A Pause In A Life

Empty Air Echoes

A Pause In Life


Listen To 

Song: Girls Girls Girls - GOT7

FlashBack - "What's Up?"

Thoguhts - 'What's Up'


"What the hell! why didn't you wake me up!" he all but whined as he was in a panick state packing his back pack with two water bottles and an energy bar. 


"I thought your exam started later and I told you to sleep eariler, how is it my fault you were to knocked out to hear the alarm go off?" Youngjae rebutleted stacking his books he would take back to the book store. 


"Well you could have woken me up after you heard the alarm go off!" Taehyung hissed out as he tried putting on his converses while hoping on the other foot towrds the closet. 



Now what kind of a freind would i be if i woke you up from your beauty sleep?" Youngjae grinned.


Taehyung froze and gave him a blank look. "Okay okay i'm seriously sorry, i got caught up reading the book i have to give back, i'll buy lunch today ne?" Letting out a sigh and grabing his book bag and helmet he answered back as he ran out the door. 



"You better or else!" 


Youngjae shook his head. Food was always the ice breaker to any problem the three of them had. Living in the orphanage house, good food was hard to come by, but so was money. So only on rare occastions or when they would get into heated arguements, food would always solve the issue. Everything was forgotten when their stomachas were full at the end of the day. 



As he packed the last of his books, he all but heavied his back pack on his shoulder almost losing his blance and went down stairs to the dinning hall picking up a apple and heading out the door. It was then he froze and remembered Taehyung had taken the bike leaving him to carry a back pack filled with 7 thick books. As he dropped his back pack to the ground,  he all but pulled at his hair in frustration. 


"TAEHYUNG YOU AIN'T EATING !"  he screamed to the still sleeping neighboorhood...not any longer. 


 Jimin unlocked the front doors to "Heavens Delight" a backery 8 blocks away from his orphanage. As summer offically started, he thought it would benifit him and his freinds if he worked full time on the weekdays as school wouldn't get in the way for the next few months. He changed the store sign to "Open" and  made his way in, he went to the back room and grabbed his name tag, clocked in. Doing his usaly round of routines, he checked to make sure the pastery weren't expired and organized a couple of chelfs. 


As the first one here he knew it was going to be slow for the time being as people were most likely getting out of bed. So he jumped sitting on top of the glass counter looking out the window.  Startled, he dug into his jeans pocket taking out the vibrating phone. 


From Younggie: The idot took the bike! -__- i'm going to murder him dude. 

Jimin let out a chuckle and replied back

From Dooly: Tsk, you proabably pisssed him off


He didn't get a reply back so he knew he was right. Leting out a deep sigh he wondered how he had managed to still stay freinds with them. They got along, more then anything. Once your family abandonds you, you only but cling to people who's there, feels the pain and has the same experinces. Both Youngjae and Taehyung were just that. They clinged to eachother and trust was hard to find any where else. He considered them family more then his biological ones. And even though times were tough he would push forward taking both Youngjae and Taehyung with him. They were all he needed. 


It was then the sound of a bell waked him from his thoughts as a short pale teen walked in, hands in his pockets. His eyes were covered by sun glassess and he wore a snapback cap. He noticed a chain dangle from the knee short belt loops caring a bunch of keys and what looked to be a small switch blade key chain. 


Jumping off from the counter he stood behind, on high alert. It wasn't that the boy scarde him, if anything Jimin thought he could take him on a fight. It was rather the weapon he carried. It made sence, as Seoul wasn't the saftest place on earth. 


it's proabaly for protection and if that's the case i need to get me one of those" He thought. 


The pale thin boy he noticed walked towards the back of the store towards the freezer section later coming back holding a carton of chocolate milk. As he placed it on the counter, Jimin on auto piolt checked it out for him avoiding any sort of eye contact though Jimin could barley see his eyes. The boy didn't rub him the right away he bet the boy was sending him a glare behind those shades. 


He wondered why he needed to wear sun glassess when the sun was barley out. It was as if he felt the need to make sure his eye's weren't ready to oped and work for the day.


'i mean, what is he, an idol?'  Jimin wondered as he was soon lost in thought. He heard a tap and hurridly looked his way as the teen infront of him tapped his ring fingur against the glass, his lips forming a stern line. 


