Snow White & The Shadow Hunter

Tiffany's P.O.V

"Lock her up with her friend and sure they can't escape" I said to the guards. That brat it took so long to find her, I'm so glad I got there before she drank from the fountain or else it would have been bad. I walked to Kai 

"You did well" I smirked at Kai,

"Can I go now?" I nodded my head and sent him off, 

Jinri's P.O.V 

I practically got thrown into a dungeon when did we even have this thing here. 

"Luhan" I tried to call out to him, 

"Yeah" he replied, his voice sounded close to mine

"Luhan can you get us out of here?" I said helplessly, I felt bad for dragging him into this

"I-I can't but there is one thing I can do" I heard shuffling before there was a bottle infront of mine cell

"Whats this" I took the bottle in my hand and examined it 

"Its the water from the fountain drink it" My eyes widen 

"Will it work the same?" 

"Yeah hurry drink" I drank it down in one gulp, I felt a small spark in my body it started to grow, my body felt more powerful slowly as the power built up I started to breathe more heavily 

Luhan's P.O.V

"Jinri, how is it going?" Suddenly her heavy breathing stopped, I began to feel worried as I started to hear groaning 

"Jinri" I called out again but no reply, there was a glow from the other side of the cell it, the light was blinding closing my eyes I heard some chains infront of my cage. I opened my eyes again and saw Jinri she looks just the same as before

"Luhan let's get out of here" She unlocked the cage or more like melted it before leaving heading the stairs I took my bow and arrows from the table. "Ready Luhan" she said while looking back, I made a slight nod before proceeding. I took my bow and shot the guy waiting at the entrance of the stairs. We made it to the main hall until Tiffany came out from a room 


asfhahsfkakfs this is sooo bad -_- i ruined it oh well yolo :P this will end in like a few chapters so yeaah TT.TT

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Chapter 11: Yeay happy ending! I'm looking forward the sesul story but please make more sulhan tooo :)
Chapter 5: Ohh so sulli is as half human half angel just like luhan too? Interesting
Chapter 1: Geeezzz tiffany is a slyfox
Little_Miss_K-pop #4
Chapter 11: Reading this and listening to Mircales in December, Exo. Nice ending. :D
jinrifx #5
Chapter 11: Nice ending author :)And fighting for sesul fanfic.I will support you;)
Chapter 11: Nice story author. Fighting for sesul fic!!
TaeJinLover #7
Chapter 11: It's finish yet, ok I'm waiting for epilogue^^
Fighting for sesul story also!
Chapter 11: Ohh end already, that kiss :-p hehe..
Can't wait for the epilogue and sesul story ! :D
Chapter 10: Ohh , kai helped sulli :-)
Thanks, update soon .
Niki-Niko #10
Chapter 10: Plss update soon! Thank you