
[HIATUS] Punch Drunk Love

2. Hyung


Minho didn't know why he was so nervous. Whether Taemin got the job or not shouldn't affect him in the least. Of course did he want to help out Taesun and his little brother, but that still wasn't any sort of reason to take a look at his watch every five seconds, wondering how the interview between Taemin and the chief editor might be going.

Sighing heavily, Minho rose from his seat and stretched his constrained limbs. Actually, there was more than enough work for him to do; above all an important article, which was still waiting to get proofread and edited, preferably before the printing deadline would run out. Usually he wasn't the kind of guy to be tardy with getting his work done and thus delaying the whole workflow, but at the moment he just couldn't concentrate on functioning properly.


A silent creak caused Minho to turn around. The chief editor had just opened his door, seeing Taemin out with a broad, almost fatherly looking smile on his face. Taemin also sported a grin and the both of them seemed to get along quite well. It was weird to see them like that, considering how hard it'd been to even get Taemin the interview.

"Were you waiting the whole time, Minho?" The chief editor reached over to him, telling him non-verbally to come closer, "I thought you'd be too busy to wait."


"Actually yes," Minho offered vaguely before continuing, "but I thought it'd be better to wait for Taemin."

The explanation hadn't been exactly brilliant and Minho knew it quite well, but it was still better than lying to his own boss. "Since he's my best friend's younger brother I kinda-"


"Yes, I know. We already discussed it yesterday." The elder patted Minho's shoulder with an amused chuckle, "I talked to Taemin and I must say I've been pleasantly surprised, right?" The chief editor smiled and looked over to Taemin who just nodded in agreement. "I'll definitely think about it, but I'm quite positive there won't be a problem with hiring Taemin for summer."


"Thank you very much." Polite, and just as Taesun had drilled into him the evening before, Taemin bowed before the older man. "I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself."


"No problem, son. Once I've decided I'll let you know in time. Or I'll just pass it on to Minho; either way, you'll definitely hear from me."

The chief editor turned around and walked back into his office, closing the door behind him. He slowly sauntered towards his desk and once again browsed through all the documents Taemin had brought with him. All in all he had to admit that Minho indeed hadn't exaggerated. Taemin was a lively and friendly boy, there was certainly no doubt whether he would fit into the company or not. If anything, Taemin would bring a breath of fresh air to the editorial office.




Taemin contently nipped on his banana milk and silently observed Minho as he skimmed through some records. While doing so he let out a quiet sigh from time to time and sometimes even scrunched up his face, as if he were taking a bite from a sour lemon.

"Everything okay?" Taemin finally asked, after Minho had released yet another painful moan and stopped writing altogether.


"Not really," Minho replied, but kept his gaze glued to his computer." This article here needs to be finished in the next ten minutes at the latest, but I somehow got the feeling there's something wrong. I just can't put my finger on what it is, though."


"What's the article about?" Taemin graciously rose from his seat, rounded the desk and casted the screen a curious look. Because Minho was already at the end of the document, Taemin wasn't able to see the headline. What he could read though, were some words which spiked his interest even more. "Dancing? You're writing about dancing as well?"


"Mhm, yeah." Minho groaned and started massaging his aching temples. If Taemin continued to stand beside and distract him, he could definitely forget the deadline. "I have to get this done, so-"


"I think I know what's bugging you." Taemin grinned and pointed to the paragraph which Minho had just been looking at. "It's true that Locking, Popping and Breaking are different styles of street dance, but Locking and Popping originated in California and Breaking in New York." 

Taemin gently patted Minho's shoulder and wandered back to his spot where he had left his banana milk. If he didn't get reminded from time to time that he couldn't exclusively live off of banana milk, he certainly would have more than once forgotten to eat.

"Apart from that, I kinda liked the rest, judging from what I could read," Taemin added after Minho hadn't shown any reaction to his words.


"Is that so?" Minho had finally managed to avert his gaze from the article and pay attention to Taemin. It irritated him greatly that the younger thought he knew enough about the matter to correct his writing. Being anxious, he checked his notes once again. "Oh, you're right...I made a mistake there."

Minho compared his draft to the final document again – just to be extra sure – and shook his head. Turns out learning does never stop indeed. Furthermore, it shouldn't be left out Taemin had saved him from sending in an incorrect article.

"How did you know?"


"I love dancing," Taemin replied as if it were the most natural thing to know. "I even told you! About one week ago, when we first met each other."


"Really?" Minho frowned, as he proceeded to send his article to the next person in charge. He truly couldn't remember having heard something like that from Taemin. Some time had passed since then and Minho had honestly got better things to do than thinking remembering the words of a 15- or 16-year-old. "I guess it must have escaped me."


