Without You

Missing You

a/n: Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day; to all of those who have a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse I hope you had a happy day today! And to all those that are single (like me ahaha) let's celebrate true love anyway :) This is just a fluffy one shot for krisho written for the fest on mizu ryuu! Enjoy!


Without You

Whispers broke out the moment Junmyeon and Jongdae set foot on campus. They both frowned and strained their ears, trying to catch what everyone was talking about, but couldn’t hear what they were saying.

“Did you do something?” Jongdae blinked at his older brother. “Why is everyone staring at us?”

Junmyeon shrugged and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. “I don’t know. You didn’t do something stupid with Baekhyun again, right?”

“…I don’t think so,” Jongdae said doubtfully. “But it depends what sort of stupid you’re talking about.”

“You didn’t try and pull a prank, only to get caught by the principal?”

Jongdae shook his head. “I think I would know if we’d been caught by now.”

“So you did do something.”

Jongdae laughed. “Did you ever doubt us?”

Junmyeon smiled slightly, and then gently shoved Jongdae down the hall. “Go on, there’s your boyfriend. I’ll see you after class.”

“Bye Junmyeon!” Jongdae smiled and waved before jogging down the hall to grab Baekhyun’s hand, a huge grin splitting his face into a toothy smile.

Junmyeon watched him go, and the corners of his mouth tilted downwards as he headed up the stairs to the senior classrooms.

Jongdae was lucky. Baekhyun and he were in the same grade. On the other hand, Junmyeon’s own boyfriend was a year older, and was off in college.

Junmyeon didn’t mind waiting. No, he didn’t mind at all! He was astonished that Yifan was willing to wait for him, considering that he must have met so many people who were a better match for him than Junmyeon, at college.

But sometimes, waiting . Valentine’s Day was less than a day away, and Junmyeon felt a pang of loneliness go through his heart. He knew that Jongdae and Baekhyun already had plans. His friends who were dating had already decided where they were going after classes were over. So far, it seemed as if Junmyeon was going to be the only one in his friend circle who would be spending Valentine’s Day alone this year.

Junmyeon sat down at his desk and began pulling his class materials out when he felt his phone vibrate inside his blazer pocket. The bell hadn’t rung yet, so he pulled the device out of his coat and smiled when he saw what it was.

Wu Yifan: Hey baby.

Junmyeon quickly unlocked his phone and typed back rapidly; Yifan slept weird hours in college, so text conversations (or any kind of conversation, really) were hard to organize. Hi! ^_^

Y: What’re you doing right now?

J: I’m at school.

Y: Texting in class? ;)

J: You know it :)

Y: I wish I was home with you right now.

Junmyeon swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared down at his phone screen, fingers trembling in hesitation before he tapped out a hasty reply.

J: I wish you were here too.

Y: It can’t be helped though. I have a huge exam tomorrow T_T

J: On Valentine’s Day? That’s mean of your professors.

Y: Ahaha yeah. All the couples in my class are kind of pissed off, especially the ones in the evening lecture.

J: I bet.

Y: Are you mad?

J: Nah, I understand. School is important :)

Y: I’ll make it up to you when I come home soon.

J: When are you coming home anyways? You keep saying soon, but…

Junmyeon left his phone on his desk and began copying down notes from the whiteboard. Five minutes later, he checked his phone and frowned slightly when he saw that Yifan hadn’t responded yet.

J: You still there?

Junmyeon sighed quietly and tapped out a final message before locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket. Love you. Good luck on your test tomorrow <3

He couldn’t hide the bitter feeling rising up in his chest when he went to sleep that night, still without word from Yifan.








The next morning was terrible. Junmyeon woke up to his alarm clock, and then rolled over to face Jongdae. To his surprise, Jongdae was already awake, and was tapping his phone screen with a silly grin on his face.

Junmyeon resisted the urge to roll back over and curl up in his blankets.

“Junmyeon, time to get up!” Jongdae sing-songed as he locked his phone and got out of bed.

Junmyeon sighed quietly. “Don’t worry, I’m up.”

