[SAVIORS] briefing

A Forgotten World: R

chapter two ► BRiefing

» Narrator's POV

Let's get right to it without a big introduction. This is a brief depiction of the entire story "A Forgotten World: Saviors" and I hope you all will manage to come along. If you have any questions, please comment and tell me so.

As for the small cliffhanger in the first chapter, if you can actually call it like that, Minzy talks about the police and guards of Baron Paleah. After he started to rule he introduced general knowledge every citizen has to know and follow. If you wouldn't know it, you'd be arrested because for the police it would mean a shame and dishonor for the Baron.

The "oppa" Minzy referred to was a young, black-haired male who's a master in martial arts and has the ability to stop time and also control it. Huang Zitao, also called Tao.

Let's get to the new house they'd be moving in. It's called Wonder Tower and it has up to nine stories, where the two girls, Junghye and Sudae, get two stories each, the others are divided and given to Minzy, Tao and Halmeoni. While they are moving in, Halmeoni asks the girls to do her a favor: Get a friend's little daughter called Jaemin to a friend at the opposite of Pang City, which is the heart and biggest city in the entire world, like a big capital. Soon they get to know how the guards and police work and how they roll. When it comes to show their ID cards Junghye starts to panic and hits the guard, running off with Sudae who is holding the small Jaemin in her arms.

Back safe in their house, Minzy suggests to spend a day at a restaurant to relief some stress when they meet Lee Kikwang and Lee Changsun, Joon, two boys who are one of the leading heads in a voluntary fighting "club", called CLF. When Junghye tells them she has been good at taekwondo once they suggest the two of them to get trained by them. After a long training day right after this day, Minzy did dismiss the two girls on purpose to check their limits.

Halmeoni and Minzy like to send Junghye and Sudae to a mission in the north where some CLF soldiers have been stopped by a big wave of somebody's else evil army. They have to check it and solve the problem. First the two new girls stay stern and don't want to join the mission, but in the end they agree and Tao gives them three rucksacks with an endless amount of space, so they can carry with them whatever they want.

They soon start to travel along a big and empty highway, seeing the nature blooming their way. Somewhere along the way the girls make several breaks and take a nap to regain power and start a new day with the safari like car, while Junghye constantly dreams about her ex-boyfriend, saying things like "Bright things hurt my eyes, you know, the easy peasy things, those are the best ones for me, don't you know me?". Junghye doesn't have a clue what it could mean and only tells her best friend he dreamed about Luhan again.

Soon they arrive the big dessert and notice their supplies are running low slowly, so all they can do is stopping by a small bar-like hut and re-fill their rucksacks. When staying over the hours in the hut they meet a guy who is currently traveling around entire Pang and has seen close to everything here. He gives them useful information about some regions in Pang they should cross, not cross or definitely see at least once in their life.

After the trip through the desert, they arrive a big city where the domicile of the Baron is located as well. Through the communicator that is now inside Junghye's iPod they can contact Minzy and Halmeoni anytime, and they did so, too right that moment. They received a call from Minzy to find a portal, like the one they came inside the magic world and as told, they search for it. And activate it.

Minzy, Halmeoni, Tao and some of their belongings come through the portal and Minzy reports that some of the CLF don't only find the Baron Paleah an unfair, but also evil ruler. So they start an undercover mission while Minzy, Tao, Junghye and Sudae manage to show up on a party of Paleah at his royal domicile. On the party Minzy notices something off with the back of the castle while going outside on a balcony. She tells Junghye and Sudae to take a walk in the foggy fields of the area, but warns them to take care of fighting monsters which could occur.

Unfortunately as said, monsters appear which seem to be guardians of the Baron and because they fight them well, the monsters vanish quickly without leaving a sound. A minute later Minzy and Tao come down to the foggy fields, running and panting, telling them the monsters appeared to have told the Baron about the two fighting girls, two fighting girls antagonizing the baron's guards, what should be punished with at least an entire life in prison. Luckily the four of them can flee without getting caught by anybody. Minzy shows the way to some friends who live near the place they were running to called Downtown, what was literally a town in a big gorge in the planet.

