

_I’m friend with the monster that’s under my bed_

_Get along with the voices inside of my head_

_You’re trying to save me,stop holding your breath_

_And you think I’m crazy,yeah,you think I’m crazy_



It’s been 2 years that I’m locked up here…here I am living between 4 white walls.Only sitting on bed and looking at the window.I was waiting for it…to come,and control me..Yeah they call me crazy,they say that I will never get out of here.Maybe they are right,but I don’t care…I like to be like this,it’s their fault that they don’t understand me.I am not doing anything wrong…I am doing the right thing…Just destroying the bad people.I am not wasting my time here…I smiled as I watched the trapped bird on the tree.He was trying to break free so much.

I tried it too,but I stoped.I stoped because I discovered that here,something is always comforting me in his own way.I heard the doors opened and the nurse walked in with tray in her hands.She was new and I saw how she was trembling.So they told her who I am.I smirked and looked at her,her eyes widen and she steped back and place the tray on the table instead of my hands.

‘’Y-You’re pills.’’She said quietly.I smirked and jumped from the bed and she screamed and I start to laugh at her.

‘’New nurse….we will have fun.’’I said to her with a smirk and took the pills and the full glass of water.I drank it quickly,knowing that the pills don’t have any effect on me.They can’t as he is blocking it…with his big power.

‘’D-Doctor will come…t-tonight.’’She said out and quickly took the tray and ran outside locking the doors hard.I laughed hystericaly and sat back at the bed and look again at the tree.Ahhh that stupid bird freed himself.I thought I would have fun but not with that bird.

‘’Come to me…Come to me and take me.’’I said quietly and impatiently looked at the clock.It was almost 6 in the evening and in 2 hours it will start….i know that guards outside must be praying for the night to not come,but on the other side I am calling for the dark to come sooner.I am waiting for him to get me and do with me the things he want so much.I am not crazy,he loves me,he is not using me…it’s just hard to show people now…We want to torture them so they can feel who is the boss here that I am not crazy!I wasn’t crazy at all!!!!I had good life…just I was different from others…That bastard got me here,lying to our parent’s!I will surely get one day my revenge.

I was 15 when he start to act weird.We were rich and everything was fine…My hyung and his wife was planning to have children and I was planning to confess to my brother’s friend.Yes I was in love with him…but at the end of the story he betrayed me…Like my brother.I was very smart for a 15 year old kid,I had many diplomas and our parent’s were very proud of me and that was my problem.

Our parent’s had big company and I was the one helping them even if I was so young.I was good in math so I could easly say if some other company want more money for nothing.And that was the big mistake I was making…I never knew my brother can do it..with his friend,my crush…and even brother’s wife was in it…I think my brother had enough of me…he wanted to replace me,be the best son our dad can have…he hate me but acted so sweet,helping me and taking me to trips…But soon…I saw that my parents changed and me too…

I saw things I shouldn’t…I saw shadows in the house and I was really scared of them.Often I just stayed all day in the bed covers over my head.Hiding from them…the ugly faces,voices that were saying that I will die…When I was so hungry I walked down and ate dinner with parent’s and brother…but always happened something…It was all my fault…all dinner end up on the floor and plates were broken as I threw them at the shadows.They didn’t understand me.My own parent’s looked at me with disgust…that was going on for 3 months every day was worse…I was thin as I was even afraid to eat…My older brother became the new heir of dad’s company.

.He got what he wanted…he replaced me so easly…But even that wasn’t enough..He want to get rid of me,he hated when he had to visit me as parent’s ordered him…So one day an ambulance came and took me…two well build guys in white took me away.I was screaming and trashing as the shadows were attacking me..And my family was just looking at it…I was screaming for their help but as return I got sad look.So I ended up here…at first I was tied to bed trashing all bed,only injections could calm me down…When I saw some free way I tried to run away but I never got out only to the gates when they got me again….i was trapped here.I became nothing…

I was just a doll that was controlled by the strong pills they gave me.I was just laying all day and nights on the bed…until someone came…no it wasn’t some human…it was something stronger than humans and he helped me…He saved me from this mysery I was in…We becames friends…If I was scared?No,how could i?No human,ever came to see me here and talk nice to me…Only he.I was very thankful.

After just few weeks something changed in me..I becamed stronger and nurses and doctors start to fear me.I liked it…When I walked in the cafeteria everyone start to whisper about me and look at me with scared eyes…I just smirked at them…I am so much stronger than them…I am friend with the monster that’s true but…I love him…I can’t live without him!

‘’I feel you’re thinking about me.’’I heard a demonic voice and I smiled and layed down closing my eyes.I smelled the sweet smoke around me,I was so impatient now.

‘’Yes…I need you so much.’’I whispered with a smile.I felt like the smoke went on top of my body embracing me.

‘’Ah please I missed you so much.’’I whined and heard chuckle beside my ear.He caressed my cheek and I opened my eyes and look at his beautiful face.

