
Born To Be With You (Editing)

Finally, Friday came around. It was another early start, all the rooms had to be cleared out and cleaned by it's occupants before breakfast. That in itself was a task and a half, and your room was only finished barely in time thanks to your roommates. Miyoung was back to being nasty, she had noticed how out of it you were and already tripped you over twice. You would have like to give it back to her, but you had zero energy. It didn't matter how much you tried to wake yourself up, it just wasn't happening. Breakfast was a hurried mess, as the teachers insisted that the buses had to leave before 9. Thus you ended up having rice shoved into your mouth by an impatient Chen who was getting frustrated at how slowly you were eating. Lay and Baekhyun both slapped him upside the head, telling him not to rush you since you had hardly eaten anything the day before. Chen looked quite guilty after that. Honestly you still weren't that hungry though.


Mrs Lee managed to snag you before you could leave, and gave you a tight hug in farewell. You gave her your number and wished her luck for her baby. She ended up crying, then getting mad because of her "pregnant woman hormones". Within no time at all, you were smushed betwen Chanyeol and Chen, who insisted you sit between them this time, and were on your way home. The hyperactive boys were a bit disappointed by your lethargy, but didn't complain too much once you got yourself comfortable across their laps. Chanyeol played with your hair the whole time while you dozed, and Chen used your legs as his own personal arm rest as he played games on his phone. You slept the whole way. The boys really struggled to wake you up and your complete lack of energy was really starting to worry them. They had to pretty much drag you off the bus once it arrive at school, and even though your eyes were open, you were far from awake. Chanyeol ended up piggy backing you home. You didn't remember what happened after you dozed off on his back.


When you finally woke up, the first emotion you felt was confusion. It took a long time for the fog of sleep to clear from your mind and you let out a huge yawn before cracking an eye open. The room was dark, except for a lamp that sat on your dresser across from the bed. You were in your bed, in your room, finally at home, and the sun was long gone. That was where the confusion started. You stretched out your body like a cat, and accidentally hit someone in the face. "Ow, Noona." You didn't bother looking, and just patted the boy on the head. "Sorry Tao." You pulled your arms in and rolled over, reluctant to get up. How long could you have possibly been asleep for if it was already night time? It would have been at least 6 hours, 9 if you count the bus trip. All that sleep and you were still tired though, you snuggled into your blanket and let out a content sigh.


It was dead silent, and you were about to drift off again when something in your brain stopped you. You shot up like lightning, flinging the blanket off of the bed completely. You blinked furiously and rubbed your eyes, when you opened them again you could only let out a little gasp. Laying there next to you, with a grin that would easily rival the cheshire cat, was Tao looking as healthy as ever. Your first reaction took both of you surprised. You slapped him on the arm as hard as possible. Tao let out a loud yelp and started complaining. "Ooooowww. That hurts Noona~" He didn't get a chance to say much more as he was crushed in your embrace. Your arms nearly choked him as you pretty much tackled him onto the bed. Tao let out a laugh and returned the hug with just as much enthusiasm. He could feel you begin to tremble in his embrace and immediately began rubbing your back. You cried.


"Come on Noona. Please stop crying." Tao had been trying to calm you down for a good half hour, but all he got were watery glares and stuttered sobs. You slapped his arm again, but not as hard this time. "You idiot. How could you do that?! You stupid, dumb, stinky, hard headed, freakishly tall idiot!" You slapped him with every insult, but Tao just snorted in laughter. "Noona, did you really just call me hard headed?" He got another slap for that, but laughed anyway. Then you got the hiccups, and he laughed even harder. "Stop it -hic- It's not funny! You -hic- have no idea how worried we were! -hic-" He turned sombre at your words, gaze becoming soft as he took in your pouting face. He brought up a hand to wipe away your tears. "I know. I'm sorry Noona, but I had to protect you." "But you nearly died. I thought you might never wake up again." You broke out into another round of tears and Tao embraced you again, cradling you against his chest.


It broke his heart to see you so inconsolable, and he could only imagine how the others had felt when he was first brought into the hospital. Tao had woken up not long after your bus left on Monday, and the boys all rushed to see him as soon as Kris got a call from Tao's Mother. Tao had been extremely confused when he woke up, he had choked on his own spit when the doctor told him how long he had been out for. Three weeks was a long time, and he had missed out on a lot. The others had filled him in on most of it, though Suho and Xiumin did most of the talking when it came to you. Tao felt terrible knowing how miserable you had been, knowing that he was the main cause of it. He didn't regret what he did though, and would gladly sacrifice himself for you again. At this very moment though, something else was bothering him. He had been told about the half bond by Suho and Xiumin, and now that he had you infront of him, strange things were happening.


