Spending The Day Alone With Him

A Surprise Birthday Present

As the ride ended, you, Ryo, Tegoshi, and Maki all got off and walked outside.  All of you were soaking wet from the splash mountain ride.
“Splash Mountain tanoshikatta! What ride should we go on next?” Ryo said excitedly with a wide grin.  You couldn’t help but stare at Ryo’s cool wet hair style and his gentle grin.  Ryo looks so hot when his hair is wet like that! You thought, feeling yourself unconsciously fangirling again.
“Can we go rest and dry off a little? My clothes are soaking wet!”  Maki-chan complained.
“Un. Boku no hair mo really wet! “  Tegoshi said, shaking his head and spraying water from his hair everywhere.  Aww I wanted to keep going on rides without resting... I guess I can just go off by myself again... you thought, hiding your disappointment by laughing at Tegoshi’s mixed up English.
“We can dry off while we are in line for rides!  I don’t want to spend our once in a lifetime chance to be in Disneyworld resting...”  Ryo stated stubbornly.  You looked up at Ryo amazed that he just stated almost your exact thoughts.
“I agree with Nishikido-san!”  you said, a little over excitedly.
“Hey how about you and Ryo-kun go on rides together while me and Yuya go take a break?”  Maki-chan suggested.
“Soudane. That’s a great idea! I was feeling like the third wheel this whole trip so it’s perfect!  I bet you and Tego want some time alone together anyways~”  Ryo said enthusiastically.
“Un.  If ~~~~~-san doesn’t mind.”  Maki said.  You froze as everyone looked towards you.  Does this mean I get to spend the whole day alone with THE Nishikido Ryo!?!?   You thought in disbelief.  This is definitely the best birthday ever!!
“Of course I don’t mind!  I’m so glad I don’t have to spend the whole day alone!”  You said happily.
“Ok. Let’s meet back here 30 minutes before the park closes.” Ryo said smiling.
“Ok.  Byebye~” Tegoshi and Maki-chan said together, waving goodbye. 
“It was nice meeting you.  Sayounara.”  You said, waving back as you and Ryo walked towards the rides.  I can’t believe I’m spending the whole day alone with Ryo... You thought,  I couldn’t have hoped for a better birthday present...


“So why are you guys here in America?” You asked Ryo, realizing that you never heard the answer to the question you started to ask before the biggest fall during Splash Mountain.
“We had filming in Florida, and we had today off so we decided to visit Disneyworld.  We have to leave again for Japan tomorrow though.”  Ryo said sadly.  “Do you live in Florida area or are you here on vacation?”
“I’m just here on vacation for my birthday~” You said.
“Really? Happy Birthday!!”  Ryo said in surprise.
“Arigatou”  you said slightly blushing.
“What ride do you want to go on next?”  Ryo asked.
“What ride do you want to go on? I’m fine with anything so you can choose”  you said.
“No you choose.  It’s your birthday~”  Ryo said firmly.  “I wanna give you the best birthday possible”  Just being with you gives me the best birthday possible... You thought, I think I’m starting to like you more than just as a fan...
“I think I want to go on a roller coaster”  You said, hiding your complex feelings with a smile.
“Let’s go on that one!”  Ryo said, pointing to the nearest roller coaster.
“Ok!”  You said excitedly.  Your heart skipped a beat as you suddenly felt Ryo hold your hand. 
“I’m getting you back for holding my hand during the Splash Mountain ride!”  Ryo said jokingly, laughing at my now bright-red face.  “And this way I won’t lose you when we go through crowds.”  Your face turned even more red at Ryo’s words.  You looked down at his perfect hand, firmly grasping yours... He is so nice... You thought, If he is any nicer to me I don’t think I can stop myself from...falling in love...

(A/N)  Sorry for the late update :( I think the next chapter might be the last chapter!  If you guys have any ideas for what I should write next please comment~  I hope you guys liked the chapter.  Please subscribe and comment~ Thanks for reading :)

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Alwaysx4ever #1
Yay, an update!! :D omgsh I'd be freaking out. And to hold his hand! So lucky. >_<
Alwaysx4ever #2
I really like your story so far! Thanks for posting it. :D Are you going to continue it?