First Impressions


Baro's POV

Alarm clocks were annoying. Quite possibly the worst invention in all of humanity. Ripping him away from his dreams and sweet sleep that he desperately needed after having trained so rigourusly for a little more than two months now. Without his alarm clock though, he would never wake up. With all the practice he needed to squeeze in before his debut, that would never do. He s around to find the bastard phone, producing the ear piercing alarm, and silences it. Sitting up, eyes still closed, he remembers that today is the day the final member of B1A4 will arrive.

He wipes the sleep out of his eyes, and lets out a final yawn.

"Our group is already perfect right now" He thinks to himself. Jinyoung has a flawless voice, with a nice relaxed vibrato. His vocals are y and calming, but they can also be exciting and powerful even. Dong Woo also has great sub vocal potential, along with decent rapping skills. And Channie? Gongchan is an adorable visual, with a developing voice and lots of aegyo to spare. He'd also like to think that he is a more than capable rapper. An additional member seems to be a bit much, but the manager was raving about him all through yesterday's practice. 

"He must really be something" He whispered to himself, before finally climbing out of the bottom bunk. He was surprised Jinyoung hadn't even stirred in his sleep yet. The wailing alarm noises were pretty loud. He must have been exhausted from yesterday.

Jinyoung would be moving to his own room, to make room for the new main vocalist. Sun Woo was going to miss the leader as a room mate.

Stepping into his fuzzy squirell slippers, Sun Woo shuffled towards the kitchen in search of food. Food was the only way he would wake up, and maybe get out of such a grumpy mood. Maybe he'd change afterwards too. Meeting someone in your pajamas might not leave the best first impression. Food first though.

Taking bite after bite of his sugary cereal, began to day dream. What could this new member be like? His voice must have something that Jinyoung's doesn't, since this person will aparantely be the main vocal. Could he be a flower boy with sparkling eyes maybe? Or a manlier member who was more similar to Dong Woo. Sun Woo was beginning to think maybe this final member was absolutely perfect. He was dying to know at this point. That would be the only way that his addition to his ideal band would be necessary. He glanced at the clock. Seven thirty-two in the morning. Any minute now.

Finishing up his breakfast, he put his bowl into the sink, and shuffled back to his shared room, changing from his pajama shirt to a loose t-shirt, for practice. He also slipped on some basketball shorts (having slept in only boxers), since pants were pretty much an absolute necessity for meeting new people. He walked over to his and Jinyoung's wall mirror, and began fixing his hair. Jinyoung was beginning to move around a bit, he'd be waking up soon. Not too soon though, he was always the hardest to wake up.

After having deemed his look to be perfect, not too I-Just-Got-Out-Of-Bed and not too I-Got-Dressed-For-You, he walked out towards the living room. Tapping his foot due to his nerves, he listened closely for the sound of a door unlocking or footsteps from down the hall. Seven fourty-eight now. He began pacing in front of the door.

This new member could hold them back, or make them ten times better. Of course this was nerve-racking.

Before he can even think of how to introduce himself, the door knob begins turning. Why the hell was the door not locked. The two seconds his manager would have to take to unlock the door would've been great right now.

His heart is racing inside his chest. 

In walks in the most awkward excuse for a person he has yet to see in his 18 years of life. He really wished that was an exaggeration. He almost felt bad for him really. How was he going to debut with this appearance. His posture was slumped, his hair was too short for the cordi-noonas to work with, his fashion sense was embarassing, and his glasses reduced his eyes down to the size of squinty buttons. Chubby in the wrong places too, having wider hips and too puffy to even be cute cheeks.

How was this mess going to be pulled together for a debut? He hated the stupid manager. What was he thinking? He must not have been thinking at all to add this ugly duckling to B1A4.

The awkward boy was making an uncomfortable face. It was painful to watch color flood the chubby cheeks. Sun Woo wanted to hug him and tell him he didn't have to stay. He could quit now. Please quit now. 

Ugly Duckling was shaking a bit as he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could the idiot popped up behind him.

"Sun Woo, I'd like you to meet Jung Hwan. He will be the final addition to B1A4, and I would like you to introduce him to the other members and make sure to treat him respectfully-- he's your hyung!" and with that, the manager left. He probably expected "Jung Hwan" and him to immediately become buddies and practice dancing and singing and rapping together. 

That wasn't going to happen. Sun Woo was beyond furious. How could the manager mislead this poor child to think that he could be a pretty idol. How could he dump this burden onto his training rookie group? Jung Hwan would only hold them back. No matter how beautiful his voice could be, he could never keep up with the dances in the shape he was in.

Sun Woo felt bad for him really. As much as he wanted to push this ugly duckling out of the dorm, it wasn't his fault that he was here. The kid had dreams too, he just waned to live them. But now wasn't the time, considering his condition. Sun Woo held his tongue, to keep from harming any feelings. Jung Hwan stood there, looking like a deer in headlights.

The clock ticked on. Sun Woo had no idea what to do. He was getting more and more aggitated by the minute. He couldn't hold out on his rage any longer. He needed to get out of there.

He spun around, focused on getting back to his room. Without even realizing it, the words slipped out of his mouth.

"I really feel bad for you, ya know."

It was the truth.


A/N: This is the first chapter and honestly it feels like I was rambling, but I wanted to set up Baro's character. This fic is inspired by the novel Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. I don't know how many chapters it will be, but I want to keep it short. Please treat me well and go easy on me!

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oh my gosh i found this vixx rock your body x bap stop mashup its heaven to the ears anyway im gonna start the next chapter now


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kpopoppa #1
Please update!! This story is amazing and I need another chapter<333
kpopoppa #2
Casually waiting for one of my favourite fanfictions to be updated ( lol this one pls I love this)
afiercesong #3
I liked this a lot :D
Chapter 3: I really love this so far! Can't wait for an update!

(P.S. Eleanor and Park is an AMAZING book. <3)
kpopoppa #5
Chapter 3: Nononononnonono ok I really need an update XD
kpopoppa #6
Chapter 1: I FELT THEIR NERVES OMG. Baro y
U so mean to my bias?? You'll see mate!!
This sounds like what sunwoo said in that radio interview about junghwan </3 i didn't think anyone else would touch on it haha, it really shows sunwoo's brutally determined side when it comes to his career. I love the way you express their emotions and everything, it's so dryly realistic and sad in a funny way ahehe. Do update soon! :) i've been waiting for a fic like this for months hehehe :)
Chapter 3: It's getting more interesting ^^
I wonder what will happen when Channie and CNU see him.
Chapter 3: Good thing Jinyoung was nice with Sandeul, waiting for the next chap ^^