“Do you want to use the bathroom first?”

“You go first, I’ll go downstairs and make breakfast.”


Jongdae left the room, and Junmyeon pressed the back of his hand over his eyes for a moment before sitting up and hopping off the bed.

He really missed Yifan right now.

School passed relatively well, but by the time Junmyeon got home, a gloomy aura shadowed his pretty face. It wasn’t school itself that had been bad—his friends had been happy and cheerful, hadn’t been overtly in love, and his classes had passed by quickly. It was after school—after school, when Junmyeon had to walk home because Jongdae and Baekhyun were taking the car, which had reminded Junmyeon of when Kris would walk him home last year. Then, to just to rub it all in, he’d seen several couples (including Jongdae and Baekhyun; he prayed desperately that they weren’t planning on doing anything too suspicious in the backseat) happily heading out of school at the final bell, hand in hand, smiling and laughing.

Ok, well, maybe he was exaggerating a little bit. But the truth of the matter was that Junmyeon was lonely—desperately lonely, and on the holiday for lovers, he felt even sadder without his boyfriend by his side.

“Mom! I’m home!” Junmyeon closed the door behind him and took of his shoes, nearly crashing into his mother as she came hurrying into the hallway.

“Mom? Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes, I forgot I have an important appointment today. You’ll watch over the house, won’t you?”

“Sure, mom.”

“Where’s Jongdae?”

“He went out with Baekhyun.”

“Ah, that’s right.” Junmyeon’s mother hastily slipped her feet into a pair of high heels and slung her purse over her shoulder as she lunged for the door. “By the way, there’s something for you upstairs in your room, Junmyeon.”

“Ok. When will you be back?”

“Midnight—”and then Junmyeon’s mother was out the door.

Junmyeon blinked in surprise. “…Midnight? What kind of appointment lasts for eight hours?” Nevertheless, he continued going through the house and went upstairs to his shared room with Jongdae. “I wonder what’s in here…”

Junmyeon opened the door and froze on the spot.

Yifan stared at him, and then coughed awkwardly. “…Hi?”

Junmyeon pressed his lips together to stop the huge grin on his face from coming out. “Hi.” He walked into the room and dropped his backpack on the floor by his bed.

“I don’t get a hug?”

Junmyeon gave in and gave his best smile to Yifan as he squeezed him around the middle. “What’re you doing here?”

“I came to visit you.”

“What about your ‘big test’?”

“Our professor cancelled it once she realized that it interfered with her own plans,” Yifan chuckled. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Junmyeon’s mouth. “So, I hopped on the bullet train and came to see you.”

“B-but…you just up and left? How long are you going to stay? Do you have a place to stay?”

“I’ll stay for the weekend. Your mother gave me permission to stay here.”

Junmyeon raised an eyebrow. “She did?”

“Yeah.” Yifan chuckled slightly. “I thought she didn’t like me, but apparently she ‘couldn’t stand Junmyeonnie being gloomy all the time’.”

Junmyeon went bright red. “I wasn’t gloomy.”

“You missed me.”

Junmyeon just looked away.

Yifan leaned in to kiss him, and then pulled away softly. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Junmyeon pressed himself into Yifan’s arms. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”


“I missed hearing you call me that.” To Junmyeon’s horror, he could feel tears prickling in his eyes. He was not going to cry, even if this was his first time talking to Yifan face-to-face in five months!

“I missed you too.” Yifan ruffled his hair softly before releasing him. “You still have school tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah.” Junmyeon stepped back and quickly ran his sleeve over his eyes, embarrassed that he was still teary-eyed.

“How about we go downstairs and I help you with your homework.”

“O-ok. Just let me get everything.”


Yifan waited patiently for Junmyeon to collect his schoolwork. They laughed and talked easily as they moved Junmyeon’s things downstairs. They kept talking and talking about everything that the other had missed, and reveled in how happy they were to see each other again after months of separation.

Junmyeon flinched when the front door banged open. “Junmyeon, I’m home!” Jongdae marched into the living room, only to stop and gape at Yifan, who was sitting next to Junmyeon with an arm over Junmyeon’s shoulders.

