Chapter 8

drosselmeyer doll

"Kris, I swear to God, you cant tell people how to treat their dolls." Chanyeol tore in the second they were on their way home.

"I wasn't." he countered. "I was giving facts. The technician was hurting him unnecessarily."

"I know it seems cruel, but the technicia-"

"Didn't wait for the medicine to work. He gave it, but he didn't wait."

Chanyeol went quiet at that, lips pursed into a tight line. "You have proof?"

"I am not a security unit. I can record and hold information, but I cannot replay those images back to you the way a security unit can." Kris informed.

"But you have proof?" he repeated.

"I do." he confirmed.

"Look...I can't promise anything, but I'll talk to Sehun, see what he says about all this." he sighed, "but Kris, you've got to quite meddling. I get you have a protective drive in you, but other units aren't your concern."

"Noted, Mas-" he paused at Chanyeol's stern glance, "Chanyeol." he corrected. "will we be going anywhere else today?"

"We? No. I have other things to do, but I thnk it's best you stayed home."

"You're angry." he noted, "You do not wish me to comment on what was seen." he went on, commiting it to memory. He had much to learn about his Master's behavior, for all he learned and recorded, there were still many other nuances within his behavior he had to learn. He let out a sigh of his own.

Chanyeol pulled the car up to the curb outside the complex. "I truly need to get going, I trust you can get yourself back into the condo?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, just....just go back and check the messages for me: work and personal. Record what's important for me. I'll be home late, so you can just shut yourself down once everything's done." he ordered. 

Kris nodded in understanding, shutting the door and stepping back to let Chanyeol pull away. The security doll maning the gate spared him a brief glance, there was a flicker of recognition, and the doll went back to what she had been doing, a blue visor flicker over her eyes.

"Kris! Hey Kris!" 

He paused: Chen. 

He hastened his strides. Orders. He had orders, yes.


Minseok. He stopped, turning to face the other Master.

"Oh sure, stop for him, I see how it is."

"I doubt that." Kris deadpanned before he could censor himself. He froze, eyes snapping to Minseok, only to find the other Master was grinning.

Chen stared in open mouthed shock. "What?! I think he just insulted me! Did he just insult me?!" Chen demanded, arms flailing as he whirled back on Minseok.

"Chen, you have such a way with making friends." Minseok teased.

"I hardly know him!" he whined, pouting. "Have you been speaking to D.O? I bet you have."

"D.O? No..I met Kai." he corrected. D.O wasn't someone he recognized in his system.

"Ooooh, did you now? Bet that was fun. Meeting the junk heap."

"Chen." Minseok snapped. Chen shrugged, smirking, but added nothing further. It was true, and they all knew it. Kai was on limited time.

"It was nice seeing you, but Master Chanyeol is out, please excuse me, but I have things to d-"

"I'm sure you do. I actually have some stuff of Chanyeol's to return." Minseok chirped, holding up a backpack. Kris held out his hand, making Minseok chuckle. Kris didn't understand the humor. "Sorry, but it's personal. He wouldn't want you handling it." Minseok smiled, not unkindly. "May we come up with you?" he asked. 

Kris contemplated for a moment before nodding in acceptance. Minseok was a friend of Chanyeol's.

"I'll take care of this." Minseok declared when they arrived, already slipping off further into the condo and going right for Chanyeol's home office. That was not alright.

"Master Minseok, plea-" he began, making to follow him, to stop him.

"So, how's Kai?" Chen cut off, stepping in front of him, beaming broadly. Kris jumped, startled at the other popping so suddenly before him. 

"He's not well, please, I need to go." he tried breaking off as he tried to skirt around Chen, only to find the persistant doll moving with him, "Step aside." he ordered. This was his residence.

Chen rolled his eyes. "Please, what are you going to do? You're no security doll, I'm not scared of you. You're just a big puppy." he grinned. "So what do you mean by not "well", hm?" he prompted. "Kai and I go way back. Man you should have seen him when he was in better working order!" Chen prattled on.

"he broke down-was broken down when Master Chanyeol and I went to visit Master Sehun."

"you can drop the "Master" you know. It's annoying. Just say Sehun."

"Denied." it was rude, hell no. "Your programing and your Master may allow the proper title dropped, but-"

"God, who gave you such a stuffy chip? You're kinda a buzz kill." Chen tsked. "ah, well!" he chirped, bouncing back.

"Papa had me designe-"

"Ew. Right there. Stop. No. "Papa"? The creator? Cannot unhear." he shuddered, giving a mock wretch. 

Kris scowled. "As I was saying Papa gave me best designing and technology of the time."

"And it was all wasted on you. Yes, yes, spare me. All I've learned today is Kai's in pain: again, and you: who were boastingly given such vast technology to be a glorified house unit."

"Kai was being fixed." sort of. "And I am not a house unit. I'm a model unit and Master's personal assistant. I do a lot and-why am I entertaining this? What sort of model are you anyway?" he challenged, eyes narrowing. 

"Pissy aren't you? I prefer you like this, though i suppose it's your programing making you so defensive. In any case, if Kai's being fixed, will he be back on his feet soon?"

