Suho! The Force of Water

Born To Be With You (Editing)

"FINALLY!" You practically screamed out as you once again found yourself in the white forest, in the presence of the Tree of Life. The beautiful woman giggled while she watched you pull your hair. "I assume that you have been waiting to speak to me once again." You nodded and plopped yourself down on the white bench. "I also assume that you figured out how to break the second seal." Your face contorted into a grimace as you nodded once again, you whined at her. "Do I really have to kiss them? Can't I just give them a high five, or a pat on the back or something?" Another giggle escaped the Tree of Life. "The bond between you and the Forces must be sealed, and that takes a little more than just a pat on the back. You must show your loyalty to them just as much as they have to show theirs to you, and that means giving yourself to them." You heaved a sigh, the Tree of Life sat beside you and took your hands into her own. "In all of the years that I have been sealed inside a human, and believe me when I say that it has been a very long time. I have never seen a Bearer who was so close with and so loved by the Forces, and I truely believe that something great is going to happen this time. The seal wants to be broken, and if you continue to hesitate then the pain will only get worse." You looked at her as she smiled gently, for a figment of your imagination she certainly was helpful. She reminded you a lot of your Mother. You nodded firmly and squeezed her hands. "I'll do it."


You woke up in your bed, one of the boys must have carried you there after you passed out. It was completely dark and you could see the glow of your clock which told you that it was past midnight, you sighed and got up. You padded your way to Suho's room and stopped in front of his door. You thought for a second about whether you should wait or not, but decided that you would rather just get it over and done with. You knocked on the door quietly and pushed it open a bit, his room was dark and clearly he had gone to bed. "Oppa..." You whispered and waited but no reply came, you repeated a bit louder this time and flinched when he stirred. A sudden light flicked on beside him and you saw his head appear from under the covers. "Ahri? What's wrong?" His voice was groggy and he was still half asleep. You entered his room and closed the door behind you softly before walking over to him and standing next to his bed. He looked up at you and saw your frown, he began to panic a bit and sat up. "Are you still in pain? Where does it hurt? Should I call a doctor, or maybe Lay?" You shook your head and grabbed his hands which were fluttering about. "Oppa I need you to listen to me." He looked you in the eye and smiled gently, swinging his legs off of the bed to give you his full attention. "Of course."


You took a deep breath and began to explain everything from your first encounter with the Tree of Life up to the conversation you just had with her. "I asked if there was any other way and she said there wasn't, this is the only way to break the final seal and unlock your power." Your cheeks were flushed and you didn't look him in the eye. You were too worried about how he would react. To your surprise he let out a sigh of relief. "Well that explains it." He had muttered but you caught it. "Explains what?" He chuckled and moved his hands, locking your fingers inbetween his own. "Don't freak out when I tell you this but you are very hard to resist. It's like we are being pulled into you and can't bear to be apart from you. That's why we are so clingy and protective, because when you hurt, we hurt."  His voice was gentle and you could see the almost desperate devotion in his eyes, you shivered at the intensity of his gaze. "You know Oppa, I get that too." Your voice was a whisper and you watched as he brought your entwined hands up, pressing the back of your hand against his cheek. His eyes closed and you let go of his other hand, bringing your hand up to caress his other cheek.


All of your emotions flared up at once, you felt very grateful towards Suho. He was there for you through so much and he had done so much for you even though you had only known eachother for such a short amount of time. He doted on you, comforted you, and looked after you. He was probably the best friend you had ever had. You began to tremble with both anticipation and nerves. You worried how this would affect your relationship with Suho, you didn't want it to be awkward after this but it wasn't like you could get out of doing it. As if he read your mind Suho opened his eyes and smiled softly before speaking in a low voice. "Nothing will change, I promise." He put his free hand on the back of your thigh and pulled you forward so you were standing in between his legs. The two of you were so close that you could feel his breath on your skin. Your fingers traced his face, starting from his temple and roaming down to his jaw, you felt him shiver at the touch. Your fingers came to a stop under his chin and you pushed it upwards so that his head tilted back more, your gaze never left his and the energy between the two of you seemed to become supercharged. You leaned in slowly, closing your eyes as you got closer, Suho continued to watch you for a moment before following your lead and closing his eyes, anticipation coursing through him.