Jimin let out a sheepish smile getting him a plastic bag.


'yeah, deffinitly not a morning person'  The pale boy's mouth scrunched up to a frown, eyebrows frowning too (if that was possible) as he took out his wallet which was all so connected by the silver chain and took out $5. 


"Keep the change" the boy with shades spoke, as he grabed the mini milk carton and headed out the door. Jimin all but started as he left surprised to hear his voice. For someone so 'small' his voice was rough and deep. 


"Yep, deffintily still asleep, sheez, I  sure as hell wouldn't want to get on his bad side" he grumbled as he put the extra change away, and the un-used plastic bag. Jumping back on the counter he resumed too looking out the window.


"Feel sorry for who ever has to deal with him today" 


Taehyung rode his bike as fast as he could to his exam. It was the last day before summer and though his freinds were done taking their finals, he had only one to take before he was free. He gripped the bike handle harder. "Aish, I am going to kill Youngjae, when I get back". Jimin had left early to his work and Yougjae didn't leave until 11, yet among the 3 of them Youngjae was the early riser and said boy didn't think to wake Taehyung up for his exam.  Yet he let out a wide smile as he drove past a bussniess men. almost hitting him in the process. 


"Let's see how he get's to work hmm?" he snickered. He let out a hart laugh as he kept on biking.  


He wasn't the one who was originaly assianged to take the bick. See, he was supposed to wake up eariler so he could take his time walking to school. Youngjae had been the one to get it this week as he had books to carry back to the shop. Amongest them Jimin was usally who took the bike to work, deming it a great work out. There was only one bike for the three of them.


 He perefered walking, but he still liked this bike. It had been months worth of money and effort from all 3 of them as they had gotten the bike together. It was usally used for emergencys or convinces.  He had no choice today as he was late and 


'Youngjae's fault so he deserved to carry his books to work'  he thought. Waiting for the bus would have been an extra 30 minutes and he needed to get there before 20 mintures. Coming to a hault, he waited for the lights to turn red. Taping his foot on the pavement he looked around. 


'maybe i should take a short cut? cut a block?...aish, i at directions!'  Taehyung all but pouted. Taking out his cell, he realized, even through all his efforts, his going to be late regardless. 


Getting back on the bike, he rode across the street taking a right and then a left. He made sure to douge the fire hydrant and mailbox yet he didn't the boy turning the corener nearest corner. And the next thing Taehyung knew, he saw a mob of silver in his line of vision and the bike shock. Everything was going passed him in a fast pase as he almost lost his grasp on the bike hangle. He heard an annoyed yell from behind but he didn't have time to stop nor could he stop even if he wanted to as the bike kept on going down the side walk. His vision became a blur as he tried controling the bike. 


"SO SORRY!" Taehyung yelled back, hoping the boy heard. He really need to learn how to control the bike and stop properly. 


It was then he saw the flag of his college building did he manage to slow down the bike. Locking the bike up at the bike rack he dashed inside the building resiving a hush from teachers as other classess were already in the begnining of taking their exam.


'Ha! i'm just sort-of in time!'  He grinned as he found his class room and entered.


"now for kicking this test in the "


 Youngjae grunted as he finaly made it the bus stop a block away on the other side of the street. He was going to kill Taehyung. Said boy only woke up late becasue he was studying last minute for an exam he should have been studying a week for. 


'how the hell was this any of my fault?'  He looked at his phone as it vibrated. He wasn't going to answer Jimin's text, he didn't want to argue with him too. The bus would come 20 minutes from now and he would be 10 minutes late if his calculations were right, and he was always right. 


He frowned as the heat washed over him. Desiding to sit down on the bench, he put his book bag aside and rolled his shoulders. He really needed to work out. 


The neighboorhood was quite as he stared across the street at practiacly nothing. He was fazed out until he heard  shuffling and turned to the noise to find a teen who couldn't be much older then him taking a seat on the other end of the bench. His hair was white and bangs covered his forehead. He had red earbuds on as he tapped his foot listening to music. 


'His hair is basically reflection against the sun light!'  Youngjae turned his head to stare across the street. He didn't need the stranger thinking he was staring.


