Coming Back and....What's This? ...A New Friend...?! :o

★ My Cousin Is A K-Pop Star! ★ (On Hold)

Yoo Jin's (Uee) POV:

"Aish! Where is it?" I wondered as I looked in a random drawer.

Nothing! It's not in here!

I groaned.

"Yoo Jin what are you looking for?" Someone asked behind me.

"Jung Ah unnie, have you seen an envelope lying around?" I whined.

She titled her head as if lost in thought. "Did it have a printed out plane ticket in it?" I nodded enthusiastically. She smiled and reached for something in her purse.

I gasped, ran up to unnie and took the envelope. "Thanks Unnie! But why was it in your bag?"

"I thought it was something you were ready to send off so I was going to give it to manager unnie before she left." Jung Ah unnie shrugged. I thanked her again before going to my room.

"Yah! You forgot to clean up!" She yelled at me.

"Love you too Unnie!" I yelled out as I closed my door. I stuffed the letter I had written earlier into the envelope and gave it to manager unnie.

Oh I can't wait! I wish she still live here.

"Well, see you in a few days Haneul." I said excitingly as I went back to cleaning my room.



---2 days later---


Haneul's POV:


I parked my car in the driveway and got out. I grabbed the mail and made way into the empty place I call home. Lame eh? Home's supposed to be warm and cozy but it's pretty darn empty for me.

"I'm home." I called out, knowing well enough there would be no reply. I would always say "I'm home" to mom for as long as I could remember. It become a habit for me to do so, whether someone was home or not.

You got a text message. ~

 I dropped my bag on the chair and pulled out my phone.


To: Haneul

From: S :)

Hey Hana!

Didn't see you at the Cafe today. You ok?

It was boring at work without you! D: Wanna hang out at the park later?

-Your Puppy S :)


I rolled my eyes at the 'Puppy' thing. He's my only friend here, who's weird a lot of times, but I love him anyway. He's almost as close to me as Yoo Jin.

But none of the two would be as close to me like he was, I sadly thought. I shook the thought out of my head and texted back.


To: S :)

From: Haneul

Hey, sorry I was tired so I drove straight home.

No, now I'm sleepy so I might go to sleep. Rain check?



I closed my phone and sighed. "It's so quiet here." I said to myself before turning my attention to the pile of mail.

Maybe mom sent me a letter.

I thought as I looked through the mail. I sighed disappointingly. Nothing.

Then something caught my eye.

"From Korea?" I raised an eyebrow as I picked up the envelope. I opened the mail to see two letters. I eyed the papers carefully then opened the written looking one first.

"Dear HanHan-Ah,

My eyes widen when I saw that.

N-no way. There's only one person who would call me that! It can't be Yoo Jin, Could it?

 HanHan-Ah!!!! Omo I miss you so so so much! I always wonder how you and auntie have been. I hope you guys are healthy and well! HanHan-Ah, When I was looking at our pictures from when we were little, I realized how much I missed you! I wanted to see you again so I bought you this plane ticket for you to go to Korea! I already bought it for you so you better go!

 I know that you wouldn't refuse this offer because I know about your weakness. Please please come! I'll be waiting for you at the Air Port! Oh and don't worry about where you'll be staying, you're gonna stay with me! :) Can't wait to see you HanHan-Ah!

-Love Yoo Jin"

P.S - Don't worry about auntie, I already asked her and she said yes!"

I was just shocked.

Oh my god... It really is Yoo Jin! I thought as I process all of this in. Then I pause. Wait a minute.. I reread the letter again. The words ‘go to Korea’ made me froze.  "WHAT?!?" I shouted out, shocked.

Go to Korea!?! Unnie is insane! Wait, what plane ticket?? Then I looked over at the other piece of paper. I grabbed it and quickly unfold it. It was the plane ticket, she print it out!

Aish! Curse you Unnie for knowing my weakness! T-T

I groaned and slumped down on the couch. "Aish..what should I do?"