This indescribably force was pulling him into you. Sure, he was a hormonal teenage boy, and he was definitely attracted to you. Goodness knows they all were, but this was different. This was like having someone physically move him. He didn't even know how it happened, but his hands went from wiping your tears to cupping your face. His thumbs caressed your cheeks, which were flushed from crying. He couldn't help but think about how pretty you were, even when you were crying. Really, someone shouldn't be so attractive when they were a sobbing mess, but for some reason, he thought you were. Before either of you knew what was happening, Tao ducked his head and pressed his lips to yours. He was so warm and gentle, yet needy at the same time. His inexperience quickly caught up to him once he realized how far ahead of himself he had gotten, but you quickly took over.


Tao let out a squeak when you deepened the kiss, at his lips with your tongue. He allowed you to guide him, which was probably a good thing because he was getting distracted by another sensation. There was this feeling growing within him, it was hard to describe. It was like he had just had 10 shots of coffee, his nerves were buzzing and his heart racing. With every second that passed, he got more and more jittery, until it finally peaked. Then you pulled away from him, sending him a breathtaking smile before slowly closing your eyes. Tao saw you begin to slump and quickly lowered you back onto the bed, then he began to freak out. Firstly, he had kissed you. Then you had kissed him back. Then you passed out. Now he felt like he was on some kind of high and could probably run about 50 laps around the school's field.


"Calm down Tao. It's normal." Suho materialized at your door, making the jittery Tao jump a foot in the air. "W-what just happened?" Suho sighed and looked at the boy tiredly. "You just finished forming the bond is all. You should now be able to use your powers. I suggest you go lift some weights or something to burn off the excess energy that you have." Tao looked back to you. "What about Ahri Noona?" Suho strolled over to where the blanket had been thrown on the floor and picked it up. He shook it off before throwing it back over you and tucking you in gently. "She'll be fine, she should wake up in the morning. You go burn that energy and go to bed, I'll look after her." Sensing that he had no say in the matter, Tao sent you one last gaze before he left the room. With another tired sigh, Suho slipped in beside you. He pulled you into him and got comfortable, smiling lightly once he was happily snuggled up with you. Finally, he would be able to get some decent sleep for the first time in 5 days.


It was a fine Saturday morning. The sun was shining, birds were singing their happy little tunes, a child was screaming at the top of their lungs, a heavy weight was pressed against your chest. You frowned and opened your eyes. Waking up was much easier this time, though your inability to breath may have had something to do with that. You looked down to see Suho draped over you, dead asleep. It was unusual for him to be on top of you in such a manner, but seeing that he had light bags under his eyes, you guessed he must have been exhausted. Thankfully, it only took a light nudge and a quiet call of his name to wake him up. "Oh, you're up already?" You nodded and took a deep breath once he rolled off of you. "Oppa." Suho looked at you and smiled. "Welcome back, Princess." You smiled back at him and snuggled into his arms, the two of you relished in each other's presence.


Your bliss was ruined 2 seconds later when another scream ripped through the air. You jolted, surprised at the sound, but Suho just groaned. "What is that, Oppa?" Suho looked at you, exasperated. "Remember when Sehun said that his siblings would be staying here?" You nodded. "Well his younger brother isn't much of a morning person, it seems." This intrigued you. "How old is he?" "Three." You brightened immediately. If there was one thing you really loved, it was children. "I wanna see!" You bounced out of bed and quickly bounded out the door, ignoring Suho's groans and complaints of you leaving him. It wasn't hard to find the child, his screaming was a huge give away as to his position. What you weren't expecting to see though, was a frazzled looking Sehun on the verge of tears. Sehun was sitting on the edge of his bed, attempting to tear his hair out as a pantsless boy sat on the ground screaming.


