
With the Love

“When will daddy come home?” Amber’s 5 year old son Kevin continued to question her.

“Kevin, your father has a lot of work today so he’ll get home very late.” Amber told him, knowing he’ll be disappointed.

Kevin’s face fell. “Oh…”

Amber softly sighed, hating to see her only son disappointed. Amber also hated the fact that Kris had a lot of responsibilities at his work and rarely has time to be with his family.

Amber was a stay-at-home mother after being laid off. Kris insisted that Amber didn’t need to find a job and should just take care of Kevin since he didn’t trust babysitters anyways.

Amber always thought of Kris and missed him when Kris left for work at some big company. She sometimes wished that Kris wasn’t such a workaholic and put all of the pressure on himself.

She stared at Kevin who was drawing with a frown that says ‘I miss daddy and why can’t I spend more time with him.’

Her eyes then shifted to the window. It was 7:00 and already dark, but the lights helped brighten up the night. They lived in an expensive and nice apartment building near Kris’s work place. Their balcony had an amazing view of the city and night lights.

“Wow, it looks beautiful tonight.” Amber awed as she stepped out onto the balcony. She stood there for a while as she was deep in thought.

“Mommy.” Kevin poked Amber, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Yes Kevin?”

“My drawing was entered in a contest and it won!” Kevin boasted as he showed the certificate.

“Really? Omo, mommy is so proud!” Amber beamed, giving Kevin kisses in the cheek and then ruffled his hair.

“I also got a prize. They gave me some gift card.” Kevin’s face was filled with confusion at the mention of the prize and handed Amber the card.

It was a gift card to a buffet in the city. It offered a paid all-you-can-eat meal for one child under 10.

“Kevin, do you want to eat out tonight?” Amber asked Kevin. It sounded like a good idea to her since the night's weather was perfect.

“Really?” Kevin said with an upbeat tone.

Amber giggled at Kevin being such a cutie pie. “Of course. My first place boy deserves it.” She ruffled his hair again.

“Can daddy come?”

Amber patted Kevin's head. “Daddy still has work. And even if we waited for him, he’ll be too tried by the time he finishes work. We shouldn’t be bother him and just let him rest.” Amber responded, knowing that she was saying it to herself too since she barely refrained herself from calling Kris, the man she loved so dearly and missed spending time with.

Kris has just gotten home and was exhausted. All he wanted to do was lie on the couch but at the same time, he was hungry so he sat down on the dinner table as he waited for his wife to cook up some food for him.

Amber gave Kris a peck on the cheek as soon as she realized that Kris was home. “Welcome home, Wufan.”

Kevin then barged into the scene. “Daddy!”

“Hey son.” Kris only gave him a small smile, trying to hide the fact that he was tired in front of the little boy.

Kevin immediately ran off after saying hi to his father to not miss out on a new episode of a cartoon he enjoyed.

Kris looked back at his wife. “So, when’s dinner?”

“Wufan… we haven’t had much family bonding time lately. So I was thinking, we should all go out tonight and eat at a restaurant.”

Kris sighed. “I know. But please understand me, Amber. You know how much the company is stressing me out. I even got yelled at by my boss today. I just want to rest today.”

“Oh.” Amber said, trying to not show disappointment. “I understand. Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.”

She then glanced at the clock. “It’s almost our dinner time. We should go right now, Kevin.”

Kevin nodded. “Okay mommy.” Kevin already ran to the door and waited for his mother.

“Hold up Kevin. Mommy has to get her stuff first.” Amber quickly grabbed her bag, wallet, and jacket. She took the phone from the kitchen counter, remembering that it was out of battery since she forgot to charge it.

“I guess I don't need it anyways.” Amber whispered to herself before she left her apartment with her son.

Kris was relieved and felt joy when he somehow managed to finish his work earlier than he thought and left the tall building he had to be stuck in for long hours.

Today he was feeling more excited than usual to get to see his wife and his son, just because he already missed them so much even though he have seen them in the morning.

