Chapter 6


“So Gyu, what’s the answer?” you stared at him as you hung upside down on your bed.


Gyu, who now laid splayed out on your floor groaned, “I DON’T KNOW. God, why is Math so hard?” he pouted.


You giggled, “You just have to put in more effort. Look, you answered 5 questions already since you got here, that’s a huge improvement.”


He squinted his eyes, “Are you making fun of me?”


You laughed, “No, I mean it.”


He scoffed, “Right, and we’ve been here for how long?”


“Just a little bit over two hours.” You clucked your tongue.


He pouted, “You are making fun of me.” He buried his face into the pillow you lent him.


You got up from your bed and joined him on the floor as you ran your fingers through his hair, “Hey, I was joking. You can do it, come on! Here, let’s go over the problem once again.” You picked up his book and his pencil as you tried explaining to him once again.


While you were explaining, Sungkyu never once listened. All he did was simply stare at you. He was in awe, how can someone who dresses so ordinary be so beautiful. He noticed the little things you did after staring at you for a while. He noticed how you tend to rake your fingers through your hair as you spoke. The way your lips move when you’re talking fast. He found these small actions completely adorable.


“Earth to Sungkyu?” you waved your hand in front of his face.


“Huh? Oh yeah.” He shook his head and blushed as he diverted his stare to his book.


You looked at him, puzzled, “So, what’s the answer?”


He tapped his finger on his chin and blurted out a random number, “One hundred.”


You laughed, “And that’s what you get for not paying attention Gyu, the answer is in algebraic form.”




You shook your head, “This really isn’t working for you, is it?”


He pouted and shook his head, burying his face once more into your pillow, which made you giggle, “Do you want me to order that pizza now?”


His face perked up as he smiled, “Pretty please.”


You smiled and headed for your phone as you dialed the numbers. You watched as Gyu tried his hardest to solve the problem on his own as you ordered. You silently thanked the teacher for making you his ‘study buddy’.


After you put down the phone, suddenly, his eyes widened and he let out a “YEAH!” as he stood up at sat down next to you on your bed. He pointed towards his book, “I GOT IT! THE ANSWER!”


You looked at it and nodded in approval, “See, isn’t that hard, right?” you smiled proudly.


He nodded and tossed the book back to the floor as he laid down on your bed, “So, when’s the pizza coming?”


“Soon.” You smiled at him and played with your fingers. To be honest you were quite shy at the thought of having him over in your house, let alone laying down on your bed. After all, he is your first, “relationship”.


“By the way, where are your parents?” he asked you.


You shrugged, “They usually don’t get home until late at night, they’re the working type.”


“And your sister?”


“I’m guessing she’s still at campus.” You nodded to yourself and joined him, laying down on your bed.


He looked at you, “How’s your relationship with them?”


You thought for a while, “I guess it’s pretty good. I don’t see them often, holidays as an exception. But I know they care for me. My mom always tries to make time for me when she gets home. And my dad, he always asks me about my homework in the morning, whether or not I still need some help.”


He sighed, “Must feel good, huh?”


You frowned, “What are you thinking of?”


“I wish I had your parents.”


“You mind if I asked why?” the two of you were staring at each other now.


He smiled, “It’s just, I don’t really feel the family vibe. Well, my sister’s an amazing one though; she’s the only one who respects my true desires. My mom and dad…they…well I told you before.“ He sighed and looked at you, “but let’s not talk about that.”


You smiled and nodded, “I’m always here if you need to talk.”


“Good to know.” He scooted over closer to you and placed a hand on your cheek.


Your heartbeat started thumping like crazy as his face slowly got closer to yours. Just as his lips were about to meet yours, the doorbell rang, which made you jump and stand up, “Umm…that must be the pizza, I’ll be right back.” You said as you rushed out of your bedroom with a red face.


Sungkyu smirked; you are everything he has ever wished for.



“FINISHED! FINALLY!” He yelled out as he slammed his book shut, “I can’t believe I just did 20 questions.”


“I can’t believe you just sat there on my floor for an entire 5 hours.” You laughed.


He sat up and looked at the clock, “Holy crap, it’s been that long? My mom is going to kill me.” He covered his eyes with his palm and sighed.


You chuckled, “I guess you better get home now.” You stood up as he followed.


“Yeah, I should probably get going.” He gathered his stuff as he followed after you.


You were just about to open the door when he stopped you, “That reminds me, I haven’t gotten your number yet.” He smiled.


You smiled back at him and took a piece of paper as you wrote your number down, “Here” you gave it to him and blushed.


“Thank you for today. I actually fun, studying.” He rolled his eyes and laughed.


“I had fun too Gyu.” You nodded and giggled.


He stepped closer to you and held your chin. And as he looked into your eyes, he asked, “May I?”


You blushed like crazy then nodded slightly. And at that moment, you felt his lips on yours. The kiss was sweet and gentle, the way you imagined anyone’s first kiss would be like.

He pulled away, then wrapped his arms around you and kissed you temple. You wrapped your arms around his waist in return.


You heard him whisper into your ear, “This might seem crazy, but I like you.” You heard him chuckle.


“I like you too.” You replied to him as he pulled away once more and this time looked at you.


“Good to know. So, you’re mine now, right?” he asked as he played with your hair.


You blushed and nodded, “Sure.”


“I’ll see you tomorrow, ___.” He said as he opened your door and stepped outside.


As he drove off you closed the door and smiled to yourself, you thanked the heavens for bringing Sungkyu down to this world. 


author's note: edited. i can't deal with typos lol. btw would love it if some of you guys spoke up more :3 give me feedback via the comments. love you guys <3 

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FirjaCassie #1
Chapter 19: huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa please update soon author-nim!!! i really really really love this story of you >< this is so beautiful. And please let them face a happy life, i want them to be happy and have a happy ending T_T please please please
aniigyu #2
Chapter 19: keep up the great work :)Im loving this so much!
idonghae #3
Chapter 16: Hi new reader here, so i've been reading some of sunggyu's stories and i found yours..
To be honest even this story seem a bit rush but your writing succeed to touch reader's heart, i literally burst into tears while reading this chapter..
I hope she will accept sunggyu again, bcos everything was not his fault..
Good job, look forward to many great chapters ahead!
gyurain #4
Chapter 17: All this promising to go to the recital makes me think that he can't go at the end
gyurain #5
Chapter 16: Awww Minho is so cute : ) Sungkyu should tell her that he lives her
Chapter 14: Awwww. Minhooo, that sweet child. I'm so glad he seems to accept Gyu as he is. x)
afiercesong #7
I liked this a lot!!
Chapter 12: Wut. Oh god. Dat time skip. And that boyfriend. Wut in the world. Cliff hanger too strong. Author-nim Hwaiting!
Chapter 12: sunggyu is a bastard.. btw, is chansung here only a name of the character or you mean the character's figure resembles 2pm chansung? I just want to know, hehe...
Chapter 11: OMG, she's pregnant! what would happen next? I hope she can contact gyu... keep update~