chapter 6

drosselmeyer doll

"It was awkward. No more than that. It was suffocating. It had been four days already since he'd taken the doll home, but he was finding himself doing his best to avoid going home at all. The presence of the doll was disconcerting, where he was used to silence and being alone, there was still silence, but now a new figure had taken residence in his home, and Chanyeol wasn't even sure where to begin.

"Welcome home master." K|Z15 called the second he stepped inside his home.

"I told you not to call me that." he grit out as he kicked off his shoes, giving the doll a wide berth as he walked over to straighten his shoes for him.

"What else am I to call my master then?" he countered, lips pursing in a tight frown as he straightened back up arms crossing.

"Just..Chanyeol, just call me Chanyeol." he snapped, the doll's eyes seemed to flicker, so fast Chanyeol thought he'd imagined it as it gave a nod in understanding.

"Chanyeol, what ar--" he began, but Chanyeol ignored him as he stalked by him and into the kitchen, tearing through the cup boards. 

"What did you do to my pans? Where are they?" he demanded.

"Over there." the doll quipped, pointing at another cupboard on the opposite side of the kitchen. "Your system was disorganized, I rearranged for you while you were gone. This cupboard was deeper, so I--"

"I don't need the explanation, why would you move my ? I didn't tell you to."

"You haven't told me to do anything!" K|Z15 protested.

"Exactly! I don't want you going through my stuff."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" he countered.

"Nothing!" Chanyeol barked. "I don't want you to do anything." taking a deep breath to calm himself down, this was all so damn disconcerting.

K|Z15 cocked his head to the side, eyes following Chanyeol's movements as he stalked off towards his bedroom. "Chanyeol--" he began, cut off by the sound of a door slamming. He winced. If Chanyeol was so displeased at his organization of the kitchen, he didn't want to know what he thought of the organization of his closet.

"Where the hell is my stuff?" Chanyeol demanded as he strode out of his room, voice clipped and level.

"According to fashion standards set by the industry, I"m afraid you were wearing clothes years out of date." he began. "I left you attire that is stylish and can be mixed and matched well together. Such things as combat boots, bell bottoms, ripped and frayed jeans, stained t-shirts, and the like I had removed from the premises."

"My hats?" he prodded.

"Stacked upon the top shelf. Those that were too old I had removed as we--" he stopped as Chanyeol gave a strangled yell.

"You threw out one of my favorite hats!"

"Which one?" the doll balked.

"Black and white, had an insigna in the middle." he described. "Ringing any bells."

"It was so dirty!" he protested.

"I never--" he broke off, "Why on Earth would you go through my things?"

"I informed my mas-Chanyeol yesterday of my intent. You gave a grunt of acknowledgment. Having your approval I commenced cleaning this morning upon waking. All unsuitable clothes, hats, and other deemed ruined or outdated things were then properly disposed of."

"I need a drink." Chanyeol declared. This was just too nuts.

"Inventory of alcohol was taken earlier: you have a quarter of Jack's and two warm beers in the pantry. Should I fetch more?" 

"No, no, you've done enough, something." he dismissed as he fished out his phone. He needed a drink, and company, real company.

The doll simply stood there. "What am I to do?"

"I don't know, just something!" Chanyeol huffed.

"Your orders are contradictory, you told me you want me to do nothing, and now I'm supposed to do something, but you wont say what, therefore, I am asking for clarification."

"Just, go clean a bathroom or something." Chanyeol dismissed. "I'm going out."

"Should I prepare dinner as well?"

"I'll eat out, so the bathroom and that's it. Understood?" He pressed, waiting until the doll gave a nod of acknowledgement before he his heels and stalked out of his apartment once more.

It wasn't like he intended to go to the bar, but he needed a drink. He needed to relax, away from that, that doll. Everywhere he glanced it had appeared as if, for every person, they had their personalized doll trodding after them clinging to them like a second shadow, and he couldn't picture himself becoming that way with the one he had, not now, not ever. He refused to become like that, so dependent upon a humanoid slave. Fishing out his phone, he sent a barrage of texts out to his friends. If there was one thing he hated, it was being alone, and the only thing worse than that, was drinking alone.

