Mother Nature Strikes

Born To Be With You (Editing)

The next day was hell for you from the moment that you woke up. Yes ladies and gentlemen, good old mother nature had decided to bring you your monthly gift, and although you were normally fine, sometimes you would get excrutiating cramps. Today was one of those rare times and you immediately got up to search through your drawers for your pain killers, only to find that you had none. It had been so long since you last needed them that you had forgotten to buy some more. You dragged yourself into your bathroom and got changed into your uniform. You would just have to suffer through the pain that pulsed through your abdomen. You managed to get to school without much drama, Suho and Xiumin had immediately picked up on your mood and tried to question you but you just kept telling them you were fine.


Once you sat down at your desk, you put your head down in your arms. The day had barely begun and you were already exhausted. Chen was the first of your friends to walk in the room and he rocketed to your side as soon as he saw you, a huge cat like grin set on his face. "Good Morning!!!" His voice was loud and you jumped slighlty at his abrupt appearence, you put on a strained smile and greeted him. "Morning Chenchen." His smile dropped into a frown at your less than enthusiastic greeting and he scooted his chair over to you and sat right next to you. "Are you ok?" You smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired." He looked unconvinced but didn't push the matter any further. A minute before the bell rang Baekhyun came flying in the room, dragging a very bewildered Chanyeol behind him. They were both huffing and puffing from running up all those stairs in a hurry not to be late, apparently you weren't the only one having a bad day.


You tried to pay attention during class, but the pain was excrutiating and you ended up with your head on the desk and your arms crossed on your stomach as if you were trying to hold it all in. Once the first break rolled around, you excused yourself from the boy's concerned looks and went to the bathroom. They watched you like a hawk and made sure a certain witch and her harpie legion didn't follow you this time. You looked at your reflection and cringed, you looked terrible! Your usually rosey cheeks were drained of colour and you had noticible bags under your eyes. You were utterly exhausted, and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep. It didn't help that the weather today was sweltering hot, every time you walked past an open window you nearly died of heat , and although the school was kept cool with it's advanced airconditioning, you were still feelling clammy and hot.


You made your way back towards your classroom, there were a few students in the hallway but you ignored them. You peered into Lay's classroom as you walked past, Lay was concentrating hard on his book infront of him and didn't see you. You giggled a bit at the frown on his face, he was just too cute. Your thoughts were cut short when you bumped into someone lightly. You hadn't been walking very fast so neither of you were jostled much, you looked up and apologized before continuing down the hall. You felt a hand grab your wrist and stop you in your tracks, you turned to find the boy who you had just bumped into holding onto your wrist. "You're that transfer student right?" You nodded, you didn't let it show but you were really uncomfortable. There was something about this guy that was dodgy. His hungry eyes looked you up and down and he his lips, pulling you closer to him. "Do you mind? I need to get back to my class." You tried to casually pull yourself out of his grip but he held fast. "Oh, I do mind. Those rich bastards already have all of the girls in school swooning after them, I'm sure they won't care if I played with you for a bit." His eyes were full of lust and you scowled at him. "Seriously dude, this is your last warning. Let. Go." You spat your words at him and narrowed your eyes, you were seriously going to lose it in a second.


He smirked and tightened his grip on your arm to the point where it hurt. "Fiesty one aren't you? That's good, fiesty is hot." That's it. You snapped. Your free hand shot out and grabbed him tightly under the jaw, you shoved him back and slammed him into the windows that looked into Lay's classroom with a loud bang. The windows rattled and then everything was quiet. "Look here. I don't know who you think you are but when I say let go. You let go." You dug your fingers into his skin and he wimpered loudly. By this point in time everyone in the classroom and hallway had noticed the ruckus and had stopped to look, Lay shot out of his seat once he noticed it was you. "What's going on here Ahri?" Lay appeared at your side, he knew you wouldn't attack someone for no good reason and he set his glare on the boy you had pinned to the wall. "Oh I was just walking back to my class when this pig grabbed me. Why don't you tell my friend here what you said to me?" You squeezed his face harder and he yelped again, you bit back your own cry of pain as his nails bit into the skin on your arm. "Tell him." Your tone was venemous and his eyes widened in fright. "I.. I said that you guys already had all of the girls in school swooning over you." You glared at him and pushed his head up a bit. "And?" He bit his lip. "And that you wouldn't mind if I played with her."


