Looking for the Light


Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol have been friends since they could even remember. So what happens when one of them hides a secret from the other two? This secret doesn't just effect their friendship, but it also effects their love life, especially one certain couple since one of them forgets to keep his promise. 



A/N: Hey cuties!

This is my very first fanfic and for some reason I'm planning to make it pretty long (so much for starting off small heheh^^)

I'm still new at this whole thing so please dont have high expectations haha (I dont even know what "A/N" means... don't judge XD)

So sorry if it's not that good... It's seems pretty good to me so far (but hey, what do i know about life?)

Anyways I really hope you'll like it



“Jongin?” Kyungsoo said softly

“Yes, Kyungie?”

“Look out there and tell me what you see,”

‘Uhmm.. okay,” Kai stood up from the log and stepped forward. “Uhh… I see... the city?”

“Keep going” 

“okay… the mountains, bright lights-”

“Yes,” Kyungsoo smiled. He got up and stood next to Kai “Now Jongin?”

“What is it Kyungsoo?”

“Do you see anything missing?”

"No, I dont think so"

Why won't he remember? he promised me.


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Chapter 6: Just done reading from the beginning to end(chap6) it's an interesting story,. More KAISOO please :)
hmm, in curious about the secrets of luhan and yeollie,.and what is the thing that kai forget that kyunggie's want him to remember??who is the guy that the girl(hyeri) talking about.?who is minhyuk here??oh my so many questions that i want know the answer,.i hope it will be answered sooner,.update please,.thanks, :)

wishful_promises #2
Chapter 6: I like all the songs you've mentioned, and we share the same B.A.P biases too *-* WHERE HAVE I BEEN ALL THIS TIME LIVING IN SYDNEY AND NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE CONCERT!?


Anyways, this chapter had a lot of things going on considering that you think it's short, so it's all good, really! Keep it up, I suppose! We can live with waiting for chapters as long as they're not rushed :D
Chapter 5: yehet more hunhan pwease and update neh
12011401 #4
No kailu or chankai or sekai or kaibaek right?
wishful_promises #5
Chapter 4: The secret has something to do with that little scene with kid!Kyungsoo and his mom, I'm guessing? Anyways, I'll really be looking forward to the next few chapters, then. I really want to know what it is now :D
orangetoken #6
Chapter 2: This is a really interesting story so far.... I really want to know what happened between luhan and jongin as well as what is going to happen bewtween kyungsoo and jongin... I shall wait patiently for your next update! Belated happy birthday then author-nim! Great job so far!
wishful_promises #7
Chapter 2: J-Hope spam all over my twitter and tumblr even now, days after xD So I'm guessing (because I like guessing things, even if they're never right) that Luhan and Chanyeol found out or saw something they shouldn't have about Kai and that something would affect Kai's relationship with Kyungsoo. Or maybe something even happened with Luhan/Chanyeol and Kai themselves.

Kai made a promise to Kyungsoo during their early days of dating that he obviously forgot, or it was made way earlier before they even started dating, before they even became proper friends, and Kai still forgot about it. And it has something to either do with the scenery, or the atmosphere, or maybe even something simple but means a lot to Kyungsoo.

And then of course, no trouble in paradise yet for BaekYeol and HunHan, but that's going to change soon, isn't it?

I'll be waiting patiently for the next update then~