21 Days

Day 3 [December 23rd, 2013]


Sulli was too tired to take Teddy on a walk this morning so she let him chase her around the house.

"Haha come here Teddy!" she called as he sprinted towards her, and jumped up onto her.

"Ah~ you caught me." she kissed his forehead.

"What should I make for Christmas, Hm... should I bake cookies this year?" She excitedly asked as Teddy wagged his tail in approval.

"That means I need to go grocery shopping..." Sulli grumbled. She felt too lazy to leave the house today but there was no time to waste.


She walked down the street towards the neighborhood mart. She stomped on the snow and even collected some fresh snow in her hands. The light snow brought peace and painful remembrance for Sulli.

When she arrived at the mart, she quickly gathered all the ingredients.

"Brr... so cold. Oh! Dog treats for Teddy~" Sulli went to grab a bag of treats but someone grabbed it at the same time. They awkwardly looked at each other.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She said while giving him the bag.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. We just had good timing." he said with a grin. Sulli couldn't stop staring at his tan skin and beautiful face.

"Is there something on my face? Damn it, is it toothpaste?" he said while turning around. She quickly burst into laughter; he looked embarrassed but laughed along.


"I'm Kai, are you from around here? You seem like a new face." he said.

"I'm Sulli, I'm not from this neighborhood."

"I see~ Well, see ya." Kai said with a grin and a small bow.


They both left the mart at the same time, and went down the same road together. Sulli was walking behind Kai as he peeked to see if she was still behind him.

‘Why is she following me?’ Kai nervously thought.

‘Does he live in the same building? Why are we going the same way?’ Sulli thought.


"Are you stalking me?" Kai quickly turned around.

"What!" Sulli yelped in surprise.

"No no no! I live over there." She pointed to the 21 floor building.

"Oh me too, but you said you weren't from around here..." he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm house-sitting for my friend, Krystal. She lives on the 21st floor."

"Krystal?! I know her haha we're clubbing buddies."

"Clubbing buddies?" Sulli asked in confusion.


They walked side by side as Kai explained to her what "clubbing buddies" were.

"We're VVIP's at Club G. We make sure that we get each other home safely; you know, clubbing buddies." he said with a shrug.

"Oh... clubbing buddies." She slowly understood the concept.

"If you're not busy you should come tomorrow night. I'll you." he said with a smile.

"Clubbing?! I... I've never been clubbing." She stuttered.

"Are you serious?!" he asked; Sulli quickly nodded.

"What! You have to come! It's Christmas eve~ I promise that you'll have fun."

"Really? Well..."

"I'll take that as a yes." Kai said with a wink.


They reached their apartment building.

"So you were getting treats for Teddy?" Kai asked.

"Yep! Do you have dogs too?"

"I have 3 dogs: Jjangah, Monggu, and Jjanggu."

"Aww you picked such cute names."

"Haha yeah they're my babies" he said with a chic smile.


Kai and Sulli were talking about the dogs as they got into the elevator.

"Yeah, so I'm trying to put Monggu on a diet because-" Kai said but promptly paused.

"Oh." Sulli gasped as they stared at the reopened elevator doors.


Chanyeol was standing there.

He glanced at Kai and then at Sulli. Chanyeol walked into the elevator and quickly turned his back towards them.

‘.’ Chanyeol thought as he nervously bit his bottom lip.


"Nice to see you again, hyung." Kai reluctantly said. Sulli looked at Kai in shock. ‘They know each other?’ she thought.

"I’m not your hyung." Chanyeol's deep and dark voice vibrated throughout the whole elevator, sending chills up their body. Kai scoffed and tightly clenched his fists together.

The elevator doors opened on the 20th floor; Kai stepped out and glared at Chanyeol.
"See you later, Sulli." Kai said as the doors closed.


Sulli was nervous... She had no idea what Chanyeol could say or do next. The tense aura engulfed this tiny space. Chanyeol looked over to see her anxiously standing there.

‘Who is she? and How the hell does she know Kai?’ he thought


They both got out of the elevator, and Sulli watched him walk down the hall.

"Wait!" she quickly yelled. Chanyeol turned his head towards her. His eyes looked darker than ever.

"I... Uh...." Sulli nervously stuttered.

‘What is she trying to say…’ Chanyeol thought as he was uninterested. He shook his head and headed towards his apartment door.


"Xiumin!" She blurted out. Chanyeol froze and couldn’t look at her.

‘Xiumin Hyung… How does she know him too? Does she know Exo?’ he frantically thought.


"He told me to tell you that... Exo misses you, the Chanyeollie they used to know."


His heart cracked at the word, Chanyeollie; only Exo called him that. His head was suddenly left blank.

‘Exo misses me… Xiumin hyung… Kai… Baekhyun…’


It felt like hours passed and neither of them moved an inch. Without a word, Chanyeol went into his apartment. He leaned up against his door and cried warm tears of sadness. Chanyeol slid down to the ground and muffled his face into his hands.

‘I miss you guys too…’


Sulli gave Teddy a treat when she got home, and then she started to prepare the ingredients. She blasted joyful Christmas music and happily made cookies. After baking them, she was finally able to decorate the cookies.

"You probably want some too huh? Sorry... you can't have any." she said while petting Teddy.

"Here, have a treat!"


She decorated cute Santa Claus, reindeer and snowman cookies. After they cooled, she packaged them in small green boxes and tied red ribbon around them.

"I think I got everyone..." She said while counting the boxes.

"Should I make one for Chanyeol?" Sulli mumbled.

"Well, it is Christmas! Everyone deserves a present on Christmas." She happily wrapped one for him, and tied a tag on it.


To: Chanyeol
From: Sulli (Your temporary neighbor ^^)

Merry Christmas! and have a happy New Year!


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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 11: Can u update pls?????
vanilla133 #2
Chapter 11: this is amazing!!! i wish they would always togeether no matter whay happens! and please update!!!!
rhmhnur #3
Chapter 11: i love this part

"He pushed aside the guitar and lightly held the back of her neck as he gently laid her down on the bed. She slid her hands through his hair, pulling him closer. Their chests heaved for air when their lips parted. The burning fire in his eyes pierced through her innocent visage.

The clock ticked by, Sulli and Chanyeol were entwined in each other. His long arms engulfed her into his chest while she longingly stayed beside him. They just laid like that… without a care in the world. Their soft breaths were the music, and all they wanted was for time to stop right at that moment."

i hope they will be do it at the real ><'
Chapter 11: OMG MY CHANLLI FEELS ARE THROUGH THE ROOF this chapter man.. perfection.
nyyxoxo #5
Chapter 11: i'm cryingggg, my feels /sobs/
mega7x #6
Chapter 11: yeayyyy Chanlli feel so greattt...they just to sweett!! pleasee update soon thor..
Nolito #7
Chapter 11: I really really like it , it's so nice , update fast ^^
alyaace #8
Chapter 10: OH MY GOD MY FEELS;___;
Chapter 10: It's just sad how it reaches its 'almost happy ending' yet I somehow know that it will be an angst story :((((
nyyxoxo #10
Chapter 10: I'M BECOMEING CRAZY THESE DAY, JUST DON'T KNOW WHY :(( Maybe I miss your updates and Chanlli =))) LOL. Cheesy me :))
Yayyy, new chap <3