Lay's expression darkened, his eyes shot daggeres at the boy in front of you. "Well I'm afraid that we would mind. Very much in fact, and I can assure you that if you even think about touching her again you will have more than just me to worry about." His voice was cold and sharp and... terrifying. You had never seen this side of Lay and quite frankly you would be glad if you never saw it again. His piercing stare shifted onto your captured wrist. "I suggest you remove your hand from the lady before I remove it for you." The boy stiffened, he immediately dropped your arm and raised his hands in surrender. You shoved him aside and he rubbed his face once you let go. You smirked at the rapidly fading red marks, he would have a bruise but no one would see it. The boy scampered down the hall and you sighed. 'Great more bruises.' You looked down at your wrist which was an angry red from where the boy's nails had dug into the skin. "Are you alright?" You looked at Lay who had gone back to the placid boy you knew and loved, concern was all over his face and you smile at him sweetly. "Yeah I'm ok Oppa, thanks for helping me. If you didn't come when you did I probably would have thrown him out the window." Lay chuckled and took a hold of your hand, inspecting your wrist closely. As soon as his cool skin touched yours it was bliss, all of your pain melted away like it had never even been there.


You watched your wrist and you were shocked to see the red marks fade quickly, you and Lay exchanged looks. "Well that definitely proves that you're the healer." You shot him a toothy grin and he chuckled again. "Come on, the bell's about to ring." He tugged you lightly and escorted you to your classroom. You didn't want to let go of his hand but once you reached your door you had to. Just as quickly as the pain disappeared, it came back with a vengance and you winced slightly as a cramp squeezed your insides and your muscles contracted tightly. You trudged into the classroom and flopped into your seat, going back to your previous position without a word, which meant that you completely missed the silent converstion that Baekhyun and Lay had with their eyes.


Your lessons dragged on and you were seriously struggling to keep it together. You were sweating even though the classroom was cool and your cheeks burned from the sudden hot flush you were having. 'Oh well at least I'm not as pale as a ghost anymore.' Your cheeks had turned a flaming red and you fanned yourself with your hand. You ignored the concerned look that Chen was giving you and tried to focus on what the teacher was drawling on about. You ended up staring at the clock and watched the seconds tick by as you waited for lunch, you really needed to get out of this stuffy room before you passed out. After what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang for lunch. You shoved everything in your bag and stood, a sharp pain shot through you again and you froze as you waited for it to pass. You felt a hand grab your elbow lightly and you looked into Baekhyun's chocolate eyes. "Are you sure you're ok? You look sick." You gave him a withering look. You were far from ok but you had already made it this far so you may as well finish the whole day. "I'm ok Oppa, just a feeling a bit off is all." He was obviously still concerned but you headed out the door before they could ask any more questions, you really really didn't want to tell them why you were feeling sick.


The boys followed behind you quietly, they had seen you in all kinds of bad situations but never had you been so drained before. They suspected that you were hiding something, maybe Miyoung had done something to you when they weren't watching. Lay joined you at the end of the hall and you all headed down together, you restrained yourself form attacking Lay as soon as you saw him. You wanted nothing more than to let his cool hands soothe your pain, but you didn't want them to ask any more questions so you proceeded to try and pretend that you were ok. When you were nearly at the student council room you once again excused yourself to use the bathroom, you told the boys to go ahead and that you would meet them there before you dashed off. You used the bathroom quickly and left, you didn't need to see your terrible reflection again.