You had to hold back a giggle as you stepped towards the boy and plopped on the ground infront of him. You watched him, and it didn't take very long at all for him to notice you. He blinked rapidly, gazing at you curiously through the tears. Then you did the unthinkable, you pulled the corners of your lips down with your fingers and stuck out your tongue, crossing your eyes at the same time. A giggle bubbled out of the young boy, which made Sehun snap his head up. You managed to snap your face back to normal before Sehun could see it, sending a subtle wink to the giggling baby in front of you. "Noona." Tears welled in Sehun's eyes and he pounced on you, tackling you to the ground in a hug. You laughed at patted him on the back. "Sehunnie, you need some sleep." He pulled away and you turned to his brother. "And who is this handsome young man?" The boy giggled. "I'm Theyong!" Oh dear. He had a lisp. You bit back a squeal at how adorable he was.


"Seyong? That's a nice name. Say, how would you like to come and help me make some pancakes?" At the suggestion of pancakes, the little boy brightened immensly. "Yeth!" "Well, do you know the first step in making pancakes?" He shook his head, completely riveted to your every word. "The chef must be wearing pants. If you don't wear pants when you're cooking, the pancakes will taste awful." Sehun had never seen his brother put his pants on so fast before, and was astonished at how enthusiastic he was to follow you. "Good job Seyong. Now lets go make pancakes while your Hyung has a nap." The three year old pretty much ran out of the room behind you, leaving a dumbfounded Sehun to sit in his room alone.


It was quite late in the morning when everyone began to stir. After you had quieted Seyong, everone went back to sleep and none of them thought anything of it until they woke again. Curiosity grew when the boys realized that they hadn't heard any screaming all morning. D.O was the first to emerge from his room, leaving Lay to sleep more in their room. He stalked down to the kitchen carefully, keeping an eye out for the little monster who had already tripped him over twice in the past two day. A squeal of laughter came from the kitchen and he followed the sound warily. What he found was not what he expected. Seyong was sitting on the bench, squealing with delight as he pummeled a bit of dough with his tiny fists. You were leaning against the counter with your elbows, watching him with a smile. D.O felt oddly nervous. It had only been five days and yet he broke out into a cold sweat at the prospect of having to talk to you.


Thankfully for D.O, Luhan popped up at his side before had to reveal himself to you. "Praise the Lord. Someone is finally able to control that little demon." You looked up, beaming at the sight of the boys. "Lulu Oppa! D.O.!" The two quickly found themselves crushed against you. "NOONA!" Seyong called, not giving you a chance to greet the boys properly. He made grabby hands in a silent request to be picked up, and you obliged immediately and propped him up on your hip. "Jeez Ahri, you're a natural." You rolled your eyes at Luhan. "I made pancakes, they're in the microwave and just need to be heated up. There's enough for everyone." Luhan nodded. "On it." Then he bounded to the bottom of the stairs and cupped his hands around his mouth. "AHRI MADE PANCAKES. LAST ONE DOWN DOES THE WASHING UP!" You could only laugh as footsteps thundered through the house.


You quickly discovered that Seyong had a bit of a crush on you. As each of the boys you hadn't seen for a week came in, you hugged them. This was quickly ended by a squealing Seyong though, who proclaimed that you were his, and his alone. Needless to say, the boy was distraught when Xiumin bounded in and left a big, wet kiss on your cheek. You had laughed, but Seyong started crying and threw a rolling pin at Xiumin, who thankfully dodged it in time. In the end, the only ones missing were Lay, Sehun and Kai. "Where is the other one?" You raised a brow at Kris, who shoved half a pancake into his mouth. "Other one?" Chen was still eyeing the child who was clinging to you like a baby monkey. "Yeah, Sehun has a sister as well, she's seven." "Is she as bad as that one?" Chanyeol nodded his head in your direction. "In someways no. In others, she is 100 times worse." Chen and Chanyeol looked at each other warily.


You soon found out what Kris meant when Sehun and Kai entered the kitchen. You lit up like a christmas tree at the sight of Kai, heart leaping in joy when he smiled at you gently. You wanted to hug him but didn't know how he would respond to that. That was when a little face popped out from behind him and stared at you with a bored look. "Who's she?" Wow, talk about rude. "Sehee, this is Ahri. She is a very special friend." Sehun introduced you to her. You smiled at her and waved, but only got a sour look in return. "I made pancakes, if you would like some Sehee." The girl sniffed indignantly and crossed her arms. "They smell gross. I can't eat something like that." Great, she was one of those seven year olds. "Sehee!" Sehun was about to scold her but you raised your hand to silence him. "It's fine. She doesn't have to eat them if she doesn't want to." Sehee looked smug.