“Hi Jongdae.”

Jongdae opened and closed his mouth several times before pouting. “You didn’t tell me Yifan was coming back today, Junmyeon.”

“I didn’t know it myself. He surprised me.”

“Alright. Well, um…I’ll be upstairs in Dad’s office.”

“You can stay in our room, Jongdae.”

Jongdae grinned easily and flashed a thumbs up at the pair as he headed upstairs. “Nah, I like dad’s office chair.”

“Have it your way.”

Jongdae disappeared up the stairs, and Junmyeon turned back to his books. “I can’t believe I’m actually getting work done right now.”

Yifan raised an eyebrow. “Would you rather that you didn’t?”

Junmyeon went bright red. “No! No, it’s not that at all.”

Yifan laughed at him and leaned over to press his cheek against Junmyeon’s. “I was just kidding.”

Junmyeon laughed nervously, and then yelped when Yifan moved his arm to loop around his waist instead.

Junmyeon had really missed this; all of Yifan’s touches, his easy conversation, his constant affection, his dorky jokes and his beautiful smile---Junmyeon had missed it all.








Junmyeon’s mother didn’t even come home that night, and Junmyeon woke up the next morning to find a terse text saying that she’d be staying at a friend’s house until Sunday.


Jongdae grumbled and rolled over to face Junmyeon. “What?”

“Mom won’t be back until Sunday.” Junmyeon frowned as he locked his phone. “I hope whatever she’s doing isn’t too serious…”

Suddenly, Jongdae turned alert. “Oh! That’s right. I totally forgot to tell you, but I’m hanging out at Baekhyun’s place all weekend too; we’re going hiking with the rest of our friends.”

“You what?”

Jongdae cackled as he rolled out of bed. “Mom gave me permission already!” He stuck his tongue out at his protective older brother.

“Did she know Baekhyun is going to be there?!”

Jongdae just laughed as he walked out of their room, and Junmyeon ground his teeth in distaste. If Baekhyun even thinks about trying to corrupt my baby brother… he cracked his knuckles with vengeance.

Yifan was still sleeping when he left, so he put a note on the table and then hopped in the car with Jongdae to drive them to school.



“You look really happy.”

Junmyeon raised an eyebrow and lowered the radio volume. “What do you mean? I’ve been happy.”

“You’ve been kind of sad for the past few months. And yesterday you were really really…” Jongdae swallowed hard and looked out the window. “Anyway.”

Junmyeon blinked and then smiled slightly as he turned his eyes back to the road. “Thanks, Jongdae.”

“Yah, don’t be embarrassing hyung!” Jongdae wailed to cover up his embarrassment.

Junmyeon just laughed at him.

School passed normally; it was a Friday, and as usual, all of Junmyeon’s teachers decided to give pop quizzes and assign homework over the weekend. It wasn’t anything too terrible though, and during lunch, Junmyeon was surprised when all of his friends commented that he seemed happier than usual.

The bell rang for his last class, and Junmyeon sighed in relief as he scrambled to pack his bags. He wanted to hurry home and spend time with Yifan before he left again on Sunday night.

His phone buzzed, and Junmyeon paused, and then pulled out his phone curiously. Yifan hadn’t texted him all day, and he was kind of hoping that it was Yifan.

He raised an eyebrow when he saw that Yifan had sent him a video. Forgetting his rush to get out of the classroom, he pulled is earbuds out of his pocket and plugged them into the phone before playing the video.

Yifan smiled and waved at him from the screen. “I have trouble putting my feelings into words so…”

Junmyeon smiled slightly as Yifan sat down at the piano and started singing and playing. “You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like a bird dizzyin my head, spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night…”

Junmyeon couldn’t stop the smile from unfurling across his lips. Once the video was finished he was tempted to replay it, but then remembered that seeing Yifan in person would be a whole lot better than watching him in a video.

To Junmyeon’s surprise, there were a group of students crowding around in the parking lot; the moment he stepped out of the hall, though, the crowd looked at him and started whispering loudly.