When you stepped out of the bathroom you were surprised to see Lay waiting for you outside, he sent you a smile. "I didn't want a repeat of what happened earlier." You nodded in understanding and headed to where the others were with him. "I know you are trying really hard to keep us from worrying but it's pretty obvious that you are sick." You wanted to slap your forehead, they just wouldn't let it drop. "Lay Oppa, some times you just have to deal with it. There is nothing that I can do but to wait this out." Your statement confused him but you continued on without stopping. Once you entered the student council room you immediately regretted it. The boys were being rowdy as usual and you were nearly knocked over when Sehun ran past you to get away from Chanyeol. "Noona make him stop!!!" Sehun swung around and hid behind you, he was holding onto your shoulders tightly and you tried to shrug him off without offending him. "Don't hide behind her! Come out and face me like a man!" Chanyeol all but yelled in your ear and you were really reaching the end of your rope.


Sehun shook his head and dodged Chanyeol's attempt to grab him, he didn't realise that he was pushing you as much as he was and another sharp pain spread through your body. "Sehun, please stop pushing me." Sehun didn't hear you though and pushed off from you as Chanyeol made another grab for him, he shoved you and you went tumbling down to the ground. "YAH! SEHUN!" Lay managed to catch you before you hit the ground and the sudden volume of his voice made everyone jump. Sehun looked horrified once he realized what he did. "Noona! I'm sorry! Are you ok?" Lay set you on your feet and went to move away but you grabbed his sleeve, now that he was so close you couldn't help it any more. You grabbed his hand and lifted your shirt a bit, pressing his cold hand on your stomach. The pain instantly faded and relief took over your features, Lay on the other hand went bright red at the sudden skin contact while the others gawked at you.


"Sorry Oppa, but I need your magical healing powers." You smiled your first true smile of the day and relished in the sweet relief. "Umm ,does someone want to explain what is going on?" Kris spoke up for the confused members of the group and he was not too fond of your current position. "Ahri is sick, though she is pretending that she is fine." Baekhyun stood across from you with his arms folded, the others looked at you with worry. "You're sick? Why didn't you say so? You don't have to hide it you know." You sighed and looked around. "Guys. I didn't talk to you about it because there is nothing you can do. Besides it's not something that you guys want to hear about anyway." You were hoping they would take the hint, but nope. Chanyeol grabbed your free hand and looked you straight in the eye. "We always want to hear about you Ahri, why would you think otherwise?" You looked at him and cocked your head.


"Yeollie Oppa that's very sweet and I know you guys are here for me but believe me, you do not want to know." Chanyeol looked crestfallen and you sighed again. "Ok guys, use your brains and you will figure it out, but don't say I didn't warn you." 12 pairs of eyes bored into you and eventually shifted onto where you were holding Lay's hand. You could pretty much hear it click in their heads as realization dawned on their faces, most of them turned red and Chen coughed awkwardly, Sehun was completely clueless though. "I don't get it?" You slapped your forehead and watched as Xiumin whispered in his ear, Sehun turned bright red and choked on his own spit. "I told you. Can we please stop talking about this now?" They all nodded furiously and you reluctantly let go of Lay's hand. The pain came back instantly and you went and sat on the couch, burying your head in a cusion to hide the grimace on your face. The boys all looked at each other, you were right, there was nothing that they could do... except for Lay.


They all stared at Lay pointedly, he looked at the rest of them and shrugged, he didn't mind having skin contact with you espeacially if it would make you feel better. He made his way over to you and you felt him sit down on the seat next to you. You felt a pair of hands grip onto your waist firmly and you were dragged across the lounge and into someones lap. You gasped as one of the hands crept under your shirt and rested on your stomach, but instantly relaxed once the pain washed away again. You looked up at Lay who smiled at you sheepishly. You sent him a breathtaking smile and snuggle into him, resting your head on his shoulder and entwining your hand with his free one. You kicked off your shoes and brought your feet up onto the lounge as you curled into Lay, you shut your eyes and reveled in the feeling of being in his arms. "You realise that I'm not going to move any time soon." His chest vibrated as he laughed and you melted at the sound of his voice in your ear. "I don't plan on letting you move any time soon either." He stopped laughing and looked at the others who now moved to sit around you.


