The So Called "Death Card"

Boys Without Flowers

On the second day, Haesa can't acompany Sunhae at school because she got a lot of things to do. The driver drop Sunhae at school who wears a Givency rayban glasses, Guess heels, and Murberry sling bag. Walk as elegant as ever, she entered the school and the student buzzing around like usual. "How could she come so calm?" "She didn't know yet?" "That's for being so arrogant." "She got the nerve to against him.." students whispered to each other. 'What the hell is wrong with them?' Sunhae thought. She walk to her locker and gasp when she found her locker was painted blood red and a big "" word written with black colour. She opened her locker and a red card with a skull pucture flew out. Sunhae pick it up and crush it on her palm. Turning back, she shot everyone with a death glare. "WHO THE HELL PAINTED AND PUT THIS TRASH ON MY LOCKER!! SHOW YOURSELF YOU LITTLE TY COWARD!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "It's me. Got a prob?" a tall guy came out from the crowd.  Three boys walking behind him.


"Pft... Shim Changmin? I never thought that you'll do something this low. Geez... This low people are starting to driving me nuts!!" Sunhae hissed at him and shot him a death glare. If glare could kill, Changmin is absolutely turn into dust right now. "Watch your mouth ! That's for being too ty in front of Changmin!" a pretty girl suddenly shout. "Yah! Shut your mouth before i shut it for you!" Sunhae shot her back making the girl back off.


"Park Sunhae, i thought i've told you yesterday.. If you're being in here, i'll make your day as a living hell here." Changmin said sarcastically. "Oh.. So this is what you call making-people-live-miserable-for-being-a--to-you? Let me show you what a miserable life is Shim Changmin. I can make you so miserable until you get down on your knees, begging me to release you. I can even make you kiss my feet begging for forgiveness. Got that? So off!" Sunhae pushed Changmin away from her way and glare at people who's blocking her way.


"That ... Still got the nerve huh?" Changmin evily smirk. The three boys can only shook his head. 'This boy..will he ever stop playing this so-called-warning-cards game?' Jaehyo thought.



SORRY FOR THE SHORT UPDATE!!! TT__TT i got a bit stuck in idea while making this *cry* *cry*

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wow.. i think sunhae will get that punishment pretty soon... i wish jaehyo could save her #code looooolll xD thx for the update~ need some moooreeeeeee~~~
finally <3 yeah can't wait for their first encounter :p
hahahahaha ok ok.. chap 1 dulu ya :*
*cough* can you *cough* update it?? Aegii-yaaaaah eomma waiting for this~ >_<
@daiiisypark i'm serious serious (girl) mysterious mysterious (girl) [what the hell are we doing here?] *face palm*
yah.... lee haemi... why you do this to me?! ;A; omggggggggggg !! you have to update this soon, arasso? ppali~~~~ ppali ppali moving now~ lol