The Twin

A Tale of Twins[ONE SHOT]

            Ooomppf~~   Minae huffed when she placed her heavy baggage inside the small room of her new home. It was a fair accommodation with only one room all integrated as a living room, bathroom, closet, kitchen and bedroom. "Well better than nothing."  She said as she eyed the room. Her parents just recently divorced and not wanting to also join the legal battles, she told them upfront on one of the meeting  I’m already 18 and tired of you two bickering at each other! I don’t want to be treated as a possession when I’m not so I’m leaving! And no one’s going to stop me.  No one did and she didn’t care, it took long enough already and all she wanted was to leave it all behind and start anew. She starts unpacking and glanced at her watch  "Crap! I’m going to be late!"  She said as she prepared for her new job instead of unpacking.


            She was working as a barista in a café near her home. She was used to working atmosphere already as she spent the evenings of her middle school to high school working part time to prepare for the time she couldn’t take anymore of her parents and just leave them. Well if you’re wondering why a middle schooler can work, well because she’s different from most of her year mates. She was taller, and because of her parents, she looked mature and good-looking with her free flowing long black hair, that’s why lying about her age is not a problem. She took notice of the customers as she was cleaning the counter. Most customers on the table are girls with some couples on the private side of the café and the rest are guys sitting in front of the bar drinking their coffees. She was trying not to notice the gaze of some guy and punch him when some blonde guy came in.


~~~Minae's POV~~~


            "Grrr… I want to punch this guy in the face but I can’t since he’s just giving me dirty looks and I need this job."  Minae thought. The bells chimed signaling someone entered and some of the girls started squealing and giggling while pointing to the new guy. Curious as to why they were giggling made her sneak a glance at the new guy. Her face was void of emotion as she stared at him. He was cute that was a given plus the seemingly cool attitude of his enhanced his features. There was one thing though she noted. "He looked sad his eyes gave it away but I don’t care since he might be a jerk"   she thought as the guy looked and went to sit in front of her.


~~~Youngmin’s POV~~~


            Youngmin was wandering aimlessly when he stopped in front of the café. He felt thirsty and drinking coffee was a good idea to keep him awake. He went in and as soon as the door opened he heard gasps from girls in the tables.  "Omo! He’s cute!"  A girl said  "Yeah! He’s my type!"  Her friend replied to her. "Tssk… girls…"  Youngmin thought as he eyed the menu above the counter to pick his order. He noticed the barista was a girl which was clearly irritated by the looks some guy is giving her. The girls earlier started giggling and pointed at him which made the barista look at him too. To his surprise he found himself staring at her with her staring back at him but not like the other girls that will start flirting with him but a face devoid of emotion. "That's a first. She's the first girl to not spazz over me. I wonder if she only feels anger. Well I guess I have to try."  He thought as he went to sit in front of her.


~~~No one’s POV~~~


            Minae just stared at the guy as the guy stared back not even blinking thinking he or she might disappear if they blink when the guy sat in front of her.

            "Well here it goes"  Youngmin thought. "Aren’t you going to ask for my order?"  He asked

            This made Minae stop in her staring at him and blink. "Wow idiot much?" She thought.

            "Well sir I was waiting for you to say it since I thought you were still staring at the board behind me through the holes you made through your gaze."  She retorted sarcasm and irritation clear in her voice

            Youngmin just smirked and said  "Well I could say the same to you. You could have drilled two holes in my face with your gaze. Well for my order can you give me a large mocha cappuccino?"

           "This will be fun. I guess my nights will not be boring anymore."   he thought as Minae became more irritated as she prepared his order.


            The succeeding days passed like this – every time Minae nearly finishes her shift Youngmin would appear to order and annoy the hell out of Minae. He came so often that her coworkers started to . She was wiping the glasses they will use when Minwoo suddenly came to her.


            "Missing your blondie?"   Minwoo asked.

            "What!? What makes you think that I miss him?"  She asked shock evident on her voice.

            "You don’t like him?"   Hyunseong asked

            "Of course not!"  She denied  "Why would I like him?"  Flailing her arms in gesture of her irritation.

            "Well you like me more right?"   Jeongmin asked flashing his signature smiles.

