Beautiful Hangover

Look Only at Me


I brushed my hair with my fingers as I lingered whether or not taste her plumb lips. When I finally gave into temptation, I took a strand of her turquoise hair out of the way and placed it behind her ear. Her questioning emerald eyes gazed to the ground making me sigh. It had never been this hard before. My legs were slightly shaking. Then again, it could be from how cold the weather was. Yet, I knew I was wrong. Her curly hair got on my way again. As I placed it back behind her pierced ears, her eyes finally met mine. I felt a cold hand on my neck gently pulling me closer. My hand somehow landed on her slim waist getting her even closer. Yet, not close enough. Seeing her eyelids closing, I started to close mine, completely giving in to what was coming.

“Yah, Kwon! Wake up! Wake up!” My eyes shot wide open and I quickly sat up.

My head hurt in an unexplainable way. I rubbed my forehead with my fingers trying to make the ache lessen but having my hyung's voice piercing through my eardrum made it impossible.

"Get dressed. We're going to get you some coffee for that hangover." He annoyedly said.

"If you know I'm hungover, why the Hell you storm into my room making so much noise?!" An exasperated sigh escaped my lips. "Right when I was going to make my move..."

"Huh?" he said with annoyment visible on his face. I sighed again."

"Gwaenchanh-ayo..." I whined, keeping the dream for myself. "I'll get dressed."

He left shutting the door behind him. I laid on my bed again and closed my eyes. No matter how hard I tried the dream would not continue. I groaned both from the intence headache and from a dash of anger.

My mind was filled with her. For some reason I associated her scent to the one of a rose. Sweet, yet in a way, seductive. It's unknown to me why the smell of roses brings her face to my mind.

Regret invaded me as I remembered our meeting. It was far from perfect. I then found myself desperately looking for the leather jacket I wore the night before, the one that, at least in my vague memory, was worn by her for a few minutes. Moving around and bending down made my head alert the possibility of exploding. Yet, when I found the jacket, the worsen headache was worth it.

Rose perfume lingered faintly on its inside. I couldn't get enough of her scent perfectly mixed with mine. A grin made it's way to my face. I bit my lower lip to control it but, the joy that filled my heart faded the moment my mind announced how I probably will never see her again. I sat down and groaned, covering my face with the palms of my hands.

My hyung stormed back into my room yelling me to get ready. I groaned even louder.

"Yah! Choi Seunghyung, stop yelling!"

I made it to the bathroom and took the longest shower ever. For some reason I didn't want to do a thing but let the hot water pour down on me. The cloud I was on earlier had comepletely faded and I was harshly thrown to the ground. Having a hand against the wall, I leaned under the shower then ran my fingers through my now soaked hair. My mind filled with blurred memories of her. Her plumb lips, curly turquoise hair and her sandclock figure made my knees weak.

I got out of the shower before hyung had a chance to scream at me again and quickly picked a grey cotton sweater, some black jeans and, to make a contrast, my red sneakers. I dried my hair quickly not bothering much if it were messy, my red cap would cover it.

"Yah, Kwon!"

"Coming! Coming!" I answered to Seunghyung, almost as a groan.

Once we arrived to the café, I put my cap on and stumbled a little behind my hyung who pretty much ran inside. He made it's way to a table as it was natural or automatic, a custom even. That table was his and nobody else's. I sat beside him letting a groan escape my lips, for my headache had worsen for hurrying up. He gave me a glare and let out a loud sigh which let me thinking what the Hell I had done wrong. Then I noticed his eyes trailing off towards a beautiful girl just a few tables in front. Their game went on for minutes and I stayed there watching how their game developed. The pulse in my head lessened greatly for silence ruled the place, or was it peace? Either way, the place, filled with the strong scent of coffee, was simply perfect for a hungover guy.

"Order yourself some coffee. I'll come back later." Having said that, Seunghyung stood up and made it's way towards the girl he had been eying's table.  I grinned and raised my hand calling for the waiter that was not too far away from me but he went somewhere else. I followed him with a questioning look and saw her turquoise hair and pale face. Her plumb lips slightly moving as she talked to the smiling waiter, captured my attention.