After he drove back to his apartment building, he opened the door waiting to be given a warm welcome, only to be accompanied with the dark and empty apartment.

"Where the hell did they go at this time?" Kris murmured to himself. Amber and Kevin were usually always at home.

He the lights and took out his phone to call his wife who was first in his speed dial.

Kris waited ring after ring, frustrated that she wouldn't pick up the phone even after calling her several times.

"Why isn't she picking up?" He grunted.

His eyes accidentally landed on Amber's phone that was on the counter. "Aish, really Amber...?"

Kris laid down on the couch. "I guess I should just wait until they come home then.."

But after a couple of minutes worry kept building up inside of him.

"What could they be doing? What if something happened to them?" Were the types of questions Kris had and couldn't stop over-thinking everything.

Kris then made a firm decision to go find his family. He got off of the couch and left the apartment.

He began dialing all of Amber's friends, hoping that at least one of them knew where Amber was.

Amber had to park a little far from the buffet because of the lack of parking space since it was a Friday night and many people were outside at this time.

She held onto Kevin’s hand as they walked on the streets.

“I hope it’s okay I didn’t make any reservations.” Amber whispered to herself.

“Noona!” Amber heard. She turned to the source of the voice.

“Sehun!” Amber waved. Sehun was a good friend-slash-dongsaeng of Amber’s since their college days. He was only two years younger than Amber, but he was quite the ladies’ man. He knew how to charm any girl of his choice.

Sehun scurried over to Amber and her son.

He got down to Kevin’s level. “Hey there buddy.”

“Hi uncle Sehun.” Sehun put out his hand for Kevin to high five. Kevin gladly gave him one.

“So what are you guys out here?” Sehun asked them.

“I planned to go out for dinner with Kevin.” Amber told him.

“What about Kris?”

“Kris has work.” Amber replied.

“Ah, I see. I just got off of work, so is it okay if I join you guys?” Sehun asked her.

Amber gave him a smile. “Of course, Sehunnie.”

“You can join us, uncle Sehunnie.” Kevin added.

Sehun chuckled. He didn’t usually like being called ‘Sehunnie’ unless it was Amber or her son who was calling him by the silly nickname.

Sehun followed Amber and Kevin to the restaurant. When they went inside of the buffet, it was pretty crowded. Almost all of the tables were taken.

Amber talked to the hostess. “Is there any table for 3?”

The hostess nodded after she checked. “Luckily, there is. Come this way.” She led the trio to a four-seat table, with a perfect view of a children’s show they were displaying on the flat screen TV.

Kevin’s face brightened while his eyes were glued to the screen.

Amber and Sehun unconsciously smiled at him.

“I’ll stay here and watch Kevin. You can get the food for you and Kevin first.” Sehun told Amber.

“Thank you, Sehunnie,” Amber said as she got up to grab the food.

Sehun was watching Kevin until his phone rang. It was Kai, one of his best friends.

“Yo Sehun! You gotta be here! There are a lot of hot chicks at the club tonight! I’ll text you the address!”

“Nah, I’ll pass. Don't feel like getting drunk tonight.” Sehun rejected.

“Wae? What are you doing? Are you on a date?” Kai questioned.

“No, I’m having dinner with Amber noona and her son at a buffet near my work place.”

“You’re going to miss out on a fun night for a married woman? Sheesh, whatever. Don’t feel like wasting my time trying to convince you to come. Just text me when you want have some real fun.” Kai hanged up on Sehun.

“This guy.” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Sorry, Kris. I don’t know where she is.” Victoria informed him over the phone.

“It’s okay.” Kris then thanked her before hanging up.

Kris messed his hair, releasing his frustration. “Where could she be?”

Kris has called almost every contact on his phone that was friends with Amber. He scrolled down his contacts list to look for some potential people that could know his wife’s location.

The first that caught his eye was Kai. He tapped on his name and called him, even though he thought that there was probably no chance that the party animal would know where she was.

“What up Kreaseeee! It’s been so long since we talked, man! What made you call me?” Kai inquired.