Junmyeon frowned slightly; he hoped that Jongdae hadn’t done something stupid again that would make him look bad. He tried to ignore the group of students as he headed to his car, but then stopped short when he saw a very familiar person leaning against the hood with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.


“Hi.” Yifan smiled at him and held out the bunch of flowers. “I’m really sorry about missing out on Valentine’s Day.”

“B-but you were there,” Junmyeon stuttered, his hands at his sides as he stared at Yifan. “You don’t need to make up for anything.”

“Junmyeonnie, I felt bad alright? Please take these flowers.”

“O-ok…” Junmyeon hesitantly reached out to take the flowers, and he swore that he heard a long sigh from the crowd of students behind him.

“I didn’t know you had a fan club.”

“I didn’t know that either.” Junmyeon suddenly regained his brusqueness, and he gently cradled the flowers in his hands as he walked over to the driver’s side. “Come on, let’s go home.”

“I don’t suppose there’s any point in asking if I can drive.”

“Nope!” Junmyeon cheerfully unlocked the doors and hopped into his car, handing the flowers to Yifan to hold during the drive. “I just started being able to drive people around, let me bask in the glory.”

Yifan chuckled a little as he laid the flowers across his lap. “Alright, alright.”

Junmyeon couldn’t keep a small smile off his face for the rest of the day.








It felt as if time was slipping through his fingers when Junmyeon stood with Yifan at the train station. The weekend had been a lot of fun; once Yifan had realized that he and Junmyeon were the only ones in the house, they’d spent a lot of time out in the city enjoying themselves. Then, when they got back home at night, there had been a lot of kissing, touching and cuddling—something else Junmyeon had missed. He and Jongdae were pretty cuddly, but obviously, it wasn’t the same as Yifan.

“When will you come back again?” Junmyeon couldn’t hide the longing in his voice, and he was suddenly aware of how small childish he sounded.

Yifan grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. “About that…there’s something I wanted to tell you.”

“What is it?” Junmyeon felt his heart beating with dread; was Yifan going to go study overseas? Was he moving to a campus even farther away than the one he was at now?

“I’m getting transferred to the university in our city next year. Their music department liked me well enough, so when I applied for a transfer, it got accepted.”

Junmyeon blinked, and then punched Yifan as hard as he could.

Ow.” Yifan let go of Junmyeon’s hand and rubbed at his arm. “Junmyeon!”

“You really have to stop doing like this.” Junmyeon scowled, but then pressed his lips to Yifan’s hand. “Sorry.”

“It’s not until next year though. But my term ends in two months, and then I’ll be back for good.” Yifan put his hands on Junmyeon’s shoulders and smiled down at him. “How does that sound?”

“But…but my end of the year exams. What if I end up going far away? Or—“

“Junmyeonnie. I get the feeling you’re going to score well enough to get into a local university.” They lived in an area with several prestigious colleges nearby, with respectable programs in many areas.

Junmyeon flushed as he stared back at Yifan. He was a good student, sure, but he wasn’t confident in his performance on his mock exams. “Yifan…”

“Either way, no matter what happens, we’ll work it out alright?” Yifan quickly pecked his lips and then let go of Junmyeon’s shoulders. The train rushed into the station, and he squeezed Junmyeon’s hands. “I’ll see you again in two months, Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon gave him a watery smile and squeezed back. “Bye, Yifan. Get back safely!”

Yifan smiled, waved, and then sprinted into the train just as the doors began to close. Junmyeon laughed into his hand as he saw Yifan waving at him from the windows.

He didn’t leave the train station until long after the train had gone, clinging to the happy memories that Yifan had left him with.









When Junmyeon came home, he was greeted by Jongdae and his mother, who had returned from their prospective activities.

“You two weren’t very subtle about leaving us alone in the house.”

Junmyeon’s mother just smiled cheekily at him and told him to go upstairs and change into clean clothes. “And for heaven’s sake, wash your face. I hope you weren’t crying when Yifan got on the train!”