"It's okay," the other answered and just brushed it off, "I read somewhere that the brainpower starts to increasingly diminish with age. So it's probably not your fault."

He casted Minho an angelic smile, who at the first moment was too dumbfounded to retort something and walked to the door. "By the way, Taesun reckons you're driving me home, since he gets off work late and therefore can't pick me up. He said I shouldn't be out alone during this time of the day."

Minho opened his mouth in an attempt to respond something, but Taemin just cut him off. "I'm also getting a bit hungry by now, hyung. I wouldn't mind if we could get some food on the way home," The blond said cheerfully and put his empty milk bottle into the wastebin. "I'll be waiting for you outside, just take your time."

That being said, Taemin left Minho's office and let the door fall close behind him.


...What a brat! Minho had wasted the last few seconds to stare at the closed door. When did the nice and polite boy suddenly grow a pair of horns and a devil's tail?

He shook his head and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Back at Taesun's apartment he'd already noticed Taemin had a cheeky side to him and was able to stand up to his brother, if he wanted to. Minho had expected him to behave himself in his presence, but in the end he just acted exactly the same way like he did towards his brother. Well, apparently he couldn't have been more wrong.

If the boss really gives him the job, I'm screwed, Minho thought as he put the laptop into his messenger bag and grasped his jacket and sunglasses. Seeing it was night he obviously wouldn't need the latter, but he still didn't want to leave it behind.




After Minho had finished packing all his belongings he exited the office and started looking for Taemin. He couldn't have wandered off too far, since it had taken Minho only a few minutes to shut off the laptop and grab all his things.

A few of his coworkers passed him and gave him a friendly nod as he walked through the editorial department's big lounge in search for Taemin. Not many can boast of having an office of their own, but the fact that he was one of them made his chest swell with pride. He knew he had earned himself this privilege; after all he was a very hard and diligent worker.


His gaze settled on the soda vending machines, which were located closely by the exit. Two persons were standing in front of them who he knew all too well and would rather prefer to avoid at the moment.

It's not that he didn't like them, it's just that if you happen to cross their path, you'd need a lot of time and patience. Both of them had the habit of running off at the mouth and if you were hungry and tired, it would be better to stay clear.


But they might have seen Taemin. Minho sighed and moved towards the vending machines. If he told them he had only little time on his hands and needed to get home, he might not get talked his ear off for once.

"Hey," he said to catch the couple's attention, after he had come to a halt beside them.


"Huh? Oh hey, Minho." The older casted him a friendly smile and thus the other turned to Minho as well and gave him a nod. "Long time no see, we almost started to get the impression you tried dodging us."

The man raised his eyebrows, knowing full well his assumption wasn't completely wrong. He didn't mind that Minho had obviously evaded them. He knew Minho had always liked being alone, hence he didn't take it personal. But his boyfriend on the other hand seemed to be a bit miffed about it; they even had had a discussion about it every now and then.


"I'm sorry, Jonghyun. I've been busy and even more tired than usual." That wasn't even a lie. He really had had a lot of work to do and afterwards he was just happy to finally get home. "I didn't want you to think I'm avoiding you."


"Oh, you didn't?" Jonghyun's boyfriend barged in and ogled Minho skeptically.


"No, not really, Kibum," Minho replied and tried to show them a convincing smile.

Kibum had always been someone who took everything too personal and whom you had to apologize to even for the most miniscule things for weeks. How Jonghyun managed to put up with him on a daily basis, Minho did not know; but how do they say? You don't always have to understand everything, right?. 


"By the way, I'm looking for someone. His name is Taemin and he's about this tall," Minho raised his hand to show Taemin's approximate height, "and got blond hair. He's a teenager, only 14 or something."


"16 and you've made me a couple of inches too small." Taemin had approached him sideways and saw Minho gesturing the wrong height. And to top it all off he'd forgotten his age – again. Taemin slowly started to suspect Minho did it on purpose, because no one could already be this forgetful at that age?!

"Before you ask: I went to the toilet. Jonghyun-hyung and Kibum-hyung were so nice to show me the way. You took quite long," Taemin added and interlocked his hands behind his head.


"I didn't want to ask," Minho mumbled without adressing the fact that he had described Taemin wrong, "Anyways, are you ready? Your brother is probably waiting for you and-"


"Jonghyun-hyung and Kibum-hyung also want to grab something to eat," Taemin cut in without noticing that the other's face started to darken. Even Minho's patience had its boundaries and Taemin was really pushing his limits right now. "I told them we had talked about getting food and maybe we could go somewhere together? If I am to work here during summer it certainly wouldn't be bad to socialize and establish some contacts, right?"