After what seemed like an eternity, your lips finally touch and you were surprised when nothing happened straight away. You followed your instincts and deepened the kiss, wrapping your hand around Suho's neck and pulling him into you more, you felt his hand tighten on your thigh. Then it happened, the same euphoria that had run through you when Luhan had touched one of your marks was now taking over you. The first mark burned and you let out a wimper as the fire spread through you. It was an extremely odd sensation, you were in pain and yet you never felt so good before. You were hyper aware of Suho, his hand on your thigh and the other linked with yours, his lips moving in sync with your own. It almost felt as if the world had stopped moving, like every second of your life had been leading up to this moment and now that it was finally here, everything was right. Suho let out a noise of his own, something between a wimper and a moan, you felt his tongue run along your bottom lip asking for your permission. You gave it willingly as something in you seemed to stir. The two of you fought for dominance but in the end you submitted to him, you were too caught up in the heat to fight him any longer. His hand moved up from your thigh to your hip, slipping under your shirt as it went, his other hand guided yours to his shoulder before taking it's place on your back. He pulled you into him as much as possible and you ended up sitting on his lap with your legs tucked up on either side of him, effectively straddling him.


The two of you did not part until the burning finally died down, both of you were panting from the rather intense make out session. You looked into Suho's eyes and you knew something had changed. You felt drained, like all of your energy had been taken away from you and you slumped in his hold. Suho wrapped his arms around your waist to support you better, you were just a dead weight now and you felt your eyes get heavy as sleep threatened to take you. You felt yourself being lifted briefly before you were placed down on the bed gently, warmth surrounded you and you fell into a peaceful slumber. Suho watched you for a while, he had felt the same sharp burning sensation as you and he wondered if that was how you felt all of the time. He had felt the energy flow out of you and into him, he felt stronger and more alive than before but it was like his whole purpose in life had changed. You were now his life. His need to protect you and make you happy had just increased ten fold, and he now knew that he would do anything for you. The two of you were now bonded in a way that surpassed all human knowledge, and there was no going back to the way things were before. Suho brushed a strand of hair that had strayed onto your face. He had been captivated by you from the minute you had opened your door and he couldn't help but smile at the taste that lingered on his tongue. He placed an arm around your waist gingerly, not wanting to wake you, but he was pleasently surprised when you curled into him. Quite happy and comfortable with his current situation he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep beside you, a small smile still present on his lips.


You were slightly confused when you woke up the next day, you inhaled deeply and was met with the pleasent smell of Suho, except that when you opened your eyes he wasn't there. It took a while before you had realised that you had slept until 2 in the afternoon and that he had probably gone to the sports festival since he was required to attend. You felt this odd anxiouness at his absence, which was a new feeling and it was quite distressing. You went back to your own room and took a quick shower to try and distract yourself. You changed into white denim short shorts and a black singlet. You weren't entirely sure about what you were going to do with yourself all day since everyone was at school but you figured you should probably start by writing out your apology. You sat at your desk and grabbed out a notebook and pen, you tapped your chin as you mused over what you should say. You wrote out about 20 different drafts before you decided on the what you would say, you smirked at the letter as you read it over again and had to admit that you couldn't wait to read it out to Miyoung.


Your evil moment was interrupted when you heard your phone buzz from it's position on your bed, you hadn't checked it since yesterday and honestly had completely forgotten about it. You dove onto your bed and rolled around lazily, grabbing your phone as you went. You unlocked your phone and nearly choked on your own spit at the amount of messages you had, which was an astonishing 57 in total. Almost all of the boys had spammed you with messages, most of them were asking how you were doing and telling you that they missed you. A smile crept onto your face as you went through them all. Yunhee had sent you a message telling you that she was bored without you and that she had given N your number because he asked for it. You found N's message and saved his number before replying to his question of how you were. Your smile turned into a frown when you read the most recent message which was the only one you had gotten from Kris. "Suho got his powers. We're coming back now." A million scenarios race through your mind, what on earth could have possibly happened that they would need to come back early? You had to admit that you were glad they were coming back early though, the anxiety of being seperated from Suho was starting to escalate and you could no longer distract yourself from the feeling. You ran down the stairs and sat on the last step, you couldn't stop fidgeting as you watched the door with an intense gaze.


You could hear the loud banter coming up the driveway, you swear you could practically feel Suho's heartbeat as he got closer to you. It took a lot but you kept yourself grounded in your spot, the boys suddenly started shouting and you jumped when the door slammed open. Before you even realised it you had left your seat and had run straight into Suho, who didn't get very far away from the door when you slammed into him. Thankfully he caught you and embraced you tightly so that the both of you didn't tumble down to the floor. "Geez guys it's only been half a day since you saw each other." You hardly even heard Kris's snide remark as you pulled back and cupped Suho's face. "Are you ok? What happened?" Suho chuckled and brought your hands into his own. "I'm fine, though I'm not entirely sure what happened." He looked slightly confused and turned to the rest of the guys who were still standing in the doorway watching the interactions between the two of you.