By God, Chen was switching topics so quickly! There was no rhyme or reason to the erratic dolls flow of conversation! "Doubtful, the technician fixing him wasn't very good." Kris recalled, bringing the earlier images back up and replaying them for himself to get every detail back. "Kai cried a lot and the technician didn't wait for the medication to work. I told them all as much." not that it had seemed to do any good. "The Masters trust that he's in good hands." he assumed anyway. Though his own Master had been a bit odd in the car.

"They always do, but hey, it's all about getting us upgraded and our joints well maintained."

"Of course." that was an accurate summary...oh. "Oh...I see now." he winced. He was far out of line. At the time he'd only been so focused on anothers discomfort...stupid. Very stupid. He'd let his health programming take too much control at the time. 

"Oh? Oh?" Chen repeated.

"I interferred...oh dear. I was quite rude." Kai wasn't a human Master, he was a doll, like him. He should have ignored.

"Interfered with what?" Minseok cut in, returning.

"Kai's fixing." the technician had been right to rebuke him.

"The jackass technician apparently didn't wait for the medicine to work before he started "fixing" him." Chen supplied helpfully.

Minseok looked to Kris, and he couldn't identify the emotion on Minseok's face. "Is that true?" he inquired. 

"Yes, but I'm sure it's alright now. It isn't my place to share more. I'm sorry."

"Dont be. Chen, come on. Please let Chanyeol know I came by." Minseok chirped as he and Chen headed out.

"Full lock down." he ordered the Condo's security unit once they were gone. The computarized voice announcing the confirmation of the orders as Kris padded down the hall to Chanyeol's home office. His business machine was there, and those seemed more prudent to hear than what was on the personal machine. Nothing. Even so, he hit 'play', just for confirmation.

'There are no new messages. Would you like to to hear all messages?' the computarized woman inquire.

"No." he allowed. Nothing. Strange, but, it did happen.

'Affirmtive". she chirped back as he headed out, shutting the door. On the personal machine, Chanyeol had several messages from friends, but nothing urgent. Suho requesting to meet. Baekhyun wanting a movie he let Chanyeol borrow back...he sorted them as best he could in terms of request importance.

Once that was done, he went about retidying up the condo, taking stock of inventory again when the house announced Chanyeol's return. Earlier than anticipated. 

"Chanyeol." he greeted quickly, "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine, some things got pushed aside. Anything of note?"

"Chen and Minseok stopped by, Minseok had some things to return...he insisted upon taking care of them himself." whatever they were, but Chanyeol didn't appear bothered in the slightest. So it must be acceptable. 

"He always does." he confirmed. "Messages?"

"Nothing on the business machine. On personal, Suho would like to see you soon and Baekhyun wants a movie returned." he informed.

"Speaking of Suho, I actually just saw him, so you can disregard that request. Do you rememer Tao?"

"Tao?" he was drawing a blank.

"The night of my party, when I got you..."

"Sorry, but I do not." he was so focused on his Papa and then his new Master.

"Ah, well." he brushed off, "Tao's a top notch security unit. If you aren't opposed, i asked Suho if Tao could connect into your main server to pull the images from earlier today from you." 

"take them?"

"oh you'd still have them, it's more like he'd be able to copy them from you. I figure it's the easiest way to show Sehun."

Kris balked. "You want to? But...meddling? I was wrong. Kai's only a doll."

"Sehun cares about him, I think he'd want to know. If nothing else, he can start searching for a new technician for Kai." Chanyeol shrugged. That and it pissed him off. Dolls had pain receptors. They understood that, so working away like what Kris was claiming had been done was inexcusable.

"If...if you would like me to....then I can allow Tao to access my server." however personal that was for him. 

"Perfect." Chanyeol grinned. "I'll set up a time for us to get together then." 

"Of course." he agreed, allowing himself to smile back.

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Chapter 9: This is so good, i wished you could continue this fic 😢
Chapter 9: lol back again. had to reread everything all over again, but still satisfying like all the other times i had reread this.

author, i hope you are doing fine and maybe will return someday. no pressure though
Loving #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad you updated! <3 can't wait to see how the story progresses...
90hanako #4
Chapter 9: omg! you update!
I like it...look like chanyeol start to accept kris.
chen and kris interaction is gold...I love their banter:)
Chapter 8: Love it! I wonder how long it's going to take for them to realise that they're made out of real people. I'm sure that will be a shock.

And can I just say, I love Chen's character in this so much!
Chapter 7: oh my God! this story is me in, poor kai ;;;;;, it almost feel like they hurting a puppy damm.its heart wrenching. and to someone who sideeyeing people with dolls, chanyeol is no better than them. i hope next chap he to realize that the dolls are once a complete human being. thank you for this great piece, author, your writing is beautiful
joanna20 #7
Chapter 7: Welcome back ;-) the thechnician is bullying kai just bcz he is a bot. Poor kai!!!!
Chapter 7: thank you for coming back!! I missed this story so much you have no idea!
chanyeol is so cold towards kris it hurts, I just hope he can be more gentle.. kris is trying his best but with chanyeol being cold towards him won't help their relationship. I see Kris is getting frustrated, he should have broken down if he was a human being treated like that.
and poor kai, he is in pain. I hope kai and kris will be best friends!~
Phoenix-inDra-around #9
Chapter 7: OMG you've had come back!!!!!! I'm so happy to see you again;!!!!