Minho didn't know how to respond. He opened his mouth in an attempt to retort something, but eventually closed it again without doing so. Taemin was showing a different side to him, one which Minho hadn't encountered yet: A rather annoying and somewhat childish side.

Taemin's parents as well as his brother had apparently neglected teaching him that he couldn't always have his way. Being considerate of others – in this case of Minho, who had a long and strenuous day – couldn't be too much to ask for, teenager or not.

"Well, actually I thought you'd just pick up something from the next convenience store and then I'd drive you home," Minho explained und shortly thereafter noticed how Taemin's features immediately froze. He obviously didn't like the idea at all. "I'm really exhausted, Taemin."


"And you're really boring," Jonghyun interjected. He'd always had a soft spot for kids, so he didn't like seeing how Minho preferred to be a stick in the mud and wanted to just fob Taemin off with some cheap instant crap. "There's a really good ramyun restaurant just around the corner. The food is delicious and it's usually not too crowded. Come on, old man, just one hour! I'm sure you'll endure it."


"The 'old man' is younger than you," Minho remarked and released a slightly irritated sigh. Technically, he had already lost; arguing with the three others would get him nowhere, so it'd be best to just comply. His comfortable couch would have to wait a little longer, since Taemin had to be fed beforehand.

Had I known it would come to that, I would've called Taesun and met up with him instead.


"Okay then, if you insist...but Taemin, do me a favor and call your brother, will you? He should know you'll be coming home late.


"I texted him earlier and he said it's okay as long as I'm not bothering you." Taemin grinned impishly and put his hands into his sweater's pockets. He didn't think he seriously annoyed the elder; Minho just didn't seem grumpy enough for this to be the case.

"Can we go now? I'm dying with hunger!"




Of course had it taken longer than an hour. Taemin had had too much fun with Kibum and Jonghyun and although Minho took a look at his watch from time to time, he had to admit that he, too, enjoyed himself this evening. It had been fun to chat with the others and once Kibum asked Taemin about his hobbies, he got to know yet another side of the younger: The one which was 100% dedicated to dancing.


Minho knew by now Taemin had a passion for dancing, but he'd never heard him talking about it as passionately as he did this evening. While explaining Kibum his future dream of becoming a famous dancer he had gestured enthusiastically, his cheeks taking on an excited glow. Minho had to dodge Taemin's hand more than once because of the teenager's wild hand-waving.


"I guess Taesun already wonders where you are," Minho remarked worriedly, after he had got out of his car and closed the door behind him.


"Doubt it," Taemin glanced between Minho and his apartment building, "He took on a nightshift somewhere, but please don't ask what exactly it is he's doing. My brother got so many side jobs that I gave up on trying to remember them. The point is, he definitely won't be home right now and therefore can't worry about me."


"So you're spending the night alone in his apartment?" Minho inquired skeptically, walked around the vehicle and stood next to Taemin.


"I'm 16." As if it were answer enough, Taemin crossed his arms in front of his chest and shook his head. "Guess what, I'm even already capable of tying my own shoelaces. I really don't need a babysitter anymore."

If there was something Taemin absolutely couldn't stand, it was getting treated like a litte kid. He was perfectly fine being on his own. Given that he hadn't watched a horror movie beforehand, that is.

"You don't need to worry."


A small smile was tugging at the corners of Minho's mouth as Taemin explained how he would get along just fine. He could still remember how his parents had also used to be much too cautious and therefore only rarely left him alone.

"I won't," Minho responded and shrugged his shoulders, "Anyways, I think it's about time. I initially had planned to get home hours ago."

Minho grinned and attempted to reach for Taemin to tousle his blond mane, but the younger beat him to it by hugging him quickly. "Huh?"

Being surprised, Minho looked down and was met with the sight of Taemin's mop of hair. He felt the other briefly tightening his grip around Minho's waist before breaking away again. What had that been for?



"I know I didn't make it easy for you, Minho-hyung. But today was really fun and Jonghyun-hyung and Kibum-hyung are really cool, too." Taemin lowered his head and started shuffling his feet, scuffing them at the sidewalk. Minho wondered at how someone like Taemin – who was quite cheeky most of the time – could suddenly put on such a shy demeanor, but he didn't comment on it. The younger seemed to already be at a loss for words anyway. "Uhm...thanks for everything and I really hope I do get the job, it would be nice to work with you during summer. You're somehow much cooler than Taesun, but don't tell him, okay?"

