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“Next month, like in another two weeks? I thought both of you are going to get married after two month, what happen?” Kyungsoo ask Xiumin through the phone call.

“Because Mr Lu fall sick, so he want us to hastened our wedding date.” Xiumin explain to Kyungsoo just like her mother explains to her. She actually want to object considering Luhan action toward her but she doesn’t have the heart to do it after hearing about Luhan father condition.

“Owh” That’t the only thing Kyungsoo can think and say at the moment.

Xiumin leave a deep sigh. She doesn’t know why she have this instinct that Luhan  maybe hate this specifically hate her even more after this.

“So, you still the bridesmaid right?” Kyungsoo just chuckle listening to Xiumin question.

“Why, you want to replace me with someone else?” Kyungsoo jokingly ask the question to Xiumin with hurtful tone.

“No,no,no,  what I mean is I thought you might be nervous, that’s all.” Xiumin who doesn’t  understand feel guilty toward Kyungsoo.

“Xiumin ah, of course I’m still your bridesmaid. But, I’m not nervous at all. You are the one that should be, you are the bride”

Suddenly Kyungsoo statement make Xiumin face turn pale. She never thought of that. On that day, many guest will be there and to see her and Luhan. She thought that they may think she is not compatible with Luhan because she is not pretty. Her quietness make Kyungsoo confuse. Then Kyungsoo realize what she just said.

“Oh god, Xiumin listen here, don’t you dare think like that. You are beautiful in and out.” Kyungsoo console Xiumin.

“How do you know what I’m thinking?” Xiumin feel slightly better listening to Kyungsoo word.

“Duh..I’m your bff, remember?” Xiumin can picture Kyungsoo rolling her eyes right now.

“Yeah, I remember. Hey, I have a morning shift tomorrow because I’m going to meet Luhan family during dinner time.. I’m going to hung up to phone right now” Xiumin feel relieve after talking to Kyungsoo.

“Alright, goodnight baby bun.”

“Goodnight, baby owl” Xiumin then laugh before ended the call when she hear Kyungsoo groan at the nicknames.


Luhan pour the alcohol into his glasses and chucked down it into his throat then he pour another but was stop by Kris.

“Stop, it’s your five glasses already” Kris try to take glass from Luhan hand but Luhan grab the glas so tight.

“I don’t give a damn care” Luhan drink again.

“What is wrong with you?” Kris starts to feel annoyed by Luhan action. So he has to get married, it’s not like the end of the world.

“What is wrong with me, I’m about to get married, I don’t even like the girl. I’m still young; I don’t want to get married. There’s more that I need to achieve. Besides, that girl is not my taste at all. You don’t know how I feel about that. You just don’t understand?” Luhan yell in front of Kris face.

“Well, have you ever thought about her, what she feels about you? She also about to married someone she doesn’t know, someone who doesn’t love her or I should say hate her? Have you ever think about that?” Kris just feel need to knock some sense into his friend head. He feel more sympathize toward Xiumin than Luhan.

“Tchh, her feeling, well she can go to the hell with that. That B**ch…” Suddenly Luhan fell on the floor holding his cheek befor he can finished his word. His eyes widen after he see blood at the corner of his lips. He never expected to be punch by his friend. Everyone in the club focus was on them. Everything was in silence.

“I have enough of your bull tonight. You shouldn’t go around saying people you don’t know like that.  You should say that to all the girl you are sleeping with.” Kris looks at Luhan while Luhan try to avoid Kris gaze on him. He never sees Kris mad before.

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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 28: Pembaharuan tolong. Aku begitu suka ceritamu
Omg! I'm excited to read this! Imma start now
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 28: Update if you can :D
lucyxoxo #5
Chapter 28: Please continue this story... This story is very interesting... Can't wait for your update
Chapter 28: Waiting this until now.... :(
I'm still waiting for this story. I hope you'll find the inspiration very soon. fighting!
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 27: Omggg i miss xiuhan so read it -_____-
Please update soon author-nim ><
pantone99 #9
Chapter 28: Ah I miss this story, I know it has been a long time but I'd really love it if you updated it T__T