‘’I love you.’’He said and I smiled and kissed him hungrily,pushing him more to my body,not letting him go.I felt that the smoke turned to a very build body that was on top of me.He was all again in the black,like he was always dressed.He was kissing me back and he inside of my mouth.

‘’We have work today.’’He said and I smirked and pecked his lips.

‘’I know…the new nurse.’’I said with a smirk and he nod with a smile and layed beside me.

‘’You have time today?’’I asked him and he nod again hugging me tightly sniffing my neck.

‘’Again the strong pills.’’He murmured but I just caressed his head distracting him from the bad scent from my blood…If he’s a vampire?No…he is something more.

‘’Soon baby…we will get out…and we will have beautiful life.’’He said and my eyes sparkle and I looked at him.

‘’Really?Will you take me to your creator?’’I asked him excited and he nod and kissed him again.

‘’I will…but you know…what will I have to do than.’’He said sadly and I nod and cuddle to him.

‘’Of course baby…kill me…and I can’t wait for that…to be with you forever.’’I said to him with a smile.

‘’Heh yeah…do you want some specific death?’’He asked me and I nod and looked at him.

‘’I want scary one…like it was made by…ghost or…just you.’’I said to him with a smirk and he laughed dark and grabed fist of my hair and bring my head closer to his so our lips touched.

‘’I will give it to you…be ready baby…no one will ever forget about you.’’He said and I smirked and kissed him sloppy.

‘’We have work,I will do it now.’’He said and I nod and smiled as he came closer to me…every inch of our bodies touching…until he became,me…he went inside me and when I opened my eyes I saw world with his eyes…I saw every thing in this room.How there was still blood on the walls from previous human that was living here before me…

I walked to the doors and with easy move I opened it,even when it was locked.I walked outside to the dark hallway looking around.Oh my friends guards,they stoped moving…They give up on catching me.They are just too scared.I start to slowly walked to the secretaries room…With a smirk I opened the doors.

‘’Baby…torture her.’’I think in my head as I couldn’t talk…we had now one brain…one mind that work together.

‘’I will…she will never forget this night.’’He replied but I heard it from my own mouth…We slowly walked in and we saw only her as she had night shift and I think that other nurses were having round in the rooms of others…

‘’You shouldn’t be here alone girl.’’He said and I chuckle in my mind and we start to walk closer to her.Grabing an injection from the desk…Oh the needles were very sharp.Can pierce the skin very easly.

‘’W-What are you d-doing Luhan-sshi?’’She asked out in trembling voice.She stood up and start to walk backwards…She was so scared that we can hear her fast beating heart.

‘’Teaching you….Introducing myself to you.’’He said and we both laughed hysterically.

‘’I ma not crazy…I never been…’’He said and I knew he was angry what my brother and his wife and friend did…It wasn’t fair.’’We both think and came to her grabing her by arm and throwing at the hard floor.

‘’P-PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!’’She started to cry and yell…I laughed more and kneeled in front of her and I look at her body…This is the right sport to start.

‘’Feel how it hurts to take your blood against your will.’’He said in a demonic voice and with one move the whole needle was inside her leg and she screamed loudly and tried to push me/him.I growled at her and slaped her hard.I start to put the needle in her arms and legs…She kept screaming until the guards came and took me away. I was all the way back to room laughing hard that I was crying from it.

‘’I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME!’’I yelled while laughing hard as they locked me up again on more locks.

‘’Aahhh it was so much fun.’’I said with a smile and I layed on the bed,he quickly went out of me and layed beside me putting covers over us.

‘’Yeah it was….i think she will quit.’’He said and I chuckle and nod kissing his cheek.

‘’Thank you,that you are here for me.’’I said to him and he shook his head.

‘’No thank you….for loving me and not being scared of me.’’He said and I nod and layed my head on his chest.

‘’Do it tomorrow….i want it…I can’t do it anymore.’’I said to him and he hummed.

‘’I will….don’t be scared…it will be quick…body is just nothing,the soul is important.’’He said and I nod and closed my eyes.

‘’Let’s sleep.’’I said and we both soon fell asleep..In the morning I was again alone.

‘’Luhan-sshi…you know that you aren’t okay.’’Doctor said but I just smiled at him.

‘’I am completely fine…today…there will be a party.’’I said to him and he had worried look on his face.

‘’With that Sehun again?’’He said and I nod and blushed.

‘’Yeah…tonight…we will get out..and be free.’’I said to him excited and he just stood up and gave me pills.

‘’Doctor maybe…you will find your own monster too.’’I said to him and he sadly look and walked outside locking the doors.I laughed and layed down.

‘’Sehunaaaaahhh I miss you baby.’’I whined and smiled as I heard his chuckle in my head.

‘’You know that I hate day light…don’t call me baby…you know I miss you too.’’He said in my head and I pout.

