Dance for Me

Valentine Project



Kyungsoo had always admired Jongin's dancing skills and wished to become as good as the other too. Even though the other had assured him that he was perfect the way he was, Kyungsoo still wasn't satisfied. 

"Don't worry, Kyung... you will improve sometime," Jongin had said.

"I know... but I still can't seem to get it right," Kyungsoo had sighed.

Jongin finally gave up and let Kyungsoo do whatever the latter wanted. He didn't want to pressure the other anymore and knew the other would not listen to him anyway.

And so, Kyungsoo took some private dance lessons without the other knowing. Of course Jongin noticed something was off, because lately he had noticed he hadn't seen his boyfriend around anymore and he was starting to get worried. 

He had tried calling, but his calls were always left unanswered. Text messages, however were replied telling him he shouldn't worry, nothing was wrong and everything was fine.


Finally on Valentine's Day, Jongin's worried feelings were finally thrown away. Because he was surprised when music filled their living-room and his Kyungsoo was dancing to his favorite song. He couldn't keep his eyes off the other. Whoever was dancing in front of him wasn't Kyungsoo, because his Kyungsoo couldn't dance to that song.

But his eyes weren't lying to him. It was his Kyungsoo. When the mini-show has finally ended, a nervous and yet anxious looking Kyungsoo beamed at him, asking his opinion.

"That... was... amazing," Jongin croaked out.

"That was... you love this song...," Kyungsoo's face started to heat up.

"...and you did it for me. You've been practising... this song?,"

Kyungsoo nodded. Jongin felt his heart swell in proudness. No words needed to be said anymore as Jongin pulled the other closer and sealed their love with a heart warming kiss.








Ohorat! 300 words again. It was actually more than this, but it looked more like a one-shot instead of a short drabble, so I rewrote most parts. I hope I was able to bring you guys in the Valentine mood. Haha, if not... I am truly sorry. Please do comment and let me know what you think. 

New readers and subbies are always welcome! Please upvote and read the next drabble too. Thank you very much.

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Chapter 4: oh my gosh xD because of your AN in baekyeol i just laughed so hard! ahahaha!i even snorted ahahahaha! i so love your drabbles~ TaoRis, ugh, kris, you wet cheeseball!
Chapter 1: sweet. this story is very short but sweet and romantic. Tao is lucky person who gets a lover like Kris.

and happy valentine's for u too, hehehe.

note: sorry my english is poor ^^