rules and prompts

✎ oxymorons: a writing contest [Karma Giveaway on chapter 4]



following these short, simple rules is absolutely mandatory. Those who submit entries that do not meet the requirements must correct mistakes before the deadline.

01. subscribe to the contest thread

02. you must create a new fanfic

03. mention and link back to this thread somewhere in your entry's description or foreword

04. you must use one of the prompts available

05. entry submission: comment the title, link, prompt, genre, main character




you must use a prompt although your entire entry does not have to revolve around it. 

i.e if you chose a quote for your prompt, you could make one of your characters: say it, think it, do it, etc... 

01. "So many books. So little time."
- Frank Zappa

02. "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
- Mark Twain

03. "Always forgive your enemies: nothing annoys them so much."
- Oscar Wilde

04. "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."
- Narcotics Anonymous

05. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- suggested by momentum

06. "And I remember going to the record studio and there was a park across the street and I'd see all the children playing and I would cry because it would make me sad that I would have to work instead."
- Michael Jackson
- suggested by momentum

07. "Imagine and dream. Then the world will change to how you want it to be."
- Woohyun, Infinite

08. "Men have to be able to show their iness without taking their clothes off."
- Rain

09. "You don't know how other people will accept words you say by mistake. I believe that you can change a life with just one word."
- Lee Jinki, SHINee

10. "You became the reason I breath, only to suffocate me."
- Tablo, Epik High

11. "When tomorrow comes, a day of pretending as if nothing happened will start again."
- Tablo, Epik High

12. "Thank you for being a door and not a wall when I knocked."
- Tablo, Epik High

13. "I'm a man but sometimes I cry and scream out when I'm alone."
- G-Dragon, Big Bang

14. "A song with a strong message is strong enough to move the entire world."
- G-Dragon, Big Bang

15. A star may be a person who shines much for your talen or someone who takes advantage of the talent to shine."
- Daesung, Big Bang

16. When I opened G.O Hyung's file, I felt like my ity was taken from me."
- Thunder, MBLAQ

17. "Everybody eat rice!"
- Mir, MBLAQ

18. "I don't know if Taemin knows that I care about him. Taemin, you know it, right? You only have me, right?"
- Minho, SHINee

19. "If you are jealous, tell me, I will love you."
- Yoseob, Beast

20. "Daehyun's Busan accent comes out when he's overworked about something like not being able to eat."
- Himchan, BAP

Click on song title for audio.
Click on artist for lyrics.

21. 1004 (Angel) by BAP

22. Coffee Shop by BAP

You Don't Love Me by Spica

24. Please Don't... by K.Will

25. Wings by Daesung

26. Run Across the Sky by Lee Juck

27. Girls Girls Girls by GOT7

28. Friday by IU

29. Rose by Lee Hi

30. I Got a Boy by Girl's Generation

31. Candy by HOT

32. With You by Nam Jin

33. fxxk u by Gain

34. Bloom by The Paper Kites
- suggested by stupendous-

35. Lullaby by Paradise Fears
- suggested by stupendous-

With picture quotes, please drag them into a new tab if you can't read them.


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oxymorons] okay, so do you guys not care about the giveaway, or do you just not check out the latest updates?


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i've unfortunately dropped my fic. sorry :(
Chapter 1: When is the deadline for this contest? Are one shots accepted?
hey, so i added you but you still havent approved and since idk when else i'm gonna open this site. might as well just comment here. i'm a participant in this wc of yours, duh, but i won't be participating anymore and i have transferred my story to a cousin ( ) of mine and she's interested in joining the contest using my story. so sorta like, she's my back up or sth? yea, okay. i've told her everything bout the contest though idk if she visited or subscribed to the thread just yet but she will. so yeah, uh, thanks?
Chapter 1: Contest Entry:

Title: Someday, Something
Prompt: 11. "When tomorrow comes, a day of pretending as if nothing happened will start again."
- Tablo, Epik High
Genre: Romance, Slice of Life
Main Characters: Xiumin, OC, Luhan
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 1: Title: 천년가도 (Even If A Thousand Years Pass)
prompt: picture-quote #6
genre: historical/tragic romance, poemfic(not sure if that has to be included or not)
main character: Park Jungmin & Kim Hyungjun

(wait, i can use the quote without having to insert piglet n pooh in the fic right? sorry for dumb question, it's my first time using picture prompt...><) Thanks~
hopelesswriter #6
Chapter 1: Hi...i just saw this and was wondering...will i be eligible to enter with fic that was created a few hours ago before seeing this contest><? and second poemfic(fic delivered through poems) allowed to enter?
Chapter 1: title: Nothing Good About Goodbye
prompt: 7 and 35 (Assuming we're allowed two...if not, let me know and I'll choose just 35)
genre: Fluff, slightangst, romance
main character: Do Kyungsoo, OC (Nana)
Chapter 4: i would love a rubric ^^ and i think the prizes are enough as they are, but if it's ultimately up to you! of course everyone would love more and more prizes, haha
Chapter 1: i want to ask, could i apply the story that i also submit to other contest too?