It was hours later, after Baekhyun and his posse answered his call, and he weathered the teasing of being chased out of his home by his own doll, that he found himself at a club, dancing out upon the floor, his body pressed flush upon his partner's, a young woman,  wearing a tight corset and equally tight black leather pants that showcased her figure. Losing himself to the buzz of alcohol and the promise of more to come, he found himself answering her siren's call, following after the promise of more to come hidden in her gaze and the way her lips twisted upwards.

"Your place or mine?" she purred, leaning close, her perfume invading his senses, and as his lips descended over hers, he allowed passion to reign over his senses.

"Mast---" the droids words cut off as they took in the scanntily clad woman plastered to Chanyeol's side. "You have a guest." he noted.

"Oh my have a bot? ." the woman laughed, her steps shaky and sending her back to Chanyeol's side. 

"Yeah...don't mind him." Chanyeol brushed off as he led her further down into the hall.

"This is most unsanita--"

"Shut up...go...clean something or...yeah...Just....i'm busy." chanyeol slurred as he stumbled back and into his room before slamming the door shut and leaving his doll standing alone in the living room as he gazed around the condo. 

"Clean what?!" he balked. He had spent the entire previous day cleaning-only to be scolded for doing so, and now he was being told to do more? The orders were overlapping, but even so the place was still pristine from his earlier work. He gave a scoff as he set himself about taking stock of Chanyeols' grocery levels.

All in all, he thought he managed very well, but when his master did not rise at his usual time he took it upon himself to check in on the other. The woman, he found was already up-her hair disheveled and clothes wrinkled. Even so, he had not been asked to assist her as he kept his gaze focused on Chanyeol. The blankets pooling at his lower back, one arm tucked under his body and the other sprawled out to the side. A door shutting and a computerized male voice announcing a departure, but he ignored it as he stopped beside his master's sleeping form.

"The time is now 11:32 am on Saturday morning. You have missed breakfast and I must note that this is a very unhealthy lifestyle. I repeat the time is now 11:32 am on Saturday morning and your lifestyle is unhealthy." he qupped as Chanyeol gave a low groan, brows furrowing as his rolled over onto his side, the bed sheets dipping lower. "you're ." the doll noted dryly as Chanyeol d blindly for a pillow before pressing it over his head.

"go 'way." a muffled voice retorted making the doll sigh before his eyes flickered to a bright blue as his scanners raked over his master, looking for anything amiss. "There seems to be a slight cranial abnormality." he noted.

"Headache jackass." chanyeol hissed as he heard the doll move away, and for a few moments he knew peace before the dolls voice came again.

"Up. You cannot take medicine lying down as you are with a pillow over your head. That will not alleviate your symptoms. However, should you sit up and drink some water and take the medicine I offer as prescribed, that might." the doll goaded.

 Chanyeol heaved himself up with a sigh, the urge to vomit growing stronger as cracked his eyes open. "What the hell is all of this?" He asked dryly as he eyed the line of pills, each placed in their own little plastic cup, a glass of water behind them on the nightstand.


"This," the doll began, pointing to the nearest pill, "is for your headache. That one," he added, pointing to the second blue pill, "is for your skin. The small clear pearl pill is vitamin are deficint, and the orange is vitimin C."  He finished.

Chanyeol heaved a sigh as he flopped back himself back down to the bed, once more covering his head with his pillow.

"You have only recently risen, it is not time for slee--"

"Go. Away." chanyeol ordered, words muffled through the pillow, but the doll ceased his chastizing, obeying the order as he his heels and promptly left his masters bedroom.

Chanyeol let himself lay there for several more minutes before his phone rang, and with a groan, he reluctantly left the makeshift haven he had created to for his cell phone, lying on the nightstand. "Minseok, this better be important." Chanyeol huffed as his friends form flickered on the small screen.