‘’Still…we can just talk like this.’’I said to him and he sighed.

‘’I have to be strong for todays task.’’He said and I nod.

‘’Than let’s sleep together now.’’I said and could imagine his nod.

‘’Ok baby…sleep.’’He said and we both fell asleep…I was woken by him…by his strong grip on my neck.I opened my eyes and saw him…I smiled and he pushed me down on the floor and sat on top of me.

‘’Kill me.’’I breathed hard out as his hand was on my neck.He smirked and took a knife from his pocket…He start to slice it on my arms the load of blood coming out.I moaned at the feeling and closed my eyes with a smile.

‘’Yeah baby..just like that…you know what should you do now.’’I said to him in a gasps and he nod and slice my legs and arms…and the last slice was under my neck.

‘’I love you.’’Were my last words before the darkness and light came to me.

No one’s pov:

The night was dark and the hallways too..In the dead silence you can hear that someone is walking and with him some sack or…maybe more…That dark and demonic creature came to the middle of the play room that was the biggest.He made a big circle with the death body that he was holding with just one hand…He made a bloody circle and star inside of the circle.He than bent down and kissed the bloody lips of the death body…

He than placed it inside of the circle and took out his lighter from the pocket…He than put it on the blood that made it into flames…The smell of the blood was more evident in the air…Soon the nurses came and whole hospital was filled with horrific screams.The man in black just screamed and dissapeard in the air…Slowly walking to his ex-human pray..His Luhan..

Luhan’s pov:

‘’Oh baby I feel so fresh…’’I said while I was looking at my death body that was in flames.All the staff was looking at the horrific sight of my body…They now knew that…I wasn’t the one crazy.

‘’Sehun…we have work to do…I think…we should visit my dear Changmin and Jonghyun….they will pay for what they did.’’I said angrily and Sehun smiled and both our eyes turned red.

‘’Yeah…well…we are the death…we can kill who we want.’’He said and I smirked and we both vanished in the air…We will never part away..He saved me from that prison…We have all eternity in front of us.

1 year later no one’s pov:

‘’Dr Kim!That room…I heard it’s cursed.’’Some old women said holding her son’s hand in her hand.

‘’Don’t worry…That boy had schizophrenia…he killed himself not some monster.’’The doctor said with a smile and look at the boy that was all dressed in black and had pierced lips and a visible tattoo on his shoulder.

‘’He is on drug’s right?’’The doctor asked and the women nod worriedly looking at her son who was glaring at people that walked passed him.

‘’He will be fine…in two month he will be out…if he will have the will.’’The doctor said and the women nod and bid goodbye to her son.

‘’Come Tao…we have room for you.’’The doctor said and lead the young boy to the room…that was for one year closed…the room of popular schizophrenic boy Xi Luhan.

‘’This room..Is like a prison.’’The boy said and looked around at the white walls.

‘’Yes…but…when we see you’re getting better…we will give you other room.’’The doctor said with a smile and leaved the patient alone to get used to the new place.

‘’This will be horrible…drug’s how I miss you.’’He whined and layed on the bed.

‘’It’s not that horrible if you think…you can have friend…like me.’’Some dark voice said and the boy frowned.

‘’Who are you?’’He asked and sat up looking at the dark shadow on the wall.

‘’Me?Wu Yifan….your…friend.’’The shadow chuckle and the new boy…smiled.

‘’Hi…new friend.’’The boy said with a smirk.

                                            THE END

Okkkk so this just poped in my head suddenly while listening to Rihanna’s and Eminem’s monster….I hope you like it..I know it’s a bit dark and if you don’t get what Luhan experienced is real or not..I can make a sequel about Luhan when he was home…


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Chapter 1: Omo omo omo! This story is so psychological and deep, and mysterious and..just DAEBAK!!! Amazing work^^ Fighting fighting! Najlepsie! ;) :D Hoping you'll write a sequel!^^
tinado58 #2
This is love this story unlike others this one is deep and thought out... I hope you're making a sequel!
Chapter 1: Ohmygerd that was THE BEST songfic i ever read!!! We need a sequel for Taoris and the have Taoris and Hunhan meet up and /explosion effect/ PERFECTION!!!! This story was great!
Chapter 1: *for taoris
Chapter 1: OMG PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL FIR TAORIS!!!!! Loved this so much! >///<
Chapter 1: Nice story authornim,really like it ! ^^
yojeong #7
Chapter 1: iiiiiiing awesome! OMG I LOVE IT! Do the sequel for both hunhan and taoris!!
Chapter 1: I like this one it's soo interesting and i don't think I can really explain it.
EXOtics97 #9
Woaah this story was cool in a unqie way *_*
I love the song and I loved this fic it deffently deserves more viewers
Chapter 1: Ah this was fun to read. Very interesting *laughs*
Please make a sequel ^^ It would be fitting to this story (: