him as I kissed his cheek after our perfect two kisses. I looked at his face in wonder. I was about to reach my hand to pat his soft cheeks only to be greeted by his inward groan. WAS THE KISS NOT ENOUGH!?!

“Yah, why would you groan like that?!? Not even an unexperienced kisser like me would know that was a kiss!”

“Ani, that’s not’s just...I HAD OUR WHOLE FRIKEN DATE PLANNED OUT AND I WAS GONNA CONFESS TO YOU AND EVERYTHING.....and it was ruined,” he yelled to the sky while showing me his back.

“Is that so?” I asked him while getting off the swing and giving him a back hug while resting my head sideways. From here...he was so much taller than me. My arms hung at his lower torso. I gave him a small squeeze before giving a small giggle while digging my head into his back. He felt my laugh and turned around so I was facing him but looking at his exasperated face just made it worse.

“Yah, it’s not funny. I”m upset. Can we just start the date again?” he asked trying to use aeyego which made me laugh even harder. But then his face turned serious and then sad. He looked like he was about to cry.

“Aigo, what do with you Hyun ah~, arasso. We can start our date again,”

“Chinja? Gomawo Hime ah~ arasso now meet me at the place where were at before Ji Woon hyung and the others disturbed us,” he said sweetly as he ran away to the gate leaving me alone.

“YAH, SONG SEUNG HYUN WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?! WHY DO I NEED TO MEET YOU? WHY AREN’T YOU COMING WITH ME?!? YAH~ SEUNG HYUN AH~?!? COME BACK!” I screamed after finally realizing the situation but he just kept running.

(end of flashback)

Now here I am...alone waiting on a creepy beaten old cobblestone path in the dark waiting for my yeobo to show up and I am cold. My legs are FREEZING. It’s been an hour and a half since I started to wait for him and the festival is gonna end soon. AND I AM STARVING WITHOUT A GOD DAMN STREET VENDOR ANYWHERE!

“This obnoxious jackass, making me wait, when the festival’s gonna end soon....AISH WHERE IS THIS BABO?” I screamed impatiently to the lake while kicking a rock. While looking at the rides at the other side of the lake enviously and walked to the bank with my feet just steps away from the water. But right at that moment I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest.

“This babo is right here holding on to his yeobo,” he whispered softly into my ear before giving my shoulder a light kiss. And then leaned his chin on the top of my head.

“You better have something good planned...I swear you don’t...,” I threatened him and he laughed lightly.

“Mianhe, but don’t worry, I think I did a good job for preparing today,” he said while letting go of my waist and grabbed my hand. Together we walked down the path again. I lost count of time, even though we were for the most part, quiet, it was a nice silence. Just being able to hold hands like this, who would have ever thought that my bias would become my lover.

“Hime ah~, this is where our date starts,” he told me as we turned to another small path that was even prettier than the one we were on. It was adorned with cute lanterns attached to strings on the lampposts and small candles on the ground.

“It’s beautiful,” I told him staring in awe.

“It’s only the beginning,” he said. I looked at him through the candle-lit light. Although it wasn’t much lighting, his face was filled with love and care. He pulled me along gently down the path and then there was bonfire sticks set up around a picnic blanket with candles set up in the middle of the picnic and there was the smell of food coming from the basket.

“Oh my,” I told him with tears in my eyes as I stepped in front of him.

“Just for you,” Seung Hyun told me while pushing my back gently to move with him. He walked me to one side and sat me down and then moved towards the other side. He kneeled near the basket and opened it and I could smell food that was obviously NOT korean.

“Don’t tell me, spaghetti?” I asked him wide eyed.

“I’m not much of a cook but Jae Jin hyung asked Key hyung what was your favorite dish...and he said it was spaghetti. I asked Hong Ki hyung to help me...if it’s not any good, don’t eat it,” he told me nervously as he set a couple of plates. I watched him bring out the spaghetti sauce and pour it in a small bowl and then take out the noodles. He put some for me and watched me for my signal to stop. After he filled my plate, he filled his own. I took a spoon full of sauce and poured it for both of us. He watched me as I brought my fork to my mouth and take a bite. But as soon as I closed my mouth he shut his eyes waiting for me to puke. It wasn’t half bad. The noodles weren’t perfect but it was obvious he tried his hardest and the sauce was a little too thin but it was eatable.

