Be Mine

Be Mine [one-shot]


Monday, August 2011, Daegu, South Korea.

It’s been 8 years since then. Me, Park Haerim, and my childhood friend, Kim Shinwoo, loves kpop alot, since we were 8 years old. We loved to imitate the people on tv and eventually, we love to sing and dance. I saw someone played piano on tv before so i took piano lessons while Shinwoo took violin lessons because he said that he wants to accompany me by playing on the violin while i play the piano. After 2 years, we both mastered the instruments and entered some competitions, and then we were thinking... whats this gotta do with pop? and then we just laughed it out, but hey, atleast we have one more instrument to play right? heheh! after that, i played the bass while Shinwoo played the guitar. He rocks at it! heheh!

After playing for awhile, we were thinking.. why not make a band / group? We can dance, sing and make our own music. Our friends, Han Maeri, Han Maeseon, Lee Jiseop and Shin Aecha decided to join us too~ (by our influence! kekeke! xp). Now our group name is D3cember94 because Jiseop's birthday is 3rd December 1994, Shinwoo's birthday is 13th December 1994, Maeri and Maeseon's birthday is also 13th December 1994 (by the way, Maeri and Maeseon are twins! hehe!) but Shinwoo is a couple of hours older than them, mine is 23rd December 1994 and Aecha's is 30th December 1994. Well, you guys get what i mean by D3cember94? heheh! It was a huge surprise when we told each other our birthdays.

Now, its been 6 years since we made the group and last year.. We found our role-model! its Infinite! We did the dance cover for dashi dorawa and she's back! and we also did some singing covers from their other songs like nothings over and etc.

Today, our group will be having a live at the cafe in Daegu. There’s alot of people that likes music there, and there are people who does live performances like us. We're going to do Nothing's over by Infinite and our very own song that the leader, Jiseop, and our Maknae, Aecha, composed together today. We've been practicing alot and the lyrics that Aecha did goes perfectly well with the tune and melody that Jiseop made. They're both a good team at composing! Me, Shinwoo, Maeri and Maeseon are incharge of making the music to life. I play the bass, Maeri and Shinwoo plays the guitar (and they rock at it!) and Maeseon plays the drums. We record our own music with the help of our parents ofcourse! they bought a studio for us (by sharing the money to buy it) and Jiseop's dad is also good at directing as he is a music teacher and ex-producer. His dad divided the lyrics well among us too, like considering who can do high pitches, low pitch and things like that.

"ya! Haerim ah! aren't you nervous????" Maeri asked me.. well... to me there`s not really anything to be nervous about.. We practiced alot and did our best after all... so I just bluntly said "no". I don’t really like feeling nervous before we go on stage... It makes me go out of tone... my B will turn to A and stuff... "Maeri, did you bring the cd?" Maeseon came out of nowhere and asked Maeri. "nae. Ofcourse I won’t forget something so important. We can’t play the music live because we need to dance and sing too so we need the instrumental version." Maeri said so, calmly but also panicking about the performance. "ok, guys~ are you ready? Jiseop asked us all and ofcourse we said "yeah!" but then, theres a voice thats not here.... we looked around and Shinwoo was not there! Where is he? and right before the performance too! oh!

We went searching for Shinwoo and looked everywhere.. We couldn’t find him so we sat down at our usual place.. We were getting more depressed... we were nervous for the performance and Shinwoo is missing! "eo... eotteokaji?” Maeseon said. "It’s ok.. He'll be here any second now..." our leader Jiseop said. Then suddenly there’s this person approaching us and it’s Shinwoo! "Hey, sorry for the wait~ i needed to go to the toilet.". Everyone was shocked... he didnt even say where he was going... this Shinwoo… really is our Shinwoo... ( ^_^ )"

“Ok, since our shinwoo is here now, and no one else is missing right now, right? Let`s do abit warm up before our performance! Now, ‘aaa~’ “ Jiseop started. “aaaa~” followed by Maeri, “aaaaa~” followed by Maeseon and Aecha and then “aaaaaa~” followed by both me and Shinwoo. We harmonize first everytime before our performances. It makes us more confidence and it helps us from making mistakes with the notes. “Ok! Perfect! Now let`s go!” our confident leader said. He is our leader and the oldest amongst us and he’s like our brother too. He’s always confident and he makes us confident too! “Yeah!” our cheerful Aecha said.

“Yeah, ooh-ooh!” our leader starts. “niga meoreojinda…” and so we did Nothing’s over by Infinite. Now, it’s time for our new song! It’s called Without You. “neo eobshi…” started Shinwoo… “nan…….”  All of us sang.. It’s such a sad song too.. I wonder how they made this.. Well, anyway, they made it beautifully…,

After the performance..

“waaa! I’m feeling so sad!” Maeri burst out of tears. “yeah! It’s really sad! I almost cried singing just now!” I said.. seriously… It’s so sad.. “heheheh! Sorry~ we wanted it to be an emotional song! Kekeke!” both of them (Jiseop and Aecha) said. “Well, it sure is emotional” Shinwoo said. But then, we just burst out laughing! Shinwoo, the most insensitive person, just said its emotional! Hahaha, maybe he is actually emotional after all but just doesn’t show it.

“yeap! It’s emotional alright! I cried abit you know” said an unfamiliar voice.. wait… It is familiar.. He sounds like… no.. it can’t be.. We all turned around and there they were! Infinite! “wow! Why are you guys here?” I said. “oh, we’re having our vacation and we decided we’re gonna go around Korea. Daegu is our last stop and we wanted to get something to eat. We came in this café and heard you guys sang our song. It was great! Your dance moves were perfect too!” said  woohyun. “and the song you guys sang after that… It was great.” Said L. waaaa~~~ L just said it was great! I;m so happy!

“umm… would you… be our hoobae(s)?” Infinite said. We looked at each other and Jiseop and Shinwoo looked excited. Maeri, Maeseon, Aecha looked very happy too! “umm so, would you?” they said again. “Can we?” Jiseop asked. “well, you can’t become our hoobae(s) just like that ofcourse. There’s an audition that our company is having. I hope you guys will join it.” Sunggyu said, hoping that we’ll join. “Really? Ofcourse we’ll join!” our leader said excitedly. “really?? Great!” Sungyeol said. “we’ll see you at the audition! Hehe, bye!” Sungjong said. After that, they left.

The day before the audition.

“Haerim ah, can you come to the rose garden later at 7?” Shinwoo asked. “hmm? Yeah, sure.”

7 pm, rose garden.

“Shinwoo??? Where are you~?” I looked around, and he’s not there. I wonder where he is… did he forgot? Mm.. I’ll just sit down on the bench I guess.. “jikyeobwa wat janha ni sarangeul gin ibyeoreul” someone.. no, Shinwoo sang.. but where is he? “neul sangcheo badeul ba en nan ge na, ah” he continued.. I heard this song before.. but this is more softer.. “kkok baro bwa, uneunge shilheoseo geurae” … “apeunge himdeureo geurae, geureon neol bolttae mada” It’s beautiful.. “Naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, eo? naega neol geokjeonghae, eo? Naega neol kkeut kkaji, chaekim jil ge” oh! I remember now! It’s Infinite’s Be Mine! But softer.. and slower.. and more romantic..

“Shinwoo?” I said.. “Haerim… will you.. Be Mine? Will you be my girlfriend?” Shinwoo appeared out of nowhere and said to me.. mm…what should I do? I do like him but he’s like my.. he’s like my brother.. even if he is just 10 days older.. “Shinwoo… You.. I do love you but not in a boyfriend girlfriend feeling..” I tried not to hurt him. “but.. take some time to think about it.. please?” Shinwoo insisted.. “mm.. okay..” “thank you” shinwoo smiled at me.. “now, should we get something to eat? I’m hungry…” I just said.. Shinwoo just giggled and smiled and said “ok, lets go” so we ate and went home.