“Shouldn’t you be working? If you’re not busy, then what are you doing not eating dinner with your wife and kid?“


“Sehun told me that he was eating at a buffet near his work place with Amber and Kevin.”

“Oh.” Kris paused. “Well, I’ll be hanging up now. It’s been nice talking to you.”

“We haven’t even-“

Kris already hanged up on Kai without letting him finish his sentence. Kris felt upset, and a little of anger. Though he didn’t admit it to himself.

He wasn’t usually a petty guy but he couldn’t help but question “Why didn’t she invite me? Do they not want to eat with me?”

Kris stepped on the gas and drove to where his family was. He already knew where the buffet was at since Sehun and Kris were close friends as well.

Kris genuinely thought good of Sehun and knew he was trust-worthy and reliable. But sometimes Sehun nudged Kris’s nerve everytime Sehun and Amber are a little bit more than too close for Kris’s liking.

After he arrived at the buffet, the hostess stopped him, telling him that there weren’t anymore tables.

“My family is already inside.” Kris explained.

“None of the customers informed me that another guest will come later.”

Kris forced a smile on his face, but it managed to charm the hostess which wasn’t even Kris’s intention. “I’m telling you the truth. My wife and son are here. Please let me inside.”

The hostess was speechless so she only nodded and moved out of the way to allow him inside.

Kris’s eyes scanned the buffet before walking table to table. There were many people, which made it even harder to find his family.

After only a minute of searching, he managed to spot his mini self at a table next to the only woman in his life. A smile formed as he watched them laughing. His smile vanished when he realized that Sehun was sitting in front of them while his lips moved, meaning that Sehun was the reason for his family’s laughter.

As a husband and a father, he practically cringed at the sight. He realized that he was actually jealous. Kris knew that he has no reason to be, but he still felt a little intimated by his dongsaeng.

He watched Sehun stand up to get another plate of food. But just before he left, Sehun ruffled Amber’s hair, which was a sign of affection in Kris’s book. He didn't like it one bit.

Because Kris had no reason not to, he walked over to their table and casually sat down at the seat next to Sehun's.

“Kris!” Amber’s eyes widened in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“Daddy!” Kevin beamed.

"It seems that you guys were already having so much fun before I got here." Kris remarked.

"Kris, have some sushi." Amber stretched across the table to feed the sushi to Kris.

"Aish, it's hard staying mad at her when she's feeding me." Kris thought.

"It's great that you got to leave work early today." Amber was very obvious showing the joy she currently felt. "How did you know where we were?"

"Yah, why didn't you bring your phone with you?! Do you know how much I worried for you too?!" Kris bursted.

Before Amber got to reply, Sehun came back to the table. “How have you been, Kris? I’m surprised to see you here, since you’ve been very busy lately.”

“I happened to finish my work early today.” Kris said in a flat tone.

Sehun grinned, oblivious to Kris’s moody self. “It's about time. I bet your wife and son misses-"

Sehun was interrupted with a phone call. He picked it up and listened and nodded to the caller for a half a minute before he hung up.

He sighed, “I’m going to have to go to an emergency meeting at the hospital.”

Amber sulked. “Aww, I wish you can stay.”

“That’s really too bad, Sehun.” Kris added without sincerity.

Sehun stood up and waved at them. “Have some fun family time without me. Bye guys.”

"Bye uncle~" Kevin waved.

Sehun left the family alone. As much as Amber felt happy that Kris finally had the time to spend with her and Kevin, she was concerned. Kris didn't seem very happy himself. His tone and expression showed that he was annoyed.

“I’m going to get some food.” Kris stood up and placed a lot of food on his plate. He was hungry from trying to find Amber and Kevin and it has been a while since he has been to the particular buffet, so it was a good idea to take advantage.

When Kris sat down, Amber still sensed the awkwardness.

“Kris, did you know that your son won a drawing contest?” Amber mentioned, in attempt to lighten up the mood.

Kris raised his head in interest. “Really now?”

“I’m the best drawer in my school!” Kevin bragged.