"Let's go inside first, then we will talk about it." Suho continued to hold onto one of your hands and pulled you along upstairs. You all plopped yourselves down in the games room but quickly huddled together to recount todays events. The other boys looked between you and Suho in silent questioning, you sighed and started from last night. "I spoke to the Tree of Life again last night, I have actually known how to break the second seal for a while but I needed to confirm it with the Tree of Life before I did it. Basically to break the second seal the Tree of Life has to form a bond with the Force." Suspicious looks went around the room, Baekhyun voiced what everyone was thinking. "How exactly is the bond formed?" You and Suho shared a look and you squirmed in your seat, blood rushed to your face at the thought of last night.


You began to pick at a stray thread on the hem of your shorts, seeing that you weren't going to say anything Suho did it for you in his calmest voice. "The bond is formed through a kiss." You could have sworn you could hear crickets, it was so deadly silent. "So that means you two..." More silence followed Chanyeol's unfinished question and you hid your burning face in your hands. All at once they began shouting. It was so loud and jumbled that you could hardly even make out what any of them were saying, though a few words did manage to slip through and they were not words that you would repeat in polite company. Someone had thrown a pillow at Suho, which spurred the others to follow and soon he was being bombarded with cushions. You removed your hands from your face and let out a sigh as you grabbed a cushion and stood. "YAH! Don't take it out on him! I was the one who did it and I'm going to have to do it to all of you sometime soon too so just chill!" You huffed and glared at them all, they looked like a herd of deer caught in headlights except for one who had a sly grin on his face. Before Chen could even say anything, you pegged the cushion at him and nailed him straight in the face with it. "No Chen, there is an order to it and you guys have to break the first seal before you even think about getting anywhere near me." You folded your arms across your chest and sat back down, your face made it clear to them that there was to be no more talk on the matter.


Suho cleared his throat and continued from where you had left off. "After we broke the second seal nothing really happened. I didn't really feel any different at first but when I got up to leave this morning it was almost impossible to leave. I felt so anxious about leaving you here all alone and it got worse the further away I got." He was looking at you with the most sincere and caring look in his eyes, you felt yourself flush at the sheer intensity of his gaze. "That explains why you were so agitated." The other boys nodded at Luhan's statement, they had all noticed Suho's uneasiness throughout the day. "What happened next? Why did you need to come back so early?" Your question was directed at Suho but he didn't answer, Luhan continued on instead. "We were walking into the gym to watch the others play again when we passed a group of boys, they were talking about you in a very vulgar way and the next thing we knew all of the water bottles in the entire gym exploded!" He made a sound effect and flicked his hands out to demonstrate the scene. "We didn't really think much of it until later when some girls came up to us and once again clung to us like glue. They started insulting you, which clearly made us mad and then out of no where we are watching a giant ball of water float above them before it dumped itself on them and completely saturated them." He brought his hands down and made more noises, you couldn't help but giggle at his child-like explanation. "Then we all decided it would be better to come home before it happened again, so here we are."


You looked at each of them before your gaze landed on Suho once more, mischief sparkled in your eyes. "Oppa... Shall we go see what you've got?" Sly smiles were shared between you all before you all scrambled out of your seats, you were all flying down the hall as Chen called out. "Last one to the pool has to treat us to chicken!" Now it was a race. You were bounding down the stairs two at a time and you knew the boys were hot on your tail. When you neared the bottom of the stairs, you vaulted yourself over the banister, dropping quite a few feet and landing firmly on the ground. You heard yells of protest but paid no heed as you sped out through the dining room. Just as you reached the back door you felt a hand grab at your waist, you tried to spin out of the way but the person behind you was too fast and grabbed you by the waist.


You caught sight of Luhan's evil grin before he hoisted you up and threw you over his shoulder, you let out a groan as your bruised ribs connected with his shoulder. You could see the others from your position on Luhan's shoulder, they were practically on his heel as they all tried to catch up. Your face contorted in pain as Luhan took off again, it only took him a matter of seconds to come bursting through the doors of the pool area. He swiveled around to gloat about his victory only to be met with a very stoney faced Suho. Suho could feel that you were in pain and he worked very hard to keep his cool. "Put her down." With no futher information needed Luhan placed you on the ground very gingerly, you were a bit breathless from being bent over Luhan's shoulder. Suho went straight to your side and cupped your face, worry caused his brow to crease as he searched your face. "I'm fine Oppa, I just wasn't expecting that."