            "In you dreams playboy!"   She said sarcastically

            "Ouch!"   Both Minwoo and Hyunseong said as Jeongmin glared at them

            "Well at least you got a loyal customer…"   Dong Hyun chimed in

            "Not you too manager!"   She looked at her manager with horror.

            "Well you really don’t like him?"   Hyunseong asked again

            "How many times should I tell you I don’t Youngmin?!"  She's actually pissed now.

            "We’ll see Minae… We’ll see."   Jeongmin said as they returned to their duties giving her a weird look as they saw Youngmin enter the café.

            "Grrrr… speaking of the devil he came again… good thing it’s my off tomorrow that I could take a break from these hooligans."   She thought as she got another helping of irritation from Youngmin.


            She started the day early doing what chores that needed to be done before going shopping. She just arrived home late. She was tired but decided to go outside for a walk and saw a park. In it stood a large oak tree in the middle and sat there between two large roots. She fit in the hole perfectly and felt comfortable. Soon she felt sleepy and after some nap someone said to her.


            "Ummm… Excuse me miss but you better not sleep there or you’ll get a cold."  A guy said to her.

She became awake instantly and eyed her scolder. She gasped and said irritatingly

            "Isn’t it enough that you irritate the hell out of me in my work that even on my day off that you are still trying to irritate me?"   She said a little bit pissed off thinking he was stalking her.

            "Well miss... It’s my first time to see you…"    The guy just shrugged.

             "What?  Feigning innocence now that you dyed your blonde hair black!" She shot back irritation and tiredness evident in her voice.

             "Did you say blonde?"  The guy asked smiling

             "Well yeah? Or did you dye your hair in other colors too?"  Anger now evident in her voice

             "Whoa… calm down miss… I didn’t but my older brother did."   The guy said defensively as he gave her another smile.

             "Who?"  "My older brother… Youngmin-hyung."    


              She was shocked at what he told her sink in her tired mind. She immediately stood up as she realized what he told her. Indeed this guy may look like Youngmin but something is different in him. He looked bubbly, kind and playful unlike his brother and his hairstyle is different. She immediately apologized.

              "So you’re the girl hyung is talking about.  No problem I’m used to it since I know the reason why he did that."    He said smiling at her.

              "Well why did he do it?"   She asked curious about what to know about Youngmin.

              "Well he just wants attention. Our parents were overseas and we are here watched by our aunt. He wants to be loved to the point that he will do everything even irritate the person he loves. He was particularly obsessed in the saying the more you hate the more you love explaining why he loves irritating people. And I guess I know why he irritates you."   He said to me with sure eyes.

              'Why?"  She asked knowing already the answer but still wanting to hear it having butterflies in her stomach.

              "You don’t know why?"    He sounded shocked and she just nodded. 

              "I just want to confirm something…"    she said

              "Well you’re his type of girl - tall, fair, mature and feisty if I could add."   She blushed at his words

              "And by the looks of it you like him too! Hyung will be happy!"    He said pretty ecstatic himself.

              "Yah! Don’t tell him!"   She said as she playfully hit his arm.

              "I won’t. He’ll kill me when he knows I’m talking to you. He’s very jealous. Instead I’ll help you make him confess on one condition though…"        he told while looking at her seriously.            

              "What condition?"     She asked him skeptically.

              "Pretend that you don’t know me. Pretend that you don’t know he had a brother. I won’t tell you my name, I’ll let my brother introduce me to you. And if you need help just give him a wink since he tells me everything and I’ll wait here. Just take a nap in the same spot and wait for me okay?"  He said as he offered his hand.

               "Deal!"    She said as she took and shook his hand.

               "Well then student prepare to learn his secrets!"   He said matter of factly.

               "Yes teacher!"


                         They met frequently at the same spot in the park discussing things like what youngmin's likes and dislikes, personality and mood swings. Even becoming comfortable with each other that they even rehearse with each other with him wearing a blonde wig. She looked at him.

               "Are you sure he's your big brother not your twin?"   She asked him curiously.

               "Yep. Look closely. In a glace we do look alike but look closer there many differences."  He assured her.

               "Yeah like just the hair and some facial features."   She replied sarcastically.

               "Well we are only a year apart so I guess it's not a big deal"   He said as a matter-of-factly.


