Coffee Table

Look Only at Me

TOP Special Edition ‘DOOM DADA’  PHOTO BOOK (80 Pictures) + CD + MAKING FILM  + File binder  Date of Release: December 13











“Excuse me, Miss.” said a young man’s voice, startled me. “Here’s your coffee.” As the waiter laid down the glass of coffee on the table, I looked up to my right to see the one that had asked for my attention.

    I smiled, I have got to know this young man who always seems to take my order, and said, “Thank you,” And while I did that, I closed the book I was reading, continuing to say, “But I have not ordered any coffee.”

   I was at a coffee shop, just like every Saturday, and I always order something different, just wanting to try different things, and I seem to take my time as I always bring a book with me and lose track of time. But today, earlier than usual, he brought me a frappe iced coffee with chocolate chips, whipped cream and strawberries when, like I mentioned before, haven’t ordered just yet.

    He smiled down at me and his kind eyes made their way to the table across from mine. A young and extremely handsome man had taken a sit in the table mentioned, facing me. He had deep brown eyes with a sensual almond shape combined with tick black eyebrows, jet black hair that covered one of his eyes and a perfect jaw line. In his thin lips, a smirk started to dance across and I noticed that I have been staring. I quickly averted my eyes from his, looking at my closed book and trying to suppress a blush that started to paint my cheeks.

    Now I understood the reason for the sudden glass of iced coffee. And I founded myself wondering how he knew that such drink was one of my favorites.

‘He must have asked the waiter.’ I thought. 'I wonder how long had he been there before I was brought back to reality.' I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as this thought ran through my mind. I easily get lost within the books. My eyes, easily fooled by the inked letters that seemed to move and dance in the paper white pages, heard everything they whispered and saw everything they described.

    I bit the corner of my lower lip and smiled. As I looked up, keeping my straight composure, I noticed he was calling over a waiter. When the waiter finally reached his table, he whispered something to his ear; the waiter looked to my wooden table and nodded. I, to seem occupied, opened my book once again while drinking my iced coffee. I wasn’t really reading and lost hope of doing so when I founded myself re-reading the same lines over and over again. And for the first time in a while, I listened to the music. Closing my eyes I thought, ‘Jazz’ and a small laugh rolled down my lips as I listened to it. I shoke my head lightly; jazz wasn’t really my favorite type of music, yet still I love music none the less, as it has the same effect that books have.

   I watched my surroundings, and I was located in a small table for two, that had become mine somehow, and it was in the far off corner just beside the warm colored wall, giving me a full view of the whole café shop. In the table I had my laptop, a small notebook, colored black, that at the cover said “Get Done” with the writing colored white and a pencil. Realizing to have a notebook, I wrote something:

    Meet the attractive man.

    I was once again interrupted from what I was doing, but this time what caught my attention was a movement that came from the table in front of mine. I looked up and found that the man, that had somehow made its way into my ‘Thing’s to do before I die’ list, was getting up and ready to leave. He seemed to notice me and gave me and apologizing look and left. And my eyes, just like in books, followed him until they couldn’t see him any longer.

   A sigh escaped my full lips and I founded myself thinking, ‘Maybe next Saturday that corner will be mine once again.’                                                         

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Taoris95 #1
Chapter 6: That little trickster! I was sad when I thought he threw the number away but he was just playing
Taoris95 #2
Chapter 4: Omo your descriptions! This story is amazing, I love it! I can FEEL the tension and the iness~
Taoris95 #3
This looks so good!
Chapter 10: Im on my phone so I'm going to leave a short comment for now. But...omg. My feelssss. I'm absolutly adoring this story. That cliffhanger. I need to know more haha. Its beautifully written too. Your descriptions toaly transport me.

Keep up the awesome work!!!
Chapter 5: Omg soooo sweet~ feels man, feels~
If something like that happened to me... ahhhhhhhhhhhh...
Chapter 4: Turquoise o_O
Chapter 1: What? This is soooo good!!!