Suho seemed unconviced but you wouldn't have anything of it and shifted his focus back to the task at hand. "Come on! Let's see what all of this nonsense is about." You pushed him towards the pool lightly and stepped back to the others who were all crowded around behind you, everyone was watching Suho intently. Suho took a deep breath and concentrated on the body of water in front of him, not entirely sure how he had done it previously. His brow furrowed once again as he willed the liquid to move with all that he had... Nothing happened. "Hyung, why isn't it working?" Suho looked just as confused as Sehun did, and the rest of you too. Kris looked less confused and was his chin in deep thought. "We know that our emotions can set off our powers right? So why don't we make you angry and then you try to control it from there?" Suho thought for a moment before he agreed with Kris, the others also agreed until Sehun brought up a very good point. "But how do we do that? Suho Hyung is so calm all of the time. In fact the only time I have ever really seen him get angry is when Ahri Noona is hurt." It was silent as everyone pondered on how to rile up Suho, you let out a quiet groan. You knew a very good way to piss him off very quickly but you had been doing so well to hide it from them. "I have something." All eyes turned to you, you gave Suho a stern look. "You have to promise me that you will control yourself." Suho looked at you with confusion. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" You only shook your head and heaved another sigh. 'Here goes nothing.'

You grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it, stopping the fabric just under your bust to reveal your abdomen. You heard several intakes of breath to your left and some shuffling as the boys who were on your right moved to see what all the fuss was about. Suho's expression gave nothing away as his eyes took in the large purple bruise on your left side. It was dead quiet for a while as Suho stared you down, eventually he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You could hear the sound of rushing water and averted your gaze to the pool once more. With no warning a jet of water shot out of the pool, it was quickly followed by many others and soon they were twisting around each other. The water kept on building on itself as it twisted through the air, you saw Suho move out of the corner of your eye. He turned his head towards the pool, eyes now open, and raised his arm straight out, hand spread and palm out to face the moving water. Suho closed his hand slowly and you watched as the rough, twisting water started to smooth out and form a shape.


Most of the water was concentrated at the top and it began to spread out, you were astonished when you figured out what was happening. There, being formed before your very eyes, was a giant cobra made entirely of water. It reared it's head, opening it's mouth to display two great fangs. You were amazed at how solid the water looked, and you were entirely sure that those fangs were just as sharp as they seemed. Unfortunately, Suho was only able to hold it for a brief moment and as he let out the breath that he was holding, the water began to lose shape and came crashing back down into the pool. You let out a squeal as a large wave crashed over you, it wasn't strong enough to move you, but it certainly did get everyone saturated. Suho let out a somewhat nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his head as he looked at you and the boys who were all soaking wet while he had miraculously stayed dry. "Sorry about that." His sheepish grin made you start laughing and soon all of the others had joined you which quickly escalated into a wrestling match between the boys in an attempt to get Suho in the pool. Chen had started it by trying to push Suho in and the others joined in quickly. You just watched and laughed from the sidelines, you would be quite satisfied to never have to swim again in your life.


Although you were now extremely aware of everything that Suho was doing, there was one person who held your attention, Kai. You watched as he helped Chanyeol manhandle Baekhyun into the pool, a broad smile on his face as Baekhyun went tumbling into the water. In this moment he seemed so carefree, in the past few months since you were reunited with the trio, you had not seen him be himself around you. He was always either glaring at you or ignoring you unless he had to. That night of the party when he carried you home seemed more like a dream to you and he seemed to act like it had never happened. As if he could feel your stare his eyes flickered over to yours and the two of you became locked, unable to break free of each others gaze. His smile slowly faded and a range of emotions passed through his features before he was able to get a hold of himself and turn cold again. You sighed for the millionth time that day as he glared at you, you didn't want to ruin their fun so you turned and sauntered back to the house.


Suho could feel you moving away and watched as you shuffled out, head down and shoulders slumped. He whipped his head around and caught Kai watching you with a slightly guilty look on his face. He clicked his tongue and stomped over to Kai, abruptly shoving him into the pool. Kai was surprised to say the least and when he resurfaced, coughing and spluttering, he was being given a very stern look from Suho. "Idiot." That was all that Suho said before he went after you, the others looked at Kai in confusion before Chen took the opportunity to push Chanyeol into the pool, thus starting the wrestling all over again.


