Sent To The Human World

Magical Love



"Ladies and gentlemen. I present thee, the royal family of Magixtry!"

"Good day my people. The time is near for the prophecy to be completed. The Fire and Water dragons will awaken soon but so will WOLF. Please, use your power when needed to battle one of their minions. My people, don't be afraid for this time WOLF will be silenced forever!"




"Ugh! This weather is totally bumming me out. Being trapped in here all day while my squire's get to go hunting is totally unfair! Just cuz I'm a prince  doesn't mean I'm weak!"

KNOCK,KNOCK! "Come in. Who could possibly disturb me at this hour?"   

"Oh! What a mess?! Seems like someone has been trashing his room again. Angry again?" I turned to see who it was and soon saw it was Seohyun. She looked radiant in a scarlett colored dress.

"So.. Why are you angry this time?" she said. I explained to her how my squires had gone hunting and that they wouldn't let me go because they thought i couldn't take it and that they would die if i got hurt. Psh! They aren't the only ones who have game.

"Oh. Well your are the future ruler so you must be protected. Which reminds me. We are to go to the human world and attend school their. You will go with your squires and me and my sisters will accompany you guys just in case you guys need a little fairy magic." Wat?! Oh no. The human world is much more difficult. Although I hate feeling trapped in the castle, I DESPISE rules! But on the brightside, Seohyun is coming!

"Um...oh. Of course. When will we leave?" I replied to her. She told me in 2 days at dawn. Then she left.

SEOHYUN'S POV....      

Why must he get anry so easily? Hopefully he calms down. Walking through the corriders alone was kind of strange. I should have invited Kyuhyun. He must be so lonely. Going to the human world wasn't my favorite thing to do but I'm a noble's daughter and it's my duty to serve the royals. I must go tell the others that we leave in 2 days but since I can't find them I'm going to go walk in the garden. Hopefully I will see them there.      


The squires returned with a white stag and the Queen thanked them at the feast the bext day. Prince Kyuhyun was still in a bad mood but tried to hide it when his squires came to greet him. "Hey your royal highness. What's up?" Sang Bum asked.

Sang Bum and Nichkhun were Kyuhyun's squires. Sang Bum knew Kyuhyun was in bad mood since he couldn't go hunting with them but he liked making Kyuhyun angry. Nichkhun on the other hand was clueless. "Nothing much squire. But i do see you have a rip in your new suit." Kyuhyun said smirking after he caused a rip down the side of Sang Bum's pants.

"KYUHYUN!!! You..." Sang Bum began but immediately stopped because everyone in the court began to stare. -____-

"You were saying?" Kyuhyun innocently asked. Nichkhun just began to laugh. As the court livened up, the queen cleared for an announcement.

"Nobles and Duchesses. Tomorrow i will send the heir to the human world so he will be safe from WOLF. He will be accompanied by his squires, Sang Bum and Nichkhun, and 3 of my ladies-in-waiting, SeoHyun, Victoria, and So Eun. We wish a safe trip my son and to your protectors" the queen said.



"Ready you guys?" I asked. I'm not very good with waiting but what ever. I can wait. I quietly sneeked into the kitchen. Man how I love the royal kitchen. So much food to choose from. Then something caught my eye. A chocolate bunny waiting for me. Wrapped in a shiny golden color with the smell of chocolate. I'm craving this bunny. I'll just take it with me as a snack. I'm going to get hungry eventualy. Hehehe. Heading back to see if everyone was ready dissapointed me. I really wanted to go spend more time in the kitchen. >;) "Nichkhun!!! We are waiting on you. Hurry!' screamed Victoria. I ran up to the Prince's room. "I'm here.....just need to....catch my...breath," I replied panting.


The 6 childhood friends held hands and formed a circle putting all the luggage inside the circle. SeoHyun, Victoria, and So Eun chanted a teleportation spell and soon they arrived in the human world.


"My lord, the Queen has sent the prince and his squires to the human world. At your request we will send our 6 best fighters to track them down and bring them to you." WOLF's minions told them.

"Very well. just bring them alive. All 6 of them. 2 of them must posses the dragons and we will need them." Walter Orcon said. Walter called himself "the Lord of Darkness" and his lover,Lizette Fwaze,"the Black Queen." 6 of the best darkest fighters were on their way to capture the prince and his protectors but when they arrived, the "Dark 6" found that using human bodies would make it easier to capture the prince. One of the six transformed into the Prince's new school principal.

"He will never know. With the "Dark 6" in the human world, the prince can say goodbye to Magixtry forever. Mwuahahaha!"

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lizaliza #1
wow...thrilling enough just by reading first chap though!!!
super duper interesting!! I'm really anticipating the next update!!<br />
I wonder who are the dark 6? hmm... pls update more!!
sounds interesting!!<br />
Update soon!!
jesc09 #4
it sounds interesting! Will there be seokyu? :) pls update soon! :D
Looks really cool and interesting~ ^^;;<br />
Update soon~ ^____^