Taemin had started mumbling towards the end, so Minho had almost trouble understanding what he was saying. Taemin apparently had the tendency to fasten up his speech when he was nervous.


Minho released a low chuckle upon hearing Taemin's words. "I'll be as silent as a grave," he promised and leaned against his car. "But now you should get going and more importantly hurry to bed, alright? Come on, off you go."


"Yeah, yeah, I'll get going." Taemin quickly took a few steps towards the apartment block but stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Minho once again and wave at him sheepishly. "Good night!"


"Good night, Taemin." Minho briefly pondered if he should wave as well, but ultimately decided against it. He just crossed his arms and waited for Taemin to disappear in the building. It was only after that he had pushed away from the car and walked to the driver's side, taking his seat behind the steering wheel again.

The fact that Taemin thought Minho was cooler than his big brother let him silently smile to himself during the whole ride. A compliment like this was probably something he could be smug about – especially considering he was in his late twenties and hadn't got to hear something like that in a long time.


Maybe it won't be that bad having the kid around during summer. At least it won't get boring.



A/N: Happy belated easter!

I wanted to show you a gif of some cute bunnies, but turns out I'm too stupid to figure out how to add it to my A/N...oh well. Just imagine two cute fluffballs snuggling with each other.

Anyways, see you next chapter! And don't forget to comment and subscribe c:

(Oh and please feel free to give constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve my writing)


PS: Special thanks to skeyttles who stayed up late to proofread this chapter! <3

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Thanks for 100 subs! I'll try to get the new chapter up asap >w


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leamongga #1
Chapter 4: I am concious about the word Hiatus you put on the title, but would you considerate to write again? Please..
It's so damn good and i am dying with wonder what happen next.
But i compeletely understand if you need more time or anything just please don't stop writing okay..
Chapter 4: I'm looking forward to the next chapter!!! This story is so cute, thank you for translating
Chapter 4: Ooooooo I was so excited when I saw that this was updated! Minho getting roped into watch Taemin for his friend while he is away in the army. Perfect. This should be good! Taemin is too cute! I laughed so hard when he asked Minho if dinos were still around when he was a kid. And Minho trying to impart "wisdom" to Taemin about his underwear. I don't think that Taemin listen to you very well Minho! Escpecially since you are almost acting like his big brother. Of course Taemin chooses a scary/y movie! Hehe. Minho driving him home was very sweet since he rememebered his own nervousness after watching the film when he was younger. I really, really, really enjoyed this chapter! thanks so much for the update. oxoxoxo
Chapter 3: This was awesome! Your writing is really nice. I like it. Minho was so cute worrying while Taemin was in the interview. Hehe at when Taemin "helpfully" pointed out what was bugging Minho and then he pats him on the shoulder! Minho is going to have his hands full with being around/working with Taemin isn't he? Then when he kids Minho about his age! He is so cute and a little feisty isn't he? I am beginning to realize that with this chapter and I feel that Minho is too! I love that Jongkey is added in this story. They are my favorite paring in shinee. It is kinda nice that because of Taemin, Minho is roped into spending time with his co-workers and he actually enjoyed himself! I love his thoughts of Kibum and Jonghyun and why he tried to avoid them. Also, making Kibum sorta take offense at being avoided was awesome. Also, Taemin saying sorry at the end of the chapter to Minho was so cute! Oooooo I am really looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 3: I love how Taemin and Minho's relationship develops slowly therefore I get to enjoy the process for longer. Because of the age difference them becomng a couple is less likely and therefore it will be very interesting to see how it happens. Really looking forward for more ^^
Chapter 3: lolololol xd taemin
poor choi, now he is getting to know better little sneaky tae xd
waa cant wait for more
I want to know how they are going to work together/wiggles eyebrows
Chapter 2: Taemin is so cute here! I also really like their banter and talk before Taemin's brother gets home. I really enjoyed this chapter. I wonder how things will go for Taemin working at the same place as Minho? If he gets the job that is. Can't wait to see more of how they will form their relationship!
Chapter 1: I just found this fic and I am soooo happy that I did. This had me instantly hooked! I liked the way Minho and Taemin met. I think it is interesting that Minho and Taemin's older brother are friends! I can't wait to see how things will go on from their first meeting!
Chapter 2: Omg, just found this and I'm in love with your story.. (: Can't wait to read more. It's so interesting even by reading the first few chapters. ;)
kimfamily #10
Chapter 2: Ohh ;) well this is interesting. Still regretting not being able to read in german. Good luck to sir choi and assistant lee.