"I guess that only leaves four of you whose powers are still a mystery." You looked up and giggled at their confused faces, you hadn't told them about Chanyeol and Chen appearing in your dream yet. "Did you have another dream?" Suho had snagged the seat next to you and he looked at you with interest, you nodded. "Yeollie Oppa and Chenchen appeared this time. Their powers definitely suit them." You grinned and Chanyeol bounced in his seat. "What is it? What's my power!?" You tapped your chin lightly. "Guess." You watched Chanyeol furrow his brow as he thought, he looked up at Kris. "What's left again?" Kris sighed. "Assuming that Lay is the healer. Earth, flight, fire, lightning, telekenisis and teleportation." Kris counted off of his fingers and clicked his tongue when he finished. There was an amused gleam in your eyes as you watched them try and figure out which power belonged to the hyperactive boy. Luhan was the first to figure it out and clapped his hands together. "I got it!" He looked at you and you exchanged amused looks.


The others started to catch on but Chanyeol was still clueless, he waved his arms around in a tantrum. "I don't know! Just tell me!" You giggled. "Fire Yeollie. Your power is fire. Seriously, how could you not guess that?" Chanyeol's face lit up instantly and he cheered loudly, you just laughed and shook your head before turning to Chen. "Do you want to guess or should I just tell you too?" Chen shrugged, he didn't really care wither way. "You can just tell me, I don't mind." A sweet smile crossed his face and you swooned internally. "You have the power of lightning and believe me, it's awesome." Chen looked mildly impressed. "Well that will be fun won't it. Have you had any luck figuring out how to break the second seal?" Chen's question brought everyone's attention back on you and you flushed at the thought.


You were waiting for the Tree of Life to appear in your dreams again so that you could confirm if it was indeed a kiss that would break the seal, you weren't going to do it unless you were totally sure that it was the only way. You shook your head at the boys, "No, not yet, but I'm sure everything will fall into place eventually. For now I only care about the sports festival." You beamed at them and rested your head on Lay's shoulder again. "Speaking of that what are you going to do this afternoon? You're not well enough to run around playing soccer and you certainly can't stay stuck to Lay like glue for the rest of the day." Suho was always the voice of reason and his deep concern was evident in his voice. He didn't want you running around when you were this ill. You poked his leg with your foot and spoke. "Don't worry, I already told Yunhee Unnie that I'm not going to practice today. I'll just watch one of you practice until the end of the day." Yunhee was the captain of your soccer team for the sports festival, she was a funny, boyish girl who was in Suho's class. You liked her and she was probably the closest thing that you had to a female friend in this school, though you only ever saw her during pactice. Suho looked satisfied with your answer, but Lay's face fell into a frown.


"I don't think you should be sitting alone in a gym full of boys." Lay's voice was quiet and worried, you quirked an eyebrow upwards and giggled. "But I won't be alone, if I go and watch your basketball practice then I'll have five of you to watch me. Though honestly I am entirely capable of defending myself." You crossed your arms and turned your head defiantly, though you had a smile on your face. Lay poked your cheek with an amused face. "I'm aware that you are capable of defending yourself but if what happened earlier today told me anything it's that you have attracted the attention of a lot of hormonal teenage boys." You laughed. "Heaven forbid I hang out with boys!" Your voice was thick with sarcasm and you were really hoping that none of the others would notice what Lay had mentioned. "What happened earlier?" Damnit. You internally cursed at Sehun's never ending curiosity. Why does he have to be so sharp? Lay looked at you expectantly but once he saw that you weren't going to say anything he spoke up. "I was sitting in class during break, minding my own business and there was a loud bang. I looked up and imagine my surprise when I see Ahri pinning some guy to the wall. It turns out he thought it would be ok to, in his words, play with Ahri." "WHAT!" The others all yelled at the same time, Chanyeol and Sehun even stood up, their faces were clearly outraged.