"Bad night I take it?" he giggled.

"You've no idea." he assured.

"The doll? Or something else?" Minseok inquired.

"Both, I don't know what I'm's like inviting a stranger to be my roomate."

"it gets better....have you named him yet?" Minseok prompted.

"no? Do I have too?"

"It makes things a lot easier. Tell you what, Chen and I are in the area, we'll pop over and help you come up with one!" he offered, grinning at the idea.

"Have at it. You can name him."

Minseok rolled his eyes, "Oh really. Get with the times Chanyeol. Naming your doll is the least you could do for him. Besides, I'm telling you, once you name him, it gets easier."

"How so?"

"For one, you dont' have to keep saying "him" or "the doll" when addressing him. Giving him a makes them seem more..."

"Human?" Chanyeol supplied.

"Yes and no, it makes it more personal. Gives them something to call there own and really solidifies the partnership. Does that make sense?"

"Not really." chanyeol shrugged. Minseok sighed.

"I'm no good at explaining thi---"

"Master, master, master, I see the complex!" Chen's voice chirped in the background. 

"Thank you, Chen." Minseok quipped back politely before focusing his attention back on Chanyeol. "We'll be up shortly." he chirped. "So please get dressed. I'd rather not scar Chen." Minseok chirped. Chanyeol gave a strangled yelp, Minseok's laughter the last thing he heard as he cut the line, face flushed in embarrasment as he dragged the covers back up his chest.

When the door chimed minutes later, the computerized voice resonating throughout the condo of a guests arrival, the doll was already on it, opening the door to admit the guests.

"Still tall as ever." Chen chirped as he helped himself inside, sliding past the other doll.

"May I take your coat?" K|Z15 offered to Minseok.

"You may." Chen cut in, as he handed his over to the other doll, who glanced from Chen back to Minseok. "Don't think too hard on it big guy. You might short circut." Chen chuckled as he pat the dolls shoulder.

"Chen, be nice." Minseok abomished lightly. "I can take care of my own coat, thank you." He declined politely. "Is Chanyeol decent?" he inquired.

"I have not checked as I was dismissed from his room. I will inquire. Please make yourselves at home." the doll instructed before padding off.

"Top of the line isn't he? And dull to boot. Do all new models have no personality?" Chen pondered.

"Chen." Minseok spoke with a sigh.

"Im not saying I hate him." Chen pouted. "Just that he's dull...a dull giant."

"Oh he has a peronality." Chanyeol huffed as he strode into the room. "A very irritating, high maintanence one." he snorted, his doll only a few steps behind.

"I protest your belief that it was my intention to upset you." The doll frowned.

"Oh no what did he do?" Minseok inquired.

"Do tell." Chen quipped, earning a small jab to his side from Minseok.

"He threw away good clothes, and several of my hats. Including my favorite because they weren't "fashionable"." he quoted, making the doll squawk in indignation.

"They were disgusting! Who wears polka dots?!" he protested. "That fashion was from several centuries ago!"

Chen blinked, eyes going wide for a moment before he burst out laughing."I take it back. You're not dull. You're great."

Chanyeol glared, "Shut up, Chen."

The other doll just grinned back. 

"So, names?" Minseok prompted.

"No idea." Chanyeol reaffirmed. "And i'm not sure I want hi--"

"Well that's too late." Minseok brushed off. "You're stuck with him."

"No, I could always return hi--"

"And then your uncle will scrap him." Minseok deadpanned, cutting him off quickly.

"Scrap him? No, he'd just resel-"

"Did you not hear your uncle? He made the dolls for you, exclusively. If you don't like him, he wont put him back on the market. Everything in that doll, was made and meant to cater to you." Minseok stated as he sat himself down at the dining room table. "Some drinks please, Chen, assist." he ordered, dismissing the two dolls.