You had made it all the way up to your room and was in the process of getting changed when Suho burst into your room. You let out a surprised squeak but calmed down once you saw it was Suho. You had only managed to take off your shirt and Suho had seen you in a bikini before so you didn't think it was a big deal that he saw you in a bra. You grabbed a towel and began to dry your hair, somewhat ignoring Suho as he wandered in. It would take a while for the two of you to get used to the strange need that you now had for each other. You didn't even want to think about how you would feel once all 12 of them were bonded with you. Your thoughts had distracted you, and you didn't notice that Suho had crept to your side, you flinched when his fingers grazed over the bare skin on your side.


The look in his eyes was unfathomable, you could have sworn that he looked as if he was hurt himself. You reached up and touched his cheek lightly with your fingers, a gesture which begged him to look at you. "I'm fine, it's just a bruise and it will probably be gone within a week." Your voice was just louder than a whisper and Suho leaned into your touch, his own hand still caressing your side lightly. You realised how bad this would look to anyone who walked in right now and knowing that the other boys couldn't sit still for more than a second, it was only a matter of time until one of them burst into the room. You pulled away from Suho and resumed drying your hair, he let out a noise of protest but you shot him a look. "I need to get changed Oppa, why don't you go sort out the other boys. I'm sure they should be done with their water fight by now and are in need of some towels." Suho pouted but complied and walked out of your room, closing the door softly behind him. You giggled at his childish actions and continued to dry yourself.


That evening found you tangled up with Suho and Xiumin on a lounge in the game room, the three of you had decided to watch a movie before bed. You were stretched out across the lounge laying on your side, your head was proped up on a pillow in Suho's lap. He was combing through your hair with his fingers and it was doing a very good job of sending you to sleep. Xiumin got stuck with having your legs on his lap but he was sitting quite close and was using your hip and thigh as an arm rest, his finger drawing patterns lightly on the bare skin of your legs. It was Xiumin's turn to pick a movie and he had decided on some random action movie, you weren't really paying much attention since Suho was doing a marvelous job of making you really drowsy.


There was a scene in the movie that caught your attention and an idea suddenly popped into your head, you turned your head to look at Suho who was watching the screen. "Oppa. You should let me train you." Suho gave you a questioning look so you continued to explain. "Martial arts is all about controlling your own stregth, I think it would help you to control your powers. At least it couldn't hurt, and it would be good for you to know in case something did happen." Suho thought for a second before responding with a light shrug. "Sure, why not. Maybe I'll learn to kick your ." He winked at you and you let out laugh. "Dream on, Oppa." You shifted your attention to Xiumin now. "You should do it too Baozi, since you are next in the que." Xiumin brightened immensly at this new information and nodded vigorously, you smiled at him and you all turned back to the movie.


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asunainkpopland #1
Chapter 40: I completely respect your opinion, I have also fallen out of love with some groups that pretty much used to be my obsession. I also agree with all your points about BTS, they're brilliant music producers who really put their effort into everything.
If you haven't already I would suggest listening to EXO's latest album (The War) I loved every song on it and I felt they all flowed together really well (I wasn't a huge fan of the Repackaged Version but you can still give it a go). Plus the choreography for 'The Eve' is to die for seriously. As for a funny and relatable, their episode on 'Men on a Mission' was hilarious (I still miss the good old Exo Showtime days though). When you do update this story, I'll be here to read it and cheer you on, no pressure though - take your time :)
Chapter 40: I Really like your story from the plotbto thr character. Also i like the romantic scene that blossom not very fast but slow and determined. I really like kind if this story.

I am glad that 2 of them have been successfuly unlock their power. I really curious with the rest. Especially with how you make the bonding time aka kiss scene in the future. If Suho the calm and collected can put such a clingy act how about Sehun that clingy fron the beginning

I hope you can make this story complete. Whetever time will take. I am respected your busy time also your career coz i, myself got busy with college task. Fighting for you ^^
Baekmylight12 #3
hope you'll return someday this fic has been with me since i started stanning exo:"(
Chapter 40: Uhnuu ㅠㅠ take your time updating. I'd still read your work even if I have to wait for years :)
Chapter 7: I love everything about it! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: She's older than Kyungsoo and Sehun? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Lolypop123 #7
Chapter 40: Aw too bad,update if u can ^3^
mirjaelli #8
Chapter 40: Take your time to update
Chapter 28: "D.O and Lay were a bit harder to predict, they were passive but both were incredibly intelligent"
"Kris , Sehun was alright for someone so skinny"
LOL so Kai gave Kris bloody nose? LOL
"oblivious to the invisible barrier that you had unknowingly created between your bonded Forces, but now it was gone" - i had goosebumps