“Is it good?” he asked me while peeking behind his hands. I took another fork full and put it to his mouth.

“Why don’t you try for yourself?” I told him while holding the fork for him. He cautiously took a bit and seemed relieved.

“Thank god, it doesn’t taste like poison,” he mumbled while chewing a piece of sauce fell down his chin. I wiped it with my thumb and it off my thumb.

“See, you should trust in yourself more,” I told him as I pinched his cheeks before returning to the food on my plate.

“Hime ah~”


“Next time, I promise I’ll make Hong Ki hyung make the food so it’s super good,” he said and I just broke out laughing.

“Don’t you dare. This is fine, you’ll get better with practice and it’s not as bad as you think it is. Much better than my first time cooking. But seriously, next time we go for a picnic...tell me, I feel bad that you prepared this yourself,” I told him while finishing my plate. He took out two glasses and some sparkling apple cider.

“Hmm, now I want to taste your cooking, and look, guess what since you can’t drink...” he said smiling gently.

“Sparkling apple cider,” I said while taking a glass from him.

“So shall I make a cheer?”

“Go right ahead Seung Hyun ah~”

“Okay, for the start of a new relationship and a show dedicated to a married life,”

“And don’t forget, Seung hyun ah~, the hope of reaching a new level of music,”

“Right, one shot!” he said while drowning himself in the drink and I followed his suit.

“So what’s next Mr?”

“Well as I text Jae Jin hyung to come and fix this mess, you and I will go somewhere that I think that you’ll fall in love with,” he said while pulling me to my feet. We moved along and then we stopped by a tree. A random tree.

“Why’d we stop?”

“I forgot Hime ah~, do you trust me?”


“Then put on this blindfold for me?”


“You said you trust me,”

“Uh, is it necessary?”

“Yup, here you go,” he said while giving me a piece of cloth. He stood behind me and helped tie it around me eyes.

“I don’t understand why I have to do this?”

“Don’t worry,” he said while taking my hand in his and we walked silently. Without talking I followed him but I felt safe with him.

“Hime ah~, are you ok?”


“It’s not much more, we are gonna go up four steps and then I then I’m gonna help you sit down. Once the surprise is set...I’ll let you take off the blindfold,” he said. As I walked he told me where each step was and then we stepped into a “wobbly” room. He sat me down gently by my shoulder and I could feel the room move with the shift in weight.

“Seung hyun ah~, where are we?”

“Wait a second and I’ll let you see,” he said softly. A minute passed and then I heard him sigh.

“Seung hyun ah~, are you okay?”

“Yup, I”m just nervous....okay Hime ah~ take off the blindfold,” he said and I did. What I saw wasn’t what I expected. We were on the ferris wheel.

“Oh my god,” I said while staring outside. I looked to him again and I saw him with his guitar strumming quietly while looking at me with a soft expression.

“You like heights so I though this would be a good place to take you,”

“You shouldn’t have,”

“But I did,” he stopped me and then began to sing. It was a Name Called Love.

It’s called love. The name I call you. It’s a name that’ll stay behind even when the whole world is erased.
It’s called love. The name I call you. The only one for me in this world.
It’s a name I call you.
It’s called love.
The name you call me.
The name of a person who will be by your side forever.

You know, you know my heart. You know how much I love you.
The only I can see even with my eyes closed
is you.
You know, you know my heart. In your caring two eyes, there is only me.
It’s called love.
The name I call you.
The name for only one person in this world.
It’s called love.
The name you call me. The name of a person who will be by your side forever.

Let’s go with us
You are the light of my life that brightened up my dark path
Only one for me
You are the tattoo in my life. My love’s tattoo that I cannot erase.
You are the scent in my life.l You are always #1 in my life.
Right You make me laugh
I am always by your side.
Don‘t forget this.

It’s called love.
The name I engraved you with.
You are marked deep in my heart.
It’s a name I call you.
It’s called love.
The name you will remember me by.
I will be the person to be with you when your eyes close.

It’s called love.
The name I call you. The name for only one person in this world.
It’s called love. The name you call me. The name of a person who will be by your side forever.
There will be challenges but as long as you are with me, I can go anywhere.

“Hime ah~, no matter what goes down between us, will you be the name I call love?”

