Squishy D.O_O

The Squishy Voodoo Doll. (One-Shot)

Kai’s POV


“I! Kim Jongin the kkamjong! The greatest magician of all times- *cough* Why the hell can’t I get this right?!” I shouted, my voice echoing in my big room. It’s been a long time since I left magic power locked in a dark place. A place so dark and strong no one could ever get into.

“Let’s try again!” I punched the mid-air with my fist. I needed to get this right. For me, for my life!

“I! Kim Jongin the kkamjong! The greatest magician of all times wants to get his powers back! I want to start living the life I was born to live!” Suddenly in the room, a dark bomb exploded and…



My powers were finally back and now… Now I can start creating what I’ve been craving to do all this time. Create a voodoo doll.

And as a stupid, I messed up the words –again– but I didn’t realize what I had done, until a particular day.

But let’s get back to where I left!


So, the past few months –after I locked my powers– I’ve been feeling lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely~ baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely~

Why can’t this mouth of mine shut once and for all?! Chanyeol might kill me if he finds out I’m singing Dara’s song! Anyways, like I said, I’ve been feeling very lonely these past few months. I have 10 amazing friends and of course, we had fun together, but I need something more exciting. I want to experience something new!

That’s why I wanted to create a voodoo doll!

“Let’s create a voodoo doll that doesn’t represent anyone!” I smiled at myself. I kneeled down and got a big and heavy book that was under my bed.

“Damn you’re so heavy!” I said while I tossed the book to the main table in the middle of my room. I had the respectful items with me and now I was ready to read the book of magic.

While the voodoo doll was under construction I felt like I did something wrong, but I shrugged it away. Now it was time for me to read the spell so the voodoo doll would start working.

“Doomdadadivida! Doomdadadivida! Make the voodoo doll come to life aya!” I read the spell. When suddenly, reality hit me with a knife.

“I read the wrong spell!” I panicked. I started running around the room like a crazy teenager, my hands flying high in the air. But then I stopped, and realized that nothing was happening.

“Hmm… Maybe nothing’s wrong.” I thought as I my invisible beard. I shrugged and walked to the voodoo doll.

Suddenly I felt an urge to pinch its cheeks. Somehow they looked squishy… Squishy like a human’s cheeks. I felt a cold feeling rush down my spine. Everything seemed wrong in the air. But again, the squishiness of those cheeks were so inviting. I started pinching the cheeks and whispering: ‘Omo so cute! Omo so squishy. Aya!’

Yes, ‘aya’ was my favorite phrase along with ‘ohorat’ and ‘yehet’. Blame Oh Sehun, that brat!

“I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy.” I grinned widely as I held the surprisingly handsome voodoo doll.

“My name is D.O!!!” I heard someone shout and the voice seemed too near. I turned my attention to the voodoo doll.

“Niga mwonde(who you)?Du du du du du du du oh-oh-oh-oh~” I started singing one of my favorite songs. What’s wrong with me and YG Entertainment these days? I asked no body and face-palmed myself.

“I’m going crazy.” Then I saw the voodoo doll again and grinned. “D.O. Your name will be D.O.”

I left my voodoo doll on the bed and went to the restroom. After I turned back the whole room was smelling like fart.

“Ew!” I rushed to the windows and quickly opened them so I could breathe some fresh air. “D.O did you just fart?!” I asked as finally the bad air was slowly fading away.


“Dammit D.O what have you been eating these past few…” I stopped. “Days.” I finished my sentence and fell on the floor; loosing my consciousness.

I opened my eyes slowly as I blinked. I was inside my bed sheets and the aroma of soup was in the air. No voodoo doll, no farts, no mom and dad. Wait! Mom and dad were on a trip to Jeju island! Who the hell is cooking?!

Since my voodoo doll wasn’t in my room I thought I would be dreaming, but this seemed so real. I swear I saw a man in front of me before I woke up.

“Safety comes first.” I whispered to myself and walked to the kitchen while tip toeing so the thief wouldn’t hear my footsteps.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” I screamed my lungs out when I saw the of a short guy, cooking in my kitchen. The boy was slowly turning around when I started screaming and shouted at him to stop turning. He stopped and I covered my eyes so I wouldn’t see anything. “Whoever you are, please go to my room and get some goddamn clothes before I decide to kick you out of my house.”

“But I have an apron.” The guy said calmly. This was so weird! His voice was very similar to the voice who told me his name was D.O. It couldn’t be the voodoo doll’s voice, right? It couldn’t be the voodoo doll farting, right? It can’t be…

“OMG D.O?!!” I shouted as I pointed my index finger with my free hand to the dude in front of me. I opened an eye slowly to see a cute guy with squishy cheeks and extra large eyes smiling at me. “No frigging way!” My hand fell from my eyes and I gasped. “Go get some clothes and we’ll have a nice talk.” I said. He obeyed and ran to my room.