Junmyeon rolled his eyes and went upstairs to the bathroom with Jongdae trailing behind him.


“Yeah, Jongdae?”

“Did Yifan give you those flowers in our room?”

“Yeah, he did.” Junmyeon the lights in the bathroom and inspected his face; his eyes weren’t swollen any more, but they were a little bloodshot. He bent down to turn on the sink faucet and splashed his face with cold water.

“Don’t you think it’s a little strange?”

“What is?” Junmyeon turned off the water and reached for a towel to dry his face.

“Yifan hyung didn’t give you roses, right? He gave you primroses instead. Don’t people normally give roses on Valentine’s Day?”

Junmyeon shrugged as he placed the towel back on a rack to dry. “I guess it’s a little weird. Maybe primroses have a special meaning?”

Jongdae grinned and flicked Junmyeon’s forehead. “I knew you would get there eventually.”

“Yah! Kim Jongdae!” Junmyeon chased Jongdae out of the bathroom while waving the wet towel.

Later that night, though, Junmyeon took Jongdae’s words seriously and looked up the significance of primroses on his phone.

“…I can’t live without you?” Junmyeon blinked down at his phone screen, and then looked over at the pretty flowers in a vase on his desk beside his bed.

Before he could overthink things, he sent a quick text.

J: I love you Yifan. He snapped a picture of the primoses in their vase and then sent it.

It wasn’t long before he received a reply.

Y: I love you too <3

Junmyeon hesitated for a moment before typing again.

J: I really really really really really love you <333333

Y: ?

J: …

Y: I love you more~

Junmyeon laughed at that.

J: Cheeseball.

Y: But you love it.

J: Yeah.

Y: Get some sleep baby, it’s one in the morning.

J: Ok, good night. Sweet dreams!

Y: I’ll be dreaming of you ^_^

Suddenly, two months seemed like an unbearably long time.

J: Me too lol

Y: <3

Junmyeon smiled and locked his phone. He slipped his body under the covers and put his phone on his desk.

That night, he dreamt of Yifan and his smiles and his cheesy actions and his cute texts and his large hands. And when he woke up, the first thing he saw was the vase full of primroses at his bedside, the blooms and Yifan’s parting message still bright and colorful in his eyes.


a/n: Oh god. I'm choking on cheese, just hold on a second while I catch my breath.

Ok, now i'm good! Ahaha. But I think Yifan would make a cheesy boyfriend to high school, a little shy and underconfident Suho.

What did you guys think? Was the slight!chenbaek alright? Let me know how you liked it in the comments below~ Thanks for reading and hopepfully we meet again in another story!

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2438 streak #1
Chapter 1: ahhhh this is so cheesy and sweet! HIHIHIHI
Chapter 1: This was so so sweet ♡ loved it!!
Chapter 1: This is really cute
rheyn001 #4
Chapter 1: Woah! It feels like I am swimming in a sea of cheese.. hahaha.. So cute <3 Good job by the way <3 I loved it very much <3
Chapter 1: Nuuuuu I was touched! This is sweet and cute and fluffy and romanceee!! Oh, you wrote this beautifuly~ and Junmyeon's too cute~ nawww
UKISSKissMe1313 #6
Chapter 1: so cheesy i love it!!
sushi12 #7
Chapter 1: Do you have a thing for chairs? It's the second fic of yours that I'm reading and u mention sbd going to someone else's room to sit in a chair! :))
Chapter 1: Omooooomomomomooo !!! My Krisho feels are exploding !!!!!
why you need to so cheesy my dear otp ??
I love you both ♥
funnygirl #9
Chapter 1: Awww...cute
Chapter 1: Wait wait what do the primroses mean?? I don't know the meaning of flowers argh ;-;
Your writing is always sooo good it really makes the reader want to know what happens next! As you know I just ship Suho otps but I'll make an exception for the Chenbaek uwu

I'll try to draw something based on the prompts but idk if I'll make it in time to post it before 12am KST o.o

btw this is frédérique (pingu1098) on twitter if you didn't know hahahaa :p