A Surprise Meeting in Disneyworld

A Surprise Birthday Present

You looked out the window excitedly as your uncle’s car pulled into the theme park parking lot.  Today was your birthday and your uncle and aunt decided to take you and your sister to Disneyworld!  This was your first time in Disneyworld, and you have been looking forward to this day all week.  You stepped out of the car and were greeted by the soft Disney songs drifting from the park.

“Whoo! Disneyworld!”  You said, jumping up and down in excitement.

“We already pre-bought the tickets for you guys.  Just meet us back at the main entrance when the park closes.  Have fun!”  Your Uncle said, giving you and your sister the tickets.

“Cool! Let’s go!”  Your sister said, and you both headed toward the park entrance.


You and your sister entered the park and headed towards the rides.

“Hey you wanna go ride on Splash Mountain?”  You said, pointing at your favorite water ride on your right.

“Aww I wanted to go ride Big Thunder Mountain.”  Your sister said stubbornly.

Ugh this is why I hate having to go places with my sister.  You thought annoyed.

“Hey I have an idea!”  Your sister said, “Why don’t we just go on the separate rides that we want to go on?”

“But our aunt and uncle told us to stay together…”

“Don’t worry.  We can just meet up a few minutes before the park closes and walk to meet our aunt and uncle together.  That way they will never know.”  Your sister said grinning.

“Ok.  I’ll meet you back at this spot five minutes before the park closes then.”  You said, wondering if your sister’s flimsy plan is gonna work.  Oh well.  It’s worth getting rid of my annoying sister for the day. You thought.

You got in line for Splash Mountain.  Yay! It’s only a 30 minute wait!  You thought.  Although 30 minutes was a really short wait for a ride, since you were by yourself, you found yourself bored after five minutes.  Hmm.  I wonder if there are any cute Asian guys in line…  You thought, remembering the game that you and your friend often played where you looked for look-alikes of J-pop and K-pop stars.  Just as you started looking, you realized that the three people standing in front of you in line were speaking Japanese.  Just from the way they looked, you could tell that they were visiting from Japan.  One of the guys had medium length hair which was permed wavy and dyed light brown.  He was about 5 and a half feet tall, and he was wearing very stand-out clothes including a cute black and pink T-shirt and a summer scarf that was checkered black and white.  He was wearing sunglasses with pink rims that completely covered his eyes, but you could tell that he was the cutesy type.  Wow. My Japanese friend wasn’t lying when she said that guys in Japan love to wear scarves and clothes that were pink… You thought.  He was standing next to a girl who seemed to be his girlfriend.  She seemed to be a little more than 5 feet tall, and she was wearing a pretty summer dress that was light pink.  She had dark brown short-length hair that barely touched her shoulders, and she was wearing a matching light pink summer hat that shaded her face.  The couple’s Japanese ‘cute look’ fashion was interesting to look at, but it was the third person who caught your eye.  He was around the same height as the first guy, but had a totally different look.  He was wearing simple clothes compared to the other guy, just black shorts, a black and white checkered shirt, and black sunglasses.  His outfit was more of the ‘cool’ style, and his outfit matched well with his dark wavy hair.  He seemed to be having fun talking to his friends, and you kept glancing over at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his amazing smile.  You kept glancing at them as you waited in line.  I could have sworn I have seen them somewhere before… You thought, but you couldn’t quite recognize them since their eyes were hidden.

Time seemed to fly by after discovering the Asians, and before you knew it, you were next to go on the ride.  The Splash Mountain log boat pulled up, and you sat down in the boat.  You glanced around and noticed that the Japanese guy with dark hair was sitting in the seat next to you, and the couple was sitting in the two seats in front of you.

“Your Splash Mountain adventure will now begin!  Please make sure to take off hats and any other items that may fly off during the ride.  Have fun!”  The park staff said enthusiastically as the boat started moving.

You saw the girl in front of you take off her pink hat and the guy next to her take off his pink-rimmed sunglasses.  You looked to your left to see what the dark-haired guy looks like without sunglasses…

“Konnichiwa.”  The guy said smiling.

You widened your eyes in amazement as you realized who the guy was.  You yelled out in surprise as you finally recognized his deep clear voice, his gentle brown eyes, and his amazing smile…

“Are you Nishikido Ryo?!?!?!?!?!”


(A/N)  Wow i really wish these fanfics would come true... lol.  Next time i go to Disneyworld I'm gonna be looking around for J pop artists haha.  Thanks for reading :) please comment :)

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Alwaysx4ever #1
Yay, an update!! :D omgsh I'd be freaking out. And to hold his hand! So lucky. >_<
Alwaysx4ever #2
I really like your story so far! Thanks for posting it. :D Are you going to continue it?