Darn you Unnie. Now I have to go back..but...the pain..I don't know if I can take it...

I looked out the window. Then I imagined her writing this letter. But unnie must have missed me a lot.. I was having a huge argument in my head.

Then after about half an hour, I sighed in defeat knowing that I've talked myself into this like I always do. "I guess I'm going..." I mumbled. When am I going? I wonder as I picked up the plane ticket. "Mmm. Where's the date?" I asked myself and then I spotted the date. "Oh here it is." I said as I read it.


"Eh!!!!! What the Heck Yoo Jin!!!!!!" I shouted out!It today and they depart at 10 pm! I have to go today! Ugh! You are evil Unnie. -_- Aish, why don't I ever have a say in these things? I thought. I looked at the clock; it was already 7:45. Ah, I have to go pack! I quickly went upstairs into my room packed.

Almost finished packing, I looked at the two picture frames near my bed. One of them was me and mom at the park, eating ice cream. The other was a happy family of three at the beach. I smiled at both of them before putting them in my luggage and headed down stairs and outside the door. I put my luggages in the trunk and drove to the _____ Airport.

After I parked the car, I rushed into the airport since it was already 8:43. Then I see the line for security check. The security checking here is as slow as a snail!! Actually a snail is faster than this! It’s gonna take at least 40 minutes.

I groaned.

"Oh the torture.." I mumbled sadly and pretend to sob as I waited in line. After what seems like forever to me, which was only 25 minutes, I rushed to the find number __. Suddenly someone bumped my shoulder, almost making me trip.

“Hey!” I turned to glare at the culprit, but instead of glaring I stared at him. Ok well, at his hair. His hair was BLUE! Not like a fake y blue, but an actual Blue!

“A-ah. S-s-owy.” He said funny English, bowed and ran to the direction that I just came from. I raised one brow. Blue. Hmm..His accent is kinda funny. He might be Korean. He looks kinda familiar. [A/N: Who has blue hair in k-pop industry? XD]

I turned my head to the right and saw the clock. I cursed under my breath when I saw that it was 9:24.

"Damn it! I’m gonna be late!” I scowled at myself as I ran pass people until I saw number __.

“Yes!” I cheered when I reach to the desk next to the passenger boarding bridge.

“Hello Miss. May I see your ticket please?” The lady behind the desk asked me. I nodded and handed her my ticket. She typed some things before telling me that I could go in. “Make sure you turn to the right Miss.” She called out to me as I reach the middle of the bridge.

“Thank you.” I told her and continue in. When I got inside the plane and turned to the right, my eyes widen.


It was first class!


Holy crap! Aish she’s pampering me. TT_TT I thought as I went to my seat and put up my backpack then sat down and set my bag next to my leg. Ugh, this is gonna be a long, boring flight. I thought as I looked at the TV screen in front of me. And none of the movies on here are good. [A/N: No offence Airlines!]

Turning on the airplane mode, I put my ear buds in and a random song for me to sleep. Yeah, I was gonna sleep before the plane even started to move. They always take a long time before taking off. ‘Waiting Outside The Lines’ by Greyson Chance played and I shut my eyes as I let the music take over.

I was about to fall asleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and took out my ear buds.

"Can I help," I started as I turned to face that person. "You?.." It was the blue hair guy again!

"A-ah," He began nervously. "Um... Y-You M-my seat." He said pointing at me. I wanted to laugh my head off! I’m his seat? Hahahaha. He must have meant ‘I’m in his seat’. I was laughing like crazy in my mind.

"Um, are you ok?" I asked him in Korean with a little coldness to hide my laughter that was trying to slip out from me.

He sighed in relief. "Ah you know how to speak Korean!"

I raised a brow. "And? Did you need something?" I asked in an uncaring tone.

“Um you’re in my seat. Can you please move?”  He rubbed the back of his head.

