Will you be my Valentine?

Will you be my Valentine?

You bid your friends goodbye as you headed to your own locker and put all the unnecessary things in there, leaving the things you’d be needing for your home works, you quietly finished it taking your time since today was a Friday afternoon and you have nothing scheduled to do after class.


You leisurely strutted through the school grounds tightly clutching on your backpack when you heard a rustle of leaves behind you, making you turn to look at it but when you turned you saw nothing shrugging you turned back and went on your way steps hurried this time around.


You made your way forward without turning back but you didn’t let your guard down ready for whatever it is that may attack you. The rustles turned louder this time hearing murmurs behind you. You braved yourself and looked back to see a group of guys following you the blinding lights making it hard for you to see who they were. You ran with all your might only to stop when you heard one of them stop you “Wait!” you stopped for a moment to think that it was rather familiar, you wondered where you heard that but your mind just wouldn’t process at the moment.


“Finally!” you heard another voice that seemed to be familiar as well “Why would you run like that?” he asked now approaching you, afraid he might do something to you, so you stayed rooted to the ground and when you finally see who that person was, you actually breathed in both anger and relief. “Why must you do that? Scaring me like that. I thought I’m going to die” you whined as Sehun came beside you and you glared at the rest of the guys “Sorry” Chanyeol muttered raising his hands in the air as if surrendering and the rest followed suit “We didn’t intend on doing that Iseulie~” Baekhyun ruffled your hair and you swatted his hands away from your head.


“Where are you guys taking me?” you asked in panic, when they told you to step inside the dark tinted van. Eventhough you were friends with them, you were still afraid for what they can do to you – they still men nevertheless and that thought scared you. “Sshh!” Sehun playfully answered you and the van finally rolled away from school. “It’s a secret Iseulie” Baekhyun cooed after and you saw Suho winking at you from the rear view mirror – he was the one to drive all of you to wherever place it was you were to go to. you quietly sat inside the van as they hadn’t have any intentions on telling you something they might know.



After an hour of a ride, you finally had arrived. You looked around and found yourself in an abandoned warehouse, why did they even bring me here. Ugh! You wondered as you followed them inside. As you were nearing the door, someone or something blocked your line of vision and you knew that someone had put a blindfold in your eyes “Don’t be scared Iseul” you heard Suho as he guided your steps “We won’t hurt you” Chanyeol continued.


“Stay there” Sehun then pulled you to a stop and you do not have any idea what or where you are right now. “Just wait for hyung” Baekyun called as you heard how distant his voice had now become. You pouted as you were overwhelmed with nothing but being scared. Hyung? Who? You wondered to yourself.


After minutes of being left there alone, you felt a presence behind you and you stiffened immediately as he tried to loosen the handkerchief that was tied to block your sight. When the handkerchief was finally out of sight, you whipped your head to look at that presence and you saw a smirking Kris behind you. “Yah!” you started, hitting him in his arms genuinely pissed “What was this all about huh? Are you trying to kill me or something?” you groaned and glared at your bestfriend who was not affected at all.


You turned your gaze away from him and saw that you were at the middle of the warehouse with a single light cascading down on the two of you - it almost look like a spotlight, the rest was pure darkness. You were about to ask Kris when lights momentarily blinding you, you blinked your eyes for a moment before finally adjusting to the now well-lit place and your jaw dropped at what you saw. There was a table for two filled with delicious and pricey looking foods that made your mouth water in desire to stuff all of them in your mouth. But what was this all about? Being this slow person that you are, you asked yourself as you continued to look at the table hungrily.


“Hope you liked it” Kris’ low voice sounded genuinely y as the empty place seemed to boom around the place “I prepared this for you” For me? You asked yourself confused at what he was talking about. Before you can voice out your confusion, flower petals of different shapes and colors cascaded down and you looked up only to find 11 boys – Kris’ best friends; pouring them on top, they were smiling down at the two of you. Confused, you turned to look at Kris who was enjoying the moment and you asked him straight forwardly “What is happening here?” he scoffed before genuinely smiling down at you “Clueless girl” he muttered before he reached behind him, pulling out a single rose and pushed it to you. “What’s that for?” you asked, still not getting any of the situation at hand. “This is for you, just accept it and listen will you?” Kris started as he was getting frustrated since you looked like you were not getting any of this yet. He inwardly sighed as he remembered how he sometimes throws clues about him liking you and yet you ignore them he even tried confessing to you but you just thought it was a joke.


