
not bad at all


“I’m going out to buy some milk, anyone wanna come?”

Kyungsoo announces as he puts on his favorite pair of winter boots and grabs his coat from the hanger. It was a chilly December morning, only two weeks away from Christmas, and they had decided to have their own Christmas party before they go home to their families.

When he was answered with ‘thanks, hyung, go buy some butter too’ and ‘cocoa powder please’, he sighed and started walking over to the front door, mumbling something about how grateful the members should be to him, when he feels a tap on his shoulder.

He turns and grins when he is met by the warm face of Joonmyun, and even more when his hyung offers to go with him.


“Butter, milk, eggs, cocoa powder, uhh… we’re also out of fruits,” Kyungsoo starts, enumerating the stuff s requested him as he and Joonmyun walk along the streets. He hops to avoid melted-snow puddles and little sidewalk snowmen.

“Remember Jongin’s chicken,” Joonmyun chuckles and pokes Kyungsoo’s side.

“Ah… that’s right,” he replies, nodding as if he was making a note in his head. “It’s so hard when everyone depends on you for food.”

“Are you complaining?” the older asks with a teasing grin that ended with a small laugh.

“N-no… i-it’s j-j-just that…”

Joonmyun laughs a little louder at Kyungsoo’s flushed expression and ruffles the younger’s hair. “Oh come on, Kyung. There’s no need to get worked-up about that.”


They finish shopping about two hours later, and out from the grocery emerged Kyungsoo and Joonmyun both carrying two plastic bags probably containing more than they should have bought; the elder’s wallet was ‘drained’ as he liked to call its condition, but Kyungsoo was satisfied so he couldn’t complain.

On their way home they passed by a children’s park and decided to rest on the benches for a bit because apparently walking was tiresome, especially with four-kilogram bags to hold up.

So they sat, enjoying a cup of coffee from the vending machine nearby, and watching little children fight over who gets to swing first or who gets to take the ball, when a little boy with big brown eyes and round cheeks walked up to them.

“You guys look like my umma and appa!” the boy announced, grinning so wide his saliva almost spilled, and Joonmyun laughed what Kyungsoo would call a tinker bell laugh, and looked over at him with eyes that had a playful gaze.

“Oh, really?” the leader pets the little boy, who they found out is actually called Sanghyuk, and asks, “Which of us is your mom?”

Sloppily, Sanghyuk giggles and points at Kyungsoo. “My mom looks like that big-eyed hyung!”


Later they found out that Sanghyuk was five and was attending the school around the corner.

“My umma is a singer,” Hyuk brags, “and my appa owns that store there!”

“So you’re rich?” Kyungsoo questions, and the elder eyes him weirdly. “I mean, t-that’s a large-scale department store…”

“Yeah but… my parents are rarely ever home,” Hyuk pouts, eyes trained to focus on his toy robot.


“YOU CAN BE MY OTHER UMMA AND APPA!!!” the five-year-old grinned and jumped up and down.

“No, Hyukkie, you already have parents,” Joonmyun chuckles. “Besides, we can’t be parents, we’re both guys.”

“BUT WHYYYYYY?” the boy whines.

“Sorry, kiddo,” Kyungsoo smiles as he pets the kid’s hair. He looks over at his hyung and mouths a ‘we should go’.

The elder nods and gets up, earning another whine out of the boy.

“Aww… you’re leeeaaaavinggg?” Hyuk complains, looking up at them.

“Yeah… we have lots of people to feed at home,” the doe-eyed male smiles.


Joonmyun raises an eyebrow at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo just nods at the boy. “Wanna come with us?”


“Won’t your parents be mad?”


An hour later Joonmyun has met up with an old friend and have Sanghyuk trailing behind them as they make their way home, Joonmyun’s scarf wrapped around the small boy.

“You make a great dad,” Kyungsoo comments, grinning.

“So do you, Kyungma~”

The younger hits Joonmyun in the shoulder, and they walk along the streets, hand in hand with the little boy who skips excitedly.

“You didn’t tell me you were friends with the owner of that store though,” Kyungsoo pouts as he helps Hyuk out of his shoes as they reach the dorm.

“What, I didn’t know myself,” the older replies, busying himself with taking off the scarf on the little kid.


The dorm was unusually quiet; there were no sounds from the TV or from the members screaming at each other and the two raise their eyebrows.

As if on cue, Joonmyun’s phone rings with a text message from their manager.

“Ah, it seems hyung took them out…” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kyungsoo nods.

“AHHH IT’S PORORO!” they hear Sanghyuk scream and run toward the TV and grab Kyungsoo’s Pororo DVDs.


“Why do you still have Pororo, Kyung?”

“You don’t care hyung.”

“It’s like you’re prepared for a kid,” the older laughs and Kyungsoo once again hits him on the shoulder, heading over to the kitchen to fix their groceries.

“Can you check on Hyukkie please, hyung?” he asks as he carefully places a jar of Nutella on the cupboard.

“Sure, umma~” the said hyung sings as he moves from watching Kungsoo with a smile to checking if the kid was alright.

Sanghyuk was singing along with the penguin and kicking his legs happily, grinning to himself.

“HE’S ALRIGHT YEOBO!” Joonmyun jokes; Kyungsoo really sounds like an umma. He chuckles and unknowingly wonders how it would feel like to have kids.

Kyungsoo almost throws him a curse word, but an offer for cookies came out instead.

“Yes please Mom!” he groans, it was the kid this time, and he can’t possibly get angry at a kid, so he just starts taking out ingredients and heating up milk.


He finishes his star-shaped cookies about thirty minutes later and calls out for the kid and Joonmyun. When nobody answers, he decides to go check.

He smiles to himself at the scene that greets him— Sanghyuk was sprawled out on the couch with his head on their snoring leader’s lap. He leaves the milk and cookies on the table and turns the TV off, still smiling, before he goes upstairs.

It was when he comes back a few minutes later with a book and a blanket he pulled over the two sleeping figures, that he decides that maybe it wasn’t so bad, being a mom. 


a/n: i just ship sudo too much haha

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Chapter 1: grinning so wide his saliva almost spilled.
i grinned widely that i almost spilled my saliva because of this.

i dont wanna marry suho anymore because sudo is perfect, they are truly meant to be.
good job author.