"Sehunnie, you can have Sehee's share." Sehun wasn't sure where you were going with this, but seeing how well you handled Seyong this morning, he would go with the flow. Sehun and Kai sat at the table with everyone else as you disappeared into the kitchen. When you came back, you had Seyong in one arm, and a plate in the other. The plate contained fresh pancakes, covered with maple syrup and topped with whipped cream and strawberries. "Here you go Hun, since Sehee doesn't want them." The smell was positively mouthwatering, and now it was your turn to look smug, only you hid it under a tender smile. "I'll go wake up Lay." You hopped out of the room with Seyoung still in your arms. The boys were stunned at how well you handled Sehun's siblings, and not even a minute after you left Sehee was at Sehun's elbow, staring at the pancakes intensly.


Sehun felt a tug on his shirt sleeve and looked down at Sehee. "Yes Sehee?" The little girl pouted a bit. "I'm hungry, Oppa." Sehun sighed and lifted her onto his lap, helping cut up the pancakes for her to eat. Luhan and Kris looked positively dumbfounded. They had spent the last 2 days trying to get the two children to cooperate, unsuccessfully. Yet you just waltz in and have them behaving in less than a second. When you managed to drag a sleepy Lay into the room, you were met with nothing but awe filled gazes pointed in your direction. "What? Why are you all staring at me like that?" Suho was about to reply when Seyong started squirming. "Don't look at them Noona, they thmell funny." You snorted out a laugh at that. "But Seyong, I like their funny smell." The three year old looked at you in disbelief. "Noona, you're weird." "Thank you!" You beamed at him.


The novelty of seeing the boy cling to you quickly subsided for your friends. The boy had monopolized your attention literally all day, and the others who hadn't seen you all week were getting fed up. It didn't help that Sehee was throwing tantrums left and right when she felt she wasn't getting enough attention herself. Even you were getting tired of carrying the boy everywhere. Actually you were just getting tired. Even though you had slept so much yesterday, you were feeling unnaturally sleepy in the afternoon. Seyong was playing with his lego set and you were watching him, but he would scream and cry every time you tried to leave. Your eyes were slowly drooping closed, every blink lasted longer and longer until they stayed shut altogether. Only Kris, Luhan and D.O were in the room at the time and they quickly noticed you start to lean to the side.


Kris managed to catch you before you fell onto the floor and he swept you up into his arms. Seyong looked up and was about to start protesting when Luhan cut him off. "Seyong, Ahri Noona's not feeling well and needs to sleep. How about we go and find Sehun and ask him to play lego with you?" Seyong looked unconvinced, but seeing you wrap yourself around Kris and snuggle into his chest, he agreed to go with Luhan. Kris took you to your room and put you to bed, only to jump out of his skin when Suho, Xiumin and Lay appeared out of nowhere. "She's sleeping again?" Lay asked, concerned. "Yeah, she fell asleep sitting up and nearly hit the deck." Lay's brow deepened. "She shouldn't be so tired. Is this an effect of bonding with Tao, or being away from you guys for too long?" Suho shrugged. "I'm not sure. Though I doubt it is from Tao's bond. Has she been eating? Maybe she just has no energy." "Well I made her eat some food, but she didn't have much. Actually I haven't seen her actually eat anything since yesterday morning." The four boys watched you sleep with concern. They were definitely worried.


They didn't get to worry for long though, because catasrophy struck about half an hour into your nap. It started innocently enough, the boys all decided to play with Seyong and Sehee so that you could sleep. Only Kris stayed upstairs with you. Chanyeol and Chen thought it would be a fanastic idea to build a lego helicopter with Seyong, while Lay and Suho got bullied into playing house with Sehee. The rest were shifting back and forth between nit picking at what piece of lego should go where, and laughing at the two unfortunate boys who were now fictionally married to a 7 year old. All was well and good until Sehee decided that her new family needed to be expanded. She quickly enlisted D.O as her son, much to his embarassment. D.O felt much better about himself though when she bounced up to Luhan and loudly proclaimed "And you can be my Daughter!"


The room exploded with laughter, and poor Luhan was quickly forced into the 7 year old's tutu. The fact that it even fit him just made everything so much worse. Sehee then tried to pull Chanyeol into the fray once she realized that they needed a family dog. That was when all hell broke loose. Seyong clung onto Chanyeol, who was the main constructor of his helicopter, refusing to let Sehee take him away. Sehun tried to difuse the situation but Sehee lost her temper and ended up pulling the lego helicopter apart, which of course sent Seyong into hysteria. Seyong screamed so loud that he sent himself hoarse. Sehun told Sehee to apologize, which then made her break out into angry tears as well. So the 11 boys ended up with two inconsolable children who were screaming their heads off.


