A star that can be reached 별- 나를 잊지마

A Star That Can be Reached 별- 나를 잊지마

  At the very moment, Sehun's mind was all blank, all he knew was to keep running even though his vision was blurred by tears. It's a huge grassland after all, he decided that he'd stop when his legs started to wear off from the running. 

 ' I guess I must be really lost this time. ' He thought to himself, looking around and realised that he had lost his way. 

  But he didn't seem to care much, because he knew no one would care about him anymore too. He lied down on the soft grass in the middle of nowhere, exhausted from all the running. He stared up at the night starry sky, thinking that maybe if he keeps his chin up his tears won't fall uncontrollably over again. Somehow staring up at the night sky helped, his thoughts were untangled a little by a little, his heart beat slowed down a little, and his tears dried off a little too. 

  ' Dad.. you there? ' 

  He looked at the bright stars above, still hoping for an answer even though he knew it's useless. Memories started flashing back inside his mind, and again his thoughts were tangled up. And again, he let his tears fell all over his pale cheeks. A particularly blue bright star caught his attention, shinning so beautifully around the corner of his sight. It seemed like it was trying to comfort him. ' It's okay, it's gonna be okay. ' That little star kinda seemed like a safe haven. 

' I wish I could rewind time... then dad wouldn't be dead right now. '

  Sehun told the star, he guessed he just needed someone to listen. Someone to cling on to right now.

' Hey.. you okay? ' Someone suddenly interrupted his thoughts. 

He jumped a little by shock, and found a boy around his age, maybe older, sitting beside him. 

' I heard what happened to your father. I'm truly sorry about that. ' The stranger's eyes were as sincere as the starlight.


' I could've insisted on not letting my dad go you know. He was the commander of the army team, and he wanted to go back to the camp to check if his people were doing alright.' Sehun blurted out after a little while of silence.

' If only I said : Dad since it's Sunday, why don't you leave your work for a day? Let's have dinner together! I'll cook for us this time! Or Dad I'm not feeling okay today, would you stay for the night? If only I said those like I mean it, then maybe.. maybe..'

Sehun couldn't finish his words. His lips were trembling, and his heart hurt so much like it was going to break physically. And undoubtedly, he choked with sobs again. This time louder, and more painfully. 

The other boy wrapped his arms around Sehun, and let his tears fall on his white shirt. 

' Maybe he'd stay for me... and the car crash wouldn't happen. '

' It's okay, it's gonna be okay. ' The boy whispered softly, rubbing his palm on Sehun's back. That was the first time Sehun felt warm since his dad left. 



' Can you quit thinking that way? ' They were lying down side by side on the grass. The boy peaked at him when he heard his thoughts. 

' What way? ' Sehun moved his head to meet the stranger's eyes.

' Don't ever think that you have nobody left. There are still people who care about you, don't just keep them away, Sehun ah. ' The older boy let out a slight sigh. 

' How did you know I was thinking about that? ' Sehun was too tired to feel surprised that the other boy can read his mind. 

' Because, I'm your star. ' Still exchanging gazes, he smiled in the warmest way. 

' What? ' Sehun frowned a little. 

' You have your aunt, still worrying like hell back home because you were gone for too long; you have your neighbors, who always care to invite you over for a hot soup whenever your dad was at work; you have me, I'll always be by your side. '

' How did you know? How did you know my name? ' Sehun was starting to freak out by the stranger who knew a little too much. 

' Because I'm your star. ' The boy lifted up the corners of his lips again. 

Sehun was still struggling in confusion. 

' You know what they say about stars? You can't always see them, but they are always there. Everyone has its own star, who'd listen to all your prayers, who'd keep you safe, who'd always be there for you. ' The boy tried to explain. Sehun swore he'd never felt more relieved than seeing his warm smile. He wasn't afraid at all, why would he? 

' Then why I've never seen you before? ' Sehun was still doubting, whether he should believe in such ridiculous saying.

' After all the years you only see me now because for the first time in forever you needed me, and you kinda found me. '

' Found you? ' 

' Yeah, right at the corner of your sight. I belong there. ' The boy pointed at the sky. ' You stopped believing that you're not alone, so I'm here to tell you don't. ' 

' If I start to believe again, would you leave? ' Sehun dropped his gaze to the ground, feeling reluctant, hoping that the answer would be ' never '.

' No, I've never left pabo yah. I just need to go back to where I am from. ' The boy swiped his hand across Sehun's messy hair. 

Sehun pouted a little, he felt like he'd found a best friend he felt comfortable being with, but going to lose him at the same time. 

' Now are you still gonna ignore your aunt who's probably worrying like hell back home? ' The boy glared at him softly.

' Okay, I know I gotta get back now. ' He stood up, almost forgot the fact that he had actually lost his way.

' Pabo yah, don't get yourself lost anymore. ' The boy lifted up his hand noting Sehun to hold it tightly.

By locking their hands tightly to each other's , the boy led him back home, across the wide grassland and across the little hills. 

Sehun didn't want to let go of the boy's hand, he didn't want to let the security he felt slip away. 

' Remember, I will always be there, and so will your dad. He'll always be watching you, protecting you secretly from afar, so don't let him down.' The boy rushed every words, like they were his last words to Sehun.

' I won't. Thanks. ' He leaned forward to hug the boy tightly, refused to let him go yet. 

' I need to know your name. ' Sehun asked him a favor for the first and last time. Deep down he hated him so much, for making him experienced two goodbyes in a row. He hated goodbyes so much.

' Luhan. ' 

Luhan's smile was like an angel's, and Sehun swore that he'd never forget that. And within seconds, Luhan was gone. There was no one inside his embrace anymore. It felt like a dream, but he knew it wasn't for sure. He didn't know when will he going to see that boy who he just met, but felt like they've known each other for ages again, but he'll wait.

' Hope to see you soon, Luhan. ' He spoke in a whisper. 





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Chapter 1: Can I ask for something? Can I translate this story and put it in my site?
I'm from Iran and it's my site. Exofanfiction.tk
I wait for your answer.
Chapter 1: It was so beautiful. I hope Sehun can see his star again.
Chapter 1: Awww so cuute! :))