You raised your hands in a calming gesture. "Calm down, I had it under control." It was like you hadn't said anything at all, they completely ignored your attempt to calm them and continued on. "I agree with Lay, she can't be left alone with that many guys around." Kris crossed his arms and sat back in his seat, you heard Chanyeol let out a feral snarl. "They would jump on her like a pack of wolves." Sehun nodded in agreement. "It would be like that stupid party all over again!" As soon as the words left Sehun's lips everyone froze, Sehun covered his mouth with both hands and he shifted his now wide eyes to you. No one had mentioned that incident since it had happened, the boys were afraid to bring up any underlying trauma from it and you had no desire to think about it in any way. You on your teeth and crossed your arms again. "Are you all done now? The only reason that guy got anywhere near me at that party was because I was drunk. I can assure you that something like that will never happen again so would you please have some faith in me?" Your tone was deadly but you lightened up towards the end. Their faces brightened a bit at the fact that you weren't mad at them for bringing up the party but they were still concerned, you softened at how much they cared.


"Ok how about this, rather than sitting in the bleachers, I will sit on the bench and mind all of your stuff. That way I will be like 2 steps away from you and you can come straight to me if anything happens." The boys thought about it for a bit but agreed, they couldn't think of any other solution. You spent the entire of lunch wrapped around Lay, his now warm hand had been resting on your stomach the whole time and you were extremely reluctant to have to part from him. When the bell rang for the end of lunch you untangled yourself from him and stood, the pain came back and you groaned. "I hate life." You put your hands on your lower back and trudged towards the door, the boys shot each other worried looks before following you. You all headed down to the gym and you went to the side bench while the boys got changed quickly, like seriously quickly. They usually took forever but today they were out in like five minutes.


Only Tao, Kris, Sehun, Chanyeol and Lay had decided to play basketball, the rest chose soccer and made their way out to the soccer field. You ended up surrounded by all of their stuff, they had dumped their bags around your feet and practically thrown their sweaters at you. 'Why do you guys even have sweaters in the middle of summer?' You rolled all of their jumpers into a big ball and hugged it, although it didn't reduce your pain in any way, it was very comfortable and it smelled like them. The boys split up into their respective teams and you watched them practice. You were impressed with Lay's skills, depite him being shorter than a lot of the other players, he was definitely an ace. You laughed at Kris, he was all legs as he dodged and weaved through the other players.


You were so engrossed in watching them that you didn't even notice someone sit next to you. "Got enough sweaters there?" You whipped your head around to find Ravi sitting next to you, you smiled at him. "Nope, I need at least 8 more until my masterpiece is complete." Ravi let out a chuckle. "So, what are you doing watching the boys practice? Shouldn't you be with the girls?" His baritone voice was full of curiosity, you cocked your head to the side. "I'm not feeling too good today and my bodyguards don't like me being out of their sight for more than two seconds." He nodded in understanding and you turned to look at him properly. "What about you? Why aren't you frolicking with the others?" He laughed. "I'm not really one for sports so I decided to come and cheer on some friends." He pointed to a group of 3 boys who were standing on the edge of the court trying very hard to pretend they weren't there, you let out a giggle. "Wow they look so thrilled to be there. What about Hyuk and Hongbin?" Ravi's eye went wide. "You remembered our names?" You nodded. "Of course, it was only the other week. It would be a bit rude if I didn't after running into poor Hyuk like that." You smiled at him and he returned the gesture before answering your question. "Hyuk and Hongbin signed up for soccer, though they aren't any more enthusiastic as them." He gestured to his friends again, they were getting yelled at by their team captain and were quickly sent off.


They spotted Ravi and came over to you. You caught Chanyeol's eye and you sent him an ok gesture, these guys didn't seem bad. "Hey Ravi! Are you bludging again?" A tall boy with grey hair and a baby face spoke. "Of course Hyung!" When they reached you their eyes shifted to you. "Hyungs, this is Ahri. Ahri this is Leo, Ken and N" He gestured to each one and you raised an eye brow. "It's nice to meet you but what kind of a name is N?" The grey haired boy chuckled. "It's a nickname, my real name is Hakyeon." You tilted your head. "But your real name is so pretty." A shy smile crept onto his lips and he blushed, the boy named Ken started laughing. "Wow you really are something you know. Making N Hyung shy? Now that's a feat!" N punched Ken's arm causing Ken to start complaining loudly, Leo just looked at them quietly. You let out a laugh which was a bad idea because another wave of pain came crashing down on you, you just gitted your teeth and bared with it.