“What do you think you moron,” I told him as I waited for him to put down his guitar. I jumped on him and caught his lips with my own. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close on his lap and my own arms playing with his soft hair. Our tongues played with each other and we only broke apart for air. After a few minutes I plopped myself on his lap and made myself comfortable by laying back into his chest. I rested my head into the crook of his neck while he rubbed his cheek on my hair. We stared out to the billions of lights and the people outside.

“So how’d I do?” he asked me as he helped me out of the ferris wheel.

“It was the most fantastic thing that someone has done for me. You’ve been doing so much for me, I wish I could give everything back to you,” I told him.

“You being you is more than enough...but there is something else I want to do first,”

“What is that?”

“Get those bears,” he said pointing at a basketball shooting game with these two big bears as the prize. We ran over to station and it seemed like everyone else was done for the night. The ajusshi at the stand looked at us and told us we’d be the last to play for the night. Seung hyun have him 1,000 won for the both of us and we played. I kept shooting it in while he kept getting the rim. At the end of the minute, I won by ten baskets and the ajusshi said we could both get a bear since we were the cutest couple he’s seen all day.

“Aigo, I wanted to win one for you, not get two because we’re cute,” he said while taking his bear over his should while I hugged mine into my chest.

“I think he was sweet :),”

“Hmmm, but I’m sweeter and ier,”

“Since when did we compare you iness with an old man?”

“Does that mean I’m y?”

“Yeobo, you’re unbelievable y,” I sarcastically told him while rolling my eyes at him but he just gave me his classic smile. He put one arm around my shoulders and hugged me close. It was so quiet. Everyone already left with the exception of a few people who were cleaning up. My phone’s ringtone “Hello Hello” went off to a text message.

“Aigo, my love put my voice as her ringtone,” he said smugly while I checked my phone and stuck my tongue at him.

“Don’t make me change it so I’ll only hear Hong Ki oppa’s voice!” I threatened and he chuckled. I opened the text message from KyuHyun oppa.

Watch this if you want to see what Cho KyuHyun's face was like while writing this message
~Yah Hime ah~ my favorite brat to bully...
Hope you’re having fun with your date cuz guess what...
He’s gonna have to take you home >:) yupp we abandoned you
Me and the guys are semi drunk so Onew’s driving 1/2 of us home
Don’t stay up TOO late
And don’t loose your ity tonight >:P
Especially in his car...mwahahaha
We are so gonna make your life miserable later(EvilKyu)
Oh the candle light your sooo easy(yup i saw, StalkerKyu rules)
When you get home be ready to play Starcraft with me(GamerKyu is ready to win)
If not...I’ll tell your yeobo all your god damn secrets
~Always and forever
Cho KyuHyun...SuJu’s Evil Maknae mwahahhahaa XD

“Oh my god, how can a guys with the most incredibly godly voice do this? (o.O)” I said trying to hide the message from Seung Hyun but he saw it and turned red.


“Let’s pretend oppa NEVER sent that”

“Agreed,” he said opening the car door for me. He came in to the car and drove me home. I don’t remember when, but I fell asleep and he apparently carried me to the SuJu and put me on Heechul oppa’s bed and left. At least that’s what Kyu oppa said when I woke up the next morning but you can never trust that gamer. And thus concludes the best first date a person could ever experience. (^.^).

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Hey, there is no Jonghoon CNBLUE.
14 streak #2
awwwww you didn't get to finish writing the last chapter!!! TwT..... update soon!!! i am a seunghyun fan *sigh* i wish they have a seunghyun fan club.... it would be nice
the story is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hime is friends with a lot of guy group which i am quite jealous of..... i wish i was hime i like that name ^^
anyways update soon!!!! hwaiting!!
kyeoul #3
MewNikkiChan #4
Unnie Saranghae~ <3 another amazing update!
kyeoul #5
MewNikkiChan #6
Yay yay yay! You're so awesome! Love the new banner! Can't wait for the new updates! Hwaiting!!!!
MewNikkiChan #7
Unnie! I've been re-reading this for the umpteenth time because it's so good! I hope that your exams and everything went well, (or are going well). I hope you update soon, I miss your updates... <3
VIPgal #8
This is amazing!
lol so many funny faces =D...