Who is he?!

Shady Lady Got The Boy In Luv

"OH. MY. GOD. I heard the new students are hot!" said one of the girls sitting in front of Minhee. Minhee could careless about the new transfer students because all she was interested in was sleep. Her hangul teacher, Yong seonsaengnim, had always been picking on her since she entered Sunrin High School, she was told to write the Korean alphabets for 1000 times just because she yawned slightly during her lesson the day before. Also because of that, she was unable to sleep the night before, since school ended late and she had only few hours to finish writing her punishment.

"Minhee-ah, do you think those guys will look like GD oppa? Or Taeyang oppa maybe? Oh my god, then I'll definitely get a boyfriend this time round!!" Minhee's best friend, Sunhwa, shook her awake and asked.

"Yea definitely." Minhee replied without any sincerity and continued with her sleep.

"Aish.. You're saying that because you got no interest in boys.. How I wish Youngjae will be in school today to talk to me. so much that he is absent." Sunhwa sulked which got Minhee awake to side eyes her best friend.

"Class!" The teacher walked in with style and called out to her students. Everyone stood up automatically and waited for the signal to greet from their class president.

"You may sit down. We have two students today. Please enter." The teacher announced after Minhee went back to her sleep. The class was drop dead silent with anticipation, anticipating the two students. The two students entered when the class gasped and started whispering gossips.

"Oh my god. Daehyun oppa in our class!!?!? Omo!! Now we can see him everyday!! That is so great!!" The girls in front of Minhee and Sunhwa squealed in happiness.

"Ya, wake up. That guy looks totally like Daehyun." Sunhwa shook Minhee while she was still looking at the new student standing in front of the class. Minhee rubbed her eyes and woke up from her sleep. Right in front of her was two pretty boys, one which looks exactly like her ex-boyfriend.

"Hello everyone. I'm Kim Taehyung, please call me V." The guy who was the spotlight of the whole class at that moment flashed a smile and waved friendily. 

"Jimin." The guy next to V said and put his hands into his pocket before taking a quick look at all his new classmates, and landed his eyes on Minhee.

"Ya, that Jimin is totally eye-ing you." Sunhwa teased a little. Minhee was paying too much attention to V before she turned a little to look at Jimin, who was indeed checking her out with his eyes. Minhee pushed her best friend a little to make her stop her joke.

"Alright.. Jimin, please sit next to Minhee over there.. And Taehyung please sit in front of Jimin." The teacher allocated their seats.

"Seonsaengnim!! That's Youngjae's seat!!" Sunhwa screamed from her seat in disatisfactory, as they walked over to their seats.

"Oh.. Er.. We'll get him a new seat tomorrow." The teacher said, slightly apologetic to the smartest student of their class.

"Alright class, please remember to submit your personal info sheet to the class president. Jimin and Taehyung, please get a copy each from our class president and fill it in by tomorrow. You may proceed to your next class." The teacher swayed her and went out of the class. Minhee was still staring at V. She couldn't believe her eyes that someone could actually look so alike to her love. Moreover, seeing someone who looks so much like Daehyun felt like someone just stabbed her on a wound that just recovered, or looked like it recovered.

"Omo, Daehyun oppa is sitting beside me! I'm so done for aklsjdfhalskdfhj" The girl in front of Minhee whispered to her friend, which got Sunhwa frowning before telling them that he was not Daehyun.

"Hey, erm.. My name is actually Taehyung, not Daehyun. But I guess I still prefer to be called V. So yea.. Please call me that." V said politely before flashing his signature smile with a peace sign. The girls next to him tried to hold on to their screams as they nodded and ran to their next class.


"Oh my god. Finally it's break. Jimin-ah, lets go!" V stretched him his seat as he turned and looked for the new student who was lying on the table, sleeping. 

"Oh hey girl. I see that you're staring at me. Nice to meet you." V put out his hand and beamed at Minhee.

"Huh? Uh.. Nice to meet you too.." Minhee shook from her stare and shook V's hand.

This isn't Daehyun's hand for sure.. It can't be Daehyun trying to get me back.. Minhee thought to herself, when part of her felt slightly disappointed.

"Wanna get lunch together?" V offerred with a smile before Jimin stood up and looked at Minhee and Sunhwa.

"I guess next time! We have somewhere to go today! We're running late. Let's go!" Sunhwa rejected for her friend and dragged Minhee out of the class as soon as possible. V and Jimin watched as the two girls left, before they shrugged and stepped out of the classroom.

"Someone dropped her wallet." Taehyung picked up the wallet from the floor and opened it to see who is the owner of the wallet.

"Oh my god. Jimin...."


"Ya Sunhwa! Why are you bringing me to the rooftop!" Minhee asked as she recognised the way towards the highest level of the school building.

"So that you can ask all the questions in your mind right now." Sunhwa answered her best friend with determination in her eyes. Hearing that, Minhee nodded and followed closely behind her friend. As Sunhwa kicked the door open, four guys turned and looked towards the door.

"Hey! It had been long since you guys came. What brought you guys here?" One of the guys walked towards them and asked. Minhee couldn't face the guys and hid behind her best friend.

"Who is he?!" Sunhwa patted her friend before questioning.

"Who?" The guy put his hands into his pocket and questioned.

"Kim. Tae. Hyung."


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Chapter 1: this is really exciting!!
Is V a love interest too??
Please update soon ~!!