"My master hasn--"

"Come on big guy, let me show you how the masters like their drinks." Chen cut off the others protests as he took him by the arm and led him away. Once gone, Minseok turned his attention to Chanyeol.

"Your uncle has already scrapped the other dolls you didn't pick." he informed.

"How do you know that?"

"I work there. That's how. While it's true most places would just have the dolls memory wiped and re-sell them as used units, your uncle customized the dolls very system to you. There isn't anything to "wipe", the skill sets would be the same. Memories aside, you know how much time and effort it would cost any refurbishing store to go through and add in new skill sets. It wouldn't be worth it. Not for them, and not for your uncle. Not when he's been so tailored, so specifically to your interests and style. So, let me ask you again, knowing he'd be destroyed, do you still want to give him back?" he pressed.

Chanyeol frowned, biting his lip. He didn't like the doll...but he didn't want it destroyed either. It was a new unit, and he hated the idea of being wasteful...moreso, while he didn't particularly enjoy the dolls company, he didn't hate it either. "No..." he conceeded, and once more Minseok's cheery smile returned.

"Good...then about names." he trailed off with a laugh.

"Well hold on...even if i can't return him, I could sell him?"

"You could, but then you'd be looking for a very specific owner. One who likes fashion, --" he broke off with a laugh as Chanyeol sputtered, "basketball, and whatever other kinks and interests you may have." he trailed off, unbothered. "I don't know much about his personality. But I may have had Chen download some files on him into his system. So, I know that this personality, is something you described as wanting in a partner."

"I wanted boring and dull?" he deadpanned.

Minseok shrugged. "I havent gone through it all. You know what you want, not me." he sniffed. "I just had Chen tell me the most important points. The point, however, is you'd be hunting for a very specific person for him....and do you really want to make that your project? You"ve hardly had him for three weeks. And for someone like you, so content to be an old man and deny all advances in technology, that isn't long enough at all. So.....what are you thinking?" he prompted again. Refusing to let it drop.And when Chanyeol protested again, Minseok was ready to spin it back around on him.

"You're kidding?!" Chen's voice boomed from the kitchen. There was a crashing of dishes before the door to the dining room tore back open. A wide cheshire grin on Chen's face. "You had a booty call!" he accused, pointing animatedly at Chanyeol. 

"Wha-?! Damn it, doll!"

"a name would also help when wanting to yell at him." Minseok giggled. "A booty call?" he asked Chen.

"According to the giant." Chen confirmed.

"It was not a booty call she wa--" Chanyeol cut himself off with a flush as his doll peered around the corner of the doorframe.

"It was an unsanitary nightly companion." he stated firmly.

"you told Chen?? Chen?!" he repeated.

"Oh relax, we were just having a conversation." Chen grinned. "And I have to say...really? A bar chick? Don't those girls have a bunch of fake upgrades and daddy issues?" he laughed.

Chanyeol hid his head in his hands. "Someone kill me." he groaned. Chen, the loudmouth doll knew he'd had a one night stand, no thanks to his own doll.

"Nope, it's funner to keep you around." Minseok chirped. A small series of small beeps caught there attention, eyes flickering to Chen who had gone rigid. 

"Sir, you have an appointment to keep." he stated flatly, eyes glazed over with a grey sheen before the light faded and Chen shook his head. "Blegh, I hate appointment reminders. Stupid system over ride." he huffed, making Minseok give a small smile as he stood up. 

"It seems I must be tell me what name you decide on." he tossed out to Chanyeol. "Come, Chen." he called. As the doll bounded off to collect their coats.

"Bye, bye! See you next time!" Chen called in parting .

Once the door was closed, Chanyeol rounded back on his doll. "You really had to tell him?"

"He asked what my master did for I have not observed anything, I merely pointed that out, but affirmed that you partook of casual as he seemed to have the notion that you did nothing. And I stand by my claim that such casual with strangers is both disgusting and dangerous. Dating and courtship seem to be the more acceptable norms....or else shallow flirtations in the event of scoring...but bar girls?" he asked.