               The rehearsal was good and the next days were put through to test the effectiveness of what she learnt.


Lesson 1 “Do not let him anticipate your next move. Keep him guessing.”


            She always did this as Youngmin always tells her something. He complimented her long hair and she just shrugged not even a hint of interest. He once said to her another guy eyed her and she replied  "Thank you for telling me. Well I hope he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet."  And gave Youngmin her natural smile which made Youngmin crazier by the days.


Lesson 2 “He loves surprises but he hates pranks”


            Before Youngmin could sit Minae told him they didn’t have anymore mocha syrup and just order any coffee other than with mocha so he just ordered a large Frappuccinno.  She went away pretending to make his drink when Jeongmin handed him a large up. He eyed it while stirring it. "It’s the usual."  Jeongmin said as he glanced a peek at Minae who was laughing. She came back and said to him  "Wow Surprise! We still got some mocha."


Lesson 3 “When he flirts with you don’t mind him it will make him crazy”


            Youngmin always makes a pass at her that her conscience is taking over her. She likes him already much to fun of her coworkers but pretended not much to the frustration of Youngmin. She felt sorry so she hinted that she got a day off tomorrow but it will be up to her to plan where they are going. Well we could test the 4th lesson  she thought.


Lesson 4 “The Last Lesson - He likes a challenge and loves winning”


            "Well it’s a good thing there was a festival at the next town. We could play all the games!"  She thought

            "Youngmin! I challenge you to all the games the winner gets what he/she wants."   she called

            "You’re on! No stepping back!"    Youngmin smiled sheepishly and the contests began. They were playing seriously that they even got spectators cheering them on!     Go Minae!!  The boys cooed Go Youngmin!! the girls retorted. In the end, Youngmin won 11-10.

            "Well you won so what do you want?"  Minae shyly asked while Youngmin came near her and wrapped his arms at her.

            "Hmmmmm…. What should I ask of her then?"  asking the audience

            Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!  The audience chanted while Minae turned into a tomato at the words.

            "Well you heard them right?"    Facing Minae  "But there’s something I need to add. Will you be officially mine?"  Youngmin said as he hugged Minae tighter. She nodded tears already flowing as Youngmin gave her a passionate kiss! The crowd hollered and because of their popularity they even became the best couple.


            The past few weeks she felt real happiness for the first time that even her coworkers are jealous. Youngmin changed a bit but still the devil that he is. She remembered Youngmin’s brother but remembering her deal with him she waited until Youngmin takes her to him. But weeks already passed since they became official and Youngmin still doesn’t talk about him. Desperate to see him she tried the tricks the brother told her what to do to meet him. She winked at Youngmin numerous times making sure he saw what he did and she went to the park. She sat between the roots and took a nap. Sure enough someone woke her up.


            "I told you not to sleep in there."  The brother said to her.

            "Took you long enough."    She said pouting.

            "Well I have some things to do and you two are both busy with each other."  He replied with arms raised.

            "But I think Youngmin doesn’t want us to meet."   She said almost sounding sulking.

            "Relax Hyung is just needing time to tell you and I think it will be soon."

            "Promise?"   "Promise."  Just then Minae’s phone began to vibrate.

            "It’s Youngmin asking me to meet him."  Minae told the brother while he gave her a I-told-you-so look.

            "You better go then before he thinks you’re cheating on him."

            "I hope not well see ya!"   "See ya!"    as Kwangmin eyed the running figure out of the park.

            I guess I’ll see you one more time before I go…     as a gust of wind blew the leaves and he disappeared.


She met Youngmin holding a bouquet of pink roses and some candles and incense. She thought there was an occasion so she didn’t ask who the flowers were for. But in time curiosity took over. They were walking together, holding each other close as the air turned colder and the leaves turned brown signaling the coming of autumn. She looked at her partner with love in her eyes as her lover returned the gaze. She gave him a peck at the lips then asked

                 "Who are the flowers for? Are we visiting someone?"      She asked curiosity evident on her voice.   

                 "A sibling"  he replied. 

                 "You have a sibling?"  He just nodded. 

                 "I’m going to meet him?"  His face become sad as he sighed and she looked at him confused.