Everything me was spinning and I smiled like a drunken man. “Merry-go-‘roung” I grinned and fell on the floor for the second time that day.



“What the fuq?!”

 I woke up like a robot and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. I ruffled my hair that were soaking wet and stared at the handsome guy in front of me. His skin was milky just like the material I used to make his body. His eyes were extra large just like the buttons I used to make his eyes. His body was short just like I planned it to be. And his hair were dark just I wanted it to be. And damn this guy had style. Even though they were my clothes, he managed to combine them like a stylist.

The guy in front of me caught me staring at him and I gulped. He flashed me his infamous smile of his, with those heart shaped lips of his. I blinked and tried to smile.

“Are you D.O?” I tried to act as casual as possible because if I started panicking like a lil’ kid, I would end up fainting for the third time.

“Yes. I guess I told it to you after you created me.” He said and disappeared in the hallway.

“Aya where the hell you goin’ O_O!” I shouted and O_O came back with a bowl with soup in his hands.

“Fainting that much is not good for your body. And you look pale even though you’re too dark. Here, let me feed you.” I thought he was going to the kitchen to get a knife and stab me to death, but he came with the warmest thing ever; a just made soup.

“Why thanks.” I smiled, took the spoon and started eating. “Really now? Too dark?” I said while chewing the food in my mouth.

“Learn some matters kkamjong. And yes. You’re so dark that even ghosts who live in darkness wouldn’t be able to see you.” He replied like a badass mom.

“Thank you pale-.” I rolled my eyes and took a sip from the orange juice he had prepared for me.

After a long silence filling the room, I decided to open a new subject.

“So…” I said after I came back from the restroom. “I’m Kim Jongin.” I handed D.O my hand but he stared at it with disgust.

“Did you wash your hands?” He asked as he stared at my hands, his eyes becoming larger. I smirked. Naughty boy.

“I might be too dark and faint too much but I’m not dirty.”

He finally took my hand and shook it happily.

“I’m Do Kyungsoo. Call me D.O please!” He said with a smile.

“But I named you Squishy D.O!” I started pinching his cheeks. Mission: failed. He started running around the room like I did when I thought I said the wrong spell. Indeed, I read the wrong spell.

“But my real name is Do Kyungsoo!” He stopped and I hit my head on his back.

“But I created you!” I cocked my head to the side and started rubbing my head. Surprisingly this guy smelled so good and it wasn’t the smell of the cologne I used.

“I’m a human you idiot.” He flicked my forehead and I yelped in pain.

“How can you be a human when-”

“You read the wrong spell Mr. I-Created-You!” He crossed his arms as he stared right in my eyes.

“But didn’t that spell mean ‘make my creation real’?” I asked and he shook his head.

“If you read carefully, it says that in special cases the person you’re going to receive is going to be human like.” D.O corrected me and I wanted to punch myself for being so careless.

“Careless, careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous. Heartless, mindless, no one who care about me!” I started singing and I earned another flick on the forehead.

“Ouch!” If only looks could kill… D.O would be dead now.

“But I’m not human. I’m half human.” He added after laughing because of my looks.

“What do you mean with that?” I cocked my head to the side again.

“Dude! Lemme read you the Terms And Conditions of the manual!” He demanded before taking the heavy book. Heck, he kept it in his hands like it was a feather.

“No please! I’ll read them next time. Just go straight to the point.” I pleaded and he chuckled.

“In the rule 99 it tells you that there are times when the voodoo doll isn’t a human being but a half-human, which for example you can take me.”

“And that means…?” I said with slow motion while D.O shook his head at my ‘stupidness’. Does that word even exist?

“It means that I’m a voodoo doll who looks like human! And if you want to hurt or do good things to someone you can spell them on me and I’ll do it to them!” He shouted and I gulped. “But I’ll only help for good, ok? I believe in Karma.” D.O smiled and I nodded.

“Karma,” I whispered. “Ain’t nobody got time for that! I’m not going to use you for other people. I’ll use you for myself! D.O, from now on,” I took his hand and dragged him outside the house. We started at the night sky and I grinned to myself and continued from where I left.

“From now on, you’ll be my new friend.”









From that day things started to get weird. Nothing seemed real anymore. It looked like I was dreaming in a dream. D.O started to get too human-like and the urge for me to pinch his cheeks grew more and more.

In class:

*pinch pinch pinch*

In home:

*pinch pinch pinch*

On the roads:

*pinch pinch pinch*


Until one day…

“Stop it with the goddamn pinching! It makes people think you’re in love with me.” D.O shouted while we were in the front of the TV, watching Pororo and his friends.