You were blissfully unaware of what was going on since the games room was sound proofed and you were too far away. You had your own issues though and didn't sleep for very long before you were woken up by Kris. Those creatures had invaded your dreams again and you had been thrashing around in your sleep. Kris got worried and woke you up, but for once you didn't remember the exact details of the dream. You ended up snuggling into Kris while you calmed down. Out of all of the boys, Kris' embrace made you feel the most protected. He was so tall and, despite his outward appearence, warm. It felt like nothing could touch or harm you in anyway, and it was a real shame that you didn't hug him very often. You made a mental note to make this a regular thing, whether Kris liked it or not.


For every bit of maternal instinct that you had in you, the boys had asolutely none at all. They were horrible with children. This was a fact that you discovered once you dragged yourself and Kris down to where the rest of the group were. The screaming had been going on for a good twenty minutes, and the situation had only gotten worse. It turns out that Seyong wasn't 100% toilet trained yet, and being that upset had made him accidentally wet himself. The boys, finding this totally gross and having no idea how to deal with it, ended up arguing loudly with each other. When you stepped in the room, you were totally speechless. Suho was in the corner rubbing his temples while Luhan, Chanyeol, Sehun, Chen and Baekhyun bickered over who would clean the young boy up. Lay and D.O were trying really hard to calm Sehee down, and Xiumin and Tao were doing their best to disappear into the lounge so they wouldn't have to deal with anything. Kai had clearly taken the first opportunity available and escaped the room as he was no where in sight.


With nothing more than a deep sigh, you strode over to Seyong and picked him up, not really caring if he had wet himself. The poor boy must have been so embarassed, and everyone was just making it worse. "Everyone shut up!" Looks of utter relief went all around as they saw you holding Seyong. "You guys need to chill, it's just pee, and arguing like that makes everything worse. Sehun, put on Sehee's favourite movie and watch it with her, that should calm her down. I am going to take a bath with Seyong and clean him up since you guys clearly can't handle this. Stop being so dramatic." You giggled, rolling your eyes as you turned and walked out of the room. There was a pregnant silence before Luhan finally spoke. "Wait. Did she say she was taking a bath WITH Seyong?" More silence followed, but of course Chen couldn't resist. "Damn. Is it ok to be jealous of a 3 year old?" He got several slaps on the head for that one.


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asunainkpopland #1
Chapter 40: I completely respect your opinion, I have also fallen out of love with some groups that pretty much used to be my obsession. I also agree with all your points about BTS, they're brilliant music producers who really put their effort into everything.
If you haven't already I would suggest listening to EXO's latest album (The War) I loved every song on it and I felt they all flowed together really well (I wasn't a huge fan of the Repackaged Version but you can still give it a go). Plus the choreography for 'The Eve' is to die for seriously. As for a funny and relatable, their episode on 'Men on a Mission' was hilarious (I still miss the good old Exo Showtime days though). When you do update this story, I'll be here to read it and cheer you on, no pressure though - take your time :)
Chapter 40: I Really like your story from the plotbto thr character. Also i like the romantic scene that blossom not very fast but slow and determined. I really like kind if this story.

I am glad that 2 of them have been successfuly unlock their power. I really curious with the rest. Especially with how you make the bonding time aka kiss scene in the future. If Suho the calm and collected can put such a clingy act how about Sehun that clingy fron the beginning

I hope you can make this story complete. Whetever time will take. I am respected your busy time also your career coz i, myself got busy with college task. Fighting for you ^^
Baekmylight12 #3
hope you'll return someday this fic has been with me since i started stanning exo:"(
Chapter 40: Uhnuu ㅠㅠ take your time updating. I'd still read your work even if I have to wait for years :)
Chapter 7: I love everything about it! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: She's older than Kyungsoo and Sehun? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Lolypop123 #7
Chapter 40: Aw too bad,update if u can ^3^
mirjaelli #8
Chapter 40: Take your time to update
Chapter 28: "D.O and Lay were a bit harder to predict, they were passive but both were incredibly intelligent"
"Kris , Sehun was alright for someone so skinny"
LOL so Kai gave Kris bloody nose? LOL
"oblivious to the invisible barrier that you had unknowingly created between your bonded Forces, but now it was gone" - i had goosebumps