“Eh?” I answered emotionlessly. Really? I’m in the wrong seat? “This isn’t this seat?” I showed him my seat number. He shook his head a few times. It reminded me of a puppy. ^-^

“Yup. See it’s my seat number.” He said in a happy tone, showed me his ticket then pointed at the number seat above me.

I stood up and looked. “Oh.” I turned to him. “Sorry.” I apologized to him. Picking up my bag and backpack, I moved out the way for him. “I wonder where my seat it.” I mumbled to myself. He must have heard me talking to myself.

“Oh, your seat is right next to mine.” He smiled, pointing to the seat that was connected to his on the other side.

“Kamsahamnida.”  I thanked him as I went to my new seat and put everything in place again. I sat down, ready to sleep until he spoke to me.

“Oh, I’m Lee Dong Rim, but you can call me Youngwon.” He introduced himself with a silly smile.

[A/N: This is him [:]


I blinked surprised. I didn’t expect that. Then HIS faced popped in my mind.

He..reminds me of him.Awkward silence came as he stayed in that position. He then blushed and sat down quietly. The corner of my lip went up.

“Lee Haneul.” I said plainly as I put my ear buds back in. In the corner of my eye, I could see him grinning like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and looked through my music.

Maybe it won’t be such a boring plane ride. I thought, smiling to myself.

An hour passed and they were bringing out food for us.

“Thank you.” I said as she set my food on my table then felt.  

[A/N: Tell me that don’t look good!]

I sighed. An hour already and I’m bored out of my mind. T-T Drumming my fingers, I cut a piece of my steak and stuck it I’m my mouth. Then Youngwon came back from wherever he went and slumped down to his seat. He grabbed his pillow, put it to his face and groaned. I gave him a weird look as I bit another piece of steak. What’s wrong with him?He turned his head in my direction and blushed in embarrassment.

“S-sorry, it’s just that it’s so boring on here.” He whined with a puppy pout.

I nodded. “I know what you mean. Flights are boring.” Especially if you’re going alone. I thought as I ate the shrimp.

“You do?” He asked surprised.

“Yeah. It would be less boring if you had someone else with you though.” I told him as I blow my noodles.

He thought for a moment. “Yeah you’re right.” He said and ate his food.

After the flight attendants took our plates up, I looked at the TV. Might as well look on here. I started to search through the movie section and every one of them I already saw. Ugh. Nothing new. I sighed to myself and turned to Youngwon to see if he found anything fun to do. Well he was occupied. Youngwon was looking at the TV to, but instead of looking through the movies, he made faces at himself. 


That was it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I laughed seeing Youngwon doing that.

“You should laugh more, you have a pretty laugh.” I heard Youngwon said.

Holy !

My eyes widen at what I just did and quickly covered my mouth. I just laughed, in front of a stranger!

He laughed at my actions. ‘You shouldn’t hide it.” He told me with a smile. Oh my god. >.<  

“There aren’t many movies on here.” I changed the subject.

“Yeah, I don’t want to be mean, but they show old movies. I’ve seen all of them.” He agreed with me.

“I know same here.” I got up from my seat and open the compartment for my backpack. I sat back down. “It’s a good thing I brought a DVD player and some DVDs.” I said as I showed him the Movies. I brought ‘The Haunting in Connecticut’, ‘Inception’, ‘Grown Ups’ and ‘Despicable Me’. His eyes sparkled.

“I never have seen those before.” He said.

Then I said something that I thought I would never say to someone I just met.

“Do you wanna watch with me?”

That question shocked us both. Did..did I just ask him that?

“A-ah it’s ok if-”

“Really!?!” He shouted excitingly. We got shushed by other passengers.

I nodded a little embarrassed.

“Wait, isn’t it in English?” I nodded.

“Yes, but it has Korean subs and dubs.” He grinned.