At the audition,

“Ok… whose not here yet?” Jiseop asked. “Maeri and Maeseon are not here yet~” Aecha said.. She seems impatient.. I said “I’ll go wait for them outside” and went out. Where are they~? They sure are late… I walked outside the door and accidentally bumped into someone and fell… It hurts… I looked up and saw that I bumped into L. “are you okay?” he said.. “yeap. I’m fine..” He gave a hand and helped me up.. “oh, your hand, theres a cut!” “no, its not a big deal.” “are you sure? You’re going to have your audition right? Come with me for abit.” He pulled me away and brought me to a room.. He took a bandage out of the cupboard and aided my hand.. “Its not that deep.. so it should heal quickly.. There was an accident where a vase broke at the place you fell.. there must’ve been some broken pieces that wasn’t cleaned up yet..” “eh? Oh, that explains the cut. But it doesn’t hurt that much though” “no. hands are important in being an idol, so you can’t think like that even if it doesn’t hurt.. you must treasure them” L said while looking worried. “umm.. ok..” I said…

“Haerim-ssi, mm… you can play the bass right? You’re good at it!” L said.. wait how’d he know my name? and what I play? “how did you know that?” I asked him.. “oh.. umm.. haha, looks like I’ve been found out~ hehehe~ I went to the café where you guys always had your performances once.. I saw your performance and then I just felt like watching your performance again so I went there again.. and after that, I’ve become a regular there but ofcourse, with a cover like wearing glasses and using a wig.. and I once talked to you, y’know?” He said.. but have I talked to him before? Mm..


oh man~~~~ I made a mistake with this note again~~~ ugh… its been over 10 times and I still got it wrong.. should I adjust the bass? But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it..”oh, you just have to *tells how to do it* “ this guy just said to me.. I tried it and it really worked! “eh? I got it right! Thanks!” “no probs” that guy said.. “so umm.. you practicing your new song?” that guy asked. “yeap! Do you listen to our songs?” “yeap! I like it that your songs are so fresh!” that guy said.. “whats your name?” “ah, umm.. its.. uh.... Leon.” “Leon huh? Are you a foreigner? Or is it just what people calls you?” “umm, it’s what people calls me” “my name’s Haerim! Nice to meet you!” “nice to meet you too” and we shook hands. “eh, your hand..” Leon-ssi said. “ah, oh, it’s just a cut.. its not a big deal…” Yes it is!” Leon said while looking worried.. He took out a bandage and wrapped it gently around the cut.. “umm.. thanks” I said and smiled at him. “oh, no, uh.. sorry for that” “eh? For what?” “for putting the bandage on without asking you” “oh, hahaha, no, its okay.. and thanks for that” *ring ring* there was a phone ringing “oh, its mine, sorry.. Hello? Oh.. what? now? Ok, sure.. bye.” “umm.. you need to go?” “yeah.. sorry… see ya around next time~ bye” “k, bye bye”

and after that I didn’t meet him again…

end of flashback

“oh! Are you Leon?” I asked.. “oh, ah, yes and no… Leon is just something I made up but yes it is me.. heheh!” he smiled.. and continued “did you know? I.. I’m always watching you… You looked really happy singing and dancing.. I just couldn’t help but fall in love with you..” “what?” I said.. I was surprised.. “Ya!!! L! what are you doing here? Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Hoya came in and said to L.. “oh, you’re from the other day right? Hello~ “ Hoya said. “ah, hello” “well, we have a performance later and we need to go for the rehearsal. I’ll be taking him now, k? bye bye~” hoya said and took off with L .. “eh? Wait, I haven’t…” L said like he has more to say.. but then Hoya pulled him and took him to their car

“ah, Haerim! What are you doing?” Maeri said to me out of nowhere “what?” “Haerim ah… did you forget that we have an audition today?” “ah, right! Where’s everyone?” “where else? In the waiting room ofcourse! Come on let’s go”

At the waiting room

“ah, you’re back? We were worried you know?” Shinwoo said looking VERY worried. “ah, sorry, I just bumped into someone that I know” I said. “Well, anyway, its almost time, lets warm up guys~” Jiseop said. And so we did our normal routine and went to the audition room.

“hello, I am the ceo of the company. You guys are called D3cember94 right? “

“yes we are.”

“can you introduce your selves?”

“okay. My name is Lee Jiseop. 16 years old. Leader of the group.”

