Chapter 2

Admin's Admin

It's been 3 month since the last time I study the subjects for my exam. What is wrong with me? I need to focus on my exam. I need to refrain myself from browsing the internet. I went to meet my aunt in Seoul. We had good time together. She wont stop talking about her 'innocent' son. Only god knows what her son is like when she's not around.  

It's really refreshing there at her house. Somehow I just can't believe there's still spa-like house in the middle of this busy city. I felt like as light as a feather after a bath in the hot spring. It really helps me to release all of my concern. I headed home after tea. 


Hmm~ I think mom is baking again. I can smell melted butter from miles away. Sarang (my dog) greet me as soon as I step in the house. I can tell she's starving just by looking at her wiggling tail. I step in the kitchen and took out the dog food in the rack and pour it down in her bowl. She start to shove in the food as soon as the food reach the bowl. Mom is baking near to the place where Sarang is eating. 

"Honey, you're home. Come taste this." She hand me a piece of cream puff. The puff is crunchy and very soft inside. The cream melts away in my mouth. It's so buttery and creamy. "Wow, mom! This cream puff is different from the ones you made last time." "You think so?! Which do you like more?" "The last time is creamy and soft but this one is much better. Did you add something else in the ingredient?" "Yes. I just add more full cream milk to the dough and the cream. I'm glad you like it. Here, have some more." "No thanks,mom. I need to do my homework. Save some for me okay?" "Of course. I'll put it in the fridge."  "Thanks so much, mom."  "Anything for my lovely daughter." 

I did all the homework my teacher left me. I irons my uniform and put all the books needed for tomorrow in my bag. There's nothing left to do now. I glance at my computer. I try not to let my guard down. As I try to refrain myself, the urge to turn on my computer grows. So many things passing through my mind. The fan page, the admin, my grades, my studies and exam. 

The exam is just around the corner. That means I need to focus on my studies even more. I can't spend my leisure time with something that couldn't help my grades be a satisfaction to me. 

The clock shows 4 in the afternoon. It's too early to go sleep right now. I took out my phone from my pocket and called my best friends. We went cycling together. We went home before the sky start to shut it's eyes and set the moon to give a little shine of it's light. 

I wash myself before going to bed.











*I saw many authors leaves their chant/comment/reminder at the last of their chapter.. so..but I'm not going to do so. Anyways, BYE~! Hope you enjoy reading my first fic.

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Chapter 11: Keeeeaaahhhh~~ LE COOUPLES~
Chapter 10: Kaeewwwhh~~ so sweet
OneAndOnly484 #3
Chapter 8: Update soon !!! >_~
Chapter 5: Kawhhh~~~~~ please update soon!