We plugged in our headphones and started to watch the movies. Youngwon chose to watch ‘The Haunting in Connecticut’ first since its night time. Oh my god, we kept jumping throughout the scary parts of the movie and Youngwon even screamed a little which caused him to get shushed again. After that we decided to watch ‘Despicable Me’. When the little girl, Agnes, hit her cheeks and made sounds, Youngwon tapped my shoulder. I turned to him and he did the same thing, well, try too. I chuckled a little, seeing him do silly things. Then we watched ‘Inception’. This movie is kinda confusing if you don’t know how to keep up. I guess Youngwon didn’t because he kept asking me if it was a dream or reality. It’s a good action movie though.

At the end of the movie, I started to feel sleepy.

“Ah, I confused. Is he alive or is he stuck in the dream world?” Youngwon asked me confusingly.

“Ah, it was confusing to me too, I think he lived.” I said, thinking.

“Well,” Youngwon yawned. “I’m gonna sleep.” He laid back with his pillow and blanket.

“Yeah, me too.” I told him as I laid back too.

“Oh, I never did get to ask you, why are you coming to Seoul?” I looked at him.

Hmm… should I tell him? I thought for a moment.

“I’ll tell you why if you tell me why you’re going to Seoul. Deal?” I offered to him.

He gave me a silly grin and nodded. “Well..I’m going to meet my cousin.” I told him.

“Oh that’s nice of you to do.” He said patting my head.

“Yah.” I fixed my hair. “Now your turn.”

“Ok. I’m going back home to go to my friends.” He said pointing at the front.

Ah he’s going back home.

“Wait, You live with your friends?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yeah. I can’t wait to tell them all the things I saw and my new friend I made.” He said smiling at me.

“W-what? Me?” I asked in shock. He just called me his friend.

He nodded happily. “Yeah, you. I’m so grateful to make a friend like you on this trip.”

I felt so touch about what he said.

“Thanks Youngwon, I can’t wait to tell my cousin that I made a good friend like you on my way here.” I smiled at him. Yes my actual genuine smile. He looked taken back, but then he smiled that spread his whole face. “ I think.” I said to him before turning to the other side. “You too Haneul.” He said in a happy tone as I smile to myself.

This trip just began and I already made a friend in a few hours. That was the fastest I can make I friend than I have done in 4 years. I thought as I looked back to see a sleeping Youngwon hugging his pillow.

Maybe coming back….might actually be a good thing, I thought as I fell into a nice slumber.






Annyeong!! Hey, it’s Haneul here. Just want to apologize for the slowness. I’m really trying my best! I know I’m not a good fast righter, but bare with me kay. Also, sorry for the chap. I know it’s not good :P Oh and to my c.o author, Yenni, I didn’t write a depressing g story about me. DX I just happen to like the name Haneul a lot kay. I’m not in denial! DX

*Goes cut myself* JK JK JK XD Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will try to post more really so. Oh and Yenni, I’m so sorry for making you type so much. D: I promise I will try to get better! Hwaiting! Well I hope to see you guys soon again and thank you to all of you that read and subscribe to this story!! :D I’m so happy people read this.



K-PopLoveNoona & Bobateahee


REALLY LATE! I did a quick edit in the first part and now I'm off to bed!

-- Bobateahee out [:

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LoHAnHJ #1
kpop star.p;ssdsdo
I kinda edit it already so yeah.<br />
Nice to see you too lol
OKAY HI GUYS~~ SHE FINALLY UPDATED! Of course, she never gave the chapter to me so I can edit THIS IS UNEDITTED! I have to work on my other fanfics, so this might go uneditted until maybe Christmas break? I'm sorry! School and all my other projects are in the way! MIANHE~~
Aha time for my random comment time! Yes it was Yoseob xD Well I was feeling random and I thought of Beast. I was planning to have her meet Yoseob, but his English is actually quite accurate. And I watched this video and apparently Gi Gwang's English is the worst out of them or something.
Loving it so far!!