Room Mates


Sandeul's POV

Jung Hwan considered his options:

1. Walk away, and pretend this stupid trainee thing never happened. Pros: Don't have to deal with a rude band mate. Cons: Give up your dreams, waste your hardwork, and study hard to be a miserable adult with a dead end job.

2. He could pretend he didn't take offense (though this was far from the truth) and try to win Sun Woo over. Pros: It might work. Cons: It probably wont.

3. Call his mom. Just to update her on what's happened so far.

He stood in front of the doorway for maybe five more minutes, gnawing on his lip, trying to decide where to go next. Anxiety was bundling up in his nerves, and his limbs felt ten pounds heavier. He decided to walk in the same direction Sun Woo had. Adjusting the glasses on his face, he peered into the hallway and found three bed rooms. As he was about to knock on one of the doors, another burst open.

Out walked the prettiest boy-man Jung Hwan had yet to see in person. His face was narrow, with clear skin, and sharp but gentle eyes. They sparkled in what little light filled up the small space. He could've walked straight out of a manhwa. Was Jung Hwan staring? 

"Um. Hello, strange child. Who are you?"

That's right. Most people introduce themselves when they meet their coworkers. Staring comes later.

"I'm sorry, my name is Jung Hwan. I'm a new trainee, and I am supposed to be joining your upcoming idol group B1A4." He mumbled. What little confidence he had before was destroyed by Sun Woo. What a stupid name. Sun Woo.

The manhwa-looking-essence gawked. He then proceeded to look Jung Hwan up and down, resulting in more uncomfortable feelings. Jung Hwan fidgeted under his gaze, and when the beautiful man noticed, he shook out of it finally. Thank the heavens.

"Oh. Hello Jung Hwan. You must be an exceptional singer, right? Anyway, I'm your leader Jinyoung. Feel free to unpack your things in that room over there," he informed, gesturing to the room he had recently stepped out of" and I'll introduce you to the other members after you're all finished. We have practice today in an hour, please be ready to work hard." With a quick smile, he disappeared into one of the other rooms, just as quickly as he had shown up.

He took a big gulp of air before making his way towards the room he would stay in. He would more than likely have a room mate, and this would probably be the first member he'd become close to. 

Oh god, it was that jerk wad. Mr.I Feel Sorry for you was sprawled on the bottom bunk, reading what appeared to be a comic book. 

He scuffed through the doorway, trying to think positively about this whole rooming with someone who hates you thing. He coughed, hoping to gain the other's attention.

Sun Woo glanced upwards and gave the rookie member a questioning look. 

"I guess I'm going to be your room mate. I'm still Jung Hwan." Perfect. Awkward introductions, or reintroductions, must've been his second talent.

"I remembered." replied his room mate, turning his attention back to the comic. "Still Sun Woo. You get top bunk."

Sun Woo's POV

Just don't fall on me, he thought to himself. He probably made a really bad first impression, but honestly, he didn't see how this kid was going to be able to go through idol life. He wasn't even an idol yet, but Sun Woo knew it would be hard. There's so many rumors about people getting plastic surgery, and articles published about this idol "putting on weight" and "getting chubby". Even if this boy managed to lose his extra chub, every time he gained even a pound back, the internet would jump to point it out. His pre-debut pictures would be the death of him, and in the long run, his band.

But Sun Woo also felt bad for being a . Honestly, the kid probably didn't need that. When they got to the studio, the other trainees who weren't picked to debut would probably be upset to see someone like Jung Hwan was just picked like that. This wasn't going to go well, and Sun Woo could tell.

He tried to pretend he was keeping to himself, reading the latest issue of X-Men, but he was watching Jung Hwan from his peripheral vision. Said boy seemed to frown when Sun Woo turned back to the book, and proceeded to throw his duffel bag onto his bunk. The bag seemed light, so he must not have had many things to bring with him.

Jung Hwan didn't try talking to him again, and for that he was thankful. Sun Woo wouldn't know what to say anyways. He wanted to apologize, but it seemed like it would be a waste of his breath at this point. He just hoped it would blow over and they could at least be acquaintances. If Jung Hwan managed to make it through trainee life, Sun Woo couldn't have the future band member hating him.

Sun Woo pretended not to watch as the other boy started unpacking his clothes, putting some in the shared closet and setting some aside. Those were probably the ones he'd decided to use for practice. Sweats and a t-shirt that might have been a bit oversized on the boy. And then his new room mate took off his glasses, setting them on the dresser. He probably wouldn't want to have to deal with them during practice.

Sun Woo was amazed, because his eyes must have doubled in size. How was that even possible? He held his comic over his face, now that it was harder to hide the staring. Maybe there was hope for this kid after all. He shrugged and decided to role over. He needed to finish this arch before his day began.

A/N: wow this was shorter. I've had like half of it typed out for more than a week but I just couldn't find a way to make it flow. I'm starting the next chapter today. Sorry I so much omg. ALSO EVERYONE NEEDS TO LISTEN TO THIS EXO REMIX

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oh my gosh i found this vixx rock your body x bap stop mashup its heaven to the ears anyway im gonna start the next chapter now


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kpopoppa #1
Please update!! This story is amazing and I need another chapter<333
kpopoppa #2
Casually waiting for one of my favourite fanfictions to be updated ( lol this one pls I love this)
afiercesong #3
I liked this a lot :D
Chapter 3: I really love this so far! Can't wait for an update!

(P.S. Eleanor and Park is an AMAZING book. <3)
kpopoppa #5
Chapter 3: Nononononnonono ok I really need an update XD
kpopoppa #6
Chapter 1: I FELT THEIR NERVES OMG. Baro y
U so mean to my bias?? You'll see mate!!
This sounds like what sunwoo said in that radio interview about junghwan </3 i didn't think anyone else would touch on it haha, it really shows sunwoo's brutally determined side when it comes to his career. I love the way you express their emotions and everything, it's so dryly realistic and sad in a funny way ahehe. Do update soon! :) i've been waiting for a fic like this for months hehehe :)
Chapter 3: It's getting more interesting ^^
I wonder what will happen when Channie and CNU see him.
Chapter 3: Good thing Jinyoung was nice with Sandeul, waiting for the next chap ^^