He then heard scribbling and side eyed the stranger wondering when he took out a pad of paper writing stuff down at the speed of light. His pencil led broke from the force and the teen let out a grunt as he threw the pencil back inside the mini leather black back pack he had been carring. He ran a hand through his hair as he let out a stressed out sigh. Taking out a pencil from his book bag Youngjae held it out for the boy. It was then the boy looked his way shocked. 


'Did he JUST realize i was here?' Youngjae's mind whinned. He was always looked over. 


'maybe i should dyi my hair lime green, that'll stand out anywhere' The white haired boy smiled, dimples peeking out reaching for the pencil. 


"Thanks! you just saved me from forgetting lyrics" He looked relived as he wrote a sentance down. 


"No problem, you compose?"


"Eh, here and there, mostly random words put together when I randomly think of them. They make sence in my head" He chuckled, his voice deep and smooth as he pointed the pencil towards his head. Youngjae nodded in understanding. He felt the same when it came towards his stories. The boy suddenly straighted up. 


", better make sure his out of bed" He grumbled to himself as he took his phone out.  


Youngjae took his phone out too, occupying his time and he didn't want to feel like he was listening in on the boy. Youngjae looked at the calander and realized they had 3 days left to pay this months rent. He texted both Taehyung and Jimin.


"Yah! your better be out of bed and walking too work" the white haired boy threatend. 


", your not hurt are you?" His voice then turned to worry with in 6 secs.Youngjae couldn't help but listen, still phone in hand. 


"Yeah, whatever you say, beat the boy up but i'm not bailing you out!"


 "just make sure to get to work on time and bring back lunch" He said looking at his watch. "Okay i'll be home by 3 too, see ya" 


The teen let out another sigh. "Seriously I question the people i call my freinds" the boy said looking his way. Youngjae looked up from his phone with a look off understanding.


"Totally get what you mean" He frowned thinking about this mornings events. "Is your freind all right?" 


"Yeah, just bumped with this boy speeding on his bike, he was going to beat up him" He said chulking. 


"Let me tell you, it wouldn't have been the first" Youngjae all but stared at the strange boy. Last time he checked violenec wasn't a good thing. 


Don't worry, his not a bad person just has a bad temper, Oh! i'm Kim Namjoon by the way" Namjoon introduced himself. 


"Cho Youngjae" he smiled shaking hands. Just then the bus came to view and they stood up gathering their things. 


Once Youngjae entered he sat next to a elderly women dozing off. He noticed the boy, Namjoon took a seat at the back and started writing down some more lyrics on his pad. A few stops later Namjoon got off sending him a wave. He also noticed he forgot to give him his pencile back. 


Yoongi grumbled as he opened the chocolate milk carton forgetting to get a straw. Taking a swing, he felt his stomach cool down as the cool milk ran through his system calming him down and waking me up a little more.


“Screw Mark” he said as he decided to walk his own pace dumping the rest of the unfinished milk in the trash. He woke up late and thus was late to meet his friend so at this point there was no need to fasten his walk, he hated mornings. Nothing could be so important that Yoongi had to wake up at 10 for. Mark could wait.  He had gotten to bed at 2AM and he always followed a schedule for sleep, it was the one thing in his world that would always be there, that he loved no matter what.


His frown deepened as he thought about the events that played out the night before, how he had gotten a call from his dad, begging for money.  It had been the 5th time this week and Yoongi like always was about to give in and help the man out, yet every time he did, he soon filled up with regret as his dad would spend all of it and owe more.


Yoongi didn’t consider himself “considerate” nor was he “nice” if anything he was what other people deserved to get from him, and his dad didn’t deserve a single penny. Yoongi took off his snapback and ran a hand through his unkempt coffee colored locks. He didn’t know what he would do. It wasn’t as if he was high on cash, quite the opposite, he needed to find a job. He currently produced rap and preformed events at the club, but that wasn’t nearly enough to support him and his dad. Yoongi needed a real job, and move out from his father, or he would might go crazy. He came to a stop as he waited for the lights to change.


“OI WATCH IT YOU PUNK!” Yoongi looked forward to see a kid with bright orange hair lose control of his bike as it rolled down the street nearly knocking over another teen and other passer byers.