They can stay over for some nights and eat to their health before they start running back to a portal to activate it as well. The four of them (while Halmeoni ran back to the Wonder Tower some time ago) get back to their old house, The Wonder Tower, only to see it being messy and untidy, as if somebody had tried to search something inside. A short message from Halmeoni arrived and said, the soldiers of Paleah have arrived at the Wonder Tower, but she was at a friend's house. Halmeoni tells them to run as far as they can and even if they arrive at a save place, they should run away further. Minzy and Tao insist to stay in Pang City and Junghye and Sudae to go. After long complaining, all of them agreed and Junghye and Sudae pack their things, leaving for a tropical jungle somewhere in Pang.

The best friends soon notice how dangerous the jungle is and that they should get away from there as soon as possible, yet their plan is getting baffled by a cat woman called J-Da who is trying to kill the two girls.

Right when the two of them are about to give up on their human power resources a strong man with stinging red hair comes and saves them, bringing them into a big tree where the insides are hollow. The young man has been born without any name, but Sudae and Junghye start to trust him, telling him their names and what they're doing here actually.

Together they fight the jungle and the actual team, that consisted of two people, gained a new member, thanks to the unnamed man. On their way to solve problems such as finding artifacts and bringing them back to their previous places, discovering a spaceship that doesn't belong to anyone, fighting big animals like snakes and others, what Junghye's really afraid of, or helping to balk an evil army who tried to tap a wire on an island, an enemy comes across their way. Right away the new member tells them how cruel and unpredictable such a teleporter can be and they shouldn't trust him.

The red-haired, Junghye and Sudae are able to rout the enemy and the night right after the fight Junghye wakes up due to an almost surreal dream. She had clearly seen Luhan in an house, Junghye also remembered Luhan and Sehun being there trapped together. The next morning she calls Minzy and asks about the big mansion she dreamed about and told her all the details she had seen of the outer facade which Minzy is replying to that she knows a girl who has seen this house before and it is called the house of illusions. The girl's name is Dara, she's a fortune teller and the only human coming out of it alive.

With a cautious heart and the two friends of hers, Junghye is making her way to Dara, asking the way to the house of illusions. The male, Sudae and Junghye wait patiently in her tent as she tells them the correct route, ending with the sentence, "There's evil coming.". First, the three of them are slightly frightened, but decide to go there because Junghye is believing devoutly that Luhan and Sehun are inside and not coming out of it since the house, as the name says, produces illusions. The house knows everything about a person when they only enter and can make them never find the way out with either way fear, love or any emotion related that can "block" a way out.

The three of them entered it after a long way and Junghye makes sure to not believe whatever they see, only if they can touch something it's real. And she was right, even walls weren't able to be touched, they vanished into dust. After a lot of "touching walls, windows and doors" she finds a wall with a small door in the middle that was constant and could be opened. Inside is a sleeping Luhan, sticky tape on his mouth and himself enchained to a chair. She hesitantly calls his name and the young boy wakes up, squeaking and Junghye slowly walks towards him, touching his shoulders. Surprisingly he was still there and her eyes got teary. Junghye quickly removes the sticky tape and all the thick bonds when he stands in front of her, sobbing. They even hug each other and Junghye tells him to leave the house as soon as possible and don't believe the projection the house is showing. Luhan agrees completely, he had been stuck in there forever.

They see the way out, a bright light door, but Junghye turned around asking herself loudly where Sudae and the red-head would be, but Luhan tries to drag her out, only to save the two of them, but she says no and goes the other way back inside to find her two friends. Luhan and Junghye argue for a moment before he spits at her and insults her in the worst way she has ever experienced, even falling onto the floor. Soon she stops crying and runs away from him, now knowing that he is a projection of anger and love and finds the real Sudae and the other team member to escape the house. Gladly they manage to do so.

