ii. first meeting

Once Upon An Autumn

first day of autumn, first meeting.

Soojung walked out of the door of her parents house, she was late for her morning lecture, again and she obviously doesn't want to be lashed out in front of her class for the nth time of the month. She looked at the watch wrapped around her wrist and mumbled a string of curses as she ran, not caring how much of a portion of her hair would get ruined.

She arrived at the university's entrance and hitched, her breathing unstable. Nonetheless, her steps quickened and she headed towards the west wing of the campus, where her class was. She took a seat at the far corner of the class on the third row, where nobody would seat. She took out her comb from her bag and combed her fuzzy hair. She thanked God that she was a millisecond faster than her lecturer.

The class ended earlier than expected and Soojung was more than glad. She could have more time for herself and finish up all her previous, delayed works. Soojung walked towards the university's library, located at the same building of her class and took a seat at the table behind the shelves where she is hidden. She pulled out her laptop and switched it on, while waiting for it to start, Soojung got up her seat and took a few revision books for reference.

She was majoring in business and management, she had a lot to do but such little time because of her hobby which was procrastination. Soojung exhaled a sigh but her fingers ran over the keyboard of her laptop as swiftly and as fast as she could. She couldn't careless of the typographical errors that was created as long as the work was done.

As the hours passed by, she turned off her laptop and shut it down. Soojung hugged her books to her chest as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She walked out of the library and looked at her watch, it was half past two and she still haven't had lunch. She headed towards the campus's cafeteria and bought something on the go, a pack of sandwich along with a bottle of orange juice.

Soojung walked towards the park across her university campus and sat on a bench. She unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite as she flipped open the novel she was currently reading. Soojung wiped her hands and uncap the bottle, drinking it in one gulp. A male with sun-kissed skin, disheveled hair and hands in his pocket sat next to her.

Soojung scooted over to give him a bit more space, he chuckled, "It's okay, I won't sit here long."

Soojung turned her head to look at him, she blinked as she examined the latter's features. His sun-kissed skin, his sleek black, disheveled hair, his thick lips, his pointy nose along with his jawline perfectly shaped. Soojung moved down to his torso, his body also looked well-built. The latter cleared his throat, making Soojung look away, embarassed.

He lightly chuckled and asked, "Is it a good read?"

Soojung furrowed her brows, "I'm sorry?"

He pointed to the novel, "The book. Is it a good read? What is it about?"

"Oh. Oh! It's quite a good read, I enjoy it very well. Hm, it wouldn't be fun if I told you, would it? You might read it one day and already know what it's about."

He shook his head, "I don't read, so, tell me."

Soojung chuckled, "But you might."

"I won't," he said, "But I can tell you do a lot of reading."

Soojung looked at him and asked, "How so?"

He took the novel from her hands, marked her page and closed it, "Your book still looks brand new even when its closed. It shows that you take care of it," and passed it back.

Soojung smiled, "Books are my best friend."

"And cigarettes are mine. Do you mind?"

Soojung shook her head, "It's fine with me."

He took out his pack of cigarette from his pocket and picked out one and popped it in his mouth. Soojung simply looked at his every movements, her eyes following his moving hands. He kept back the pack in his pocket but doesn't light up the cigarette. Soojung questioned, "Why don't you light it up?"

"*It's a metaphor, see: you put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you dont give it the power to do its killing."

Soojung blinked, "You do read."

He chuckled, "Because that book was or probably still, famous. A good read as many had praised."

Soojung's eyes twinkled, it was bizarre to have met a guy who reads. Not really bizarre but it was hard to find a boy who reads. She asked, "What are your thoughts on it? Was it a good read to you?"

He looked at her and smiled, "Was it to you?"

Soojung slowly nodded her head, "Wasn't it to you?"

The latter flashed yet another smile and answered, "I guess, if you say so."

"But, I'm asking from your perspective. Was it a good read to you?"

He nodded, "A good read but good isn't enough."

She smiled, "Just like almost is never enough."

He looked up to the sky and asked, "Ever wondered why the stars are in the night not during the day?"

Soojung looked at him, his Adam's apple bouncing whenever he talked, Soojung asked, "Why?"

"Because in darkness, there will always be light but there is never darkness in light."

Soojung stole the cigarette from his lips, she said, "It's annoying seeing this piece of stick in your lips when you don't even smoke."

He chuckled and stood up, "You come here often?"

She shook her head, "Not everyday. Why?"

He smiled, "But now you will."

"I might not."

He continued, "You will, I know you will. I'll wait," and walked away.

Soojung called, "Wait!" His steps stopped and he turned to look at her, Soojung continued, "I don't even know your name."

He smirked, "Jongin. The name's Jongin."

author's note:

let me just tell you guys before hand. this story will be confusing cause like, this chapter is a flashback. the upcoming chapter will be in the present. and the next upcoming chapter will be another flashback. so like, it'll be switched alternately everytime i get the chance to update and like my updates would probably be only on weekends since im still schooling and if this kind of writing style confuses you then... i'm sorry. huhu. and to those who commented and also subscribed; thanks a bunch. and yes, *the fault in our stars was here. im sorry. i just like kent wait to watch the movie. it's still not out in my country. any idea where i can watch it online? bhahah. kthxbye. /throws sarangs.

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Chapter 3: yes!! theyre really fit each other!! btw i like both of them styles here. more kaistal sweet moment please and good luck for you!!
Chapter 2: Omg!! I'm definitely crazy for this type of kaistal fanfiction!! You're awesome!! Kaistal so amazing!!
Chapter 1: Update quickly please!! I'm looking forward to the next chapter so badly! Kaistal are so perfect for the angst romance story;))
ally2309 #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon ! Keep up the good work :)
Parkseyoung #5
update asap author-nim! Can't wait ^^