He soon recognized the hot headed teen as Im Jaebum, decked out in a red buttoned up dress shirt and skinny deep washed jeans, his book bag hanging from his left shoulder. No one could miss the silver head of unruly hair and fiery temper.


“Surprised to see you walking about this early” Jaebum mumbled, his voice held a bit of irritation and bite.


“Heh, me too i’m going to murder Mark” Yoongi said with a smirk, his eyes gleaming at the idea.


Jaebum continued walking next to Yoongi, not before putting space between them, the gleam in those eyes weren’t to be trusted. They walked in early morning silence. Both weren’t morning people and so it was a relief both of them prefered the silence above anything else that moment.


Yoongi and Jaebum meet when  Yoongi had started his search to meet RapMonster. It might as well be him who bought, Yoongi and Mark acquainted with Jaebum. Yoongi wasn’t one to seek out friends, he didn’t put much effort into making them. Mark was the only close friend he had and even then he wouldn’t admit it. Namjoon was a legend. It was Rapmonster before Namjoon. Yoongi dedicating his life to music had heard the infamous underground rapper Rapmonster and just like the name implied, he didn’t mess around when it came to rapping.



It took awhile but being friends with Mark meant getting to many underground people through “SpineBreaker” the club that anyone and everyone went to. Through some people and fans, he had met Rapmonster whose real name was Kim Namjoon. He didn’t know why, but he had the urge to meet this “monster” who was known so well. Better than him. In the underground world. Just what about him made him so...legendary?


The meeting led to Yoongi forcing Namjoon to rap for him and he all but agreed to the words fans and just about everyone had to say about Namjoon. For someone so young, he had a talent, and his weapons were words. He definitely lived up to the name. And though Yoongi hated admitting it to himself, he knew great rap when he heard it.


Since then, Namjoon would be a frequent at “SpineBreaker” as one of the favorite acts, and Mark would even book rap events for him and Namjoon. A plus for being Mark’s friend. Along with Namjoon came Jaebum, who had talent of his own. Though he didn’t perform, Yoongi knew he was a great dancer.


Anyone who knew Jaebum would know the passion he had towards dancing. They would know he skipped classes some days to practice, to dance till he couldn’t move an inch. Though Yoongi had never seen it for himself, he wouldn’t lie and say he didn’t want to. He was waiting for the day to come. Other than dancing, he was known for his short temper, and that was one thing Yoongi didn’t like about him at first. Yoongi someone who was calm and got irritated rather fast had gotten annoyed with the boy. But after several visits, he realized Jaebum had reasons to be so hot headed. Both had many things in common, like the love for music, peace and quiet. And how they both hated mornings.


“You going to work huh?”


“Yeah or else Namjoon would kick me out, says all I ever do is just go clubbing” Jaebum smirked.


“That reminds me, you coming tonight?”


“Namjoon was supposed too, so yeah unless JinYoung has other things planned”


Yoongi recognized that name JinYoung to be Namjoon’s and Jaebum’s roommate, who he has yet to be introduced to.


“Well I’ll see you tonight then, maybe, tell Mark I said ‘Hi” Jaebum nodded and went inside ‘Garden Cafe’

Yoongi nodded and kept on walking. He was supposed to meet Mark at the club, though it’s open at 8PM, Mark had given him keys. When he first had found out Mark’s dad was the owner of “SpineBreaker” he couldn’t help but drool. Getting in underage was hard, but Mark made it easy for him, really easy. He had met Mark by accident so he would wonder sometimes if saving his friend from a herd of fangirls back in High School was the right thing to do. If he had known, Mark would be the reason for him getting up so early then he would have ignored Mark back in that alleyway.


A/N - Thanks so far for reading! It's going slow for now because i wanted to introduce the characters and since there's like 14 of them it might take awhile!.

 i want to say i have plot but at the same time i don't...but rest assured i'll try to update it and make sure it's not so boring! and besides BOT7/BTS there will be other idols mentioned from other groups! they won't be the main characters but i never put a character out just because...so they will have a part in what ever i come up with!. 

Again the gifs or idols don't belong to me (but seriously who wouldn't wish for that?) 

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Msbangtan_exotic #1
Chapter 1: yahh this story gives me life >.<
i liked the intro tho <3
OlinCarolyn #2
Chapter 2: it's okay for making it slow. so far i like the story , waiting for next update