My eyes were filled with tears. The world around me started spinning and I fainted.








“Honey, you ok?” I heard a soft voice call me ‘honey’.

“Am I in paradise?” I asked as I slowly opened my eyes, letting all the bright light get inside.

“No, honey. You’re home.” It was mom’s voice! I opened my eyes and got up as fast as I could.

“Where’s D.O?” I asked, panic taking over me.

“Who’s D.O?” She asked.

“Aya nevermind! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Jeju!”

“What do you mean, honey? You must be sick.” She placed the back of her hand on my foreword but I was too cold.

“Mom. I’m perfectly fine.” I got up, almost on the verge of crying.

“Honey, you might’ve seen a nightmare. Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. It’s time to go to school.” Mom smiled and patted my head. I took a deep breath and looked at my feet.

“Was it just a dream? It seemed too… real.” I whispered to myself. “OMG it was just a dream!” I started dancing in my room like Sehun danced to ‘It’s You Remix’.

“Yehet!” I jumped and fell happily on my bed. Was I really happy, though? A friendship developed between us and D.O became the 12 member of our group, making a complete EXO. But now he was gone… Or maybe… My mind was gone (?).




I went to school and while walking down the road, I realized our friendship might’ve gone a little too far. I remember how people called us KaiSoo and how much they shipped us. It was so hard to believe it was just a dream.




“Do Kyungsoo?!” I shouted and ran to the figure who looked like D.O.

“Hey Kai how have you- hmph” He greeted but I almost choked him to death with my hugs. He tried pushing him away until I decided to let go.

“I thought I lost you for a moment D.O! Ah~ my squishy D.O!” I said happily when suddenly, my hands weren’t pinching the same soft cheeks I used to pinch. He frowned and slapped my hands away.

“What’s wrong with you Kai? You’ve changed!” He said with sadness and walked inside his respective class.

“Have I… changed?” I thought as my hands fell down. It was a pain in my , I meant heart and I couldn’t take it anymore.


After I left school, I checked my house. The magic book wasn’t there. I checked everything D.O used to have with him and they weren’t there. I checked the clothes he wore and they didn’t smell like him.

This was just fantasy?...


But the next day in school… I was greeted by Oh Sehun, the yehet kid.

“Sehun-ah wassup?” I greeted and he made the sound he usually does.

“Yehet! Very good, you?” He replied happily, shoving away that famous poker face of his

“Not that good. I miss D.O.” I confessed and Sehun started laughing.

“You mean Squishy D.O?” My eyes widened as large as D.O’s.

“YOU KNOW HIM?!” I shouted as I couldn’t control my happiness.

“Dude you’ve been friends with us for almost 12 years and we have been twelve members since who knows when. How couldn’t I, Oh Sehun, one of the members not know?” He grinned even though the frowning on his face could still be seen.

“But yesterday… he ignored me and told me I’ve changed.”

“Because you were being weird.” He said and left.

But still, I don’t have the answers to my questions!

“I’m not who you thought I was Kai. It was only a dream.” D.O appeared from behind. I turned around and hugged him.

“I thought it was just a dream.” I almost started crying.

“It was a dream, but I am real.” He smiled and hugged me while patting my back.

“Squishy D.O! Krong krong!” I said while crying.

“My kkamjong.” He whispered.


That damn word totally made my day. Why? Because it came out from the heart shaped lips of the guy I thought was a voodoo doll.



A/N: Guys I broke my record! Words: 2699!!! YEHET!


Anyways, I knew this would turn out like pure . I am terribly sorry for being such a stupid girl and writing such a stupid one-shot! It doesn't make sense OTL T.T

This is the worst fanfic of the AFF era! Sorry!


For those who didn't understand it: Kai saw a dream about his best friend Do Kyungsoo and it seemed so real that he thought D.O (in the real life) was actually the voodoo doll he had created. The one day he found out he was dreaming and was really sad. Not because what he dreamt wasn't true, but he also thought that the existence of Do Kyungsoo was just a dream! But then it was proved that Kyungsoo was actually real in real life and that Kai was just dreaming. But the wierd thing is... His friends never called him kkamjong and only D.O called Kai kkamjong (in the dream). So why did he say that in real life?


I know this is ridiculous xD Really sorry again *bows 90 degrees*. 

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strawberrii_chu #1
I was so confused but when D.O farted i laughed because um, random much xD
wahhh. i am so confused o.O
but your story made me laugh, espicieally with the fart part.
at the moment i was imaganing it on my head i was laughing like crazy.
anyway, good job authornim ^^
xD LOL priceless
Uri_kaisoo #4
Chapter 1: Aah..i get it now! Like ur story much!!
silversea108 #5
Chapter 1: I was a bit confused at first, but I do understand now, great story :)