Your laughter had caught the attention of your friends and they were not happy to see you with a bunch of guys but they didn't move beacuse you were clearly not distressed in anyway. "Well now I see what you mean about your bodyguards." Ravi had noticed the dark looks that Exo were sending his way. His friends turned to see what he was talking about and you just waved their stares off. "Don't worry about them, they are overprotective, but mostly harmless." You smiled over to Kris who looked like he was about to walk over, the corner of his mouth quirked up a bit into a small smile and he turned back to the game. Ken let out another laugh. "That guy looks far from harmless." You frowned his statement for a second but when you thought about it you had to agree, Kris could be quite intimidating given his height and attitude. It didn't help that he hardly ever smiled either.


You spent the rest of the time talking with Ravi and his friends. You found out that Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk were in the year below you and the other three in the year above. They were very friendly and you got along well, though Leo didn't say much, but they assured you that was just how he was. The basketball practice was finally wrapping up and the teams were all having their own little huddled meetings. N and Leo dragged Ken away from you to their own team's huddle and Ravi stood to follow them. "I guess that's my cue to leave, I wouldn't want to rile up your bodyguards any more than I already have." He broke out a cheeky grin and you laughed. "I guess I'll see you around then, good luck at the festival." You smiled at him and waved as he walked away.


As soon as the groups all broke up Sehun and Chanyeol ran to you. "Noona!" "Ahri!" They called you at the same time and you threw the ball of jumpers at them to stop their advances. You stood and stretched a bit, you were still in pain but it was the end of the day and you were eager to get home. "Before you even start, we were just talking. I ran into one of their friends in the hall the other week so that's how I know them. Now stop looking at me like that and let's go find the others." You spoke as soon as the others were in ear shot, Kris looked like he was about to say something but you shut him up. They all grabbed their stuff and you went out to the soccer field to find the rest of the group before heading home for the day.


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asunainkpopland #1
Chapter 40: I completely respect your opinion, I have also fallen out of love with some groups that pretty much used to be my obsession. I also agree with all your points about BTS, they're brilliant music producers who really put their effort into everything.
If you haven't already I would suggest listening to EXO's latest album (The War) I loved every song on it and I felt they all flowed together really well (I wasn't a huge fan of the Repackaged Version but you can still give it a go). Plus the choreography for 'The Eve' is to die for seriously. As for a funny and relatable, their episode on 'Men on a Mission' was hilarious (I still miss the good old Exo Showtime days though). When you do update this story, I'll be here to read it and cheer you on, no pressure though - take your time :)
Chapter 40: I Really like your story from the plotbto thr character. Also i like the romantic scene that blossom not very fast but slow and determined. I really like kind if this story.

I am glad that 2 of them have been successfuly unlock their power. I really curious with the rest. Especially with how you make the bonding time aka kiss scene in the future. If Suho the calm and collected can put such a clingy act how about Sehun that clingy fron the beginning

I hope you can make this story complete. Whetever time will take. I am respected your busy time also your career coz i, myself got busy with college task. Fighting for you ^^
Baekmylight12 #3
hope you'll return someday this fic has been with me since i started stanning exo:"(
Chapter 40: Uhnuu ㅠㅠ take your time updating. I'd still read your work even if I have to wait for years :)
Chapter 7: I love everything about it! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: She's older than Kyungsoo and Sehun? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Lolypop123 #7
Chapter 40: Aw too bad,update if u can ^3^
mirjaelli #8
Chapter 40: Take your time to update
Chapter 28: "D.O and Lay were a bit harder to predict, they were passive but both were incredibly intelligent"
"Kris , Sehun was alright for someone so skinny"
LOL so Kai gave Kris bloody nose? LOL
"oblivious to the invisible barrier that you had unknowingly created between your bonded Forces, but now it was gone" - i had goosebumps