In that night Sudae and Junghye take a walk and talk about Luhan and Sehun and that maybe they'd never be able to find them ever again. Sudae tried to persuade her to forget their exes and just try to fulfill the mission and come back to earth. When they come back to their small "camp" they find a silently crying red-head, praying while looking up the sky. Junghye tells Sudae that she wants to listen to him and so she does. Junghye notices soon he's talking to his dead mother and as he ended his prayer the two of them talked, also sharing a loving kiss.

The next day they all have gotten back their spirits and powers, so they start the new morning refreshed and a lot of panache, going to a citadel Minzy tells them to go to because they recently found out the evil's army is partly working there; they should find out more about them.

On their way, the known evil transporter comes and grabs the red-head, pushing him off a hundred-meters cliff. First the girls want to rip off the teleporter's head but he tells them that he was working for the evil and that his real name is Bang Yongguk. In a scene before the teleporter comes, it's also showed how Yongguk is kneeling down in front of the evil's leader, agreeing on the plan to kill Junghye and Sudae, the teleporter has seen it himself and disappears into thin air, but came back for just a second and saluted with his pointer finger, only saying one word, "Kai.".

Afterwards they're on the way to the citadel, deciding that traveling with only the two of them is the best, when suddenly Minzy tells them to go through a portal to test something. Only some complaining later they agree and do as told, visiting a parallel universe. To their surprise everything is the complete opposite and throughout their small visit they stay at a small house with four people living inside. The parallel Junghye, Luhan, Sudae and Sehun.

Expeditiously they resolve on going back due to the sight; they couldn't watch each other with their boyfriends sitting around happily.

Later on they arrive at the citadel that looks like an upright spider, but they notice quickly that with puppy eyes and "pretty please with cherry on top" won't make the guards let them in, so they beat up some small guards, steal their uniforms and work undercover as guards for the evil army. As wished, Junghye and Sudae give out a lot of information to Minzy, Halmeoni and Tao. Sadly only after a short period of time a random guard blows their cover and tells their leader, how they find out is called Amua. A ruthless, bad human, having a special ability nobody can stop easily. Luckily the two of them can flee and go back to the Wonder Tower.

Junghye and Sudae are exhausted yet know the five of them have to flee, as well as the CLF that has its main headquarter in a storage depot somewhere in Pang City. All of a sudden a brutally bruised CLF soldier comes up to their house and tells them the where he just escaped from, a small prison-like cave. Before he can tell where it lies the young and courageous soldier dies because of his weakness. Halmeoni remembers to have read about a weeping willow of wisdom that knows everything and sends Junghye, Sudae, Tao and Minzy to find it. Arriving at the weeping willow the guys decide to let Junghye go to it and ask the weeping willow. As she touches the big tree she does not only see where it lies, but also all of the CLF soldiers that are caught inside the cave-prison.

Under them, Luhan and Sehun. Immediately they want to pack everything and go there, but going back to the Wonder Tower gives them one last hard kick in the heart. Halmeoni lies in her own blood, a letter on her chest that reads "Hail Baron Paleah". More furious than ever, only Sudae and Junghye make their way to the cave prison that lies far far in the north...


Any questions? Please tell me, I'll be here any time to solve misunderstandings in the text and try to fix them!

stand up again author notes let's post some pictures that I would've used along the story:
btw, most important thing that will also appear in the second fic: The portal (it's the warp gate of Jak & Daxter btw, thumbs up for this epic game :D)
Just imagine it's not hanging up from somewhere but it stands on the ground

the wonder tower:

pang city, the heart of the entire world Pang:

the citadel they work in undercover:

the spaceship they find:

the weeping willow of wisdom:

the weeping willow in the book (when halmeoni shows it to them):


Baron Paleah's castle, behind it, the foggy fields:

this is a world made out of a ring, it was only a short trip and the time they spend their wasn't long so I didn't include it into the description:

it's something like a north pole where Junghye and Sudae are now on the way to get to the prison like cave:

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Btw, just updated the brief description of the first part of the series "AFW - Saviors"!


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ilabya6 #1
don't have time to read it right now but I'm so excited already *3*
wait for my comment~♥