Chapter 1


Baekhyun’s P.O.V:

I couldn’t move, had no idea where I was and I wasn’t alone. The problem was I didn’t know what was with me or if it was even human. My leg seemed to be bleeding and was caught in some kind of trap. I tried to scream, but no one answered my calls. There was no hope. I would never escape. The room was dark and freezing cold. I couldn’t see anything going on around me and I wasn’t even sure if I was still alive. I was sure I had already become hypothermic and I knew that I was going to be here for an awfully long time. A light at the end of the room flickered slowly, then came on. It was now the only light source in the room. Now I could see what was happening. And it didn’t make me feel any better. I looked down to see what was trapping my leg, but was frightened by the bloody mess before me. My right ankle was trapped inside a bear trap, the jaws clamped tight over my flesh. There was a pool of blood surrounding my ankle, so much that you couldn’t even see the floor, it was everywhere. It was so silent that I could hear the monotonous sound of my blood hitting the floor slowly; drip, drip, drip. It put me in a trance, and I was just sat there listening to the sound. It almost made me forget that my flesh was a torn up mess. I came back to my senses and tried to pull away from the metal mouth, but it was biting down too hard. I only made it more painful for myself, as I pulled my flesh tearing even further, the metal scraping against my bones, making a sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. I couldn’t even bear to look at it anymore, I began to feel nauseous. It was then that I heard footsteps slowly making their way over to me. I saw a shadow looming over me, swallowing me whole.

“Hello, Baekhyun” the shadow growled at me, a menacing tone to his creepy voice.

I screamed again, screaming out both for help and in pain. But once again it was no use.

“Do you have any idea why you’re here?” it snarled. The voice was deep and intimidating, but still somewhat quiet and calm.

The figure walked around so that I could see it, half of its face hidden in the shadows. I noticed fangs and blood around its mouth, but I knew it wasn’t a vampire. My heart was pounding against my chest, as if it was trying to set itself free from my ribs like a caged bird.

I screamed once again, and the creature snarled at me, bringing my shriek to a halt. The beast edged its way closer to me, and leant down. It reached out and took the chain from the bear trap around my ankle in its pale, scrawny hand; the talons on its hand clanging against the metal. It picked up the chain and started to move. I felt the contraption tugging on my skin, pulling me apart. The figure dragged me across the room by the chain hanging from the metal jaw. If I hadn’t have been yelling in pain and fear, you might have heard my flesh being torn apart at the seams. The icy floor was grating at my body, sending a wave of chills all through my body causing me to shiver.

“Baekhyun! Baekhyun!” I heard a voice calling out from behind me. The voice was very familiar.

“Baekhyun! Wake up!” wake up? But I was already awake, I was sure of it.

“Baekhyun!” woke up in my bed, sweat oozing out from my forehead and back, making me soaked. There stood over me, shaking me to my senses, was Sehun. He had a look of utter panic plastered across his entire face. His eyes looked wild and alert, like he had just seen a ghost, but in this town that’s not very unlikely.


Sehun’s P.O.V:

When Baekhyun woke up his pupils were huge and he looked highly confused, like he didn’t know whether he was actually awake or having an incredibly vivid dream. He was shaking like a wet dog, yet he was covered in sweat.

“No! No! No! Leave me alone!” Baekhyun kept screaming repeatedly, like he was being hypnotised. He repeated that same phrase exactly seven times before I shook him back to the real world. His body was trembling when he returned to earth, his lips completely blue. I thought for a second he was going to die. He had these dreams every night. He explained them as so realistic that he never knew when he was sleeping anymore. These nightmares took over his mind and started to drive him slowly insane until he hit breaking point. Now when we’re in class at school he randomly starts screaming and runs out of class, his whole body trembling like crazy. It’s like he has no control over himself anymore. And maybe he doesn’t. 

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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 2: Woahh this plot is hella similar to teen wolf season 3's plot. I mean, did u get ideas and inspirations frm that drama too??? Cus i love the drama sp damn much <33
Amarillia #2
Chapter 1: oh no, a cliffhanger! I hope you update soon because i want to know what happens! :)