"So glad to know you have a personality after all." Chanyeol groaned, eyes landing back on the dolls barcode. "Say...if I gave you the choice....what would you call yourself?" he asked.

"I need not call myself anything."

"but if you could." he pressed. "What name would you like?"

"What name does my master prefer? Whatever my master prefers is what I would gladly call myself."

"Oh my god...forget it...come here." he ordered as he stood up, when the doll was before him he circled around him, gently brushing the hair back along his neck to get a better view of the barcode. "K|Z15....K....." he mused, eyes slowly roving over the combination of letters and numbers. "Kevin, Kurt, Ken...." he listed, unable to keep from smiling a little as the doll's lips curled. "Don't like those? See, this is why I asked." he pointed out. "kristopher,...kris?" he tried. "Your barcode kinda looks like the name anyway..." he trailed. He was no good at this crap, but calling him "doll" was getting old...and he'd rather not call him "the giant" as Chen seemed prone to doing.

"Kris?" the doll repeated, lips pressing in a firm line, eyes flickering blue. "Kris." he repeated again, more certainly as he gave a slight nod. "I find the name acceptable." he agreed. "Is this the name you will call me?" he asked.

"yeah...I think so."

Kris gave a slow nod, eyes glazing over as a blue hue lit up around the irises of his eyes, little streaks of blue shooting through the the irises towards the pupil where they vanished. He blinked once and the light faded. "Identification updated and saved. ID: Kris. Model unit: K|Z15. Owner: Chanyeol." he listed, prattling off the home number and address to confirm the information.

"Alright, that we have that out of the way finally....what would you say to tagging along to the gym?" He still wasn't comfortable with the doll....but he had to it a name was already an improvement to talking to it. And if he was going to be stuck with it for a while...he may as well see how well his Uncle had done in its design.


a/n: OTL. I've been gone so long. New job, new doctors, new everything. Sorry guys, this chapter . However, I know it's been so, SO, long since I've even updated this. You guys deserved something. I can't promise when the chapter will be up...I'm really straped for time with my new job, but I haven't abandoned this story. If you have any questions about it, or the world, etc, feel free to ask and if it isn't too spoilery, I may answer, especially since I know it's slow going and I'd like to do something for you guys while you wait. Again I'm so sorry with the delays, but I hope you enjoy!



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Chapter 9: This is so good, i wished you could continue this fic 😢
Chapter 9: lol back again. had to reread everything all over again, but still satisfying like all the other times i had reread this.

author, i hope you are doing fine and maybe will return someday. no pressure though
Loving #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad you updated! <3 can't wait to see how the story progresses...
90hanako #4
Chapter 9: omg! you update!
I like it...look like chanyeol start to accept kris.
chen and kris interaction is gold...I love their banter:)
Chapter 8: Love it! I wonder how long it's going to take for them to realise that they're made out of real people. I'm sure that will be a shock.

And can I just say, I love Chen's character in this so much!
Chapter 7: oh my God! this story is me in, poor kai ;;;;;, it almost feel like they hurting a puppy damm.its heart wrenching. and to someone who sideeyeing people with dolls, chanyeol is no better than them. i hope next chap he to realize that the dolls are once a complete human being. thank you for this great piece, author, your writing is beautiful
joanna20 #7
Chapter 7: Welcome back ;-) the thechnician is bullying kai just bcz he is a bot. Poor kai!!!!
Chapter 7: thank you for coming back!! I missed this story so much you have no idea!
chanyeol is so cold towards kris it hurts, I just hope he can be more gentle.. kris is trying his best but with chanyeol being cold towards him won't help their relationship. I see Kris is getting frustrated, he should have broken down if he was a human being treated like that.
and poor kai, he is in pain. I hope kai and kris will be best friends!~
Phoenix-inDra-around #9
Chapter 7: OMG you've had come back!!!!!! I'm so happy to see you again;!!!!