“My name is Kim Shinwoo, 16 years old. I play the guitar”

“We are the twins Han Maeseon and Han Maeri. We’re 16 years old. We play the guitar and the drums.”

“My name’s Park Haerim. 16 years old. I play the bass”

“My name is Shin Aecha. I’m 16 years old too but I’m the maknae”

“ok. So what are you going to play for us today?” the ceo asked.

“Infinite’s Be Mine” Jiseop told them.

“ok, you may start.”

And so we did the auditon. We were so nervous too… the results will come out tomorrow… I really hope we can get in…

*ring ring* the phone rang.. I wonder who it is.. I picked up the phone and “hello?” Hello. Haerim-ssi, its me.. L.” “oh, umm.. what is it?” “can I meet you? Today, 7 pm, at the rose garden.” “eh? Oh.. okay..” “ok. See you later” *toot toot toot*

7pm? At the rose garden? The same place and the same time as what Shinwoo told me earlier..


“Haerim ah… can I meet you later? I need to ask you something..” Shinwoo said.. “ah, again? What is it?” “I need to ask you for the answer.. of that question I asked you” he said… “eh? Oh… okay..” It’s better to say it than keep him waiting..

End of flashback

Ah… eotteohke? What should I do??????  They’re gonna meet… ugh….

7pm, rose garden.

I’m here again.. gosh… what should I do? “ah, Haerim” “Haerim-ssi” both L and Shinwoo said at the same time. “what are you doing here?” shinwoo and L said to each other.. “ I’m meeting Haerim” Shinwoo said and “I’m meeting Haerim-ssi too” L said. Oh, I wished they didn’t pick the same place and time.. but oh well.. “so… “ I said.. “Haerim-ssi, continuing from before, will you be mine? Will you be my girlfriend?” L asked.. “eh? Wait, I asked her that first” Shinwoo said to L, shocked. “huh? So why are you here?” L said to Shinwoo, “to hear the answer” Shinwoo replied.. “so both of us asked her huh?” L said.. “Haerim ah, who are you going to pick?” Shinwoo asked… “I already thought about it… and Shinwoo… I love you like my own family… I can’t seem to love you as a man… and I just… I’ve liked L since he talked to me as Leon… that like eventually turned to love… so I’m sorry…” I said..  “no.. it’s ok…and thank you… oh, and L-ssi, please take good care of her. If you do something inappropriate… just so you know, I learned Karate and Taekwando” Shinwoo glared and smiled at L. “don’t worry.. I wont do anything to her and I’ll protect her with all I’ve got.” L said.. then he smiled to me.. “thank you.. I’ll protect you and make you happy” is what he said.. I was kind of.. embarrassed.. I’ve always liked him and now he’s my boyfriend.. “oh, and as a surprise… I wanted to tell you this.. your group… made it. You guys are now our hoobae(s) Congratulations!” L said.. I was so shocked and happy…

The next day, “congratulations to D3cember94!” Infinite congratulated us. “Thank you very much” we said to them. ”Now let’s have a barbeque party!” the maknaes of both groups said and after that we had the party and so on.

Now, it’s been a month since we debuted. D3cember94 were well received by the fans and me and L are also still a couple, and ofcourse, that’s a secret. Right now, L is taking me out for a date. “Haerim, what do you want to eat?” L asked. “Ice cream!” I said. and yeah, I love Ice cream! and L knows that, that’s why he took out my favourite flavor from behind his back. He already knew I wanted ice cream. That’s one of the reason why I like him. He knows exactly what I want and I also know what he wants. I took out his favourite ice cream from behind my back too. We just smiled and laughed at how much we know each other.

A few weeks later, some articles came out saying “Infinite’s L and D3cember94’s Haerim gave Ice cream to each other”  or “L and Haerim form the same agency dating” and so on.. I was kinda afraid that there would be a lot of anti fans but then at an interview, L said “yeah. that’s right. D3cember94’s Haerim is my girlfriend and I love her and I don’t care if you approve or not. She is definitely my one and only girl.”

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coming-on #1
Oh. Poor Shinwoo.<br />
But, Haerim's lucky to have L!