Without thinking it twice I made my way towards her and once I reached her table, her emerald eyes met mine and her cheeks acquired a pink tint.

Her asking how I could remember her was foolish for it was simply obvious:

"Apparently, turquoise hair isn't that easy to forget."

“Thank you.” She said moments later, taking a sip of her coffee as if what I had said was typical to her.

 A laugh slipped out of me as I brushed my messy hair with my fingers, and the pain arose for a moment making me groan. I tried to quiet it while massaging my temple with my thumbs. Taking another sip before talking, she asked:

“How’s the hangover going?” To which she earned another groan mixed with a slight laugh while I answered:


She signaled the waiter to come, his eyes shone but then extinguished as he saw she had company. Nevertheless, he came forth and smiled to her widely:

“How may I help you, miss?”

“Please, bring me an espresso double shot. Plus, a Café au Lait.” She said returning  the smile.

“For who is the espresso?” I asked.

“For you. It will help with your hangover.” I nodded in agreement. The waiter excused himself and asked if we were to share a tab to which she hurriedly said no. With that he left. My eyes wondered off to her red-ish lips and froze there watching how she nerviously bit and them.


Sahirah's POV


His blond messy hair, barely combed, was still exposed and the more I noticed his fingers sliding through it, the more I wanted to feel it agains my fingers. It looked as soft as the night before.  I wanted to caress it, play with it, like I couldn't do outside the club.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed him staring at me. I tilted my head to a side with a questioning look. His gaze turned away and a slight pink painted his cheeks. He ruffled his hair while whispering:

"Geulaeseo danghwang..." I laughed.

"What's so embarrassing?" I asked. He covered his red face:

"Nothing..." I laughed even more.

"Excuse me." Said, politely, the waiter. "Here's your Café au Lait, miss. And... your espresso double shot, sir. Anything else?" To which I quickly answered:

"I want some butterscotch  sticky buns and... I think I saw like Blueberry...something...on the menu?"

"The Blueberry Blintzes?" The waiter asked.

"Yes!" I almost screamed. Looking towards the table, blushing for my embarrassing way of responding. Then, I calmly answered. "Thank you." The waiter gave me a smile and left.

A phone rang and my companion answered it leading to a short conversation. When he hung up, he quickly turned towards Ameenah's table, informing his hyung they had to go to work. I felt lonely when his eyes looked into mine, as if he didn't want to go. I smiled covering the fact that I didn't want him to leave.

"Im so sorry. How impolite of me... I'm Jiyong." He grinned. Smiling brightly back at him, I shook his hand:

"It's nice to meet you, Jiyong. I'm Sahirah."

"That's a beautiful name, Sahirah. It's a pleasure to meet you and a misfortune to have to leave. If you had kept my jacket we would've had a reason to see eachother again." The last sentence was let a hint of sadness be knotted. A little smile escaped my lips and said:

"I guess you are right."

He scribbled something in a piece of paper napkin and gave me the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. After taking a recently delivered sticky bun and paying his bill, he swiftly made his way out of the café, leaving me lonesome yet with a smile plastered on my face.

I reached for my sketch book and opened the spade lid to find a piece of napkin saying:

                             Here at 10 am next Saturday. Would you come?  





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Taoris95 #1
Chapter 6: That little trickster! I was sad when I thought he threw the number away but he was just playing
Taoris95 #2
Chapter 4: Omo your descriptions! This story is amazing, I love it! I can FEEL the tension and the iness~
Taoris95 #3
This looks so good!
Chapter 10: Im on my phone so I'm going to leave a short comment for now. But...omg. My feelssss. I'm absolutly adoring this story. That cliffhanger. I need to know more haha. Its beautifully written too. Your descriptions toaly transport me.

Keep up the awesome work!!!
Chapter 5: Omg soooo sweet~ feels man, feels~
If something like that happened to me... ahhhhhhhhhhhh...
Chapter 4: Turquoise o_O
Chapter 1: What? This is soooo good!!!