Kris straightened himself as you accepted the flower in your hands – by this time, the flower petals had already scattered unto the floor, covering the once white marbled floor with different colored petals. “Iseul” he looked down at you as he smiled softly at you “Will you be my valentines?” he finished his question and you stood there gaping at your bestfriend. Is he joking with me? You asked yourself and looked at Kris’ face to see if he was just toying with you but you didn’t saw any signs of him joking around.


Kris is one hell of a playboy and sometimes you wonder why you were the best of friends with him, he’d always have someone in the day and at the end of the day he’d have another one. You actually hated him for that; he makes girls cry – well the fact that he was gorgeous can make girls cry but toying with their feelings is another thing. She hated to admit it, but when it comes to her, he changes into a complete different person, he was overprotective of her. He doesn’t like guys swarming around her thinking how they’d be playing with her just like what he does. And it somewhat made Iseul fall for him and right now, he couldn’t just believe that this guy was asking him to be his valentine.


“Iseul?” Kris waved his hands infront of you making you snap out of your thoughts. “What do you say?” Kris said, and you frowned at him “Uhm…I don’t know?” you inquired and Kris sighed in frustration. Well here goes nothing he breathed before finally turning serious. “Iseul” he started and you looked at your bestfriend of 8 years with a serious look on his face – you have never seen him this serious before and it caused you to pay attention to him.


“I’ve always liked you Iseul. You probably think all those times I’ve told you I like you were mere jokes but they are not, it is what I really feel about you. We’ve been friends for 8 long years I myself am not sure when and where it started but I’ve been holding on to these feelings for so long I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it a secret from you anymore” you looked at him as your mind seemed to absorb each and every word that was coming out from his mouth. “And I know you’re probably wondering about me being this playful boy?” he looked at you shyly “Well, it was who I was before and when I happen to realize I have these feelings for you, I refused to change myself only because you might find out that sudden change and question me things that’ll lead me to telling you about me liking you” he rubbed his nape as he looked down at his foot. “Those times I’m afraid you’d be scared of me confessing to you and you would leave me, and I do not want that to happen. I’m fine with you being my best friend just as long as you are always by my side”

“Iseul I really like you a lot and I wish to risk our friendship and try something out of line for the both of us, I hope you’d accept me” he finished his long speech as Tao came behind him handling him a nice set of rose bouquet wrapped elegantly with your favorite color.


He handed you the roses in which you accepted in return, you were speechless after his long speech and you really didn’t know how to respond to this sudden confession. He asked you once more and you only nodded your head to answer him, you liked him too so it was no use turning him down.


He smiled genuinely down at you and you just lost it, this smile, this man infront of you; you were sure that you have been inlove with him, longer than he is with you. Without a word you flung your arms around him and encircled him in a tight hug surprising him with your sudden action. “I’ve always liked you Kris!” you cried tightening the hug, he pulled away so that he can look at you and you were crying “Why are you crying?” he asked panicked “I’m just happy Kris! Real happy.” You stated. He didn’t have to know how and when you started having feelings for him you kissed him full on the lips to show him how you have liked and loved him for all these years that you were together as friends, that kiss would have to speak for you.


You closed your eyes and savored the moment before you heard loud cheers and clapping. Your cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and you pulled away from Kris’ lips not daring to look at his friends – you were sure all 11 of them are here since you have recognized all of their voices. “Finally!” Suho said as he neared the two of you “took you guys so long to be together like this” he teased and two of you smiled shyly at him. “I just knew it! You guys have something real going on” this time it was Kai who commented. Each of them commented at how you should’ve been together a long time ago and you only smiled at them shyly before teasing Kris yourself “How I just wish I won’t have to share you with someone this time?” you inquired and he looked at you in shock. “Of course I wouldn’t do that to you” He replied and kissed you on your cheek.


“I love you bestfriend~” he cooed nuzzling his nose in your hair “I love you too, bestfriend” butterflies in your stomach flew everywhere as the words both of you said at the moment had a different feeling to it. "Now shall we?" Kris gestured to the table "Yes! Let's eat" Sehun said and started going to the table when Kris' long arms got him "What? You said let's eat" he pouted "Why? Are you my Valentine?" Kris asked "But we helped you with this~~" Sehun whinned and you only laughed at the situation. "No" Kris said firmly "You guys will have to go now and I'll be treating you guys some other time" he finished and gave each one of them a push towards the door. "You owe us one" Chanyeol said before he disappered out of sight "But I'm hungry already~" Sehun continued to whine as Suho pulled him out with him "Thanks guys~" Kris said as he ushered you to the table as the both of you enjoyed the peace and quiet of the surrounding, it may not be romantic and all but everything is fine. 

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