Snowy mountains

Not ALL girls want you
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Today you guys had decided to go snowboarding in the mountains. It was snowing really hard last night and you guys were pretty excited about it.

The first one to get up was Jackson, who was so excited to go snowboarding that he forgot to turn the hot water on and screamed bloody murder when the ice cold water hit him... Which woke up everybody. 

"Dude like why are you taking a shower at freaking 8am? We're not leaving until 11... That's like 3 hours" You groaned. 

"Well there are 10 people that are gonna get ready. So we'll all be cramped" he said. 

"We have separate hotel rooms, in case you forgot. Besides, you guys don't even take long showers." You said and Jackson rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever.. I was just excited that's all" he said and you all laughed at his pouty face. 

"Anyways since we're all awake anyways... Let's get ready and we can leave early" Jaebum said.

All the girls groaned. "You guys do that. We're going back to sleep" Hyeri said and you all walked back into your rooms. 

You laid down on the bed and wrapped yourself like a burrito again. Mark climbed up beside you and rested his head on the headboard. He watched you as you switched positions every 5 seconds, trying to be comfortable. That was until Mark decided to pull you into his arms and you finally got comfortable, and fell asleep. You guys stayed in that position although Mark wasn't asleep. He was wide awake and he was lightly playing with your hair. 

9:30am came and Mark decided to wake you up, knowing that you would probably take long trying to look for an outfit. 

"Babe, wake up." He said quietly and you groaned. You weren't full on asleep so you had heard him. 

"5 more minutes" you mumbled and he nodded, leaving you on the bed. Mark went through your suitcase and looked for something to wear. Since you guys didn't really pack anything appropriate for snowboarding, you would have to rent it. 

5 minutes later and you were still asleep. Mark sighed and went up to you and gently shook you. 

"An, it's time to wake up. Get up or you'll be late. I know you don't like rushing." He aid and this time you woke up. He was indeed right. You hated rushing but at the same hated waking up early, knowing that you had extra minutes of sleep but since you had to be all pretty, those minutes were taken away. You got up from the bed and went straight to the shower, completely forgetting that you didn't have your outfit yet. 

You got out of the shower wide awake and began looking for your clothes, only to realize you didn't have anything ready. You silently cursed and peeped out of the bathroom, scanning the room for Mark. 

"Mark baby, could you get me some clothes please? Something comfortable for skiing and snowboarding. Thank you!" You yelled out and went back to the bathroom. You blow dried your hair and a few seconds later, your door slightly opened and out popped a hand with your clothes. 

"Are these fine?" He asked. You grabbed the clothes and thanked him before changing. You finished at 10am and didn't even bother to out make up, just your eyebrows and applied lipgloss on. 

"Are you gonna shower or..?" You asked Mark and he nodded. 

"Yea I will. I'll be right back." He said and ran to the bathroom. Literally 10 minutes later he was finished. You threw him his clothes and he went back to the bathroom to change. You both were officially done around 10:25am and just relaxed for a bit and waited for Jaebum's call.

"So...have you ever snowboard or skiied before?" Your asked Mark and he nodded. 

"Just a few times.. I used to live in a coastline so there weren't really any snow. In Korea, I barely had the time to." He explained and you nodded. 

You finally got the call and the two if you headed down to the Lobby to meet up with the others. Everybody was so dressed up and excited, especially Jackson who has been awake since probably 7:30. 

"Yo!" You saluted and they did the same. The 10 of you checked everything before you had left to go to the mountain resort. 


- - - - - - 

"Waah~ this is so cool." You exclaimed. Your moth was slightly open as you stared at the scenery. Never had you been on the mountains, especially not when it was full of snow. You couldn't believe your eyes. It looked so much like a painting that you had to rub your eyes multiple times

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No update for today... Sorry very busy and super sleepy. Goodnight ❤️❤️


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Chapter 51: Lol they are so cute!!! Relationship goals the next level?
Gotnojams07 #2
Chapter 16: Omg wtf. This is hella a coincidence.i like listening to music when i read. When she was signing to playground this chapter i was listening to the song. Ahh
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 53: Nice story!!!
nunnanim #4
Chapter 3: Omg they spend more than 2000 bucks just for drinks and desserts..... omg omg. I can get 2 new iphones with that money. Heol
Linebae_93 #5
Chapter 41: you know what's funny?? Jackson is Jackson.. he always spoil the mood and always end up showing when Anna and Mark are in the middle of 'something' not to mention he never knocked on the door...silly Jackson yet so funny
Chapter 52: Hehe I find it funny how you say that you like frozen and the characters' names are like:

Anna - main character in frozen
Elsa - Anna's sister (but in your story it's Lisa XD)

But anyway~ I really like your story, it has most of my favourite themes - romantic comedy, school, gangster.

And the extreme fluffiness of the story is a real bonus considering the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic >.<
nooneshallknow #7
Okay though if I have to be honest I think Mark and Miyou fell in love too quickly so I lack of the feel during that part but overall the story is nice!! >\\\<


Ooh! And I'm happy with the mention of our country, Indonesia :)
BTSsaranghaex3 #9
Hello authornim! Can I please get ur permission to make this into a fanfic game on a chinese website? Thank you very much!~