                 "Yes. I’m introducing you to him."  He said taking her arms leading her somewhere. Minae just followed and became curious as to why Youngmin suddenly brought her to a cemetary even knowing where to go in this mazes of tombstones.


            "Don’t tell me…"   she thought as Youngmin stopped

            "We’re here..."    as he placed the flowers and lit the candles and incense at the front of a tomb.

            Here rest the remains of Jo Kwangmin Youngmin’s twin   Minae read the inscriptions of the tombstone

            "Your twin?"   She asked shock evident on her face. Her thoughts leading to someone.

            "Yes my twin…"    as he took his wallet and showed a picture of him and Kwangmin together.

            Minae just stared at it looking especially to the boy at the side of Youngmin. It confirmed her suspicions. It was her teacher.

            "He died one and a half years ago. We got into a big fight and he left home that night. I know he goes to the park near your home so I didn’t look for him. But I never thought that it will be the last time I will see him alive. He got stabbed probably by a mugger and was left at the roots between the large oak tree. The police came to me the next morning just to inform me his body is found by my neighbors who took a morning walk. I was never the same since then. I blamed myself for his death until you came. You made me live on. You made me think Kwangmin gave you to me as his forgiveness."  He finished tears flowing in his face.

            "Youngmin…"  She cooed as she caressed his face feeling his pain while comforting him  "can you accompany me somewhere after this?"

            "Okay…"   He managed to say between the tears.


They finished their prayers and introductions and Minae went to the park followed by Youngmin. Youngmin recognized the place.


            "Why did you bring me here?"   Youngmin asked as he eyed Minae but Minae kept going and stopped in front of the tree staring at something. He stared at the spot Minae is staring but found nothing suspicious. He eyed Minae again and found her still staring. He was going to ask Minae but she started off


            "So you’re dead huh?"  Kwangmin’s figure nodded to her and smiled and looked at Youngmin and gestured to her that he can’t see him.

            "Who a-it’s Kwangmin he’s there sitting in between the roots."  She cut him off again

            Youngmin looked again at the roots but still there’s no one.

            "He’s telling me to tell you you can’t see him and it’s not your fault that it happened to him and he forgive you. He wanted you to be happy."   Her voice beginning to crack as emotions filled her heart.

            Youngmin teared up and said   "Thanks bro…"

            "He also told you to take care of me."

            "I promise bro to give my all…"  Kwangmin smiled and looked at Minae and gestured her to take care of Youngmin for him.

            "I know and thank you…"   as she too started tearing up.

            Pyreflies started to appear at Kwangmin’s figure making him transparent by the second…

            "So I guess it’s time..."   Minae said and Kwangmin nodded

            "Goodbye…"    "Goodbye Bro…"   they both said as then a big gust of wind blew making them cover their eyes knowing it was the gust of wind that will take Kwangmin where he should be.


            So after sobbing for a while Youngmin asked Minae

            "Can you tell me how you met him?"

            "Well…"  she looked up the sky  "It all began when my parent’s divorced…"   recounting the tales of the twin.


Woot another done sorry for not being able to upload this week. The midterms are coming and I was banned to use the net.


Gonna upload some again tomorrow.

Also some notes to some parts

pyreflies - well they are just light effects like fireflies but they're not. Or you could just imagine the ones Yuna in FFX used to send.


also when Minae met Kwangmin he's already dead.


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Great story
It's just too sad when Kwangmin was murdered..
But I'm glad that finally Youngmin could live on, and Kwangmin was at peace there :')
T___T this story <3333
YoungMinsGirlfriend #4
Your story was sweet yet somehow tragic because of Kwangmin:) Thumbs up for you! <br />
I like the story! ToT
TT_______________TT<br />
It's just a great story of Kwangmin and Youngmin..<br />
And as always, I love brotherhood...
SilentReada #7
Well its supposed to be a thriller with you know as the ghost ahehehe but i guess i'm still new at making it. thanks for the menties ^_^
sujujasmine13 #8
Such a cute and tragic (for Kwangmin) story!<br />
Looking up for more one-shots for each Boyfriend Members~!<br />
SilentReada #9
Thankies! glad you liked it!... w8 for my story of Jeongmin kay?