Kris’s lips curved upwards at his son’s cuteness. He reached over to Kevin and pinched his cheek. “Of course you are. After all, I am your father and you were lucky enough to inherit my art skills.”

Amber almost spit out her drink because of Kris's absurd statement. She ended up bursting out laughing and couldn’t stop.

Amber’s contagious laugh spread to Kevin as well and laughed along with his mother.

Kris wanted to look serious and tried to hold in his laughter, but he failed. “Hey, you both aren’t supposed to laugh!”

“Stop flattering yourself, Picasso.” Amber teased.

“Please, I PUT Picasso’s art to shame.” Kris shot back.

“No, I put YOUR art to shame.” Kevin retorted at his father.

Kris scoffed, pretending that he was offended when he secretly snickered at his son's comment. Kevin moved out of the seat next to Amber and sat on Kris's lap.

"You miss your father, don't you?" Kris joked.

Kevin only nodded and stuffed some food from Kris's plate into his father's mouth. "You must be hungry, daddy. Eat."

After another hour and a half at the buffet, they went to the movies and watched Frozen.

Kris and Amber laid on their bed after they put Kevin to sleep. Amber’s eyes were already closed when Kris entangled his legs with Amber’s while his hands were wrapped around her stomach. His nose was touching her nape, which made Amber giggle since his breathing was making her ticklish.

“So why didn’t you invite the husband of the family to dinner?” Kris suddenly asked Amber.

“Hm?” Amber didn’t catch his question.

“Did you both get tired of me?”

Amber was surprised, surprised that Kris was bothered because of something as small and unimportant as that. “I thought you were still at work. And I didn’t want to bother you, since you’ve been too tired lately to go anywhere else. You didn’t even want to go last time I asked you to go to the restuarant.”

“So why did you invite Sehun?” Kris continued to integrate.

“What kind of question is that? He ate with us because he’s a good friend, of course! And I technically didn’t invite him. We ran to each other on accident.” Amber explained.

“So he was my replacement?"

Amber turned to Kris. "Are you kidding right now?"

"You two were enjoying each other’s company too much in my opinion." Kris murmured.

Amber smirked. "You know you're being a jealous husband right now, right?"

“Psh, no.” Kris said without looking at Amber in the eye.

Amber raised Kris’s chin and gave him a peck on the lips. Kris unconsciously smiled, loving the taste of her lips.

"You have no need to be. I only love you and my son Kevin."

Kris put Amber’s head on Kris’s chest, treating his chest like Amber’s pillow. He gave peck on Amber’s head. "That's good to hear."

“Thank you for tonight, Wufan.” Amber didn’t need to explain to Kris what she meant.

Kris had completely forgotten about his slight anger and jealously from earlier. He was just happy to be have been able to be with his precious child and the woman he loved the most in the world.

“I'm going to ask my boss for a day off. Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow.”

Author's Note: Omfg this one shot was longer than I thought it would be. I hope you all enjoyed it though. I enjoyed writing this though it actually took me a couple of days to finish this because I kept on getting distracted. Please comment what you think about this one shot ^_^

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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet
Fox-PigletMania #2
Chapter 1: YAY! I loved it.
Chapter 1: ahh I really like this! precious family~
waiclareli #4
Chapter 1: Gosh I luv krisber so damn much
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 1: thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us. love the way you elaborate this fiction.
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 1: Awwww cute krisber family story
nizzyool #7
Chapter 1: ahahaha I like how Amber handles her and her son's "loneliness", and of course, how Kris handles his jealousy. they don't blow up and manage to talk about it nicely.... and it ends up nicely :)
Chapter 1: Wooaahhh... I already imagine their life would be like that if KrisBer is real... Thanks for this one, so happy to see them always got a way to solve their problem n still jelly kris is more mature here.. Discusion is always good in relationship!!! Understanding to each other is important to build trust on them, LOVE this simple but sweet one shot you had^^
justmeyay #9
Chapter 1: Yeah zoo .they will meet Llama
dayan_m #10
Chapter 1: Haha jealous kris XD